满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Jake and Max Klein are twin brothers who...

    Jake and Max Klein are twin brothers who have a passion for volunteering. Their family have always done community _______ .At a young age, they chose to _______ family's gifts at their birthday parties, but asked them to donate money to a charity. When they were seven, Jake and Max were interested in _______ with a family friend at the local homeless shelter to help cook. _________, he turned them down because they were too _______ and they had to be fourteen to cook. This led them on an endless _______ to come up with a way to help other kids who were also facing a _______ challenging: wanting to help but _______ because of their age.

So, Kids That Do Good was _______ to "show ways to kids or adults, at any age, they could join the community and make a ________ .The small ________ has grown into a large website that brings thousands of ________ visitors each year. Jake and Max say that their website brings 35,000 unique viewers, of those viewers, Kids That Do Good has ________ kids to 16,000 organizations.

Jake and Max are ________ with school and after-class activities and other community service promises. Kids That Do Good also has blog posts that advise kids on ________ their own charitable event.

1.A.surveys B.services C.duties D.businesses

2.A.sort out B.play with C.give up D.put away

3.A.travelling B.volunteering C.cooking D.recycling

4.A.Unfortunately. B.Happily C.Honestly D.Gratefully

5.A.shy B.awkward C.weak D.young

6.A.task B.ability C.chance D.determination

7.A.public B.similar C.sharp D.direct

8.A.joked B.blamed C.denied D.praised

9.A.advised B.allowed C.named D.created

10.A.judgment B.difference C.comment D.decision

11.A.plan B.effort C.project D.experiment

12.A.pleased B.satisfied C.amazed D.interested

13.A.connected B.exposed C.contributed D.attracted

14.A.familiar B.patient C.busy D.content

15.A.remembering B.describing C.celebrating D.building


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了双胞胎兄弟一直致力于做慈善,因为一次的拒绝而自己开创了慈善活动,且办的特别成功。 1.考查名词辨析。句意:他们家一直做社区服务。A. surveys调查;B. services 服务;C. duties 责任;D. businesses 生意。 根据but asked them to donate money to a charity. 及下文语境可知,他们一家是做社区服务的。故选B。 2.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们选择在生日聚会上放弃家人的礼物,但要求他们把钱捐给慈善机构。A. sort out分类;B. play with玩耍;C. give up 放弃;D. put away放好。根据but asked them to donate money to a charity.可知,是放弃礼物。故选C。 3.考查动词辨析。句意:杰克和马克斯七岁的时候,他们有兴趣和一个家庭朋友到当地的无家可归者收容所做志愿者,帮助做饭。A. travelling 旅行;B. volunteering 自愿;C. cooking烹饪;D. recycling 回收。根据上下文语境可知,他们一直在帮助别人,由此可知,此处是自愿去帮忙。故选B。 4.考查副词辨析。句意:不幸的是,他拒绝了他们,因为他们太年轻了,而且他们必须14岁才能做饭。A. Unfortunately不幸地;B. Happily开心地;C. Honestly诚实地;D. Gratefully 感激地。根据上文,他们自愿去帮忙做饭,被拒绝,自然是不幸的事情。故选A。 5.考查形容词辨析。句意同上。A. shy 害羞的;B. awkward 尴尬的;C. weak 虚弱的;D. young 年轻的。根据句意,必须十四岁才能做饭可知,因为他们太年轻。故选D。 6.考查名词辨析。句意:这让他们做了一项没完没了的任务,想出一个办法来帮助其他也面临类似挑战的孩子:想要帮助但因为年龄而拒绝。A. task 任务;B. ability 能力;C. chance 机会;D. determination 决心。根据上文可知,他们因为年龄小被拒绝了,结合下文他们自己创办了组织可知,此处是指做任务。故选A。 7.考查形容词辨析。句意:这让他们做了一项没完没了的任务,想出一个办法来帮助其他也面临类似挑战的孩子:想要帮助但因为年龄而拒绝。A. public公众的;B. similar相似的;C. sharp锋利的;D. direct 直接的。根据上文他们因为年龄小被拒绝,结合下文的because of their age.可知,是相似的问题。故选B。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:句意同上。A. joked 开玩笑;B. blamed责备;C. denied 拒绝;D. praised 表扬。根据上文he turned them down because they were too ___5___ 可知,此处是指因为年龄被拒绝。故选C。 9.考查动词辨析。句意:所以,“做好事的孩子们”被创造出来,是为了“向孩子们或成年人展示各种方式,在任何年龄,他们都可以加入社区,做出改变。”A. advised建议;B. allowed 允许;C. named 命名;D. created 创造。Kids That Do Good是他们创办的组织的名字。故选D。 10.考查名词辨析。句意:所以,“做好事的孩子们”被创造出来,是为了“向孩子们或成年人展示各种方式,在任何年龄,他们都可以加入社区,创造不同。A. judgment 判断;B. difference不同;C. comment评论;D. decision 决定。make a difference有影响,创造不同,结合语境,故选B。 11.考查名词辨析。句意:这个小项目已经发展成为一个大型网站,每年吸引成千上万的有兴趣的访问者。A. plan 计划;B. effort努力;C. project项目;D. experiment 实验。根据上文So, Kids That Do Good was ___9___ to "show ways to kids or adults, at any age, they could join the community可知,此处是指这个项目成了网站。故选C。 12.考查形容词辨析。句意:这个小项目已经发展成为一个大型网站,每年吸引成千上万的有兴趣的访问者。A. pleased 高兴的;B. satisfied满足的;C. amazed 惊奇的;D. interested 感兴趣的。吸引的访问者自然是对此感兴趣的人。故选D。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:Jake和Max说他们的网站有35000个独立的浏览者,在这些浏览者中,“做好事的孩子们”已经把孩子们和16000个组织联系起来了。A. connected连接;B. exposed 暴露;C. contributed贡献;D. attracted吸引。根据句意和上文语境可知,此处是指把孩子们和组织联系起来。故选A。 14.考查形容词辨析。句意:杰克和马克斯忙于学校、课外活动和其他社区服务承诺。A. familiar熟悉的;B. patient 有耐心的;C. busy繁忙的;D. content 满足的。根据be busy with忙于某事,结合句意。故选C。 15.考查动词辨析。句意:“做好事的孩子们”也发帖建议孩子们建立自己的慈善活动。A. remembering 记住;B. describing描述;C. celebrating庆祝;D. building 建筑。根据空后的their own charitable event可知,是建立他们自己的慈善活动。故选D。

    As the night drew near, gunshots came into a pause at last, and the sun was selling on a country _______ of farm buildings, a main road and a big farm. A fierce battle had lasted a whole day _______ our soldiers made a breakthrough. _______ our army _______ to occupy the enemy's front line, _______ a mile and a half.

Now, we had taken _______ the trench that the enemy had dug as a last line of defense. We could _______ that the enemy were digging a _______ trench from where they could fight against us in the morning. They dug in the stony soil all night, and by the morning we could see only the tips of their caps and their spades (铲子) as they threw the soil out.

Our soldiers, after _______, were trying to find ____________ and games, since the enemy showed no sign of launching an attack. Some chose to drink ____________ a moment of peace and rest. ____________ soldiers decided to shoot at the enemy's caps and spades to see if they could hit any of them. Beyond our ____________, one of the enemy soldiers, who seemed to be a(n) ____________, joined us in our game. He ____________ suddenly put his spade up, ____________ it there for a few seconds to see if one us could hit it, and then pull it down quickly again. A good many of our soldiers fired at it whenever it came up, but ____________ seemed to succeed in hitting it.

However, a time came when die spade ____________ down much longer than usual. The soldier, we thought, might have left for a meal or ____________ else. We were feeling quite disappointed when the spade came out ____________ once again, for the last time, with a bandage around it.

1.A.view B.scenery C.scene D.sight

2.A.until B.before C.when D.till

3.A.Eventually B.Nearly C.Absolutely D.Quickly

4.A.got B.tried C.succeeded D.managed

5.A.improving B.advancing C.fleeing D.developing

6.A.over B.up C.away D.back

7.A.see B.guess C.sense D.hear

8.A.deep B.new C.big D.strong

9.A.dawn B.dusk C.midnight D.argument

10.A.imagination B.work C.fun D.emotion

11.A.by B.for C.to D.with

12.A.Another B.The other C.More D.Other

13.A.expectation B.curiosity C.question D.order

14.A.officer B.actor C.soldier D.sportsman

15.A.did B.would C.had D.could

16.A.kept B.remained C.left D.pushed

17.A.nobody B.all C.none D.any

18.A.remained B.hid C.kept D.fell

19.A.anything B.someone C.something D.nothing

20.A.suddenly B.frequently C.quickly D.slowly



    Two Texas football players have gone viral (走红) after they knelt together in prayer(祈祷). And it couldn't have come at a more_____moment The final whistle sounded after an_____ game that saw Sherman High School completely defeat West Mesquite High 5655 What happened next left the crowd_____ Sherman's Gage Smith instead of_____with his team went over to Mesquite's Ty Jordan and the two took a knee together

The_____was that Smith recently learned that Jordan's mother Tiffany was battling stage 4 cancer and that was_____the two players knelt in prayer for Jordon's family

As the two_____ the wife of Smith's coach snapped a picture of the heartwarming moment And then Jordan's aunt_____the image on Facebook obtaining more than 100000_____in just an hour

The moving_____made Tiffany cry It's been a hard time for Tiffany who was diagnosed (诊断) with lung and bone cancer last winter The_____hospital stays cost Tiffany her job  earlier this month and_____ her health insurance And she now has to_____the high cost  of treatments herself Smith's_____prayer lifted her spirits

Smith said he and Jordan had played on a summer football team together before becoming_____ this last game However Smith won't let this  break their_____ "During the gamewe're gonna play and try to_____ but you still have that_____for the other opponent" says Smith "I wanted to do that prayer for him"

"He's such a true leader and he is so_____that a lot of the guys on the team_____him" said head coach JD Martinez "I'm glad that other people are having the opportunity to see it too"

1.A.important B.difficult C.touching D.entertaining

2.A.amusing B.tough C.educational D.nationwide

3.A.embarrassed B.confused C.frustrated D.annoyed

4.A.celebrating B.praying C.practicing D.fighting

5.A.truth B.problem C.news D.secret

6.A.when B.where C.how D.why

7.A.whispered B.hugged C.shook hands D.stood up

8.A.posted B.found C.scanned D.polished

9.A.rewards B.copies C.votes D.likes

10.A.game B.reunion C.gesture D.spirit

11.A.temporary B.overnight C.long D.secret

12.A.in turn B.in a way C.for a moment D.without exception

13.A.look forward to B.forget about C.cover D.estimate

14.A.frequent B.daily C.unexpected D.unconditional

15.A.acquaintances B.enemies C.players D.captains

16.A.hearts B.routines C.promise D.bond

17.A.compromise B.cooperate C.learn D.win

18.A.respect B.passion C.blame D.sorrow

19.A.enthusiastic B.ambitious C.aggressive D.sympathetic

20.A.inspired B.followed C.instructed D.understood



    I have the bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book to see how it ends while I’m still in the middle of it. This habit ______ people around me. Often my ______ wouldn’t be confined(局限) just to the books I read but also to what others were ______ as well. Finally, one day my daughter told me with a little _______. “Dad, please just read a book one page at a time like everyone else!”

At times I didn’t ______ this bad habit to just reading books either. I also tried to skip ahead in my life and _____ what to do months and even years from now instead of ______ each day as it is intended. I knew that the book of my life wasn’t done yet and that I had many ______ left to go.________, that didn’t stop me from trying to write the ______ half-way through. Time and again, I would ______ jump ahead and try to solve every potential problem before it ______ so I could reach that storybook happily ever after ending. Life, however, doesn’t ______  like that. It loves to ______ us, and you never know what new problem or opportunity each new day will bring.

Life has often had to ______ me to slow down. Recently, when I found myself ______ to that bad habit of rushing ahead and living in the ______ again, I felt a special voice gently telling me, “ Live one day at a time.” Then I smiled, and turned the book of my life back to the ____ page. Each of us has to live the book of life one page and one day at a time. Each of us has to write it ______ and moment by moment. We have to trust that it will bring our ______ to its perfect end.

1.A.concerned B.annoyed C.frightened D.embarrassed

2.A.impatience B.difficulty C.influence D.effort

3.A.demanding B.carrying C.writing D.reading

4.A.interest B.excitement C.anger D.sadness

5.A.extend B.spread C.limit D.devote

6.A.bring out B.let out C.try out D.figure out

7.A.fearing B.enjoying C.doubting D.imagining

8.A.pages B.things C.reports D.novels

9.A.Indeed B.Still C.Surely D.Finally

10.A.ending B.plot C.outline D.passage

11.A.happily B.carefully C.unwillingly D.foolishly

12.A.counted B.left C.happened D.backed

13.A.start B.finish C.work D.change

14.A.touch B.amuse C.worry D.surprise

15.A.allow B.force C.remind D.encourage

16.A.admitting B.returning C.responding D.referring

17.A.present B.memory C.dream D.future

18.A.right B.first C.new D.blank

19.A.more or less B.line by line C.one by one D.now and then

20.A.story B.job C.plan D.hope



    Five years ago, I took a career risk by leaving my job to work on a ship. My medical friends did their best to persuade me, saying that running away to sea would____my career. But after these years working as a junior doctor, I was willing to take the risk. ____for adventure, I boarded a ship in Singapore with 2, 000 passengers and crew. To my____the hospital was well equipped, with an X-ray machine and a blood analyzer. That first voyage was a learning experience, a ____ schedule full of safety drills. There was so much new information to______ . Even remembering which uniform to wear each day was a_____ . Most confusing, I often forgot to ______my clock when the ship crossed time zones.

As a doctor, I was ______for the 600 crew. and I was on call for the entire ship. Far from ____ seasickness and sunburn, I had to deal with other diseases, for my patients were wide and varied. The ship’s medical center was ____ a floating emergency room, and we didn’t have a team of specialists on hand for a second _____ . With long and unpredictable hours, it required mental _____ .

As you can guess, many of the passengers were elderly. Heart attacks don’t ____ geography and emergency evacuations (疏散)were difficult to arrange. I recall one such patient, who was taken off the ship halfway through the Panama Canal .After a _____ ride in an old ambulance, I was relieved that the patient ______long enough to arrive at the hospital in Panama City. ____ , there were several unexpected benefits to the job. I regularly ______the passenger facilities (设施)and I even hosted my own table of passengers in the evenings. On rare days off, I_____ as a tour guide on trips ashore. I got to fly over Alaska in a seaplane and watched a ballet in St Petersburg.

Now, I understand being a ship doctor is not a job-it's a way of _____ .One year at sea became two. I lost my career ambitions, _____I redefined happiness in my life.

1.A.block B.build C.ruin D.improve

2.A.Hungry B.Skilful C.Suitable D.Concern

3.A.shock B.disappointment C.excitement D.relief

4.A.daily B.tight C.strict D.flexible

5.A.take in B.figure out C.search for D.pick over

6.A.training B.risk C.challenge D.choice

7.A.watch B.repair C.check D.set

8.A.powerful B.responsible C.hopeful D.helpful

9.A.treating B.suffering C.escaping D.stopping

10.A.exactly B.particularly C.certainly D.actually

11.A.examination B.consideration C.opinion D.discussion

12.A.comfort B.communication C.toughness D.pressure

13.A.care about B.refer to C.trouble with D.rely on

14.A.relaxing B.boring C.promising D.terrifying

15.A.survived B.struggled C.awoke D.stuck

16.A.Steadily B.Thankfully C.Importantly D.Generally

17.A.cleaned B.fixed C.enjoyed D.protected

18.A.returned B.travelled C.performed D.volunteered

19.A.confidence B.life C.experience D.success

20.A.though B.unless C.but D.or



    Sonja Redding and her _____ were on their way home to Omaha, Nebraska after a weeklong visit to Washington D. C., with her two sons, one of whom, 5-year-old Xayvior, has autism (自闭症).

Although all of the other _____ had gone fine, Xayvior became angry during one of the flights, and Redding couldn't _____ him.

"It felt like everyone on the plane was looking at us and got _____ with my son,” She wrote in a Facebook post after she got home. "I don't know what to do when others just don't ______ that he is not just a child with no _____, but a child with special needs who doesn't know how to _____ himself."

The day was _____ by Delta flight attendant Amanda Amburgy. She tried to help Xayvior watch a movie, but when that failed, she offered to take him on a _____ of the airplane. That worked, and soon the child was not only calm, but _______ a good time.

"When they came back, Xayvior was much calmer and happier," wrote Redding in the _______ , which now has 2,700 likes and over 500 shares. "I want to thank this Delta attendant. She didn't judge, and she just showed______We need more people like this in the world. ”

It wasn't long _____ Amburgy was told about the post. " We're ______ to help, and that's what we want to do, ” she said in an interview. " So, we always want to make anything _____ for the family as well as other ________

She also shared what she felt when she read Redding's story. "When I read it, it _____ my heart. It's _____ I would do for anyone on the plane, because that's what I am here for. It really made a _____ in her life."

As is often the case, it is not what you say but what you do that counts when you see people in __

1.A.husband B.friends C.family D.daughters

2.A.flights B.adventures C.expeditions D.voyages

3.A.kid B.calm C.comfort D.amuse

4.A.excited B.sad C.frightened D.angry

5.A.understand B.agree C.wonder D.accept

6.A.principle B.character C.discipline D.temper

7.A.control B.operate C.direct D.instruct

8.A.survived B.cured C.saved D.rescued

9.A.trip B.tour C.stroll D.wander

10.A.enjoying B.having C.taking D.recalling

11.A.note B.letter C.message D.post

12.A.love B.passion C.enthusiasm D.attention

13.A.after B.before C.since D.as

14.A.nowhere B.where C.here D.there

15.A.easier B.lighter C.happier D.busier

16.A.parents B.children C.passengers D.attendants

17.A.touched B.hit C.struck D.moved

18.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

19.A.difference B.convenience C.importance D.confidence

20.A.trouble B.dilemma C.situation D.confusion



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