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How to keep healthy? It’s easy for us to...

    How to keep healthy? It’s easy for us to catch a cold in spring and winter because the weather changes a lot in spring and it is too cold in winter. But if we take care in our life, all of us can keep healthy without any cold.

1.This will stop germs (细菌) passing from one person to another. When you finish your work or before you eat, you’d better wash your hands.

2.Use a tissue and then throw it into dustbins at once. When others around you are coughing, I advise you to turn your head away from the people so that their virus (病毒) won’t reach you.

Get more fresh air. Germs like staying around in dry and warm rooms. 3.Don’t stay too long in the places with too many people.

If flu is going round house or school, you should try to stay away from those who are ill. 4.

Boil your toothbrush for about a minute. This kills germs. 5. If you have used the toothbrush for three months or so, throw it away and buy a new one.

A. Have a shower every day.

B. Wash your hands often.

C. Don’t use your hands when coughing.

D. Don’t go out often when you are coughing.

E. Besides, don’t use the same toothbrush too long.

F. In this way, you won’t be infected by those people.

G. So you’d better stay in the places with more fresh air.


1.B 2.C 3.G 4.F 5.E 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了人们如何保持健康,为了防止病毒的传播,我们要勤洗手,当咳嗽的时候不要用手,而要用纸巾,要多呼吸新鲜的空气,不要在人多的地方停留太久。牙刷不要使用时间太长,要及时换新的。 1.根据This will stop germs(细菌,病毒) passing from one person to another. When you finish your work or before you eat, you’d better wash your hands. 可知,这将阻止细菌从一个人传给另一个人。当你完成工作或吃饭前,你最好洗手。所以本段主要在说要洗手,故B选项“要洗手”切题。故选B。 2.根据Use a tissue and then throw it into dustbins at once.可知,咳嗽时用张纸巾,然后马上把它扔进垃圾箱。所以本段主要在说当咳嗽时不要用手而用纸巾,故C选项“当咳嗽时不要用手而用纸巾”切题。故选C。 3.根据Get more fresh air. Germs like staying around in dry and warm rooms.可知,呼吸更多的新鲜空气。细菌喜欢呆在干燥温暖的房间里。所以选项承接上文。故G选项“所以呆在能呼吸新鲜空气的地方”切题。故选G。 4.根据If flu is going round house or school, you should try to stay away from those who are ill.可知,如果流感在家里或学校里传播,你应该尽量远离那些生病的人。所以选项承接上文,故F选项“这样,你就不会被那些人感染”切题。故选F。 5.根据If you have used the toothbrush for three months or so, throw it away and buy a new one.可知,如果你用了三个月左右的牙刷,把它扔掉,然后买一个新的,所以选项承接下文。故E选项“此外,不要长时间使用同一支牙刷”切题 。故选E。

    History tells us that footwear was one of the first things ancient people learned to make. Footwear helped them across rocky paths or hot sands without injuring themselves. The earliest footwear we know of was simply a piece of plaited (编织的) grass or leather tied to the feet.

The ancient Egyptians seem to have invented the first footwear with a firm sole (鞋底) — sandals. Egyptian royalty usually wore sandals that had a different style from those with lower status (身份), while slaves were not allowed to wear anything on their feet. The sandal is still the basic form of footwear in many countries, particularly those with a hot climate, whereas in cold climates, an entirely different type of shoe appeared — the moccasin — a slipper-shaped shoe made of soft but strong leather.

The Greeks were the first to develop shoes with heels (鞋跟). Then, in the Middle Ages, shoes with long points at the toe became very chic for the nobility. These shoes were often very difficult to wear. Other trends followed, with square-toed shoes, wide shoes, and even shoes that could make a woman stand two feet taller. Not surprisingly, these sometimes led to accidents. Even today, fashion rather than comfort often leads to the kind of shoes women wear.

Mechanical shoemaking appeared in the 1800s in North America. Until then, shoes had been made with the same kinds of hand tools used by the ancient Egyptians. And in 1858, a machine was invented that could stitch (缝合) the sole of a shoe to the upper part. Now it was possible to make shoes that were shaped to fit either the left or right foot. Toward the end of the 1800s came a new type of shoe that was specifically designed for sports — the sneaker — and it soon become an all-time favorite.

1.What did shoes often show in ancient times?

A.The rich resources. B.People's different beliefs.

C.People's status in society. D.The changeable climates.

2.What does the underlined word  “chic” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Valuable. B.Convenient.

C.Fashionable. D.Comfortable.

3.Before mechanical shoemaking appeared, _____.

A.shoes were often very difficult for people to wear.

B.all the shoe patterns made by the Greeks were the same.

C.the only function of footwear was to protect people's feet.

D.people wore the same-shaped shoes on their two feet

4.How does the text mainly develop?

A.By providing examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following the order of time. D.By following the order of importance.



    There is an old saying in English: “Laughter is the best medicine”. Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found evidence that laughter really can improve people’s health.

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films, while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group, which tolerated the pain for the longest time, was the group, which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins(内啡肽)in the brain. These are natural chemicals that diminish both stress and pain.

There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the body’s immune system, that is, the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group-in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists(精神病学家)in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients’ conditions by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

1.We learn from the first paragraph that laughter              .

A.is good for one’s health. B.is related to some illness.

C.has been investigated long since. D.has no effect on the body.

2.Doctors have found that laughter               .

A.keeps down blood pressure. B.has similar effects to physical exercise.

C.decreases the heart rate. D.increases stress.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true of laughter, according to the passage?

A.It reduces pain. B.It exercises the body.

C.It improves the body’s immune(免疫的)system. D.It can cure  cancer.

4.In a laughter clinic, doctors             .

A.laugh at their patients. B.encourage their patients to laugh.

C.smile when they don’t feel like laughing. D.never stop laughing.



    Goddington Theater

The Goddington Theater Ticket Office is open from 10a.m.until 4p.m.Monday to Friday,and for half an hour in the evening before the advertised start time of each performance.

Telephone bookings

*Your tickets are held at the Ticket Office for you to collect or,if you prefer,a charge(费用) of 35cents is made to post them to you if you pay by cash.We'll post them to you for free if you book by credit card.No extra charge.

Postal bookings

*You can write to the Ticket Office requesting tickets,or to confirm a reservation. Where to find Goddington Theater

*Goddington Theater can be found within the Goddington University site,next to the car park,which is available for public use after 5p.m.on weekdays and all day on weekends.

If travelling by car

*Coming from the south end of Princes Street,you will see the library on your right.Next to the library is Goddington University.Take the next turning on the right,then first right into the car park gate straight ahead of you,stopping as close as possible to the orange machine.Put a $ 1coin in the machine and the gate will rise.

If travelling by train/bus/taxi

*You will need to allow 30minutes to walk from the train station.Taxis are available from the front of the station.

*The University is a 5to 10minutes'walk from the main bus station.

*When ordering a taxi from the theater,ask to be picked up at the bottom of North Street.Taxis will not come into the car park because of the entrance charge.

1.You can book your tickets ______ .

A.at 5 p.m on Wednesday B.at noon on workdays

C.at lunch time on weekends D.at 9 a.m on Monday

2.Where is the Goddington Theater? ______

A.To the south of Princes Street

B.On the right of the Ticket Office.

C.At the bottom of North Street.

D.In the Goddington university.

3.What can we learn from the passage? ______

A.Taxi drivers are unwilling to pick up customers inside the car park.

B.Tickets paid by cash will be posted to you at no extra charge.

C.You can find a free parking place in the university.

D.You have to collect your tickets if you pay by credit card.



Sam and Jason were good friends. One day they had a car accident. The next morning, Sam woke up but Jason was still unconscious (昏迷的). When Dr. Smith saw Sam awake, he smiled at him and asked, “How are you feeling today?” Sam smiled back and said, “Wonderful! Promise me you won’t tell Jason anything.” Dr. Smith was moved by Sam’s words and said, “You are a very brave man. You know I won’t do that. Trust me.”

Months later Jason recovered. He stopped hanging out with Sam. He felt unhappy to spend time with a disabled person like Sam. Sam was lonely and heartbroken. One day Sam died in despair (失望). When Jason was on his burial (葬礼), Dr. Smith gave Sam’s letter to him.

The letter read, “Dear Jason, I have kept my promise to give you my eyes if anything had happened to them. Now there is nothing more that I can do. You will see through my eyes that you will always be my best friend ... Sam.”

When he finished reading, Dr. Smith added, “I had promised Sam to keep it a secret.” Jason stood there with tears on his face.

1.In the first paragraph, Dr. Smith promised Sam to ________.

A.make friends with him

B.take good care of Jason

C.give Jason the letter

D.keep a secret from Jason

2.Why did Jason stop hanging out with Sam?

A.He recovered but still couldn’t move freely.

B.He felt upset to be with a disabled man like Sam.

C.He just found another friend.

D.He didn’t know what had happened to Sam.

3.When Jason finished reading the letter, he felt so ________.

A.moved B.worried C.happy D.calm

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Don’t leave your friend when he is in trouble.

B.Trust a friend when he has changed.

C.Brave people are the best friends.

D.Be faithful to your friend forever.





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