满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Christmas was near a season that we took...

    Christmas was near a season that we took seriously in our house. And a week or so before the 25th, my father would give each of his children $20. This was the 1970s, and $20 was quite a bit of money.

But I saw it _________ . My father trusted me to have the _________ to spend money well. Even

better, he gave me the _________ to get it. On a very basic level, my father was giving me a shopping spree (狂欢) every year. But he was also giving me charge over my own fun, trusting my ability to _________ money and making me feel like a/an _________ . He didn’t buy me Sherlock Holmes, but he gave me the means to walk into the bookstore and choose it for myself, so it felt like a gift from him.

My mother had a/an _________ for giving me what I needed, usually _________ at the moment I needed it most. This was when I was 25, I _________ at being an adult on my very first try. I had quitted my _________ job but had no new one. But when my mother __________ me a visit, I __________ a good show, telling her I had started my own company.

My mother knew that I was trying hard and failing at that time. It wasn’t until __________ she left that I noticed at the foot of my bed an envelope thick with __________ . She knew how __________ I needed it. She knew that had she just shown up with groceries, or __________ to pay my rent, she would have made me feel much __________ . The cold, hard cash meant she was helping me. And, funnily enough, the __________ with which she gave the gift made me feel she was giving me space to __________ my life and preserve my dignity. My mother and father both did the same thing. One was giving me the means to take my own __________ , and the other was giving me a second __________ when those decisions had cost me dearly.

1.A.positively B.differently C.naturally D.originally

2.A.wisdom B.passion C.power D.talent

3.A.courage B.suggestions C.discipline D.means

4.A.spend B.carry C.manage D.use

5.A.grown-up B.teenager C.adventurer D.pioneer

6.A.habit B.gift C.approach D.tradition

7.A.approximately B.direct C.right D.slightly

8.A.failed B.fooled C.dropped D.fell

9.A.important B.creative C.challenging D.previous

10.A.brought B.suggested C.paid D.gave

11.A.put on B.put away C.put off D.put forward

12.A.before B.after C.when D.as

13.A.credit B.loans C.receipts D.cash

14.A.desperately B.hardly C.eventually D.accurately

15.A.attempted B.offered C.promised D.refused

16.A.better B.more C.less D.worse

17.A.decoration B.love C.distance D.means

18.A.defend B.equip C.fix D.develop

19.A.actions B.choices C.risks D.decisions

20.A.solution B.opportunity C.visit D.assistance


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者主要讲述了圣诞节父母给自己不同的礼物,父亲教会我做决定的方法,母亲在我因所作决定损失惨重时,给我帮助,让我再一次拥有机会。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但我有不同的看法。A. positively肯定地;乐观地;B. differently不同地;C. naturally adv. 自然地;D. originally最初,起初;本来。结合上文内容和本句but可知,作者在表述自己对个问题的看法有所不同(differently),并不认为20美元是孩子不能花的巨额现金,。故选B项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我父亲相信我有理财的智慧。A. wisdom智慧;学识;B. passion激情;热情;C. power权力;能力;D. talent才能。根据to spend money well可知,明智的花钱是有智慧的体现。,have the wisdom to do sth,意为“有做某事的智慧”,符合语境。故选A项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:更好的是,他给了我得到它的方法。A. courage勇气;B. suggestions建议;C. discipline纪律;规矩;D. means方式;方法。根据文章末尾部分内容“One was giving me the means to take my own ____19____”提及,父亲给与的是方法。故选D项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但他也让我自己管理自己的乐趣,相信我有理财的能力,让我觉得自己像个成年人。A. spend花费;B. carry携带;C. manage管理;经营;D. use使用。根据后文内容“He didn’t buy me Sherlock Holmes, but he gave me the means to walk into the bookstore and choose it for myself, so it felt like a gift from him.( 他没有给我买夏洛克·福尔摩斯,但他给了我走进书店为我自己挑选的方法,所以这感觉就像他给我的礼物。)”可知,父亲给予作者机会自己花钱买东西,认为作者可以自己处理好钱财方面的问题,选项C “manage”,用在句中可为“理财”含义,贴合语境。故选C项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但他也让我自己管理自己的乐趣,相信我有理财的能力,让我觉得自己像个成年人。A. grown-up成年人;B. teenager青少年;C. adventurer冒险家;D. pioneer先锋。根据后文内容“He didn’t buy me Sherlock Holmes, but he gave me the means to walk into the bookstore and choose it for myself, so it felt like a gift from him.”可知,父亲让作者自己进书店里挑书,这种自己可以花钱买书的方式使作者感到自己像个成年人(grown-up)一样被对待。故选A项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我母亲有一种天赋,能在我最需要的时候给我所需的东西。A. habit习惯;B. gift礼物;天赋;C. approach方法;D. tradition传统。根据下文的at the moment I needed it most可推测作者的妈妈擅长送礼物,故此处用"有天赋符合语境, have a gift for在某方面有天赋,故选B项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我母亲有一种天赋,能在我最需要的时候给我所需的东西。A. approximately大约;B. direct直接;C. right正是;恰恰;D. slightly稍微。根据句中“what I needed”可知,说明母亲给礼物的时候正是(right)作者所需要的时候。故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是在我25岁的时候,我第一次尝试成为一个(真正的)成年人就失败了。A. failed 失败;B. fooled欺骗;C. dropped滴;下降;D. fell跌落。根据后文内容,作者辞职了,没有了工作。A项failed(失败)适合语境需求。故选A项。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我已经辞去了我的工作,但没有新的工作。 A. important重要的;B. creative创造性的;C. challenging挑战性的;D. previous从前的。根据句意和语境可知,作者辞职失去了以前的工作。故选D项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当我母亲来看我时,我表现得很好,告诉她我已经开了自己的公司。A. brought带来;B. suggested建议;C. paid支付;D. gave给予。根据句意和语境,pay sb. a vist, 固定结构,意为“拜访某人”。故选C项。 11.考查动词词组辨析。句意:但当我母亲来看我时,我表现得很好,告诉她我已经开了自己的公司。A. put on穿上;上演;B. put away放好;抛弃;储存;C. put off推迟;扔掉;阻止;D. put forward提出;拿出。根据前文可知,作者失业了,母亲来时却告诉母亲自己开了公司,上演(put on)了一场好戏。故选A项。 12.考查连词词义辨析。句意:直到她走后,我才注意到我床脚边有一个装满现金的信封。 A. before在……以前;B. after在……之后;C. when当……时候;D. as随着。根据句意和语境可知,母亲离开后,作者发现了母亲留下的信封。故选B项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到她走后,我才注意到我床脚边有一个装满现金的信封。 A. credit 信用;声望;B. loans贷款;C. receipts收据;D. cash现金。根据后文“the cold, hard cash”可知,信封里是厚厚的现金(cash)。故选D项。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她知道我有多需要它。A. desperately极度地;绝望地;B. hardly几乎不;C. eventually最终;D. accurately精确地,准确地。根据句意和语境可知,作者失业,正是非常(desperately)需要钱的时候。故选A项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她知道,如果她只是带着日用品出现,或者主动提出帮我付房租,她会让我感觉更糟。A. attempted试图;尝试;B. offered主动提供(帮助);C. promised允诺;D. refused拒绝。根据句意和语境可知,作者想要表达的是如果母亲主动(offer)帮他交了房租,他是很难接受的。故选B项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她知道,如果她只是带着日用品出现,或者主动提出帮我付房租,她会让我感觉更糟。A. better更好;B. more更多;C. less更少;D. worse更糟糕。根据句意和语境可知,母亲知道作者已经失业,主动帮助会让他更难堪(worse)。故选D项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有趣的是,她给我礼物的距离感,让我觉得她给了我空间来修复我的生活,维护我的尊严。A. decoration装饰;B. love爱;C. distance距离;D. means方式;方法。根据前文内容“It wasn’t until _____12_____ she left that I noticed at the foot of my bed an envelope thick with _____13_____”可知,母亲没有直接将钱给作者或是直接伸出援手帮作者付房租等,而是默默地把钱放在床脚,她走后作者才发现,这种有距离感(with distance)的帮助维护了作者的尊严。故选C项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有趣的是,她给我礼物的距离感,让我觉得她给了我空间来修复我的生活,维护我的尊严。A. defend辩护;防护;B. equip装备;C. fix解决;修理;D. develop发展;进步。根据句意和语境可知,作者可以用母亲给的钱解决遇到的问题,修复生活。故选C项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个是给我自己做决定的方法,另一个是当那些决定让我付出了沉重的代价时给我再一次机会。A. actions行动;活动;B. choices选择;C. risks风险;D. decisions决定。根据前文的he gave me the means to walk into the bookstore and choose it for myself可知在买书时父亲让作者自己决定买哪些书,take one’s own decisions, 固定结构,意为“自己做决定”,对应后文提及的“those decisions”。故选D项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个是给我自己做决定的方法,另一个是当那些决定让我付出了沉重的代价时给我再一次机会。A. solution解决方案;B.opportunity机会;C. visit参观;访问;D. assistance援助。根据句意和语境可知,作者在讲述母亲给与的帮助给了自己另一个机会,且所填单词应对应之前的“giving me space”,B项“opportunity”适合此处。故选B项。

    Anger is a common emotion when we experience, see, hear, and feel someone or something is not right or contrary to our views. But people easy to get angry should learn about anger management to control their anger. 1.

Stay away for a while and give yourself time to think. When you feel someone did something wrong, don’t respond to the situation immediately. 2. If necessary, walk away from the source of your problem. After you feel relaxed, face it.

3. It is often that people get angry because they didn’t evaluate the problem deeper. Maybe they haven’t realized the real cause of the problem. For example, you get mad with your boyfriend because he is late to pick you up. In that case, instead of judging him for being irresponsible, ask him “Why are you so late?” The reason may be that he had to take care of something important before. If you can get to the root of your problem and overcome it, you won’t be an ill-tempered person.

Think through your responses and the consequences. There are countless people who feel regretful because they aren’t able to control their temper. Usually, persons who can’t control their temper, tend to hurt others’ feelings, and even harm others physically. 4. If you have already shown your anger excessively, apologize sincerely, and tell your true purpose.

Be mature in thought and action. People who are closely associated with anger, usually have a serious problem with their maturity. Teenagers tend to be more explosive in emotions because they are not yet mature in thinking and don’t have a stable emotion. But that doesn’t mean all adults are mature people. 5. When you’ve finished reading this article, whether you are teenagers or adults, try to always think before you act.

A. Do your favourite activity.

B. Get to the root of your problem.

C. Think again the consequences of your anger.

D. Anger on its own does not offer us a solution.

E. There are some general tips to control our anger.

F. Age levels are not always directly related to the level of maturity,

G. Instead, take some time to think, calm yourself, and take a deep breath.



    It started during a yoga class. She felt a strange pull on her neck, a feeling completely foreign to her. Her friend suggested she, rush to the emergency room. It turned out that she was having a heart attack.

She didn’t share similar symptoms with someone who was likely to have a heart attack. She exercised, watched her plate and did not smoke. But on reviewing her medical history, I found that her cholesterol (胆固醇)level was sky-high. She had been prescribed a cholesterol-lowering statin medication, but she never picked up the prescription because of the scary things she had read about statins on the Internet. She was the victim of fake medical news.

While misinformation has been the object of great attention in politics, medical misinformation might lead to an increase in deaths. As is true with fake news in general, medical lies tend to spread further than truths on the Internet----- and they have very real bad consequences.

False medical information can also lead to patients experiencing greater side effects through the “nocebo effect (无安慰剂效应)Sometimes patients benefit from an intervention (干预)simply because they believe they will — that’s the placebo effect (安慰剂效应).The nocebo effect is the opposite. Patients can experience harmful effects because they anticipate them. This is very true of statins. In blinded trials, patients who get statins are no more likely to report feeling muscle aches than patients who get a placebo. Yet, in clinical practice, according to one study, almost a fifth of patients taking statins report side effects, leading many to discontinue the drugs.

What else is on the fake news hit list? As always, vaccines (疫苗).False concerns that the vaccine may cause side effects have greatly reduced coverage rates.

Cancer is another big target for pushers of medical misinformation — many of whom refuse alternative therapies. “Though most people think cancer tumors are bad, they’re actually the way your body attempts to contain the harmful cells,”, one fake news story reads. It warns that prescription medications lead to the uncontrolled cell mutations (变异).

Silicon Valley needs to face this problem. I am not a free-speech lawyer, but when human health is at risk, perhaps search engines, social media platforms and websites should be held responsible for promoting or hosting fake information. Meanwhile, journalists should do a better job of spreading accurate information.

1.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.

A.the woman paid little attention to her daily diets

B.the woman didn’t take the prescription due to fake medical news

C.the symptom of the heart attack was familiar to the woman

D.the unhealthy lifestyle might lead to the woman’s heart attack

2.According to the passage, the placebo effect functions because patients_______.

A.receive proper treatment B.discontinue the harmful drugs

C.believe the benefits of an intervention D.are relieved from more side effects

3.What does the author mean by claiming that “I am not a free-speech lawyer” in the last paragraph?

A.He is a lawyer not easy to speak to.

B.He is very cautious when speaking something.

C.He is available to give a speech on the law.

D.He is good at speaking because of his job.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to_______.

A.remind us to take medication as prescribed

B.teach us how to distinguish fake medical news on the Internet

C.encourage journalists to report more positive news events

D.warn us against fake medical news on the Internet



    We have heard some interesting ways that 5G wireless technology might change our lives in the future.

5G, short for the 5th generation mobile communication technology, promises Internet speeds between 50 to 100 times faster than current 4G systems. While 5G is set to be used in some limited areas of America this year, much of the world is not expected to receive widely available service until 2023.

One project in Britain, however, is already testing this superfast technology on an unlikely group of Internet users-cows. The project was developed by American technology company Cisco Systems. It also receives money from the British government. Cisco says the program seeks to explore the future of 5G connectivity in rural areas around the world.

Testing areas were set up at farms in three rural areas of England. The cows are equipped with 5G-connected devices (装置) that link up to a robotic milking system, which uses sensors and machine learning to fully automate the process. System designers say technology takes over after a cow feels ready to be milked and walks toward an automatic gate. The device is designed to recognize each individual cow. It then positions equipment to the right body position for milking. During the process, machines release food for the cow as a reward.

Other 5G technology tools include automated brushes that turn on when the cow rubs up against them. Sensors also control the amount of light to the cows’ living areas depending on the weather. And, an automatic feeding system makes sure the animals always get enough to eat.

Duncan Forbes, head of the project, told Reuters that the project shows the farm’s cow operations can be greatly improved with 5G technology and that the experiment provides strong evidence that 5G technology can be widely used in the future, not just on farms in Britain, but in rural communities across the world.

1.What is the purpose of Cisco Systems’ program?

A.To win financial support from British government.

B.To test the effects of 5G technology on animals

C.To promote its technological development in Britain

D.To expand the future use of 5G in rural communities.

2.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The project. B.The company.

C.The technology. D.The group.

3.What can we learn about 5G according to the text?

A.It is no worse than 4G in terms of speed.

B.It is already widely available in the world.

C.It enables cows to control their own milking.

D.It is based on sensors and machine learning.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Lifestyle.

C.Education. D.Technology.



    Lady Gaga’s latest film became an instant hit over the weekend, helping push theaters to an October ticket-selling record.

A Star Is Born, actor-turned-director Bradley Cooper’s remake of a Hollywood classic in the late 1930s, went beyond the previous expectations of movie analysts by roughly 30 percent.

The original production is such a great Hollywood myth that it’s no wonder Hollywood keeps telling it. Whatever the era, the director or the headliners, it tells the story of two lovers on dramatically different paths: a famous man who’s racing to the bottom and a woman who’s soaring to reach the top.

Mr Cooper does a lot right in this movie AStarLsBorn, beginning with the casting of Lady Gaga, whose relaxing, naturalistic performance is the key to the movie’s force.

A post-Madonna pop artist was known for her elaborate (精心制作的)makeup and costumes, which she adopted no more here.

This unmasking of Lady Gaga makes her character seem genuine or say natural, a quality that the movie is in favor of and that serves as a kind of everlasting first principle.

1.What does the author think of the new movie?

A.Boring. B.Recommendable.

C.Ridiculous. D.Amusing.

2.The underlined word “soaring” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

A.rising B.competing

C.advancing D.performing

3.What can we learn about the movie?

A.The remakes of the movie adopt different plots.

B.The movie tells the story of two friends on different paths.

C.Natural performance is considered as the only principle in this movie.

D.The movie is more impressive than what movie analysts expected.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.A Hollywood Movie—A Star Is Born

B.Lady Gaga Is on the Edge of Potential Oscar Glory

C.A Latest Film of Lady Gaga Won the Oscar Award

D.The Box Office of Bradley Cooper’s New Movie



    Bookstores are a traveller's best friend: they provide convenient shelter in bad weather, and they often host readings and other cultural events. Here is a look at world’s six greatest bookstores.

Adrian Harrington—since 1971. Rare books; rare first editions; leather bound sets and general antiquarian (古玩). Address: 64A Kensington Church Street, Kensington, London, England, U.K.

Another Country—Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Another Country is an English Language second hand bookshop which is mostly used as a library. They have about 20,000 books that you can buy or borrow. Some regular events are held at the shop, such as readings, cultural events, social evenings and film nights.

Atlantis Books—Oía, Santorini, Greece. Atlantis Books is an independent bookshop on the island of Santorini, Greece, founded in 2004 by a group of friends from Cyprus, England, and the United States. Throughout the year it has hosted literary festivals, film screenings, book readings, and good old fashioned dance parties.

Bart’s Books—Ojai, California, U.S.A. “The World’s Greatest Outdoor Bookstore”, a bookstore founded by Richard Bartinsdale in 1964. Shelves of books face the street, and regular customers are asked to drop coins into the door’s coin box to pay for any books they take whenever the store is closed.

10 Corso Como—Milan, Italy. Extensive selection of publication on art, architecture, design, graphics and fashion, along with a strong emphasis on photography. It was founded in 1990 in Milan, Italy, by Carla Sozzani.

The Bookworm—A bookshop, library, bar, restaurant and event space, now with four divisions in three cities—Beijing, Suzhou and Chengdu. The interconnecting rooms with floor-to-ceiling books on every wall are light and airy in summer, yet warm and comfortable in winter.

1.Which of the following bookstores has the longest history?

A. Adrian Harrington. B. Atlantis Books.

C. Bart’s Books. D. 10 Como Bookshop.

2.What can you do in Atlantis Books?

A. Attend a festival. B. Learn photography.

C. Enjoy rare books. D. Buy books anytime.

3.How is The Bookworm different from the other bookstores?

A. It is used as a library. B. It hosts all sorts of activities.

C. It focuses on photography. D. It has branches in different cities.



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