满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据写作要求,阅读短文内容,写出一篇连贯完整的短文。词数不少于60。 The Y...


The Youngest Skier To The South Pole

On Friday December 9th, a 16-year-old skier, Ameba Hempleman-Adamsreached the South Pole with her father after skiing 97 miles and spending 17nights on the ice. On the final day they skied 14 miles and afterwards Ameba said she felt “elated and tired” on reaching the South Pole.

“The biggest challenges were the freezing cold and eating only dried food. The best bit has been experiencing what Dad does on expeditions (探险). It’s the first time I’ve been on a difficult long journey with him and now I know what it’s like. The trip brought me closer to Dad, but I also had to put up with his snoring (鼾声) which was terrible.”

She added, “Would I do it again? I’m not sure. I’ll have to think about that after a few nights’ sleep! At times it’s been really hard: I’ve got aching shoulders, and my back’s been sore from pulling my sledge (雪橇), I’ve got blisters (水泡) on my feet from the boots and I’ve got a cold burn on my nose from my sunglasses.    43   ”.

She said the most extraordinary part of the trip had been the breath taking scenery and the sense of isolation in the Antarctic landscape. “I’ve really missed my friends while I’ve been away and want to thank them for all their messages of support.”

Friends and relatives who posted comments on Ameba’s expedition website paid tribute (致敬) to her positive attitude which, they said, would be an inspiration to others.

Her father, David, said “Ameba has done amazing well. I’m proud of her. She showed real determination. She was tough and she pulled her sledge the whole way. It was a special experience to share those 97 miles with her.”

假如你是建华中学的学生王新,在网上看到了Ameba的故事,决定给她写封邮件,交流分享你的想法。内容包括:1. 你对她的旅行有何看法并说明原因;2. 分享你的旅行经历。

Dear Amelia,

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Wang Xin


Dear Amalia: I am deeply impressed by your adventure experience. As a girl of your age, I admire your courage and bravery. I also have an experience. It may not be as quarter as yours, but very unforgettable. Last winter vacation, I went to Iceland with my parents, which is famous for the Northern Lights. But since they are the solar activity, seeing it or not depends on luck and the weather. It was freezing to death that night, so we all dressed like astronauts. Staring at the sky, we could see nothing but stars in the darkness. Feeling cold and hopeless, I was thinking of going back to our hotel. My father and mother hugged me to keep us warm and encouraged me to go on waiting. The Northern Lights appeared at last. They were as dancing lights high in the sky and varied in colour, green, purple, red, pink, orange and blue. Once you see them, you can’t get them out of your mind. Hope we can travel together one day. (173w) 【解析】 这是一篇应用文,按照要求写封邮件。 第一步:审题。审题的目的是获取重要信息。通过审题我们可以确定几个方面的信息。假如你是建华中学的学生王新,在网上看到了Ameba的故事,决定给她写封邮件,交流分享你的想法。内容包括:1. 你对她的旅行有何看法并说明原因;2. 分享你的旅行经历。人称为第一人称。时态以一般过去时为主。 第二步:布局段落,确定主要段落,次要段落,段落数量。这篇写作段落数量为三段。第一段,对Ameba的旅行有何看法并说明原因。第二段,分享你的旅行经历。第三段,总结或期望。 第三步:确定关键词汇和短语: be deeply impressed by;be famous for ;depend on;nothing but;vary in ;out of one’s mind等。 第四步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连接词进行过渡衔接;注意书写,保持卷面整洁,避免划线,乱擦。


Help Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are nature’s recyclers. They eat waste and help keep oceans and shores clean. Unlike other crabs, the hermit crab has a thin outer shell over its soft tail. This makes the hermit crab easy prey for hungry predators (天敌). Hermit crabs stay safe by living in old seashells. A hermit crab is picky (狡猾); it tries on many shells until it finds one that fits just right. In recent years, however, many hermit crabs have had trouble finding their perfect homes. What is the problems There are not enough shells to go around!

One reason for the seashell shortage is that ocean water is not as clean as it once was. This has caused chemical changes to sea water. Some sea animals, like snails, are affected by these changes.  Now there are fewer snails making shells. People visiting the beach often take shells home as souvenirs (纪念品). This is another problem. Other people even take shells for their own pet hermit crabs! They do not realize that hermit crabs in the wild need those shells too.

Now people are working to solve this hermit crab housing shortage. They are teaching beach-Boers to leave seashells where they belong--at the seashore! Some people even make fake seashells that they hope the hermit crabs will like. For example, a group called Project Shelter invited people who visited their website to create different designs for hermit crab shells.

These designers had a lot to consider. What kind of material should be used to build a seashells. The material must be light enough for the hermit crab to carry, but strong enough to protect the crab from predators. The man-made shells could not contain glue or any other substance (物质) that might harm a hermit crab. Another challenge with building a hermit crab home was the opening to the shell. Too big would mean the crab would not feel safe. Too small would be uncomfortable, and the crab would not want to move in.

The Project Shelter shells are placed in the wild for hermit crabs to find. Lucky hermit crabs can move into these new dream homes.

假设你是交换生李华,在网上看到hermit crabs的文章。请你给当地居民写一封倡议信。

内容包括:1.介绍hermit crabs遭遇的困境;

2. 提出倡议并说明理由。

I am Li Hua.an exchange student from China. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




The big day had finally arrived. I had won the local speech contest (比赛), representing Madison Middle School. Here it was the state competition. I waited backstage for the host to announce My name.

Even though I had practiced much, I was extremely nervous. My heart was thumping, my palms were sweating, and my mouth was dry. “Calm down,” I told myself. Still, picturing an audience of teachers, parents and classmates made me want to disappear totally.

Mr. Patrick, who taught me to give speeches, reminded me, “You’ll do great. You’re prepared. You’ve come this far.”

Mr. Patrick was right. I was ready for this, and besides, I won first place in the earlier contests. Yet, when I pictured all eyes on me waiting for me to mess up, my heart was gradually sinking into my stomach.

“You can’t back out now,” I told myself as Mr. Nichols, the host, announced my name and the title of my speech, “My Hero.”


The big moment came.





The Youngest Skier To The South Pole

On Friday December 9t",a 16-year-old skier,Ameba Hempleman-Adams reached the South Pole with her father after skiing 97 miles and spending 17 nights on the ice. On the final day they skied 14 miles and afterwards Ameba said she felt“elated and tired" on reaching the South Pole.

“The biggest challenges were the freezing cold and eating only dried food.The best bit has been experiencing what Dad does on expeditions(探险).It's the first time I've been on a difficult long journey with him and now I know what it's like.The trip brought me closer to Dad,but I also had to put up with his snoring(鼾声)which was terrible.’, She added,“Would I do it again? I'm not sure. I'll have to think about that after a few nights' sleep!At times it's been really hard:I've got aching shoulders,and my back's been sore from pulling my sledge(雪橇),I've got blisters(水泡)on my feet from the boots and I've got a cold burn on my nose from my sunglasses.   ____43___  ”

She said the most extraordinary part of the trip had been the breathtaking scenery and the sense of isolation in the Antarctic landscape.“I've really missed my friends while I've been away and want to thank them for all their messages of support.”

Friends and relatives who posted comments on Ameba's expedition website paid tribute(致敬)to her positive attitude which , they said ,would be an inspiration to others.

Her father,David,said“Ameba has done amazing well. I'm proud of her.She showed real determination. She was tough and she pulled her sledge the whole way. It was a special experience to share those 97 miles with her.”

1.Who is Ameba Hempleman-Adams?

2.What biggest challenges did she meet during the trip?

3.What kind of person do you think Ameba is?Give at least one reason.

4.Choose and copy the complete sentence that should be filled in the blank.

A Except for those,it's been a really good journey.

B As a result,I had to give it up to go any further.

C Therefore,the only person I could care about was my father.



Fishy Weather Conditions

Laj amanu,Australia,is a dry little town,sitting right on the edge of the Tanami desert. Can you imagines How surprised were people when live fish rained down on them from a dark gray cloudy.It happens that there are similar cases in England and Honduras.

How do clouds make fishy.The simple answer is that they don't.There is a particular weather phenomenon(现象)called a waterspout.A waterspout is just like a tornado,only it forms above oceans,lakes,or rivers.Like a tornado,a waterspout moves in a circle at high speeds.When it moves above the water,it tends to carry the fish with it,as well as frogs or other small plants or animals.

Scientists couldn't work it out at first. To make matters stranger still,the fish in Honduras were very much alive when they rained down to the ground,but they were all blind.In England and Australia,it rained fish and snakes,and none were blind. It was difficult to puzzle out,but the blind fish gave them a place to start.

Scientists knew that some fish that lived in deep,underground caves with no light sources often lost their eyesight. So when blind fish rained down on Honduras,scientists began to connect some dots.Clearly,these particular fish were pulled from an underground water source by force.

It has rained fish on every continent,and each time,people have tried in various ways to explain this strange phenomenon.Historically,villagers thought the“fishes from the heavens”might be answers to prayers for food.  Others suggested that floods overran river banks and oceans,leaving the fish on the city streets.No scientist had actually seen the rain as it occurred,only the fish left on the ground.But in 1990,a National Geographic team happened to be in Honduras when the Rain of Fishes began. They recorded what was happening and made history by finally proving that the fish really did fall from the sky.

This huge breakthrough wasn't just a spot of good luck. It changed thousands of years of myths and legends into true stories and provided scientific explanations for how fish came to live in deep caves. It explained ancient cave paintings and shed new light on how species have spread over time.It turned out to be a lot more than just a little fishy weather.

1.According to the passage,a waterspout__________ .

A.can make animals blind B.is difficult to catch on film

C.can carry items with it D.is a dangerous sea creature

2.The blind fish made the scientists start to think that__________ .

A.raining fish was a warning of natural disasters

B.animals changed to match their environments

C.the weather system differed from place to place

D.the waterspout theory seemed more possible

3.From Para. 5 and 6,we can learn__________ .

A.how species in the area changed over time

B.the importance of finding the truth behind the event

C.that the discovery cleared up many different scientific theories

D.how the understanding of waterspouts affected other areas of science

4.The underlined sentence in last Para. probably suggests that__________ .

A.waterspouts came to be a center of scientific research

B.the scientists were fortunate to have made their discoveries

C.hard work went into determining the cause for the raining fish

D.the scientists relied heavily on unusual events to drive their studies

5.The author writes the passage to__________ .

A.describe the magic phenomenon

B.explain what caused the fishy weather

C.persuade people to protect the environment

D.encourage people to do scientific research



Benito Juarez,a poor Indian boy,was twelve years old when he left his village home in December 1818.Benito walked forty-one miles to the city of Oaxaca,high in the mountains of Mexico. When he heard the Spanish spoken by the city people,Benito didn't know what they were saying.

First,Benito became a servant for a wealthy gentleman,Serer Maza. Soon,he went to work for Antonio Salanueva ,a church(教会)librarian.Antonio repaired and copied the library books,keeping them in good shape.  Benito became his helper and his housekeeper.Antonio loved to teach.Benito soon became his student as well as his servant.With the help of Antonio,Benito learned to speak,read,and write Spanish.

At that time in Mexico,many people believed that Indians were not smart enough to read or learn.Antonio knew that was not true.Indians had been prevented from learning by a lack of schools. The first Spanish missionaries(传教士)who came to Mexico had educated the native people. In fact,churches from Spain had built the first college on the North American continent(大陆)for the Indians. As more Spanish came to Mexico,however,the Indian children were crowded out of the schools.

Benito was a good and bright student,so Antonio developed a plan for him. In 1821,when Benito was fifteen,Antonio decided to enroll him in a school for boys.Antonio taught Benito what he needed to pass the entrance test for the school.

Benito became a student at the college.His studies were difficult,and he was teased because he was the only Indian student there.He succeeded in spite of these challenges.Later,as the laws changed,Benito was able to attend a public college with other Indians.

Benito Juarez continued his education and became a lawyer and,much later,the President of Mexico from 1861 to 1872. He led the Mexican people to victory over the French,who tried to rule Mexico,and fought for the rights of Indians. He is one of the great heroes in Mexican history.

1.When Benito first arrived in the city of Oaxaca,he_______.

A. lost touch with his family    B. got the language problem

C. studied in a church library    D. lived in the mountain

2.According to the passage,Antonio was a_______.

A. good teacher    B. rich gentleman

C. strict housekeeper    D. helpful villager

3.In Mexico,many Indian children couldn't get an education,because_______.

A. they were less smart    B. there were not enough schools

C. there were too many native people    D. they were too poor to go to school

4.What should be put into the timeline?

A. Became a lawyer.    B. Attended a public college.

C. Be the only Indian student.    D. Elected to be the President.

5.What is probably the best title of the passage?

A. A young student in Mexico.    B. Fighting for the rights.

C. A bright Mexican educator.    D. Born to be a servant.



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