满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An unusual trip to Hawaii brought two st...

    An unusual trip to Hawaii brought two strangers closer and closer and their story deserves a wide spread.

As her plane sliced through the sky above the ocean, there came a sudden thunderstorm. Five minutes later, Uemoto and her copilot McMahon heard a strange sound. Then, without warning, they lost power to both of the engines. It took them a moment to process the fact that they might crash. The pilots powered through the items on the emergency checklist. Nothing worked. As the plane was falling, they jumped into the ocean.

By ten that night, their bodies began trembling uncontrollably in the cool night air. Something must be done to pull them through. Swimming on her stomach, Uemoto had McMahon wrap his arms around her knees so he could rest his head on the back of her legs. To be with someone else and to feel another person's comforting presence in the darkness somehow made the suffering bearable.

When the sun rose the next morning, they caught sight of the island of Hawaii, the destination they had dared dream! Suddenly, Uemoto saw a shark, which made her breath catch in her throat. "What do we do? What do we do?" Uemoto asked, panicked. "Just keep looking forward! If it comes close, I'll kick it in the eye!" said McMahon evenly. Unexpectedly, the shark circled them for about 30 minutes. Then, as quietly as it had appeared, it swam off. Uemoto and McMahon breathed a sigh of relief.

After struggling in the water for over 20 hours, there came a US Navy helicopter. It flew overhead and next banked towards them. Uemoto and McMahon burst into tears. Alone, either of them would have died. But together, they made it.

1.What caused the plane to crash?

A.A sudden thunderstorm hit the plane.

B.The engines of the plane broke down.

C.The pilots operated the plane improperly.

D.The emergency list failed to help the pilots.

2.What do we know about McMahon in paragraph 4?

A.He calmed his partner down.

B.He kicked the shark in the eye.

C.He was scared to death at the shark.

D.He managed to drive the shark away.

3.Which of the following best describes Uemoto and McMahon?

A.Ambitious and humorous. B.Clear-headed and generous.

C.Demanding and appealing. D.Strong-willed and considerate.

4.What may be the best title of the passage?

A.A Race against Death

B.A Test of Friendship

C.A Wonder Made by Joined Hands

D.A Struggle Fought in the Darkness


1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了一个死里逃生,携手创造奇迹的故事。 1.细节理解题。由第二段“As her plane sliced through the sky above the ocean, there came a sudden thunderstorm. Five minutes later, Uemoto and her copilot McMahon heard a strange sound. Then, without warning, they lost power to both of the engines”可知,当她的飞机穿过海洋上空时,突然遭遇雷暴。五分钟后,Uemoto和她的副驾驶McMahon听到了一个奇怪的声音。然后,在毫无征兆的情况下,两个引擎都失去了动力。所以突然的雷暴击中了飞机导致了飞机坠毁。故选A项。 2.推理判断题。由第四段“ Just keep looking forward! If it comes close, I'll kick it in the eye!" said McMahon evenly.”可知,“只要向前看!如果它靠近,我就踢踹它的眼睛!” McMahon 平静地说。所以通过McMahon 的话可以判断出,他让他的搭档冷静下来。故选A项。 3.推理判断题。由第三段“Swimming on her stomach, Uemoto had McMahon wrap his arms around her knees so he could rest his head on the back of her legs. To be with someone else and to feel another person's comforting presence in the darkness somehow made the suffering bearable.”Uemoto采取了蛙泳姿势,她让 McMahon用胳膊抱住她的膝盖,这样他就可以把他的头靠在她的腿上休息。和另一个人在一起,在黑暗中感受到别人的安慰,多少让这种痛苦变得可以忍受。由最后一段“After struggling in the water for over 20 hours”在水里挣扎了20多个小时。由此判断出,Uemoto and McMahon意志坚强 , 体贴入微。故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。由最后一段“After struggling in the water for over 20 hours, there came a US Navy helicopter. It flew overhead and next banked towards them. Uemoto and McMahon burst into tears. Alone, either of them would have died. But together, they made it.”可知,在水中挣扎了20多个小时后,一架美国海军直升机出现了。它从头顶飞过,然后向他们倾斜过来。Uemoto和McMahon突然哭了起来。如果他们两人不互相帮助,他们两个都会死的。但是他们携手了创造奇迹。所以短文的最佳标题为“携手创造奇迹”。故选C项。

    Camp Odayin provides fun, safe and supportive camp experiences and community building opportunities for young people and their families this year.

Winter Camp February 15 - February 17

It is hosted in Amery, a two-hour drive from the Twin Cities and free round trip transportation is provided from Minneapolis and Madison. This camp is for children who have attended Residential Camp or Day Camp before. Campers can experience snowshoeing, skiing and snowboarding. Registrations are processed during December & January.

Moms Retreat May 16 - May 17

Scheduled in downtown Stillwater, Moms Retreat will seek to improve the quality of caregivers' life. It will include meals, boarding and yoga activities.

Registration will open in April for moms that receive the email invitation from Camp Odayin. If the limit is reached, we will start a wait list.

Residential Camp July 13 - July 18

Campers will have a chance to communicate with other young people sharing the same grade. Hosted in Lutherdale, it will include swimming, horseback riding and talent show. The approval by the Camp Odayin Director is necessary.

Registration will open in early March and is due May 1st.

Family Camp October 26 - November 1

Hosted in Camp Lake, the camp is a two-night commitment for families with children suffering from heart diseases, who will benefit from connecting with other families who have similar health, emotional and social concerns. Activities will include drawing, fancy dress balls and movies.

Families who have a child in 12th grade or younger (no minimum age) can attend. Camper registration is available online in late August.

1.Which camp is intended for previous campers only?

A.Moms Retreat. B.Winter Camp.

C.Residential Camp. D.Family Camp.

2.Where can you go if you choose to register on August 28?

A.To Amery. B.To Stillwater.

C.To Camp Lake. D.To Lutherdale.

3.What is special about Residential Camp?

A.It offers a variety of activities.

B.It provides access to shopping.

C.It allows sick children to participate.

D.It requires the camp leader's approval.



    Coffee shops are coolbut in WilmingtonBitty & Beau’s Coffee enjoys a good reputation for its warmth.

At the heart of the shop’s popularity is its ____ staffAlmost everyone has an intellectual(智力的)or developmental disability.

The coffee shop was opened in 2016 by Amy Wright and her husband ___ by two of her four children Beau and Bittywho have Down syndrome(唐氏症).

When the couple discovered that most people with intellectual and developmental disabilities could never find an employer who would even give them a(n)  __ they resolved’to do something about it.

“It ____ me like a flash of lightninga coffee shop!”Wright said. “It would be the perfect environment for bringing people together. Seeing the staff ____ customers at the doorpreparing foodserving orders and cleaning tablespeople would realize how  ___ they are. ”

When the shop openedit immediately had ____ out the door. National press attention __and six months laterit had to move to a  __  space.

Todaythe store employs 40 people with disabilitieswho are really good at their jobs.

What makes Amy most proud is the ____ it has built in the community. “Every daypeople say‘You’ve made my day. Thank you. ’That’s a feeling of happiness most people don’t get elsewhereand it's what ____ people back here”she said. “This is a place where people can  __  with those with disabilities and realize how much more alike we are than different. It’s  ___ a cup of coffee. It's a human rights movement. It's given our employees the respect and a sense of being ____ that they deserve. For many employeesit's their first joband their ____ fills the air. ”

1.A.professional B.unique C.active D.talented

2.A.accompanied B.controlled C.impressed D.inspired

3.A.interview B.appointment C.reason D.invitation

4.A.moved B.encouraged C.struck D.affected

5.A.greeting B.observing C.gathering D.finding

6.A.capable B.generous C.reliable D.considerate

7.A.waiters B.activities C.1ines D.guards

8.A.agreed B.continued C.responded D.followed

9.A.farther B.1arger C.quieter D.nearer

10.A.background B.balance C.bridge D.tradition

11.A.holds B.calls C.forces D.draws

12.A.interact B.discuss C.play D.work

13.A.nothing but B.far from C.above all D.more than

14.A.admired B.valued C.separated D.protected

15.A.ambition B.humor C.joy D.patience



    Mirai Nagasu had already lived at least two lifetimes in the sport of figure skating(花样滑冰) when she showed up in Colorado Springs in March 2014. After _______ her only national title at 14 in 2008 and finishing a _______ fourth at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Nagasu’s _______ turned, dramatically. A couple of rough _______followed, then she came back to finish third at the 2014 U.S. nationals before the Sochi Olympics, only to be _______from the U.S. team by a committee in favor of fourth-place finisher Ashley Wagner.

Nagasu was _______. “It was awful,” she said. “I was very close to _______. ”She trained hard every day in Southern California _______she was needed as the first alternate. She was not. Looking for a change of scenery, she _______to go to Colorado to visit her friend Agnes and try to ________what to do with the rest of her life. It was there that Nagasu ________ the Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek, who she asked if he would ________her. It turned out that the ________to what Nagasu wanted to do with the rest of her life, couldn’t have been ________. She kept on skating. “The new environment really ________. ”At their ________ first lesson together, Zakrajsek told her, “You can do triple axel(三圈半跳跃). ”“I ________,”Nagasu said, “and I want to. ”Undoubtedly, she mastered it.

Nagasu, now 24, an age by which young ________have often left the sport. ________, she continued. She was headed to Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic to perform in the women’s free skate. Her efforts finally ________.

1.A.writing B.breaking C.losing D.winning

2.A.tiring B.boring C.surprising D.terrifying

3.A.fortunes B.interest C.career D.temper

4.A.months B.decades C.weeks D.years

5.A.dropped B.escaped C.absent D.forbidden

6.A.impressed B.inspired C.desperate D.fascinated

7.A.fighting B.falling C.drowning D.quitting

8.A.now that B.in case C.for fear that D.on condition that

9.A.decided B.refused C.regretted D.demanded

10.A.let out B.figure out C.look for D.put forward

11.A.searched B.met C.changed D.attracted

12.A.marry B.blame C.save D.coach

13.A.key B.approach C.answer D.entrance

14.A.simpler B.harder C.worse D.higher

15.A.adapted B.helped C.mattered D.benefited

16.A.very B.just C.already D.ever

17.A.must B.can C.should D.may

18.A.alternates B.teenagers C.women D.coaches

19.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Otherwise D.Instead

20.A.came true B.counted on C.paid off D.picked up



    In 1999, Eve and Norman Fertig, a couple, saved a two-week-old shepherd (牧羊犬) named Shana.

One winter several years later, as the Fertigs, both then 81, ________ the injured and hungry animals housed in one of their buildings, a ________ snowstorm blew in. When the couple went outside to check the weather, several trees fell,________ them in a narrow path between two ________. Eve and Norman couldn’t climb over or duck below the ________. For the next two and a half hours, they crowded together for ________ as the snow piled higher. “We were ________,” Eve said. “I thought we could die out here.”

Around 9:30 pm, Shana , who was outside, began ________ toward Eve and Norman in the deep snow. It took her nearly two hours, but ________ she cleared a narrow tunnel(隧道)about 20 feet long ________ the front door of the main house with the Fertigs’ ________.

When breaking through the snow and ________ the couple, the 160-pound dog barked and caught Eve’s jacket and________ the 86-pound woman onto her back. Norman ________ Eve’s ankles, and for the next two hours, Shana pulled the couple through the tunnel.

Thanks to Shana’s ________, they finally reached the house around 2 am., and the Fertigs ________ to get just inside the front door. Extremely ________, they lay there, still. The storm had ________ the electricity and heat, ________ Shana slept next to them all night to keep them warm until the firemen found them.

After five months, Shana’s feet recovered from the injuries she ________ while digging.

1.A.fed B.found C.rescued D.trained

2.A.strange B.unique C.violent D.normal

3.A.covering B.pushing C.delivering D.trapping

4.A.rooms B.buildings C.tunnels D.animals

5.A.trunks B.fences C.leaves D.roofs

6.A.faith B.warmth C.freedom D.sympathy

7.A.in vain B.in sight C.in trouble D.in place

8.A.barking B.checking C.digging D.scanning

9.A.carefully B.eventually C.casually D.hopelessly

10.A.comparing B.providing C.equipping D.connecting

11.A.position B.bedroom C.tree D.tent

12.A.observing B.reaching C.returning D.passing

13.A.threw B.controlled C.fastened D.guided

14.A.lifted B.turned C.pressed D.seized

15.A.efforts B.growth C.habits D.eagerness

16.A.managed B.planned C.waited D.afforded

17.A.stressful B.unprepared C.tired D.desperate

18.A.focused on B.knocked out C.got over D.kept off

19.A.for B.since C.or D.but

20.A.discovered B.predicted C.received D.remembered



    I went to a nursing home to visit Marsha every week. She had only months to live. Every time she said _______ “I hate my father", I would _______ to persuade her to forgive. _______a voice inside me was forcing a question: Isn't there somebody you need to _______?

When I was young, my elder brother John _______ everything I did. In his eyes, nothing I did was right. I suffered from years of emotional _______from him.

After college graduation, I began my career as a manager in another city, which gave me a (n)_______not to go back home often _______I could avoid seeing John. Whenever I phoned Mom, she always provided _______on what was going on with him. He didn't have a happy marriage. He lost his job as a bus-driver... But I ________to feel sorry for him.

In my spare time, I chose to be a ________. I really felt I was helping ________I met Marsha. I told myself to help Marsha, but I was ________ to help myself first.

Finally, I ________the courage to call my brother. There was ________for what seemed a century and I had a strong desire to hang up, but I ________ . "Correcting you was the ________way to show that I cared about you." he ________. Then, something brother to brother returned.

We have stayed in touch and visited each other ________ since.

The last time I saw Marsha, she was too weak to talk, but her face was ________. I knew what it felt like.

1.A.anxiously B.happily C.angrily D.curiously

2.A.manage B.pretend C.promise D.attempt

3.A.Yet B.So C.And D.Or

4.A.call B.help C.forgive D.visit

5.A.supported B.corrected C.ignored D.appreciated

6.A.response B.abuse C.relief D.connection

7.A.excuse B.chance C.advantage D.privilege

8.A.now that B.even if C.in case D.so that

9.A.comments B.updates C.instructions D.assessments

10.A.refused B.offered C.agreed D.regretted

11.A.bus-driver B.manager C.volunteer D.nurse

12.A.when B.after C.though D.until

13.A.thrilled B.desperate C.hesitant D.depressed

14.A.gathered B.lacked C.lost D.recovered

15.A.interruption B.complaint C.silence D.talk

16.A.broke in B.held up C.broke down D.held back

17.A.first B.only C.last D.same

18.A.explained B.shouted C.added D.whispered

19.A.rarely B.briefly C.casually D.regularly

20.A.troubled B.honest C.relaxed D.blank



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