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请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 ...

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。

Being productive can be hard. Perhaps you've fallen into a routine of getting up at a certain time, getting into work and slumping down at your desk or place of work with no energy and motivation. Research has found there is an ideal structure to your day that creates best results and also the flexibility you wish for. The problem with your current tradition of working is that it forces you to work when your brain isn't motivated. Traditionally you Have a long day to get your work done and your brain needs to be in the relaxation mode all day. but more often it's hard for you to focus on one thing all the way.

According to the research, the best way to achieve best work productivity is to focus on the first 3 hours of your day. This is the best time straight after sleep when your will power and self-control is at the maximum.

How often have you dragged yourself to work and headed straight for the coffee machine because you can't possibly function until you drink up at least your third cup of coffee? This is where you're potentially going wrong the first 3 hours of your day will eventually make you or break you. It's during this period that you can make the most of your clay. Creating a routine where the first 3 hours of your day are the intense periods of work will actually cause you to complete the majority of your work at a best level, leaving the rest of the day for your brain to relax and deal with fewer laborious projects.

To carry out the 3-hour morning, you should try and start a routine of getting up early because the more hours you have in the morning, the more time you have to be productive for the rest of the day. It's also essential that you start the day with a protein-rich breakfast, which means the right kind of fuel for your brain and the rest of your body so you can work at your best level. After getting up, you should ensure that there are fewer people to distract you or cause you stress. To be exact, make sure you put away your phone and make a conscious effort not to check social media for the first 3 hours. Besides? listening to music such as sounds of nature is a good way to help stop outside noises from interrupting your concentration.

Using the Morning Well


Perhaps you are often unable to be energetic and motivated in the 1.of your work however, you can work more productively and 2.by structuring you day.

A way to increase work productivity

Attach importance to the first three hours of your day because this is the time when you have the3.will power and self-control.

Importance of the first three hours of a day

Making full use of the first 3 hours of your day can help you achieve the highest 4. and let you feel 5. for the rest of the day.

6.of effectively using the first three hours of a day

• From a habit of early 7.to ensure that you have more 8.time during one day.

• Start your day with a nutritious breakfast to make you work in a best 9.early in the morning;

• Avoid distractions from others and outside noises in the first 3 hours of your day, or rather, put away your phone, 10. hard not to check social media, and listen to some sounds of nature.





1.course/process 2.flexibly 3.maximum 4.efficiency 5.relaxed 6.Ideas/Ways/Methods 7.rising 8.productive 9.state 10.try 【解析】 本文是说明文。文章说明了早晨3小时对工作效率的重要性,并提出了一些高效利用这三小时的方法。 1.根据第一段第一行geting up at a certain time在某一特定的时间内,结合题目inthe ________ of your work可知空内应该填一个与时间过程有关的名词,故为course/process。 2.结合句子structurring your day可定位到原文第二句,根据the flexibility you wish for可知题目应填flexiblity的副词flexibly。故填flexibly。 3.由will power和self control定位到原文第二段最后一句,根据at the maximum可知该空填动词maximum,名词和动词形式一致。故填maximum。 4.根据第三段第四行“It’s during this period that you can make the most of your day”,make the most of your day与该空achieve the highest ________同义替换,前者为充分利用的意思,使一天的效率最大化,故填efficiency。 5.根据第三段最后一句“...可以在你剩下一天让你的大脑放松”,并且该空应填一个形容词,所以将动词relax变形为relaxed,故填relaxed。 6.阅读最后一段可知,本段讲的是如何高效利用一天中的前三个小时,且该空在句首,首字母大写,故填Ways/Ideas/Methods。 7.定位到第四段第一句,getting up与该空同义替换,故填rising。 8.根据第三段第二行the more time you have to be productive for the rest of day,故填productive。 9.根据第四段第四行work at your best level与该空in a best __________同义替换,结合该空前的介词为in,以最好的状态。故填state。 10.根据put away your phone定位回原文第四段倒数第三行,“make a conscious effort not to”与该空同义替换,make an effort尝试,故填try。

    When you think about creativity, it might be highly creative people like Mozart, da Vinci or Einstein who spring to mind. They were all considered to be "geniuses" for their somewhat unique talents that led to great achievements in their fields. Their type of creativity is what's known as "Big C creativity" and is not very common in everyday life. Not all of us can create works of art or music or scientific theories that are new to the world.

While we can't all be Mozart, DaVinci or Einstein, many people do enjoy creative activity—through hobbies such as painting or playing the piano. And these types of pursuits are often what people think of when asked what being creative looks like. Our finished pieces may not be comparable with the likes of the great masters, but often the process makes us feel happy, and the end result can be aesthetically pleasing.

On top of hobbies and interests, we all possess creative qualities that can help as we solve life's problems and make decisions. It is this type of creativity that enables us to plan different routes to get to the same destination, or fit in a trip to the supermarket when our schedule looks full. It might not sound very creative, but this aspect of creativity relies on our ability to consider options and assess their suitability. It also helps us make decisions based on personal experience or what we have learnt formally or informally. These examples are known as "Small C creativity" or "personal everyday creativity".

While Big C creativity is valued and celebrated, it is often Small C creativity that has allowed humans to develop over thousands of years. It sets us apart from other animals and it is also the type of creativity that can be developed through our educational system and workplace. Traditionally, creativity has been largely associated with the arts. Teachers are often able to give examples of creative activity in arts subjects, but find it harder to do so when asked to describe creativity in subjects such as science. But there is a growing realization that opportunities to be creative can be found across a broader range of subjects. For instance, engineering provides opportunities to be creative through problem solving, and history gives the opportunity to think creatively about why events happened and what motivated those involved

Research has shown that training teachers to ask particular types of questions can be one way to help encourage creativity across the curriculum. This is because looking for solutions to problems and explanations is a creative process. Our research also shows how it can be more helpful to talk about "thinking creatively" rather than “creativity". This is because people tend to see thinking creativity as independence of thought and a willingness to take risks and seek new perspectives. It is also seen as a way to perceive new relationships, make new connections, and generate new ideas.

The Durham Creativity Commission, set up by Arts Council England and Durham University, aims to find ways in which creativity, and specifically creative thinking, can play a larger part in our lives. We are working alongside people in education, as well as in arts and science communities, collecting their views on creativity and creative thinking. We will also be looking across these groups to determine whether or not there is a relationship between creativity and mobility, creativity and identity as well as creativity and well-being. We hope to be able to show that thinking creatively can not only be encouraged and furthered in a variety of fields, but also lead to positive outcomes on a personal, social and economic level.

In a rapidly changing world, creativity is important for people and society on many levels. It can help to generate personal satisfaction and be important for economic development. This is why creative thinking must be a key priority in educational environments. In the same waycreativity must also be recognized and encouraged in the workplace. Because, after all, it’s creative thinking that leads to problem solving and innovation in a range of areas.

1.Which of the following words can best describe "Big C creativity"?

A.Universal. B.Temporary.

C.Confidential. D.Extraordinary.

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Few people are as creative as great geniuses.

B.Some of us can become great masters.

C.We seldom understand real geniuses.

D.We should not learn only from masters.

3.Why is "Small C creativity" important?

A.It is as rare as “Big C creativity".

B.It can turn our hobbies into careers.

C.It helps us produce great works of art.

D.It is fundamental to human development.

4.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

A.Only geniuses have great creativity.

B.Artists are often more creative than scientists.

C.People can show their creativity in various fields.

D.It is almost impossible to think creatively in science,

5.What does thinking creatively mean?

A.Solving problems alone. B.Being open to alternatives.

C.Thinking in an artistic way. D.Making a difference to the world.

6.Which of the following might the Durham Creativity Commission agree with?

A.Creative thinking is beneficial both personally and socially.

B.People often overlook creative thinking in the workplace.

C.Courses on creativity will soon be offered in schools.

D.Your identity is usually decided by your creativity.



    Wealthy people may be likely to be against redistribution of wealth, according to new research. The findings indicate that it is because people use their own neighborhoods and communities as a standard of how much wealth other people have, leading wealthy people to believe the bigger population as being wealthier than it actually is.

“If you're rich, there's good chance for you to know lots of other rich people and relatively few poor people likewise, if you're poor, you're likely to know fewer wealthy people and more poor ones," says study co-author Robbie Sutton. "Even if people think objectively and follow rules of statistical inference, richer and poorer people may be led by the information available to them, to very different conclusions about how wealthy other people are, on. average, and how wealth is distributed across society. ”

"These results suggest that the rich and poor do not simply have different attitudes to how wealth should be distributed across society rather, they subjectively experience living in different societies," adds Rael Dawtry, the study's lead author. "In the relatively richer America crowded by wealthier Americans, there is perhaps less need to distribute wealth more equally. " The findings suggest that attitudes toward wealth distribution come from more than just an economic motivation to protect one's self-interest or financially protective political ideologies (意识形态)----the information provided by our living environment also plays an important role.

The research covered over 600 US adults to complete an online survey in two studies. The participants were asked to estimate the distribution of household income for their social contacts and also for the whole US population in two studies—they estimated what percentage of people fell into each one of 11 income groups then they estimated the average income of people within each income group. Then, the participants were asked how fair they thought income distribution in the US was and how satisfied they were with it. The participants also answered questions testing their attitudes toward redistribution.

To ensure that the findings were actually related to the individual s social circles and not some other psychological bias, the researchers then analyzed data from over 4,000 voters in New Zealand. The data showed that the relationship between voters' income and their perceptions of economic fairness in New Zealand was driven by the level of economic condition in their neighborhood.

"These results show the importance of examining ecological processes, in addition to political ideological or self-interest, for understanding economic preferences, says Dawtry. "Attitudes to redistribution and the economic position appear to be subject to informational biases in the environment as well as biases in the mind. " According to Sutton, the findings may also help to explain the political polarization (两极分化)observed in countries like the United States.

"As richer and poorer people increasingly live separated live, the information available becomes increasingly misunderstood, and increasingly different, he notes. "People are, effectively, living in an informational bubble, surrounded by people with incomes like theirs but unlike many other Americans."

1.What's the reason for incorrect conclusions on others' wealth?

A.The objective thoughts.

B.The improper information.

C.Disobeying rules of statistics.

D.The balance of wealth distribution.

2.What causes the difference in people's attitudes to wealth distribution?

A.Subjective judgment to societies they live in.

B.The biases against political ideologies.

C.The change of the surrounding environment.

D.Dissatisfying protection of self-interest.

3.What's the benefit of the research according to Sutton?

A.Making us understand economic preferences.

B.Giving us an explanation of the political polarization.

C.Making us consider political ideologies or self-interest.

D.Influencing our attitudes to wealth redistribution.

4.What's the title of the passage?

A.Wealthy People Are More Likely To Support Wealth Redistribution

B.Wealthy People Are More Likely To Have Right Information On Wealth

C.Having Wealthy Neighbors Keeps Beliefs On Overall Wealth Distribution

D.Having Wealthy Neighbors Misleads Beliefs On Overall Wealth Distribution



    At the first Olympic marathon in 1896, athletes ran a shorter course than today's 42. 2-kilometer event. Even so, only the winner finished within three hours. However, runners have improved, and one expert predicted last year that the two-hour mark would be broken in 2028.

On Oct 12, Eliud Kipchoge came in ahead of schedule----literally.

The 34-year-old Olympic champion from Kenya became the first person to run a marathon in less than two hours, Clocking in at 1:59:40. Kipchoge pumped his chest and even sped up after crossing the finish line as he ran happily to his wife.

"No one is limited. This shows the positivity of sport," Kipchoge told the BBC after the race in Vienna, Austria," Together when we run. we can make it a beautiful world."

Apart from Kipchoge's strong willpower and outstanding physical condition, a few tricks of science and technology Helped him reach this milestone in human athletic achievement.

Hills and turns slow runners down, so Kipchoge's team picked the course in Vienna for its gentle curves (弯曲度).

The city's cool and dry weather was also important," said Wired. The magazine talked to exercise physiologists, who think the weather helped keep Kipchoge's body running more efficiently throughout the race.

A special pair of shoes also played a big part. According to The New York Times, the shoes Kipchoge wore were designed to give a significant edge to anyone wearing them in a race.

One other key to this breakthrough was Kipchoge's pacing strategy.

He ran with a dream team of pacers. deployed (部署 ) by sports scientists. Five runners formed a V-shape ahead of Kipchoge, reducing drag, and two runners followed directly behind to push him forward. Kipchoge stayed in the center of the formation. The team rotated (轮换)members every five kilometers, and be stayed under a two-hour pace for almost the entire length of the race .There was also a pace car driving 15 meters in front of everyone, casting a laser line on the road to keep them on track.

"Few world records today are technology free,” noted The Telegraph. Hard work and dedication are still the core of athletic achievement, but science and technology are helping modern athletes maximize their potential.

1.What do we know about Eliud Kipchoge?

A.He will keep running marathons until 2028.

B.He began running marathons when he was a child.

C.He broke the two-hour mark in a marathon race.

D.He is the first Olympic champion Kenya.

2.What did Kipchoge's team do to help him?

A.They trained him to run in places with hills and turns.

B.They designed a pair of lightweight shoes for him.

C.They kept a special formation around him during the race.

D.They drove a car in front of him to give him food and drinks.

3.What is the author's main purpose in writing the article?

A.To recommend some effective ways to run marathons.

B.To stress the importance of teamwork in athletic achievements.

C.To prove that technology has become the core of athletic achievement.

D.To show how science and technology help athletes break their limits.



Heart of Stone, Snowdonia


Snowdonia boasts the UK's MOST DRAMIATIC MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE south of Scotland, and though not all that high at just over 1,000 metres , the peaks seem bigger because they rise directly from the sea. This ride does the same. It starts in the small coastal city of Bangor and ends at the youth hostel at Llyn Ogwen, one of the spiritual homes of British mountaineering, a lake set in the mountains range of Carneddau and Glyderau. All those mountains might suggest a hilly ride in store, but it's a very gradual climb along the route of the old railway lines and trolleybuses that served the Penrhyn Quarry at Bethesda. When Welsh slate “roofed the world” this was once the world's largest man-made hole. The quarry also reminds visitors of the Welsh labour movement at the turn of the 20th century. Beyond the quarries lies the broad, steep sided valley of Nant Ffrancon, where the artist John Piper made his home, so he could paint and draw the landscape. The return to Bangor largely follows the ride up, but there's no harm in that as it's a truly spectacular route.

Where to stay

YHA Idwal Cottage (08453 719744) is the oldest youth hostel in Wales beds from £22, private rooms from £24 pp camping from £13.

Where to snack

Fitzpatrick's (9 Ogwen Street, Bethesda) is a friendly, and bright green, cafe just off the route. Open. Open ThursdayFriday 8 a.m. 3 p.m, Saturday Sunday 8 a. m.5 p. m

Ogwen Snack Bar Nant Ffrancon, 01248 600683 is a mountaineers' tea bar right by the mountain rescue base. Open daily 9 a. m.approximately 5 p. m. ; closed Monday Thurs-day late December end of Jan.

1.Snowdonia is famous for its .

A.beautiful mountain landscape

B.tall and dangerous peaks

C.long history

D.mysterious lake

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.There are many modern buildings along the route to Snowdonia.

B.You can always have coffee and tea as you like while traveling to Snowdonia.

C.You can't enjoy the oldest hostels while traveling to Snowdonia.

D.Some peaks in the mountain landscape are over 1,000 meters.



    It took about three weeks for me to become mute. In 2007, I visited a client as a financial adviser and _____ a virus. I had a sore throat. My doctor _____ me it would soon return to normal.

________ , it got worse, I could no longer make phone calls and started carrying a little whiteboard to write everything down I tried to work with people I already knew, who were likely to be more ________ with me but explaining financial details to _______ investors with marker pen was a big challenge.

At home? my wife and teenage sons _______ as best they could. Soon I was using a computer that read out phrases typed into it

My situation ______ when I was offered a tuition-assisted place at Iowa State University. I _______ myself by accepting a job in the student services office. Forced to _______ with people face to face, I started to have fun with computer voices.

In 2010, I read a news story about a waitress who'd had her voice _____ with the help of a doctor in Cleveland. It had to be worth a ______. Dr Milstein ______ me to do some vocal exercises to stretch the muscles in my neck and to my astonishment I started to make __________.It was the first time I'd heard my voice in three and a half years.

Then I did more exercises, my voice becoming more ______ Milstein asked me to go over to the window and ______ the friends across the street. I was afraid at first, ___I damaged my voice, but he kept _____ me. Friends at university heard my voice for the first time and even when I was alone, I talked to myself.

I don't regret those years of _______. I spent more time with my boys and had time to ______ where I'd gone wrong as a husband and parent. That time _____ my rough edges. I prefer who I am now.

1.A.picked up B.touched on C.went about D.brought in

2.A.shocked B.bothered C.convinced D.condemned

3.A.Therefore B.Moreover C.Eventually D.Instead

4.A.casual B.patient C.cautious D.satisfied

5.A.shallow B.potential C.explicit D.stubborn

6.A.withdrew B.resisted C.declined D.adjusted

7.A.worsened B.softened C.brightened D.ripened

8.A.challenged B.applauded C.abandoned D.sacrificed

9.A.correspond B.compete C.compare D.communicate

10.A.regained B.controlled C.registered D.modified

11.A.praise B.try C.bonus D.reward

12.A.instructed B.appointed C.allowed D.enabled

13.A.comments B.chokes C.sounds D.rhythms

14.A.aggressive B.offensive C.confident D.unique

15.A.head for B.yell at C.glance down D.shrink from

16.A.even if B.as though C.now that D.in case

17.A.dragging B.pulling C.pushing D.kicking

18.A.silence B.enquiry C.twist D.reform

19.A.reveal B.reflect C.classify D.confirm

20.A.sharpened B.maintained C.accumulated D.smoothed



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