满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



内容包括:1. 向她表示祝贺;

2. 表达你的愉悦之情与赞美之意;

3. 请她介绍提高英语写作能力的方法。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数;

3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:雅安市中学生英语作文比赛the English Composition Contest for Middle School Students of Yaan

Dear Wang Lin,



Li Hua


Dear Wang Lin, I hear that you have won first prize in the English Composition Contest for Middle School Students of Yaan, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations. As your best friend, I’m more than glad and proud of you. It was your hard work that paid you off. There is no doubt that you have already made great progress in English. As a result, it came no surprise to me that you won the contest. What you have done inspired me so much. Would you please share me the ways to improve my English writing ability. I believe your advice will be of great value to me. I’m looking forward to you early reply! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封祝贺信,信中要写明:表示祝贺;表达愉悦之情与赞美之意;请好友王琳介绍提高英语写作能力的方法。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文——祝贺信 要点:要包括三个要点——表示祝贺;表达愉悦之情与赞美之意;请王琳介绍提高英语写作能力的方法。 结构:总分总法 第二步:列提纲(重点短语和词汇) first prize ;the English Composition Contest for Middle School Students of Yaan; congratulations; be proud of ; pay off; make great progress ;inspire; writing ability ;value 第三步:连词成句 I've just known that you have won first prize in the English Composition Contest for Middle School Students of Yaan,. Congratulations on you . There is no doubt that you should be awarded for your progress. Would you share the ways with me to improve my English writing ability? 第四步:连句成篇 第五步:润色修改







I was in college where my father passed away. One evening, a man visited me and  inquires about my studies. I told him I didn’t want to continue my college study anymore. He reminded me of how my father had sent me to best college in our city. Did I want to fulfill his father’s dream or did I want to be calling a failure? I wept and said I did want to do my best and I just couldn’t concentrate. He gave me all the encouragements I needed to be able to carry on. His gently voice did wonders and I decided to study hardly and complete my college education.




A young man, while traveling through a desert, came across a spring of clear water. 1. water was sweet. He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder 2. had been his teacher. After a four-day journey, the young man 3. ( present ) the water to the old man. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled 4. ( warm ), and thanked his student for the sweet water. The young man went home 5. a happy heart.

After the student left, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spit it out, 6. (say) it was awful. Obviously, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container. He asked his teacher,“Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend 7. (like) it ?”

The teacher replied,“You tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of 8.kindand love. Nothing could be 9.  (sweet). ”

We understand this lesson best when we receive gifts of love from children. 10. it is a cheap pipe or a diamond necklace, the proper response is appreciation. We love the idea within the gift rather than the thing.



    I should know. I have been doing this for 20 years. Why is it that I need a sign to remind me?

Every other week in my neighborhood we place either recycled bottles or paper out with our garbage. There is a ____ alongside the road that says“This is bin week”or “This is paper week”The schedule is simply changed every other week. But I can never ____ which week is which. Every weekI make a(n) ____ to look for the sign.

There was a period a few months ago when no one changed the sign.

I had ____ emotions. I was confusedangry and concerned. Confused because I didn’t know what to do. ____ because someone should have changed itConcerned becauseafter ____ that“someone”for almost twenty yearsI ____ that perhaps something had happened to that“someone”

Thenyesterday I finally saw the man who ____ the sign. I slowed down and wanted to tell him how much I ____ what he did. I didn’t stop in time ____ I found that the traffic sign said“The Next Exit Is 2km”. So I drove as the traffic sign  ____ .

By the time I got backthe man was gone. I felt so  ____. I should have stopped alongside the road and just said “thank you”I pulled over in front of the sign and thought about how many times in my life I ____ a sign to tell me what to do. I was ____  that all too often I missed an ____ because I was looking for a sign. Today I wanted to tell“someone”how ____ I think their efforts are but missed the opportunity.

SoI wrote a ____ and placed it next to the sign.

If you have been ____ to move forward towards a dreamsay ____ to someone who lends you a hand. This may be the sign you’ve been looking for.

The note ____“This is do it now week.”

1.A.ban B.remark C.graph D.sign

2.A.glance B.remember C.analyse D.consider

3.A.purpose B.decision C.ambition D.effort

4.A.strong B.strange C.mixed D.simple

5.A.Annoyed B.Surprised C.Puzzled D.Excited

6.A.searching for B.checking in C.relying on D.figuring out

7.A.understood B.complained C.wondered D.worried

8.A.made B.replaced C.covered D.removed

9.A.praised B.awarded C.appreciated D.refused

10.A.but B.because C.so D.if

11.A.indicated B.stood C.followed D.transformed

12.A.cheerful B.meaningful C.regretful D.worthwhile

13.A.looked for B.came across C.looked through D.put up

14.A.reminded B.warned C.requested D.persuaded

15.A.appointment B.opportunity C.approval D.exchange

16.A.unacceptable B.unbearable C.inspirable D.valuable

17.A.note B.schedule C.composition D.text

18.A.struggling B.seeking C.desiring D.hesitating

19.A.greetings B.thanks C.sympathy D.respect

20.A.writes B.tells C.says D.teaches



We are all faced with challenges constantly in every area of our lives.  1 The truth is that you will have to deal with difficult problems throughout your life, whether it is in your personal life or career. Most of us get really afraid and run away from problems because we don’t want to accept reality. Running away from your problems is the worst thing you can do to deal with the challenges you are faced with. Here are some tips for you on learning how to deal with everyday challenges.Please bear in mind that you shouldn’t overact when coming across challenges. Overacting to a problem will cause you to make bad decisions.Next time you are faced with a challenge, stay calm so you can make smarter decisions.  3  If you cannot accept reality, you will feel very frustrated with your life. Once you can accept reality, you will be able to be calmer and think more clearly about how to get a step closer towards your goals every day.Many people make a habit of blaming others for all their problems. They fail to take full responsibility for the decisions they have made in life. The more you blame others for the challenges you are faced with, the more you will make people dislike you and not want to be around you.  4 Don’t compare your lifestyle with others. Of course, it is really difficult not to compare ourselves with other people. However, the more often we do that, the more frustrated we will feel. 5 The key thing to remember is that you create your own story and success in life.

A. Accept the reality of the present moment.

B. Try to look at change as a positive challenge, not as a threat.

C. There will always be a person that may have accomplished more than you.

D. Our focus may entirely be on how we can deal with the challenge that has come our way.

E. When we are not in control of our emotions, we will make decisions that we will regret later.

F. However, most people have a hard time accepting and dealing with these challenges that arise.

G. As a result, the first thing you should do when faced with a personal challenge is not point fingers at others.




    The color of food might affect just how much you want to eat thembut what about the birds in your neighborhoodWould they care what color their food isTry this out for a science fair projector just to learn something new while making your local birds happy.

Begin this experiment with the question“What color of birdseed(鸟食),if anywill birds like the most?”, and then make a hypothesis (假设) based on your question. An example might be“Birds will eat more green birdseed than other colors of birdseed.”

You should get several bird feeders. Purchase birdseed that is very light in color. To color the birdseed, pour it into a bowl and then add food coloring that you can purchase from the store. Mix them up well with a spoon and continue to add coloring until all the seed is colored. You should sample at least a few colors and have one feeder with seed that has not been colored—this is called the control and it will give you something to compare your results to. Now just hang them up outside in the same locationand wait for your feathered friends to show up. This works best in an area where birds are used to feeding from a feeder—it can take birds over a week to find new feeders.

Observe your bird feeders whenever possibleand keep track of how much seed is in each bird feeder each day. A ruler is helpful for this. You might also want to take pictures of the feeders and keep track of what kind of birds visit each feeder. Over timeyou should be able to see if one color of seed gets eaten more than others.

Once your experiment is doneyou will be able to go back to your hypothesis and see if it is correct. Remember, it’s not bad if your hypothesis was wrong. The main thing is that you’ve learned something from your experimentand hopefully you had some fun doing it.

1.What’s the purpose of this experiment?

A.To see what color birds like most.

B.To make local birds happy.

C.To see if the color of food affects birds.

D.To find how local birds feed themselves.

2.What’s the second step for this experiment?

A.Observing bird feeders. B.Raising a question.

C.Collecting all the data. D.Making a hypothesis.

3.The underlined words“feathered friends”in Paragraph 3 refer to       .

A.feeders B.birds

C.neighbors D.locals

4.What is the most important about the bird feeders?

A.They are filled with some water. B.They are placed in secret places.

C.They are painted in different colors. D.They are all the same size and type.



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