满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你是李华, 在你校学习汉语的美国交换生 Peter 发邮件说他想参加你校即将...

假如你是李华, 在你校学习汉语的美国交换生 Peter 发邮件说他想参加你校即将举办的中华经典文学朗诵比赛(Chinese Classics Recital Contest),但不知如何准备,请根据以下要点用英语给他回复。

1. 推荐朗诵内容

2. 介绍朗诵技巧

3. 告知注意事项

4. 预祝比赛成功

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,



Li Hua


Dear Peter, How is everything going? I am more than delighted to hear that you’re fascinated by Chinese classics. Knowing that you have some difficulties in the preparation for the Chinese Classics Recital Contest, I’d like to give you a brief introduction as requested in your last email. With the recorded history of many years, Chinese nation enjoys splendid civilization, among which Tang poems are very famous and you can choose some well-known pieces for the contest. What you need to do next is to learn about the poems and read them aloud emotionally. In addition, what I highly recommend is that when you practice reciting, you should pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Last but not least, don’t be nervous and try to be as natural as possible. Believe in yourself. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I wish you good luck. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达为完成应用文的建议信,要求就美国交换生 Peter 对中国诗词感兴趣,想报名参加“中国经典文学朗诵比赛(Chinese Classics Recital Contest)”, 但不知如何准备这一话题展开叙述。写作时,考生在保证覆盖内容要点的基础上,也可充分发挥自己的想象力,进而组织自己的语言来表达自己的思想。另外,尽可能使用书面用语,注意行文的逻辑性、连贯性和书写的整洁。文章的内容以叙述为主,可以适当使用名言佳句增加亮点。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文——建议信 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 人称:第二人称 结构:总分法。先总说自己有建议,再分说具体的建议。最后提出期望。 要求:1.了解到Peter在准备参加比赛的困难,提出建议。 2.分说具体建议 1)朗诵内容(content for the reading contest) 2)介绍技巧(tips for reading) 3) 告知注意事项(requirements) 3预祝比赛成功。(wish you a good luck) 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) be delighted to do, be crazy about/be addicted to , Chinese classics,have difficulty in, prepare for, give you some advice, choose some well-known pieces for the contest, read them aloud emotionally, practice reciting, pay attention to pronunciation and intonation, as natural as possible, hesitate to do 第三步:连词成句 I am more than delighted to hear that you’re fascinated by Chinese classics. You have some difficulties in the preparation for the Chinese Classics Recital Contest. I’d like to give you a brief introduction. You can choose some well-known pieces for the contest. You can read them aloud emotionally. You should pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Don’t be nervous and try to be as natural as possible. 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:in addition, last but not least 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including, 3. 表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。 第五步:润色修改

假定你是李明,你的新西兰朋友Steven向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下 列要点给他写一封建议信。





Dear Steven,

I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.


Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



    A couple in Ohio accidentally dropped off a bag containing almost $100,000 at an Ohio charity shop. Thanks to _______ employees, they got money back.

The employees were going through _______ last week when they came across a _______. Inside was $97,004. "It was so much cash," employee Kelsey Croy said. "I looked in the bag and we _______ it right there on the desk. And it was 97, 004. "Thankfully, the owners _______ a receipt for tax purposes when they dropped off _______ that morning. The employees _______ called the couple but there was no _______.

Not wanting to _______ that amount of cash in the store, they called in the Zanesville Police Department. ________ repeated calls, officers finally got a hold of the couple. The couple hadn't realized the money was ________. They told police they withdrew all their money to another bank. On the way, they ________ at the charity shop to donate a bag of clothes. That's ________ the money ended up there. "When we finally ________ them, they just asked if they could get it sometime tomorrow." the officer said.

The couple has since made contact with the original ________ who found the money to thank them. "I'm just glad that I meet with a bunch of honest and loyal people." Croy said.

1.A.honest B.generous C.brave D.clever

2.A.goods B.donations C.food D.money

3.A.suitcase B.box C.bag D.wallet

4.A.put B.counted C.hid D.cleared

5.A.asked for B.asked about C.gave up D.gave out

6.A.cards B.fruits C.bills D.clothes

7.A.surprisedly B.hesitatingly C.eventually D.immediately

8.A.concern B.information C.reply D.1etter

9.A.deposit B.1eave C.waste D.spend

10.A.After B.During C.Before D.In

11.A.found B.missing C.stolen D.forgotten

12.A.stopped B.sighed C.quarreled D.wandered

13.A.why B.when C.where D.how

14.A.inspected on B.got rid of C.got through D.dropped in on

15.A.police B.officers C.customer D.employee



    A 35-year-old Australian mother makes around $58,000 a year by hugging total strangers. Jessica O' Neill started her __ job six months ago. "As human beings, one thing we often __ in our daily lives is physical touch. Without it, we can fall into depression and other mental health problems. To satisfy this ______, I've become a professional worker in hugging treatment," said Jessica.

Jessica claims that her hugs can _____ those who are suffering from loneliness, depression, or low self-confidence. Originally, Jessica was a masseuse (女按摩师), a quite ____ profession. She notices that when she _____ her customers during treatments, they dropped their guards and __ her more. "I could see their __ melt away. Then I could get to their heart and do what I can to __ them," Jessica said. "Everyone has a totally different story. But the most common ____ are loneliness, depression and anxiety. They all just have that desire to ____ with someone. I believe my hug helps me and my _____ connect on a spiritual level."

Jessica says the majority of her customers are _______, but she has a surprising number of female customers____Despite many people thinking she must be ____ for doing such work, Jessica is confident that she's made the right ____ "It's so much more rewarding than just working as a masseuse. I feel like it's what I was put on this Earth ______, ” said Jessica. Tn today's digital age, many people are lonelier than ever before. For people whose lives __ physical interaction, hugging therapy can have an apparent effect on their mental health."

"Interestingly, although the hugging _____ has been around for a short while, we've actually covered several __ businesses in the last few years."

1.A.simple B.permanent C.abnormal D.unusual

2.A.observe B.ignore C.misunderstand D.miss

3.A.need B.direction C.curiosity D.requirement

4.A.rescue B.help C.persuade D.train

5.A.ordinary B.well-paid C.admirable D.challenging

6.A.accompanied B.greeted C.consulted D.hugged

7.A.made fun of B.took advantage of C.opened up to D.spoke well of

8.A.purpose B.tension C.delight D.anger

9.A.impress B.interest C.defeat D.cure

10.A.signs B.faults C.weaknesses D.failures

11.A.connect B.agree C.debate D.compete

12.A.colleagues B.ladies C.customers D.passengers

13.A.elderly B.foreign C.male D.overweight

14.A.in return B.as well C.in total D.after all

15.A.responsible B.intelligent C.wealthy D.crazy

16.A.suggestion B.agreement C.choice D.promise

17.A.with B.for C.in D.around

18.A.doubt B.accept C.lack D.hate

19.A.treatment B.protection C.experiment D.nursing

20.A.temporary B.difficult C.secret D.successful



    The train wasn't overcrowded when I was on it Though the four-hour journey was ______ the experience would be remembered ______ in my memory

A mother was sitting with her kid exactly ______ me Both of us were sitting beside the window A window seat is an______ isn't it The mother seemed very young and her kid looked ______ with two bright and big eyes After a moment the kid started staring at meand I asked her name but got no answerShe just smiled looking at meInsteadher mother repliedAnd then I asked them why they were travellingThe mother ______ and replied she was going for the kid's ______ courseBeing a doctorit was my instinct (本能) to ask about the ______I could notice a little sadness on her faceMaybe because she knew her baby's condition was ______ she told me her girl ______ the mental disorder and couldn't speak out a word after she was bornI said I was sorry To ______ the moment I said "Your daughter looks exactly like you - beautiful" I had never spoken as such to any ______ but I was happy I said that The mother smiled Then I asked if there were some complications (并发症) during pregnancy She gave a small laugh and said "I don't know I don't give ______ to her" I was shocked She ______ my confusion and said she ______ her when she was three I was ______ and knew it was the love that made her adopt the girl no matter what condition the baby was in - love has no ______!

We didn't speak anything special later on We were ______ enjoying our peace of mind I was smiling at the girl while saluting the mother in my head______ the train stopped for us to get off I waved good-bye to them and I thought the journey ______ my day

1.A.boring B.exciting C.frightening D.surprising

2.A.rarely B.backward C.slowly D.forever

3.A.under B.opposite C.behind D.over

4.A.dream B.adventure C.blessing D.challenge

5.A.foolish B.strange C.ugly D.lovely

6.A.nodded B.sighed C.complained D.cried

7.A.culture B.art C.treatment D.diet

8.A.condition B.budget C.expense D.environment

9.A.common B.ridiculous C.shameful D.obvious

10.A.dealt with B.got through C.suffered from D.passed on

11.A.last B.lighten C.sense D.enjoy

12.A.stranger B.doctor C.friend D.partner

13.A.care B.hope C.help D.birth

14.A.imagined B.noticed C.denied D.evaluated

15.A.protected B.adopted C.developed D.controlled

16.A.moved B.relaxed C.disappointed D.puzzled

17.A.gifts B.boundaries C.problems D.choices

18.A.even B.also C.ever D.only

19.A.Particularly B.Directly C.Eventually D.Immediately

20.A.made B.finished C.built D.formed



    For much of our life, my mother and I hated each other. I spent most of my childhood ______ with her – or trying to avoid her, as well as her bitterness, unhappiness and endless smoking. I learned how to defend myself with ______ designed to hurt her. In turn, she vowed(发誓) I would have a ______ who would feel the way about me that I felt about her.

Many years later when my husband and I decided to have a child, I was ______ to have a girl. I couldn’t ______ the thought of a daughter who might not love me – or who would want to ______ me. As soon as I became pregnant, I was convinced I was having a boy. In the delivery room, on my doctor putting my baby into my arms, I couldn’t wait to tell my mother I had a ______, while “he” was a girl. At that moment, I couldn’t imagine wanting anyone but her.

____I couldn’t forget my mother’s teasing(耻笑的) vow, even after she died, I felt a little relived about it.______ my daughter got older, whenever we argued, I worried we were ______ the same awful path that my mother and I had gone down.

Last summer, my daughter ______ 18, the same age when my mother threw me out of her apartment for ______. However, I was with her, planning for her first year at college. When my husband and I dropped her off at her school in New York, I finally ______ to her my biggest fear that we would end up like me and my mother. “That will never happen.” she _______ me, kissing me goodbye. Six weeks later, my husband and I returned to the campus. I ______ myself arguing with my daughter about her messy room, not using the library and her mistake of choosing the room near the bathroom. I couldn’t stop myself. And then ______ came: “You’re just like your mother,” my daughter screamed. “I hate you.” And then she ______.

I finally heard the words I had always dreaded. But maybe that was because I ______ them. I had always worried the bond I shared with my daughter would ______. Later that evening, we picked my daughter up to a restaurant. We ate ______. But when we separated, I hugged her. The next morning, she called telling she loved me. There wasn’t anything to be afraid of anymore. There was just a relationship we should work on with each other.

1.A.fighting B.playing C.sharing D.communicating

2.A.weapons B.activities C.actions D.words

3.A.husband B.daughter C.child D.friend

4.A.uncertain B.unlucky C.afraid D.willing

5.A.have B.afford C.hold D.bear

6.A.love B.obey C.escape from D.keep from

7.A.daughter B.son C.baby D.life

8.A.But B.Furthermore C.And D.Or

9.A.When B.As C.While D.With

10.A.in B.on C.at D.along

11.A.became B.grew C.turned D.went

12.A.all B.nothing C.my good D.good

13.A.admitted B.informed C.presented D.told

14.A.reflected B.referred C.pardoned D.promised

15.A.wanted B.asked C.found D.forced

16.A.they B.she C.it D.that

17.A.stormed away B.gave away C.looked away D.walked away

18.A.deserved B.demanded C.equaled D.appreciated

19.A.break B.tear C.last D.crash

20.A.in vain B.in brief C.in general D.in silence



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