满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My grandmother grew up in a world differ...

    My grandmother grew up in a world different from me. She experienced many things in her long life.

Though she never told stories, her stories were in the way she ate — she savored (品味) her food, cherished (珍惜) it. Often she would be the first to sit at the dinner table, and the last to leave. Food had been really scarce (缺乏) when she grew up.

Her stories were in the way she handed me lucky money. From a young age, my grandmother was brought up to understand the importance of hard work and the necessary of saving. Every Chinese New Year, I would be handed, or sent, a small red envelope that contained money, but never more than twenty dollars. When I was young , I didn’t understand why my grandmother gave me such a small amount of money. As I grew older, I realized that she wasn’t teaching me about money, but about tradition and hard work and family. The money was insignificant. I would probably spend it on any toy that I would lose soon after; it was the meaning behind her gift that mattered. It was her saying, “ I love you; I am your family and I want you to work hard as your family has before you.”

My grandmother’s stories were lessons. But they were never told in words. From the time that I was very young, up until she could barely remember my name, I remember her calling me “good girl”. Those two little words, in the course of my growing up, were a constant reminder that I was still so young, with still so far to go.

Now my grandmother is gone, but I see her every day. I see her in the women around me and in the mirror. She lives with me, inside me, and in the legacies(遗产)that I will create. And I know she would be proud.

1.The Author’s grandmother spent so much time eating at the table because ________.

A.she had no teeth B.she had nothing to do

C.she was preparing to clear the table D.she really wanted to enjoy the food

2.What did the author learn from the way her grandmother gave her lucky money?

A.Her grandmother didn’t have much money.

B.Her grandmother preferred boys to girls.

C.It was a shame to accept others’ money.

D.It was important for her to work hard.

3.What did the author realize hearing her grandmother call her “good girl” ?

A.She was really a good girl.

B.She needed to continually improve herself.

C.She should be proud of her manners and behaviors.

D.She was always a good girl in her grandmother’s eyes.

4.What can we know about the author’s grandmother after reading the passage?

A.She loved telling stories.

B.She had never worked in her life.

C.She set a great example for the author.

D.She was a mean woman with old-fashioned values.


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者通过回忆表达了对祖母深深的思念,祖母为作者树立了很好的榜样,她的的一些做法使自己明白了很多的道理。 1.细节理解题。由第二段“she savored (品味) her food, cherished (珍惜)it. Often she would be the first to sit at the dinner table, and the last to leave.”可知,祖母品尝着食物,很珍惜食物。 她常常是第一个坐在餐桌旁,最后一个吃完离开的。所以作者的祖母花了那么多时间在餐桌旁吃饭,是因为她真的很想享受美食。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。由第三段“As I grew older, I realized that she wasn’t teaching me about money, but about tradition and hard work and family. It was her saying, “I love you; I am your family and I want you to work hard as your family has before you.”可知,随着年龄的增长,作者意识到祖母教给自己的不只是关于钱,而是关于传统、努力工作和对家庭的责任。祖母说:“我爱你;我是你的家人,我希望你像你们的家人一样努力工作。所以作者从她祖母给她压岁钱的方式中学到了自己要努力工作,这是很重要的。故选D项。 3.推理判断题。由倒数第二段“Those two little words, in the course of my growing up, were a constant reminder that I was still so young, with still so far to go.”可知,在作者的成长过程中,这两个字,不断提醒作者,作者还很年轻,还有很长的路要走。由此判断出当作者听到她的祖母叫她“好女孩”时,作者认为她需要不断提高自己。故选B项。 4.推理判断题。由最后一段“Now my grandmother is gone, but I see her every day. I see her in the women around me and in the mirror. She lives with me, inside me, and in the legacies (遗产) that I will create.”可知,现在作者的祖母去世了,但作者每天都能见到她。作者在她周围的女人和镜子里看到了她。她和作者生活在一起,活在作则的心里,活在作者要创造的美好明天里。由此判断出,祖母的言行给作者留下了深刻的印象,她为作者树立了很好的榜样。故选C项。

Southwcik Zoo

Hours & Dates

Open daily : April 7—October 31




$ 28

Children(3-12 years old)


Children (2 years old and under)


Seniors(62 years old+)



*** For your safety at the zoo, please obey all posted signs and guidelines throughout the zoo.

No Pets

Pets of any kind are not allowed in the zoo area. Also, DO NOT leave pets in your car while you are in the zoo. Service animals are allowed in the zoo. However, they are not permitted in the following areas: the petting zoo, the deer forest, or near the big cat (tigers, lions, cheetahs, leopards) habitats.

Follow the Rules in the Deer Forest

In the deer forest, wait for the deer to come to you. Then try to feel them by gentle touches. Never run after or shout at them as this stresses them out. Animals prefer quiet. Also, please stay on the path and do not enter the forest.

Never Cross Any Fence Within the Zoo

Please do not try to touch the animals not in the deer forest or petting zoo. All animals can bite and their habitats are their homes. This is for the safety of both our visitors and our animals.

Do Not Bring Outside Food for Our Animals

All of our animals’ diets include specific foods. Outside food can make them very sick, even if it seems like they could eat it. Feeding the animals is allowed in the petting zoo and deer forest with food that is provided by the zoo.

Children Must Be Supervised (监管) at All Times

Children must be supervised at all times while in all areas of the zoo.

1.How much should a couple with their five-year-old child pay to enter the zoo?

A.$28 B.$56

C.$78 D.$80

2.What should someone do if he goes to the zoo with a service animal?

A.Keep it in his car. B.Keep it away from certain areas.

C.Keep it in the petting zoo. D.Keep it in the Zoo Service Center.

3.What can we know from this passage?

A.Children can visit the petting zoo alone.

B.Some visitors have got bitten at the zoo.

C.Feeding certain animals with provided food is allowed.

D.Some animals at the zoo are very sick now.

























Monsieur Hamel looked at me with no sign of anger and said very 1. (gentle): “Go at once to your seat, my little Franz; we were going to begin without you.”

I stepped over the bench and sat down at once at my desk. Not until then, when I had partly recovered from my fright,2. I notice that our teacher had on his handsome blue coat and the black silk trousers, which he 3. (wear) only on days of inspection and 4. (distribute) of prizes. Moreover, there was something extraordinary, something serious about the whole class. 5.what surprised me most was to see at the back of the room, on the 6.(bench) which were usually empty, some people from the village 7. (sit), as silent as we were. They all seemed depressed; one of them had brought 8. old spelling book, 9.he held wide open on his knee. When I was wondering about this, Monsieur Hamel said to us: “My children, this is the last time that I shall teach you. This is the last class in French, so I beg 10. to be very attentive.”



    It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Java’s young people mad with excitement.

Fireworks were lit long before the moon ______. The big noise brought people out into the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene. Everywhere, there were the paper remains of _____fireworks lying on the ground. Little boys______more and covered their ears as they waited ______ for the explosions.

The moon appeared above the horizon(地平线) : huge,______ball high above the city, and the ______ filled with people, as Java began to enjoy one of the year's greatest ______: ' the Night of the Full Moon', a festival that is especially popular ______young people.

More and more young Javanese _____ together and walked slowly through the _______ Joking and chatting, they moved towards the mountain ______the city. They continued to climb ______ they reached the old temple at the ______of the mountain. After they were ______ the temple, they drank their water and ate their moon-cakes -- delicious home-made ones, ___of dried fruit and nuts. Outside, on the mountain, young people_____cross-legged in circles, chatting and telling each other jokes. And ______, in their hundreds, more young people continued to make their way up the mountain to ______the brightly shining moon.

By midnight, the fireworks had stopped shooting up from the_____city in the valley below them. But during the night, the sound____to be heard from the distance.

1.A.let out B.gave out C.came out D.set out

2.A.burning B.used C.exploding D.broken

3.A.lit B.bit C.fled D.patted

4.A.patiently B.roughly C.subtly D.excitedly

5.A.silver B.new C.bare D.swift

6.A.mountains B.valleys C.streets D.shops

7.A.prospects B.meetings C.roots D.events

8.A.for B.to C.with D.in

9.A.swung B.gathered C.burst D.shouted

10.A.village B.slope C.night D.ground

11.A.on the edge of B.on the way to C.in the center of D.in the direction of

12.A.while B.until C.unless D.though

13.A.tip B.format C.top D.broom

14.A.inside B.near C.ahead D.across

15.A.fond B.laden C.full D.acute

16.A.slipped B.sat C.stood D.bent

17.A.thus B.even C.yet D.still

18.A.reunite B.swell C.notice D.admire

19.A.glowing B.gray C.peaceful D.empty

20.A.scolded B.continued C.chatted D.mentioned



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