满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When my friends volunteered to help with...

    When my friends volunteered to help with a service project in my town, I had no idea what it was about. I was always ____ to be a volunteer and because of that I had been greatly honored. I ____ my friends thinking that I would also win honor through the volunteer work. _____, after knowing that there wouldn’t be any kind of honor and they might gather to help ____one family’s garden on Saturdays for more than 10 hours. I felt bored.

When I arrived at the house, I was ____ to see that many people were there, working happily to make the garden more beautiful. The house was ____ by an elderly lady, Mrs. Johnson, who was very thankful for our help and tried to do anything to ____ us.

I was getting ready to plant flowers in the garden ____ I heard the house owner, Johnson, said, “Honey, could I help you with it?” I nodded gratefully and we _____ together for a while. During the ____, I sat on a stone to rest and looked around, seeing the volunteers chatting ____ with their faces covered with sweat. I was deeply ____ and cried, feeling sorry for what I had ____ about helping before. Mrs. Johnson saw my ____ and asked. “Are you OK? I know there are ____ things you could do on a Saturday.”

I ____ her the reasons why I had come were to stay together with my ____ and win honor. After watching all these generous volunteers, I learned that every one of them was ready to ____ without thinking what they could get. I came to realize that receiving isn’t ____ but helping someone out is always a ____ thing!

1.A.serious B.afraid C.slow D.willing

2.A.thanked B.remembered C.left D.joined

3.A.Therefore B.However C.Moreover D.Instead

4.A.build B.remove C.improve D.repair

5.A.surprised B.guilty C.eager D.delighted

6.A.owned B.swept C.offered D.built

7.A.praise B.follow C.encourage D.assist

8.A.after B.when C.since D.until

9.A.played B.discussed C.worked D.learned

10.A.planting B.break C.gathering D.talk

11.A.slowly B.excitedly C.bitterly D.tiredly

12.A.attracted B.hurt C.knocked D.touched

13.A.talked B.read C.thought D.complained

14.A.tears B.smile C.sweat D.hands

15.A.worse B.better C.harder D.easier

16.A.told B.asked C.found D.reminded

17.A.friends B.family C.relatives D.classmates

18.A.rest B.donate C.help D.receive

19.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

20.A.difficult B.great C.new D.rare


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者做志愿者的经历。刚开始作者当志愿者是为了获得荣誉,而有一次和朋友一起帮别人提升花园环境,让作者意识到帮助他人而不求回报才是最伟大的。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我过去总是很乐于做志愿者,并因此而获得了巨大荣誉。A. serious严重的;B. afraid害怕的;C. slow慢的; D. willing乐意的。根据句意可知作者获得了巨大荣誉,所以作者参加了很多志愿者活动,因此此处选项D. willing乐意的符合语境。故选D。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我加入了朋友做志愿者的行列,认为我也会通过志愿者工作赢得荣誉。A. thanked感谢;B. remembered记得;C. left离开;D. joined参加。根据When my friends volunteered to help with a service project in my town, I had no idea what it was about.一句,并结合句意可知此处为join sb.意为“与某人一起(做某事)”,表示与朋友一起做志愿者。因此选项D符合语境。故选D。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,在得知这次活动没有任何荣誉,只是在周六聚到一起帮一家人改善花园环境,我感到有些厌烦。A. Therefore因此;B. However然而;C. Moreover此外;D. Instead取而代之。根据I ___2___ my friends thinking that I would also win honor through the volunteer work.可知作者抱着获得荣誉的心理参加,但是这次志愿者活动没有任何荣誉,因此此处为转折。故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,在得知这次活动没有任何荣誉,只是在周六聚到一起帮一家人改善花园环境,我感到有些厌烦。A. build建造;B. remove移除;C. improve提升;改善;D. repair修理。根据When I arrived at the house, I was ___5___ to see that many people were there, working happily to make the garden more beautiful.可知很多人都在那儿高兴地工作着为了使花园更美丽,因此此处选项C. improve符合语境。故选C。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我到那儿的时候,我很惊讶地发现多人都在那儿高兴地工作着为了使花园更美丽。A. surprised惊讶的;B. guilty愧疚的;C. eager渴望的;D. delighted高兴的。看到很多人高兴地做着这些没有任何荣誉的事情时,作者感到很惊讶。surprised(惊讶的)符合语境。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这座房子为Mrs. Johnson太太所拥有的,她很感激我们帮她,并尽力协助我们。A. owned拥有;B. swept打扫,清理;C. offered提供;D. built建造。根据下文I was getting ready to plant flowers in the garden ___8___ I heard the house owner, Johnson,可知Johnson拥有这座房子。故选A。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这座房子为Mrs. Johnson太太所拥有的,她很感激我们帮她,并尽力协助我们。A. praise表扬;B. follow跟随;C. encourage鼓励;D. assist协助,帮助。根据下文I was getting ready to plant flowers in the garden ___8___ I heard the house owner, Johnson, said, “Honey, could I help you with it?”一句中给出了提示。可知选项D. assist(协助,帮助)符合语境。故选D。 8.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我正准备好了要在花园里种花这时Mrs. Johnson太太说:亲爱的,我可以帮你吗? A. after在……之后;B. when当……时,这时;C. since自从;D. until直到。根据分析句子结构可知此处为:be doing…when…正在……这时候……,是固定句型,结合句意可知此处选项B. when符合语境。故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我感激地点了点头,我们一起工作了一会。A. played打(球),演奏;B. discussed讨论;C. worked工作;D. learned学习。约翰逊夫人问作者师是否需要帮助,作者感激的点头,可知作者和 Johnson太太一起协作种花,因此选项C. worked符合语境。故选C。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:中间休息期间,我坐在一块石头上休息,环顾四周,我看到很多志愿者在兴奋地聊天,脸上淌着汗。A. planting栽种;B. break休息,打破;C. gathering聚集;D. talk谈话。根据I sat on a stone to rest and looked around可知应该到了休息时间了。故选B。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:中间休息期间,我坐在一块石头上休息,环顾四周,我看到很多志愿者在兴奋地聊天,脸上淌着汗。A. slowly慢慢地;B. excitedly激动地;C. bitterly痛苦地;D. tiredly。根据上文many people were there, working happily to make the garden more beautiful. 可知,志愿者们非常高兴帮助约翰逊太太,因此推断应该是很兴奋。故选B。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我被深深地感动哭了,并为我之前对于帮助别人的看法感到抱歉。A. attracted吸引;B. hurt伤害;C. knocked敲击;D. touched打动,触摸。根据下文cried, feeling sorry可推断,作者被自己所看到的这一幕感动了,因此选项D. touched符合语境。故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我被深深地感动哭了,并为我之前对于帮助别人的看法感到抱歉。A. talked谈话;B. read阅读;C. thought认为; D. complained抱怨。上文提到作者认为做志愿者可以获得荣誉,因此此处应为短语think about考虑,认为。故选C。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Johnson太太看到了我眼中的泪水,问:你还好吗?我知道你可能有更好的事情去做。A. tears眼泪;B. smile微笑;C. sweat汗水;D. hands手。上句I was deeply ___12___ and cried,提示了答案,根据句意可知此处选项A. tears符合语境。故选A。 15.考形容词查词义辨析。句意:Mrs. Johnson看到了我眼中的泪水,问:你还好吗?我知道你可能有更好的事情去做。A. worse更糟糕;B. better更好;C. harder更难;D. easier更容易。Mrs. Johnson认为作者可能是因为耽误了自己的事情而伤心流泪。因此此处选项B. better符合语境。故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我告诉她我来这里的原因是为了和朋友待在一起,并获得荣誉。A. told告诉; B. asked询问;C. found发现;D. reminded提醒。根据句意可知此处选项A. told符合语境。故选A。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我告诉她我来这里的原因是为了和朋友待在一起,并获得荣誉。A. friends朋友;B. family家庭;C. relatives亲戚;D. classmates同学。上文I ___2___ my friends thinking that I would also win honor through the volunteer work.一句提到了作者加入到朋友的行列,因此选项A. friends符合。故选A。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到这些慷慨的志愿者,我明白他们中的每一个人都准备好了帮助他人而不求回报。A. rest休息B. donate捐赠;C. help帮助;D. receive收到;本文主要是叙述作者当志愿者帮助他人的故事,且结合下文I came to realize that receiving isn’t ___19___ but helping someone out is always a ___20___ thing!可知此处选项C. help(帮助)符合语境。故选C。 19.考查代词词义辨析。句意:获取并不是一切,而帮助他人才是最伟大的事情。A. something 一些;B. anything任何;C. nothing没什么;D. everything一切。本文作者通过自己的经历就是要告诉我们帮助他人并不都是为了收到回报或获得荣誉。根据句意可知此处选项D. everything符合语境。故选D。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:获取并不是一切,而帮助他人才是最伟大的事情。A. difficult困难的;B. great伟大的;C. new新的;D. rare稀有的。本文作者通过自己的经历要告诉我们帮助他人才是很伟大的事。根据句意可知此处选项B. great符合语境。故选B。

    High school is an important period of your life, so you need to learn to spend your high school time wisely. Here are some ideas that can lend you a hand.

Studies come first. Make sure that you understand everything your teachers teach. 1. Take notes if you think your teacher is teaching something important. Also, have a plan for what you’re going to study. It is best if you could deal with every subject every day.

2. Don’t delay (推迟) today’s homework until tomorrow. If you happen to be sick, call or e-mail a friend to see if they can come and give you the homework. Being sick isn’t an excuse for not doing homework unless you’re very sick.

Develop good relationships. High school is also a time for you to enjoy with your friends. 3. Choose to get along with those who like you for who you are. What’s more, you should try to make friends with teachers.

Develop self-discipline (自律). Behave yourself at school. 4. While your teacher is teaching, keep quiet unless he or she is asking for answers. If your friends want to talk to you in class, ask them to wait until later.

Be active! Take an active part in after-class activities. 5. Join school clubs which will help you develop them.

A. Finish your homework on time.

B. Find hobbies that you’re good at.

C. Always be on time for every class.

D. Set down your homework carefully.

E. You’ll make more friends if you try this.

F. Ask for help if you don’t understand something.

G. Smile at people to make them see you are nice and happy.



    Have you ever wondered what the longest word in the English language is? Believe it or not, there’s no simple answer to the question. You might think it would be as easy as opening a dictionary and looking for the longest word. However, it’ s far more complicated than that.

Over time, many people have suggested many different words for the title of the longest word in English. How can that be? That’s because the first thing that people have different opinions on is what should be considered a word. Some of the words were simply made up to be the longest! For example, there is one really famous long word that most kids know. It comes from Disney’s movie Mary Poppins: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, which means wonderful. But since that 34-letter word was made up simply to be sung as a song in a movie, should it count?

How about long words that actually describe something in the world? Scientists have come up with several possible choices. The name of a virus totals 1, 185 letters. There’s also a protein whose name totals 1, 909 letters. Should these win the title? “Not so fast!” say some people. Are these words ever actually used? Can they even be pronounced? And are they meaningful just because they are made up to be long?

If you’re wondering about some long words in common English, here are some examples. Those words include uncharacteristically (20 letters), deinstitutionalization (22 letters) and counterrevolutionaries (also 22 letters). Or perhaps the word “smiles” is the longest word in English. Sure, it has only six letters, but there is a “mile” between the first and the last letters!

1.What is the first thing to consider when we decide the longest word?

A.Whether it is a real word. B.Whether it can be pronounced.

C.Whether it is used in daily life. D.Whether it can be understood.

2.Why does the author mention the underlined questions in paragraph 3?

A.To express the writer’s concern. B.To compare different ideas.

C.To amuse readers. D.To show people’s doubt.

3.How does the author sound in the last paragraph?

A.Proud. B.Humorous.

C.Excited. D.Surprised.

4.The text is mainly about _________________________.

A.English words change a lot as time goes by

B.it is hard to decide what the longest word is

C.long words are often used in scientific fields

D.why we can’t understand some English words



    There is a giant mirror in my hometown, covering one side of a building that I had to walk past to get to school. When I was a teenager, I learned to take a different route. The mirror was clean and shiny, and I saw myself in reflection, plodding (沉重地走) down the hill without grace or charm. Suddenly, I could see the truth so plainly: however long I spent applying makeup or adjusting my outfit or preparing myself to go out, I couldn’t see the “beautiful” me I had imagined.

When I was a teenager, the widespread message that “everyone is beautiful” was deeply rooted in my mind. I admired beauty so much because I often felt awkward as a teenager and beauty seemed to be the most important goal. To be beautiful was to have power over others. It was much more difficult to make a beautiful girl seem foolish than it was an average looking one, I thought.

Eventually I grew up, and my obsession (迷恋), seemingly, faded. Much worse things than not being beautiful happened to me. I was ashamed that at the age of 28, I had to move back home and live with my parents for a whole month because I was too broke to pay the rent. Yet, the embarrassment I felt as a teenager about not fitting some ideal of beauty never went away. The returning awareness of my physical shortcomings, the mirror’s sharp reminder, kept telling me whatever else I am, I would never be that.

After years of trying to be beautiful, now, for the first time, I’m coming to realize that I don’t have to be. I’m increasingly convinced the idea that “everyone is beautiful” isn’t only less important than we might like to believe, but also quite harmful. Wouldn’t it be liberating (使得到释放的) to admit that most people are not beautiful? I wonder what it would be like to grow up in a world where being beautiful is not seen as a necessity, but instead a nice thing some people are born with and some people aren’t, like a talent for swimming, or playing the piano. Some people have other talents.

It has seemed to take up so much of my life, being desperate to not only be acceptable to look at, but also stunning (极美的), exceptional (非凡的) and enchanting (迷人的). What might I have experienced if I had not been trying to achieve “beauty”? What would it have been like to pass that mirror in my hometown, and to see myself — on the way to the library, or a party with friends — and simply felt glad that I was able to do those things with a body that allowed me to?

Everybody is beautiful, we’re told. But why should we have to be?

1.What does the underlined word “outfit” in the first paragraph mean?

A.Attitude. B.Lifestyle.

C.Costume. D.Voice.

2.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 3?

A.Her obsession with a beautiful appearance was gone as she grew up.

B.She stopped worrying about her appearance because she turned pretty.

C.She still felt embarrassed every time she passed the giant mirror.

D.Her financial trouble kept her from caring about her looks anymore.

3.What’s the purpose of the author in writing this article?

A.To entertain readers with her mirror-related life story.

B.To teach readers that everyone can be beautiful.

C.To criticize those who overrate (高估) their appearances.

D.To convince readers appearances are not a necessity.



    Hainan wants to be known for more than sunshine and beaches. The tropical island has set an ambitious goal to become the country’s southern centre of technological innovation. The approval of the establishment of the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ, 自由贸易区试点) has opened a new era for the island’s development. This island will be granted more autonomy (自主权) to reform.

The first global tech company to commit itself to a presence on the island was Microsoft. The U.S. technology giant has formed a partnership with the provincial government to transform Hainan into a powerhouse of software development. Singaporean investment company Temasek, which had invested in Tencent and Alibaba, joined forces with Hainan-based HNA Group in April last year to explore opportunities in aviation, logistics and airport infrastructure. The Hainan government is now in talks with other tech multinationals (跨国企业), including IBM and SAP, to establish their regional headquarters on the island.

According to China’s State Council (国务院), the Hainan FTZ will be operational by 2020 and reach a “mature” stage by 2035. Industries such as tourism, medical care, aviation and new energy will be given preferential treatment (优惠待遇).

To be sure, Hainan has to face tough competition. As an emerging tech centre, it has no choice but to compete against established centers like Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai. But officials in Hainan are confident. “Compared with Beijing and Shanghai, Hainan has a geographical advantage that can connect China with Southeast Asia,” said an official from the provincial government. “It would be attractive for multinationals and domestic giants to set up regional headquarters here.”

1.Besides tourism, Hainan currently aims to develop ______.

A.agriculture B.business

C.technology D.marine development

2.Which of the foreign companies has cooperated with Hainan for the longest period of time up till now?

A.FTZ. B.Microsoft.

C.Temasek. D.IBM.

3.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Hainan: More than a Tourist Destination

B.Confident Officials in Hainan

C.More Autonomy to Reform

D.Headquarters of Tech Multinationals in Hainan



---Do you mind if I open the window?

---________ I feel a bit cold.

A.Of course not. B.I’d rather you didn’t.

C.Go ahead. D.Why not?



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