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假如你是李华,一批来自澳大利亚的师生将于下周六来你校交流访问,校学生会正 在招募...

假如你是李华,一批来自澳大利亚的师生将于下周六来你校交流访问,校学生会正 在招募志愿者为他们担任英语导游,你想成为其中一员。请你给校学生会写一封申请 信,内容包括:

1. 写信目的。

2. 个人优势。

3. 能做的事。


2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头结束语已为你写好。

参考词汇:学生会Students' Union

Dear Students ' Union,

I’m Li Hua.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Students’ Union, I’m Li Hua. Learning you are searching for volunteers to guide the tour group from Australia, I’m writing to apply for it. As a local, I believe I am pretty qualified for the task. Firstly, with a rich knowledge of our school, I will be helpful to make them gain a full understanding of it. Besides, I can communicate with them freely in fluent oral English. If lucky enough to be accepted, I will definitely serve our distinguished guests with passion. I promise their tour here will be the most memorable under my guidance. Looking forward to your earliest reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于提纲类作文,要求考生写一封申请信,在信中写明:写信目的;担任英语导游的个人优势;你能做的事。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文——申请信。 要点:1.写信目的2.担任英语导游的个人优势3.你能做的事。 结构:总分。 第二步:列提纲 一、框架1、信件一开始就开宗明义,说明写信的目的,然后给出你能担任英语导游有哪些优势,在做导游时你能做的事,最后给出保证。 2、详细写你能担任英语导游的优势和能做的事:对学校熟悉,能够给参加交流访问的师生提供最准确丰富的资讯;英语水平较高,交流没有障碍;对待工作有热情。 3、在你的导游下能给参加活动的师生留下深刻印象。 二、段落主题句 I know you are searching for volunteers to guide the tour group from Australia. I like to apply for it. Since I am a local, I am quite qualified for the task. I make a promise that their tour here will be the most memorable under my guidance. 第三步:展开 用说明法将主题句展开。 第四步: 润色修改


What do you do when you need to look something up? These days, most people go straight to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. But how 1. (rely) is it?

There's no denying the 2.( popular) and usefulness of Wikipedia. The site is available in more than 270 different languages, 3.( attract) a massive 78 million visitors every month. Being one of the most comprehensive resources available, it got much more information than 4. ordinary encyclopedia. Anyone with an internet connection can log on and edit the contents.

Of course, there are some controls. Wikipedia has a team of over 1,500 administrators, 5. check for false information. 6., with more than 16 million articles to keep an eye 7. , it isn't easy. So, while Wikipedia benefits from being 8.( constant) updated with information, it's also open to "vandals”(蓄意破坏者)”

Some of the damage is easy to notice; but other things are hard to spot. The most common form involves some false information 9.( add) into the biography of a famous person. Incredibly, some of this misinformation 10.( appear) in newspapers so far, with The Daily Mail and The Guardian both falling victim to the pranks(恶作剧).So, if you're going to use any information from Wikipedia, make sure you double-check it first.



    Washington is home to lots of trees, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. But what if you lived there and couldn't cut wood or couldn't _______ to pay someone to do it? Luckily, Shane McDaniel and his twin sons, Harrison and Henry McDaniel, are _______ to lend an ax(斧子). They cut truckloads of wood—then _______ it to those in need.

The idea started as a project to strengthen father-son relationship during my childhood," Shane told msn. com. Now, he wanted to _______ that feeling, so he and the twins spent the summer of 2018 cutting woods, leaving a great wall of wood _______ up around their house. Technically, it was 40 cords(绳索)—a cord _______ four feet high, four feet wide, and eight feet deep.

_______ , the wood was too much for the McDaniels to use themselves, and Shane started thinking of others when the _______ set in. He _______ on Facebook: "IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF FIREWOOD, PLEASE PM [personal message] ME! ... If you know someone who BURNS WOOD, please ________ us, just making sure NO ONE GOES COLD IN OUR HOOD. ”

The ________ was immediate. One man offered to donate a wood-burning furnace (火炉). Others ________ to Shane's little shop, with more ________ for the pile. It does help someone. Single mom Katelyn and her daughter ________ a wood-burning stove as their ________ source of heat, so it was a ________ to receive so much firewood from the McDaniels before the holidays. “To get that much wood brought me to tears, ” she told msn. com. “ So much ________ is off my mind. I couldn't be more thankful.

However, not every receiver is as enthusiastic. " Some are even ________” Shane says.

"They are mad at the world and the fact that they had to ________ help. ” But Shane is OK with that. "Giving is the reward," he says. "It has ________ to do with how well it's received it's about how much it's needed. ”

1.A.attempt B.afford C.expect D.wait

2.A.aggressive B.surprised C.delighted D.polite

3.A.owe B.mention C.apply D.donate

4.A.pass B.move C.run D.get

5.A.lined B.fixed C.piled D.grown

6.A.measures B.weighs C.assesses D.tests

7.A.Hardly B.Deliberately C.Obviously D.Previously

8.A.disease B.winter C.hunger D.trouble

9.A.announced B.released C.posted D.published

10.A.notice B.approach C.motivate D.inform

11.A.pressure B.response C.significance D.complaint

12.A.raced over B.slid C.appealed D.gave way

13.A.money B.ash C.wood D.axes

14.A.believe in B.heat up C.explode with D.rely on

15.A.abundant B.novel C.only D.worst

16.A.relaxation B.burden C.necessity D.relief

17.A.puzzlement B.stress C.guilt D.commitment

18.A.unfriendly B.ashamed C.conventional D.discouraged

19.A.decide on B.get close to C.look for D.put up with

20.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing



    In 2016, nearly 57 percent of American households owned a pet, according to the American Vets (兽医)Medical Association, but it's safe to say that 100 percent of them wish their dog or cat to live longer. In fact, advances in veterinary medicine have made it easier than ever to lengthen your pet's life. However, there are so many care options available that finding the ones that are worthwhile for your pet can be time-consuming. 1.

Watch Their Weight

About 60 percent of cats and 56 percent of dogs are over-weight or obese. 2. For example, overweight increases the risk of conditions like diabetes (糖尿病),some cancers, and certain breathing problems. And being overweight shortened dogs’ life by up to 2.5 years compared with their ideal-weight peers.

Visit the Vet

3. " Because pets age more quickly than humans, their problems may worsen fast. ” says Pete Lands, director of emergency at Saint Francis Veterinary Center in Swedesboro, New Jersey. So keep up on routine treatments.


Pets need daily workouts to stay healthy, so a formal workout plan is a good idea. Aim for between 30 minutes and two hours of daily activity, such as walking or running. Athletic breeds will require more exercise, while smaller dogs such as bulldogs can benefit from a short walk around the neighborhood. And believe it or not, some devices can track your pet's steps, heart rate, and other indicators.

Brush Their Teeth

According to Banfield Pet Hospital, 68 percent of cats and 76 percent of dogs have dental disease. 5. To avoid that, brush your pet's teeth every day. You should also get your pet's teeth professionally cleaned by your vet at least once a year.

A. Make an Exercise Plan.

B. That can lead to big trouble.

C. Accompany your pets every day.

D. This guide is a good place to start.

E. And it may be linked to the development of heart and kidney disease.

F. With the right care, you can improve the quality and quantity of life for your pets.

G. As with humans, early exams can spot problems soon enough for successful treatment.



    Since the early 1980s, sponsorship (赞助)has become a major part of sport. But how effective is it?

There were some big changes to football shirts in the early 1980s. Instead of shirts telling you the name of the team, they gave you the name of a company. At times, it wasn't clear if the team playing was Manchester United or Sharp Electronics. However, fans soon got used to the new look shirts until they changed again: first to Vodafone, then to American Insurance Company AIG, and then to American re-insurance company Aon. It's hard to keep track sometimes.

So, why has sports sponsorship become so popular? Both sides see clear advantages. Most large companies are keen to link their brand to a well-known sporting personality because they believe raising their image in this way will increase sales. And the large sums they offer to do so is a big incentive (激励)for the other side. There's a lot of money involved in sports sponsorship, and many predict that the sums will be rising over the coming years.

But problems can arise. For example, what happens if they sponsor an unsuccessful player or team? Will they look stupid at the end of the season if their team has lost? And what happens if they sponsor a team or player who gets into trouble? DeutscheTelekom was one of the major sponsors of the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong but found it in an awkward situation when he failed drugs tests. As a result of this scandal(丑闻),many companies have moved away from sponsoring cyclists. Instead many now choose to sponsor events rather than the people. Of course, it doesn't matter which team wins because the audiences will see lots of company ads and logos everywhere and the companies know that they will win.

But the really important question is, does sponsorship work? Will you buy their products after the game just because you've seen their ads and logos? There's clearly more research to be done.

1.What's one of the effects of sports sponsorship on the football fans?

A.They can buy cheaper football shirts.

B.They recognize the teams more easily.

C.They welcome the changes of sponsorship.

D.They are confused about the names on the shirts.

2.According to the passage, we can know that .

A.Sponsorship is often a win-win situation.

B.Many sports teams actually dislike sponsorship.

C.The money on sports sponsorship will decrease.

D.Sports sponsorship certainly promotes a company's sales.

3.Why do many companies sponsor events instead of players now?

A.To better spread their brands.

B.To cut the cost of sponsorship.

C.To attract more people's attention.

D.To avoid unexpected troubles of the players .



    The holiday season is a joyful time — packed with parties and traditions. But for millions of Americans living with depression, anxiety, addiction or other mental illnesses, the season can be especially challenging. According to a survey by National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 64% of those with mental illness say that the holidays make things worse. Therefore, it's imperative that we look out for friends, family and community members who struggle with mental health to assist them.

As a neuroscientist studying the brain biology of depression and anxiety, I am encouraged by the new tools and available behavioral treatments, but these treatments are only helpful if

people access them. Too often, fear of judgment and pressures from peers, employers, or family members cause many to avoid mental health services.

The holiday season is actually a perfect time to fight mental health problems. We can all watch out for signs of mental illness and depression in friends and loved ones — including feelings of worry or sadness, and extreme changes in mood.

All of us can play a role in relieving mental health problems, caring for one another, and encouraging each other to seek out professional help. In addition to one-on-one support, we can go a step further to build support networks.

People who recently attended a conversation shared personal stories about their mental health journeys. Attendees received input from mental health professionals and local resource groups. Many said they had waited for years to talk about these topics but had no place to discuss them. And they felt better informed about resources for addressing mental health challenges, hoping this kind of respectful, honest and informative conversation can take place in communities across the country.

1.What does the underlined word "imperative'' in paragraph 1 mean?

A.Essential. B.Sensitive.

C.Improper. D.Unnecessary.

2.What's the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The features of mental illness.

B.The categories of mental illness.

C.The reasons for people's refusal of treatment.

D.The importance of the new tools and treatments.

3.Where is the text most probably from?

A.A private diary. B.A health magazine.

C.A popular novel. D.A travel guidebook.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Be the Best You Can Make It.

B.People in need of health services.

C.My experience in dealing with mental illness.

D.A challenging season for those with mental illness.



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