满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A Thank...


A Thanksgiving Day story in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for.She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhood 1.actualhad to be thankful for.But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables2.food.The teacher was taken back with the picture Douglas handed ina small childishly hand!

But whose?hand?The class was3.puzzleby the abstract drawing."I think it must be the hand of God4.brings us food,"said one child."a farmer,"said another,"because he5.feedthe turkeys."Finally,when the others were at work,the teacher6.bendover at Douglas' desk and asked whose hand it was."It's your hand,Teacher,"he said in a low voice.She remembered that frequently at break she had taken Douglas,a small lonely child by7.hand.She often did that with the8.child.But it meant so much to Douglas.Perhaps this was everyone's Thanksgiving,not for the material things9.giveto us but for the chance,in whatever small way,10.giveto others.


1.actually 2.with 3.puzzled 4.that/which 5.feeds 6.bent 7.the 8.children 9.given 10.to give 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了感恩节那天一个小男孩画了老师的手来表示感谢。 1.考查副词。句意:她想这些来自贫困社区的孩子们实际上感谢的东西是多么少。修饰have to do用副词,故填actually。 2.考查介词。句意:但她知道他们大多数学生会画火鸡或桌子上的食物。分析句子结构可知此处需要填介词,根据句意可知此处表示“有”,故填with。 3.考查形容词。句意:全班同学对这幅抽象的画感到困惑。修饰人用ed结尾的形容词,表示“感到……的”,故填puzzled。 4.考查定语从句。句意:“我想这一定是上帝的手,它给我们带来了食物”,一个孩子说。此处为定语从句,关系词指代先行词the hand of God并在从句中作主语,故填that/which。 5.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:“是农夫的手,”另一个学生说,“因为他养火鸡”。陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是he,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故填feeds。 6.考查时态。句意:老师弯下腰问道格拉斯这是谁的手。事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故填bent。 7.考查定冠词。句意:她记得,课间休息时,她常常牵着道格拉斯这个孤独的小男孩的手。take sb by the hand是固定结构,表示“牵某人的手”,故填the。 8.考查名词的数。句意:他经常牵孩子们的手。像牵道格拉斯的手一样,老师应该也会牵其他孩子的手,此处表示不止一个孩子,应该用复数形式,故填children。 9.考查非谓语动词。句意:也许这就是每个人的感恩,不是因为我们得到了物质上的东西,而是因为我们有机会以任何微小的方式给予他人。the material things与give之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,用过去分词作后置定语,故填given。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意同上,a chance to do表示“做某事的机会”,用不定式作后置定语,故填to give。

    After my husband's Chinese kung fu school was open for about a week, my daughters and I decided to see how it was going. We were deeply __________ to see there wasn't a single student in the school. My husband was standing __________ in the school waiting for customers.

We had to __________ ! We decided to be his __________ until he got some "real" ones. We thought it was better to have five people in the school __________ just him if a passerby looked in the window. He started teaching us __________ and forms. We found that some of them actually were __________ to ballet moves but much more difficult. It was kind of fun but __________, too! We

were attracted by then, so we __________ as learners.

______ , we got actual students in our school. There were many men and teenage boys, and we _______lots of other girls and women as well. One special student was a __________ sevenyear-old girl. She was going __________ and had other health problems. With my daughters' help and __________, this little girl got to be a real kung fu kid. Although she is now a sightless, grown adult, I'm confident she can __________ herself if she needs to.

I am __________ to say my daughters are more confident in every area of their lives. This experience taught me to __________ things I never would have __________ before kung fu. I haven't been __________ in all of my efforts, but I'll give almost __________ of niceness a try!

1.A.bored B.upset C.nervous D.moved

2.A.cheerfully B.aggressively C.alone D.forever

3.A.act B.joke C.appear D.learn

4.A.families B.workmates C.consultants D.students

5.A.more than B.in place of C.rather than D.in case of

6.A.speeches B.moves C.manners D.designs

7.A.useful B.accessible C.similar D.comparable

8.A.challenging B.astonishing C.relaxing D.inspiring

9.A.got together B.signed up C.broke away D.stayed on

10.A.Eventually B.Unfortunately C.Obviously D.Regularly

11.A.discovered B.joined C.united D.attracted

12.A.traditional B.homeless C.disabled D.typical

13.A.blind B.deaf C.lame D.stupid

14.A.threat B.encouragement C.adjustment D.approval

15.A.protect B.recognize C.feed D.educate

16.A.stubborn B.proud C.sensitive D.tentative

17.A.apply to B.give up C.try out D.hold back

18.A.appreciated B.predicted C.ignored D.considered

19.A.helpful B.successful C.cheerful D.enthusiastic

20.A.some B.either C.none D.any



Food is a very important and necessary part of our lives.

We eat food because we need it to live. It gives us the nutrients that we need for our bodies to grow.1.If we are happy, we eat; if we are sad, we eat; boredom, depression, and loneliness are other reasons that we eat.2.When we have friends or family over, we usually have some form of food to offer them, whether it is a light snack or a full meal.

3.Many of us like certain foods because we have been raised eating those foods. In many cases, whatever our parents eat or like to eat is what we eventually enjoy eating. The region where we live as well as economics determines much of our food selection. If we lived in China, we would eat a lot of rice because it is what is grown there.4.

Food is also a part of our many celebrations. However, the way that food is used in celebrations varies from home to home, and country to country.5.To understand why different foods are used in different celebrations, we need to understand a little about culture and how it could affect the foods we use.

A. Also, we use food for our social needs.

B. Very often, we eat food for psychological reasons.

C. Nowadays many people choose to eat healthy food.

D. It is affected by different cultures around the world.

E. So our background and environment play a great role in what we eat.

F. Cheap food in one country may be quite expensive in another country.

G. The food that we choose to eat is selected for a number of different reasons.



    Having your nose in a book might seem a little anti-social at times — but reading could actually make you a kinder, more considerate person, a study has found. Readers were more likely to act in a socially acceptable manner, while those who preferred watching television came across as less friendly and less understanding of

others' views, researchers said.

123 participants in the study were quizzed on their preferences for books, TV and plays at Kingston University, London. They were then tested on how much they considered people's feelings and whether they acted to help others. Researchers told the British Psychological Society conference in Brighton yesterday that fiction fans showed more positive social behavior.

Readers of drama and romance novels were also empathic, while lovers of experimental books showed the ability to see things from different directions. Comedy fans scored the highest for relating to others. The study suggested reading allows people to see different points of view, enabling them to understand others better.

The researchers added, “Exposure to fiction relates to a range of empathetic abilities. Engaging with fictional prose and comedy in particular could be key to improving people's empathetic abilities.”

However, the authors warned the study did not prove cause-and-effect. So it could be that reading causes positive behavior, or it could be that thoughtful, well-mannered people are more likely to prefer reading. So it is a good idea to pick up a book to begin your travel with the author. Each author will show how they would react to certain situations or confrontations through their characters. Everyone can view the same situation differently, and from 1001 different angles. The more you read, the much better you can understand other peoples' opinions.

1.What do we know about reading according to Paragraph 1?

A.It contributes more to one's anti-social role.

B.It is of rare benefit to readers.

C.It is related to one's social position.

D.It can add to one's social adaptability.

2.Researchers tested 123 participants in order to find         .

A.the way to improve reading skills

B.the influence of their preferences

C.the places to get new books

D.the time of reading books

3.What does the underlined word "empathic" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Understanding. B.Mad.

C.Sorrowful. D.Delighted.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To react to certain situations.

B.To understand peoples' opinions.

C.To persuade people to read.

D.To show how to begin travels.



    We were sitting in her classroom, giggling each other and talking about the latest information of the day. Mrs Virginia De View, whose physical appearance made her an easy target for snickers (窃笑) and cruel jokes among students, cleared her throat and asked us to be silent.

“Now, Mrs.” Virginia De View said smiling, “we are going to discover our professions.” The class seemed to be greatly surprised. We were only 13 and 14 years old!

“Yes, you will all be searching for your future professions.”she said.

“You will have to do a research paper on your upcoming career. Each of you will have to interview someone in your field, plus give an oral report.”

Finally, I picked print journalism, and interviewed a true-blue newspaper reporter in the flesh. After a few days, I gave my oral report totally from memory in class. I got an A on the entire project.

Years later, I forgot all about Virginia De View and the careers we selected. I was in college looking around for a new career. but with no success. Then I remembered Virginia De View and my desire at 13 to be a journalist. And I called my parents. They didn't stop me. They just reminded me how competitive the field was. This was true. But journalism did something to me; it was in my blood. For the past 12 years, I've had the most incredible and satisfying reporting career .

I get asked all the time: “How did you pick journalism?”

“Well, you see, there was this teacher...” I always start out. Virginia Deview will probably never know without her help, I would not have become a journalist and a writer. I wonder now how many other students benefited from that career project.

I believe that when people reflect back over their school days, there will be their very own Virginia De View. Perhaps you can thank her before it's too late.

1.What did the students think of Mrs Virginia's project in her class?

A.Harmful B.Crazy

C.Beneficial D.Flexible

2.What is Virginia Deview’s project?

A.Career planning B.Oral ability

C.Paper research D.Interviewing skills

3.What can be inferred about the author?

A.He keeps in touch with Mrs. Virginia.

B.He practiced as a journalist in college.

C.His parents were against his decision.

D.He enjoys working as a journalist

4.What is the author’s intention of this passage?

A.To express gratitude to Mrs. Virginia.

B.To give an oral report on selecting a career.

C.To show challenges he me as a reporter.

D.To look for his previous classmates.



    Runners need to move 15 per cent faster on a treadmill(跑步机) to burn the same number of calories as jogging outdoors, research reveals.

Researchers from Milan University analyzed the difference between running outdoors and on a treadmill in 15 physically fit males with an average age of 21. The participants completed a sprint(短距离快速跑) for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of recovery for a total of 15 minutes both outdoors and on a treadmill. Oxygen use and exercise intensity were measured after both types of running.

The findings were published in the journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. Results revealed that when on a treadmill, runners use significantly lower amounts of oxygen, suggesting less effort is required. Therefore runners must move 15 percent faster on a treadmill to burn the same amount of calories as exercising outdoors, the study stated. The study authors wrote, "A 15 per cent increase in running speed during a period of stopping and starting often in high intensity treadmill training session is the best possible solution to reaching the same physiological responses as an outdoor training session.

Although the study did not speculate why treadmill running appears to be needing less effort and energy, previous research suggests the moving belt of a treadmill moves joggers forward, causing them to move faster. Exercising indoors also means gym-goers do not have to fight with steep hills or wind resistance.

Michael Silverman, director of rehabilitation and wellness(康复科) at Northern Westchester Hospital in New York, said, “Outdoors, you are changing surfaces constantly, fighting the wind, and making quick and sudden starts and stops, which will lead to increased caloric burn.” Shake magazine reported. "And while we don't recommend running in extreme temperatures, it is worth noting that your body burns extra calories to regulate your body temperature," he says.

1.Where can you find the specific findings of the study?

A.In Paragraph 2 B.In Paragraph 3 C.In Paragraph 4 D.In Paragraph 5

2.What can we know about the study?

A.Its participants were all 21 years old .

B.Michael is one of the researchers.

C.It revealed why treadmill running consumes less calories .

D.It took oxygen use and exercise intensity into consideration .

3.Why does running on a treadmill seem easier according to the study ?

A.The runners need less energy.

B.The runners can usually get enough oxygen .

C.The moving belt pushes joggers forward .

D.The intensity of running on the treadmill is more stable .

4.What does the underlined word “speculate” mean ?

A.conclude B.research C.oppose D.doubt



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