满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








Dear Mary,



Li Hua


Dear Mary, I’m Li Hua from class 1. Our class are planning a Mid-Autumn outdoor evening party for students and teachers to develop friendship and experience traditional Chinese culture, and we feel it would be great if you could participate in it. The Mid-Autumn festival, which provides a time for families and friends to be together, is considered of great significance in China. In the party, we are going to appreciate the fullest and most charming moon. Apart from that, enjoying the delicious moon cake, which is round and symbolizes reunion, is also a must. Please bear in mind that the party will be held at 8 o’clock next Sunday evening in the open air in front of the teaching building. Looking forward to your coming and sharing a beautiful night with you. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于提纲类作文,要求写一封邀请函。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封邀请函:假定你是高中生李华,你班将于中秋节当晚举行户外中秋晚会,请你写函邀请你们的外教Mary参加。要点如下:1.通知时间和地点;2.简介中秋节的意义;3.告知当晚具体活动。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:a Mid-Autumn outdoor evening party(户外中秋晚会);to develop friendship and experience traditional Chinese culture(发展友谊,体验中国传统文化);The Mid-Autumn festival(中秋节);in front of the teaching building(在教学楼前);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。







At the beginning of this term, we moved to the new school yard, where lies in the far north of the city. We were all on high spirits. It is much big than the old one. The classrooms are bright and clean. We have a lot of modern lab equipment, making convenient for students to do experiments. Now we can have various after-school activity on the new playground. Our teachers often play the basketball and soccer together with us. As spring approached, the flowers newly planting in the yard are so beautiful. With such many green trees and fragrant flowers around, we feel it less hardly to deal with the pressure of school work in the senior year.




On Feburary 22, 2018, Wu Dajing became the first Chinese man 1. (win) an Olympic short track gold medal, 2. (claim) China’s first gold medal at the Pyeongchang Games. And on November 11, Wu Dajing, 24, set 3. new world record. It took him just 39.505 seconds to finish the men’s 500-meter race at the 2018 Short Track World Cup, 4. took place in Salt Lake City, US.

Shaoang Liu, who competed against Wu at the World Cup, 5. (shake) his head in disbelief after the race. “It’s 6. (true) lucky to have been in a world record race,” Liu said. “The rest of us are all on a certain level but Wu is just, like, ‘up here’.” Indeed, every time Wu skates, he leaves his 7. (competitor) behind within seconds. Wu is untouchable, not only for dominating his sport, but also for his unusual 8. (high) (182 cm, tall for a short tracker).

Wu owes his success 9. his self-discipline. He started to skate at the age of 10. He gets up at 4 a.m. every day to practice. He never 10. (eat) meat or has carbonated (碳酸的) drinks, even though he loves cola very much. Only once has Wu broken his self-made rule—just after his win at the Winter Olympics.



    Christmas Eve means a lot to almost every family in the US, and mine is of no exception. Every December 24, we used to head to my parents’ house and spend the night, along with my brother’s family, and my sister’s family. We’d eat lots of foods such as candies and my mom’s ______ chocolate cookies.

We’d play a card game for hours until one team proved ______ over all other sides. ______, my sister Martie and I won, and when we beat every other ______, we’d sing and even dance. Yes, we were ______. The kids always put out cookies and milk for Santa, and my dad would sit down and color a picture with his grandchildren to ______ it for Santa Claus. And then we’d ______ every person in the family to open just one ____. After everything settled down, my father would read the story of Christmas, ______ us all of the true meaning of Christmas. Our Christmas Eves are a little ______ now as my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are in college, but December is still ______. Candies and my mom’s favorite chocolate cookies are ____ our favorite foods. Martie and I still like card games, ______ my daughter Ally and her boyfriend, Wesley, actually ______ us easily. We still open one gift that night. And, Martie’s husband, Jan, has ______ the duty to read the Christmas story.

I can hardly wait for the ______ to come! It’s my favorite time of a year because we’re all ____. I’ ll bet your family has wonderful holiday ______, too. Whatever your traditions are, I hope one of them is reading the story of Christmas. Why not teach your children the ______ meaning of Christmas this year? Because that’s the ______ gift you could ever give them!

1.A.special B.homemade C.favorite D.fresh

2.A.helpful B.creative C.strong D.victorious

3.A.Usually B.Recently C.Immediately D.Hurriedly

4.A.sister B.brother C.team D.family

5.A.funny B.happy C.free D.normal

6.A.open B.provide C.leave D.save

7.A.allow B.order C.beg D.force

8.A.box B.window C.case D.gift

9.A.convincing B.informing C.reminding D.warning

10.A.simple B.different C.meaningless D.strange

11.A.wonderful B.reasonable C.comfortable D.powerful

12.A.even B.rather C.already D.still

13.A.and B.or C.though D.as

14.A.find B.reach C.cheat D.beat

15.A.taken over B.thought about C.dealt with D.applied for

16.A.game B.night C.dinner D.day

17.A.alive B.healthy C.around D.together

18.A.traditions B.songs C.foods D.plans

19.A.clear B.only C.true D.hidden

20.A.best B.biggest C.most beautiful D.most expensive



    There are many ways to begin making gratitude a habit in your life. The best way to tell someone that you appreciate their effort is to talk to them directly. 1. Express your gratitude through words that they can treasure for a long time. Even something as small as sincerely showing appreciation and recognition by telling someone they did a good job and saying thank you offers some feelings of appreciation. 2.

If you cannot meet the person because they either live far away or you do not have time to meet them, you can send them your gratitude in the form of a gift. 3. You can wait for a holiday like Thanksgiving to send them.

4. Small gestures can make a person feel appreciated. There may be some people who are older than you and the way to show gratefulness is by respecting and obeying them. Is your father going shopping?

5. Your mother has a lot of work in hand, so you can do your bit to lessen her workload.

A. Express gratitude by sending him a useful gift.

B. Take the job in your hands and shop for your father.

C. Meet the people and tell them that you are grateful to have them in your life.

D. Flowers with a note saying thank you can brighten anybody’s day.

E. You will be able to witness their pleasant expressions when they hear what you say.

F. Gifts and words are not the only way to express gratitude.

G. Gratitude helps us focus on the good things we have, and not on what we lack.



    When you think of batteries, you’ll likely think about them powering up remote controls, cellphones, flashlights and toys. But some people carry a battery around in their body to power a pacemaker (起搏器). It isn’t really pleasant and easy to carry batteries because they need to be replaced so often and they can leak poisonous chemicals. A battery-powered pacemaker may become a thing of the past, thanks to a new technology developed by UCLA researchers: a biological supercapacitor (超级电容器), which is thinner than several hairs.

Teams of researchers at UCLA and the University of Connecticut published a paper in a journal explaining their new invention. The supercapacitor is made from a carbon material, and coated with human-like proteins that act as electrodes (电极). But what makes the device different is that it is powered by an energy harvester that changes body heat and movement in the blood into energy.

Those traditional pacemakers are six to eight millimeters thick. They are much bigger. The new supercapacitor, which, due to its lack of battery, is only one micrometer thick. This “little” feature could benefit the new pacemaker’s energy efficiency, researchers stated. Also, unlike other batteries used in medical treatments, the supercapacitor can bend and twist in the body without suffering damage.

Though they’ve not been widely used in the medical world, supercapacitors have the ability to serve as a safer and more efficient medical device than the traditional battery-operated devices, the researchers believe.

“In order to be effective, battery-free pacemakers must have supercapacitors that can get, store and transport energy. However, commercial supercapacitors are too slow to make them work,” said Maher El-Kady, a UCLA researcher and a co-author of the study. “Our research focused on the custom-designed supercapacitor to capture energy effectively, and finding a way to make it exist together successfully with the human body.”

1.What do we know about traditional pacemakers?

A.They are very popular with users.

B.They can do harm to the users’ bodies.

C.They need to be replaced quite often.

D.They are really convenient to carry around.

2.What is special about the new supercapacitor?

A.It has electrodes on the outside.

B.It is made from a kind of protein material.

C.It can transform the energy from the body.

D.It helps save the carriers’ money and energy.

3.Which of the following makes the new pacemaker energy-efficient?

A.The small size.

B.The small battery.

C.The energy harvester.

D.The bending and twisting characters.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A New Technology to Downsize Batteries.

B.A New Battery-free Pacemaker.

C.A Smaller Battery-powered Pacemaker.

D.A Great Contribution Made by UCLA Researchers.



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