满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 It was ...


It was a beautiful morning. I was still asleep in bed when 1. rising sun got through the curtains and shone brightly. I quickly 2.(wake) up. I saw my cat was sitting on top of my desk 3. (quiet). I smiled at her and headed outside. Looking up at the sky, I thanked God 4.the beautiful morning.

Later in the day I was shopping at the local grocery store. I was joking with the cashier (收银员) when I heard a giggle (咯咯笑) behind me. I turned and saw a little girl 5.(hold) her mom’s hand. She looked up at me and said, “You sing when you talk.” Her mom looked embarrassed and made an 6.(apologize) immediately, but I just smiled at the little girl and laughed along with her. It was only then 7.I realized I had been feeling so fine on this wonderful day that 8. ( I )voice had taken on a song-like quality. Instead of feeling upset by it, though, I felt even 9.(good). It was wonderful 10.(know) that I had been singing when I talked and that I had made that little girl giggle with joy.


1.the 2.woke 3.quietly 4.for 5.holding 6.apology 7.that 8.my 9.better 10.to know 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了作者快乐的一天,作者的快乐感染了周围的人。 1.考查冠词。分析句子可知,sun是世界上独一无二的,所以要用定冠词the表示特指。故填the。 2.考查时态。分析句子可知,全篇用的都是一般过去时,所以本句也是一般过去时。故填woke。 3.考查副词。quietly为副词修饰动词sit。故填quietly。 4.考查介词。thank sb for sth “因……而感谢某人”为固定短语。故填for。 5.考查现在分词。分析句子可知,本句为see sb. doing sth.“看到某人正在做某事”,a little girl与hold在逻辑上是主动关系,所以用现在分词作宾语补足语。故填 holding。 6.考查名词。make an apology“道歉”为固定短语。故填apology。 7.考查强调句式。分析句子可知,本句为强调句式,其结构为It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+who (that)。故填that。 8.考查代词。voice为名词需要用形容词性物主代词来修饰。故填my。 9.考查形容词比较级。even修饰形容词比较级better,表示与早上相比,心情更好了。故填better。 10.考查动词不定式。分析句子可知,本句为“it be +形容词+动词不定式”的用法。动词不定式作真正主语,it做形式主语。故填to know。

    I have always been hard-working in school. And I enjoyed gaining new understanding about study. One way was making ________.

Math has always been my ________ subject. During each math class, while ________, I waited for my golden ________ to show myself, which were questions. when they came, I would _________ my hand. Answering them _________ made me feel I was recognized by my classmates and teacher. The only problem was that I wanted to be ________ —to be right every time.

As it turned out, reaching this standard was _______. In one class, I stood up________but gave a wrong answer. Even though I knew this was certainly not my first mistake in life, something __________had come at that moment. I thought that my classmates might think I was ________. The beautiful castle that I had built up _________after my mistake.

In the following classes, I was in low spirits and became __________. Even if I may have known the answer, I was _________ to take the risk of damaging my self-confidence any more. Noticing my abnormality(异常), my math teacher talked with me and learned my________. She told me that mistakes are an important part of learning _________ they can point out our weakness and help us __________ , I should set up the principle (原则) of ________ mistakes.

From that experience, I realized that even though I thought I was right about most things, I was wrong in my_________. School is not a place to _________but a place to learn. What I now know is that by holding fast to humility(谦虚)and learning to grow from my mistakes, I can truly learn in a way I could never in the past.

1.A.mistakes B.rules C.friends D.promises

2.A.urgent B.favorite C.awful D.peaceful

3.A.teaching B.writing C.reviewing D.listening

4.A.reports B.opportunities C.tasks D.challenges

5.A.touch B.shake C.raise D.wave

6.A.briefly B.finally C.carefully D.correctly

7.A.perfect B.creative C.smart D.popular

8.A.natural B.impossible C.unnecessary D.informal

9.A.confidently B.equally C.obviously D.extremely

10.A.important B.disabled C.different D.funny

11.A.stupid B.funny C.clever D.strange

12.A.carried on B.turned up C.took up D.fell down

13.A.sad B.silent C.violent D.optimistic

14.A.easy B.happy C.unwilling D.determined

15.A.destination B.quality C.admiration D.question

16.A.if B.so C.as D.before

17.A.recover B.destroy C.progress D.compete

18.A.accepting B.making C.supporting D.repeating

19.A.project B.concern C.hobby D.attitude

20.A.get along B.show off C.hang on D.let out



    As a student, you may be asked to give a speech in your class or school. How can you get your point across to your audience in an interesting way? 1.

Practice makes perfect. Many people are good speakers, but most weren’t born that way. 2. Practice. Practice your speech in front of a mirror to get an idea of how to improve your body language and gestures (姿势).

Consider your audience. One of the most important things to remember about public speaking is that you’re speaking to an audience. 3. The more you can relate your points to their own experiences, the better your speech will be.

Use note cards wisely. If you’re allowed to use notes when speaking, considering putting your main points on note cards. 4.They’re harder to read at a glance and encourage you to read your speech rather than speaking to the audience.

5.The biggest mistake teen speakers make is talking too fast. It usually happens when you’re feeling anxious. You can prevent yourself from speeding by practicing your speech ahead of time for a friend or listening to a tape recorder.

A. Slow down your speed.

B. Speak loudly and clearly.

C. What’s the key to their success?

D. Use your voice and hands.

E. But avoid writing entire sentences on cards.

F. Here are some tips to help you achieve your speech goals.

G. Find some points about the topic that they might find interesting.



    After long hours of waiting for my friend at the bus station, I got tired and was going to leave and plan another meeting. As I was still deciding, there came a man selling culture shoes and started showing them to me. I just smiled and said thank you. I didn’t know if it was the smile or what but the young man stepped closer and started talking to me.

“You know I didn’t just end up like this. I had a family but one day life just turned upside down and all was gone,” he said. In short, his wife stole all his money, sold his car and house. It was really a hard time for him and he was psychologically anguished. A lot happened and then he decided to pick up the pieces of his life and try to make ends meet. So he started making culture shoes and selling them to earn a living.

As I stood there listening to his story, I was still surprised how in the world someone can be so open to a total stranger.

You see, a lot of times we meet people and most of them have difficulties in their life. Some of them don’t have a person to listen to them, so I’ve learned to be good to people and always give them time to listen to what they want to say. By doing this, I not only help that person get relieved (宽慰) but also learn something from them and see the other side of life. This will make the world a better place to live for all of us.

1.What do we know about the man who sells shoes?

A.His wife changed his life totally.

B.He was disappointed with his life.

C.He was sad about his bad business.

D.He hoped someone could help him.

2.What does the underlined word “anguished “in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.scared B.confused

C.nervous D.painful

3.What does the author intend to tell us in the last part of the text?

A.To discover the other side of life.

B.To make the world a better place.

C.To learn to listen to others.

D.To talk out your problems.



    My grandmother grew up in a world different from me. She experienced many things in her long life.

Though she never told stories, her stories were in the way she ate — she savored (品味) her food, cherished (珍惜) it. Often she would be the first to sit at the dinner table, and the last to leave. Food had been really scarce (缺乏) when she grew up.

Her stories were in the way she handed me lucky money. From a young age, my grandmother was brought up to understand the importance of hard work and the necessary of saving. Every Chinese New Year, I would be handed, or sent, a small red envelope that contained money, but never more than twenty dollars. When I was young , I didn’t understand why my grandmother gave me such a small amount of money. As I grew older, I realized that she wasn’t teaching me about money, but about tradition and hard work and family. The money was insignificant. I would probably spend it on any toy that I would lose soon after; it was the meaning behind her gift that mattered. It was her saying, “ I love you; I am your family and I want you to work hard as your family has before you.”

My grandmother’s stories were lessons. But they were never told in words. From the time that I was very young, up until she could barely remember my name, I remember her calling me “good girl”. Those two little words, in the course of my growing up, were a constant reminder that I was still so young, with still so far to go.

Now my grandmother is gone, but I see her every day. I see her in the women around me and in the mirror. She lives with me, inside me, and in the legacies(遗产)that I will create. And I know she would be proud.

1.The Author’s grandmother spent so much time eating at the table because ________.

A.she had no teeth B.she had nothing to do

C.she was preparing to clear the table D.she really wanted to enjoy the food

2.What did the author learn from the way her grandmother gave her lucky money?

A.Her grandmother didn’t have much money.

B.Her grandmother preferred boys to girls.

C.It was a shame to accept others’ money.

D.It was important for her to work hard.

3.What did the author realize hearing her grandmother call her “good girl” ?

A.She was really a good girl.

B.She needed to continually improve herself.

C.She should be proud of her manners and behaviors.

D.She was always a good girl in her grandmother’s eyes.

4.What can we know about the author’s grandmother after reading the passage?

A.She loved telling stories.

B.She had never worked in her life.

C.She set a great example for the author.

D.She was a mean woman with old-fashioned values.



Southwcik Zoo

Hours & Dates

Open daily : April 7—October 31




$ 28

Children(3-12 years old)


Children (2 years old and under)


Seniors(62 years old+)



*** For your safety at the zoo, please obey all posted signs and guidelines throughout the zoo.

No Pets

Pets of any kind are not allowed in the zoo area. Also, DO NOT leave pets in your car while you are in the zoo. Service animals are allowed in the zoo. However, they are not permitted in the following areas: the petting zoo, the deer forest, or near the big cat (tigers, lions, cheetahs, leopards) habitats.

Follow the Rules in the Deer Forest

In the deer forest, wait for the deer to come to you. Then try to feel them by gentle touches. Never run after or shout at them as this stresses them out. Animals prefer quiet. Also, please stay on the path and do not enter the forest.

Never Cross Any Fence Within the Zoo

Please do not try to touch the animals not in the deer forest or petting zoo. All animals can bite and their habitats are their homes. This is for the safety of both our visitors and our animals.

Do Not Bring Outside Food for Our Animals

All of our animals’ diets include specific foods. Outside food can make them very sick, even if it seems like they could eat it. Feeding the animals is allowed in the petting zoo and deer forest with food that is provided by the zoo.

Children Must Be Supervised (监管) at All Times

Children must be supervised at all times while in all areas of the zoo.

1.How much should a couple with their five-year-old child pay to enter the zoo?

A.$28 B.$56

C.$78 D.$80

2.What should someone do if he goes to the zoo with a service animal?

A.Keep it in his car. B.Keep it away from certain areas.

C.Keep it in the petting zoo. D.Keep it in the Zoo Service Center.

3.What can we know from this passage?

A.Children can visit the petting zoo alone.

B.Some visitors have got bitten at the zoo.

C.Feeding certain animals with provided food is allowed.

D.Some animals at the zoo are very sick now.



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