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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was in a strange city that was knowing only by GPS. My phone died. I couldn’t figure out how to reach which my former classmate lived. I stopped at McDonald’s and walked up to two person who appeared to be a mother or her teen daughter. “I’m sorry, but did you mind my using your telephone?”She handed me her phone but it was getting ready be turned off because she didn’t have enough money to pay a bill. I made for my phone call. Reaching into her wallet, I pulled out all I had, a $20 bill. I pressed it into the mother’s hand and then turned to leave hurried.


1.knowing→ known 2.which→ where 3.person→ persons 4.or→ and 5.did→ do 6.ready后加to 7.pay a bill 中的a→ the或 her 8.去掉for 9.her→ my 10.hurried→ hurriedly 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述作者在一个陌生的城市,手机坏了,借用手机打电话的故事。 1.考查非谓语动词。句意:我在一个只有GPS才知道的陌生城市。本句中说城市被GPS知道,应用被动语态,故用过去分词,故将knowing改为known。 2.考查状语从句。句意:我想不出怎么才能到达我以前的同学住的地方。本句中的从句为地点状语从句,应该用where连接,故将which改为where。 3.考查名词。句意:我在麦当劳停了下来,走到两个人面前,他们似乎是一个母亲和她的十几岁的女儿。此句中person为可数名词,用two修饰,应变为复数,加s,故将person改为persons。 4.考查并列连词。本句中说为两个人,所以应该是一个母亲和她的十几岁的女儿,是并列关系,不是选择关系,故将or改为but。 5.考查时态。句意:“对不起,你介意我用你的电话吗?”。本句为直接引语,而且表示日常询问,应用一般现在时,故将did改为do。 6.考查固定短语。句意:她把手机递给我,但手机快关机了,因为她没有足够的钱付账。本get ready to为固定短语,意为“准备,预备”,故在ready后加to。 7.考查冠词或代词。句意:她把手机递给我,但手机快关机了,因为她没有足够的钱付账。本句中付账指的是付她的账单或这个手机的账单,因此需要把pay a bill中的a改为the或者her,故将pay a bill 中的a改为 the或 her。 8.考查固定搭配。句意:我打了我的电话。打电话为make a phone call,不需要再加介词for,故去掉for。 9.考查代词。句意:我把手伸进钱包,掏出了所有的钱,一张20美元的钞票。本句主语是我,再根据句意可知是把手伸进我的钱包,指代一致,故将her改为my。 10.考查词性转换。句意:我把它塞进这位母亲的手里,然后转身匆匆离去。本句中的hurried用来修饰leave做状语,应用它的副词形式,故将hurried改为hurriedly。  


More than half of former host cities for the Winter Olympics will be too hot1.(deal)with such games by the end of this century. That is the prediction of a recent study.

It's not just the Olympics that2.(be) at risk now. “The world of winter sports is changing as the global climate continues warming,”says Daniel Scott,3.climate-change researcher in Canada. He led a team of researchers,4.used math to predict how winter conditions will have changed by February 2050 and 2080. February is the month when the Olympic winter games are5.(typical) played

Scott and his team forecast temperatures and snow cover for the 19 cities that have already hosted Winter Olympics, and two6.(addition) cities: PyeongChang, South Koreaand Beijing, China, where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held.

Scott’s team7.(start) with looking at historic winter conditions, and then used computer models to predict conditions in the future.8.( they) model predicted that by2050the average February temperatures in past Winter Olympic host cities will rise by 1.9 9.2.1 degrees Celsius. These temperatures can affect the quality of snow, thus10.increase)the chance of accidents.




1.__________ compare360 safe with Tencent, which one do you prefer?

2.The young man, having made several finally a_________to beat the world record in the high jump, decided to have another try.

3.I don't mind her c__________(批评)me, but it is how she does it that I object to.

4.Americans use a flashlight,__________ for the British, it's a torch.

5.Now, with the development of society, more and more people take up t____________ jobs.

6.With prices ____________(go) up so fastwe can't afford luxuries.

7.A scientist, as well as a writer , must be ___________(create) and imaginative.

8.Unfortunately, we rushed the fallen old man to hospital,only ________(tell) that we were responsible for him.

9.She felt sure the letter had  some  ________________ (hide) meaning.

10.The boy pretended ____________ (do) his homework when his father came in.

11.Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it ____________ (perform) live is quite  another.

12.Men usually have an advantage__________ women when hunting for jobs.

13.Generally speaking, the more expensive the camera is, the better its___________ (质量) is.

14.I __________(specific) told you not to go near the water.

15.Friday is your last chance ____________ (see) the show before it closes.

16.Dina,____________ (struggle) for months to find a job as waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.

17.When standing before the class, he felt uneasy with all the eyes _____________ (focus) on him .

18.The engine just won't start. Something seems____________(go) wrong with it.

19.All people _____________ (concern) with the case will be questioned by the police.

20.This is the pilot with ___________ my brother has worked for ten years.



    Being hospitalized can be a very annoying and painful experience for a child. _____ ,this is about to change thanks to a dad from North Carolina named Kevin Gatlin.

Gatlin was visiting a friend's child in the hospital when he _____thinking about how his own child would handle in _____circumstances. The inventive dad and his wife put their ____together to try and come up with a fun, interactive(互动的)way to keep children ____while they were being hospitalized.

After his wife _____that they often played board games and did homework on the largest piece of furniture in the home-the bed, Gatlin came up with the______of creating bed sheets with colorful board games and educational tables______on them. Fortunately he could______his mom and several teachers, to discuss the best amusing and educational games to include in the______. Two years later Playtime Edventures came to light.

“We put together bedsheets and slumber(睡袋) bags that______everything from Geography, Math, Science, Grammar, over-sized game boards...all on a three-piece set,”Gatlin explained to News West9.

With his______for kids as a driving force, Gatlin wants to see his bedsheets used in all______, It's certainly not about the______though. “You are a(n)_____and you have to make money. There're a lot of ups and downs-but when you notice a child using your______for what it's meant for, that's______,”he explains.

People are now ordering bedsheets online and_____them to hospitals. Then once the children are due to return home, hospitals often______them to bring their bedding with them to use while they continue______at home.

1.A.Hopefully B.Accidentally C.Thankfully D.Unexpectedly

2.A.enjoyed B.tried C.kept D.began

3.A.special B.similar C.familiar D.dangerous

4.A.hearts B.hands C.heads D.shoulders

5.A.amused B.peaceful C.patient D.touched

6.A.put down B.got across C.figured out D.pointed out

7.A.benefit B.principle C.idea D.skill

8.A.printed B.published C.pressed D.inserted

9.A.interview B.invite C.join D.consult

10.A.models B.designs C.styles D.patterns

11.A.store B.match C.cover D.inspect

12.A.love B.demand C.preparation D.sympathy

13.A.families B.camps C.theaters D.hospitals

14.A.regret B.profit C.reward D.struggle

15.A.adult B.inventor C.parent D.businessman

16.A.present B.instruction C.product D.service

17.A.priceless B.unique C.worthless D.different

18.A.attaching B.donating C.spraying D.recommending

19.A.allow B.request C.trouble D.persuade

20.A.studying B.recovering C.playing D.staying



    Whether you use a GPS device(设备) in your car or Google Maps on your smartphone, few of us travel anymore without digital help. 1. For one thing, GPS isn’t as accurate as you might think. What’s more, science is beginning to discover that people who rely only on navigational technologies may have a poor sense of place during travel.

2. They soon become outdated as cities change, requiring users to continually purchase updated versions. They’re also easily damaged from exposure to water, poor weather conditions and other physical forces.

However, paper maps still offer a few advantages that technologies can’t. For example, studying a map allows you to get a full view of where you’re going, including the roads, forests, towns, historic sites, rivers and mountains you’ll come across along the way. Many older maps are wonderful, offering a lovely feast for the eyes. 3.

Research by Toru Ishikawa and colleagues at the University of Tokyo found that GPS users spent 30 more time looking at their device than those who used a paper map. 4. Instead they tended to stare at their screens and follow directions, never gaining a full view of where they were going.

Therefore, go ahead and use your GPS, but also carry a paper map as a handy backup. 5.  Also it could even be a life-saver!

A. It will improve your travel experiences.

B. But don’t hurry to fold up your paper maps.

C. They also had a poorer recollection of surrounding scenery.

D. Compared with digital maps, paper maps do have disadvantages.

E. What’s more, paper maps tend to focus on smaller geographic areas.

F. They can also take you back in time to have a glimpse(瞥) of history.

G. In other words, they didn’t see or experience much during their travels.



    United States health officials are urging people to stop using electronic cigarettes, known as e-cigarettes. The call to action came after such products were linked to health problems. Five deaths have also been reported. E-cigarettes are a popular substitute for smoking products. The electronic devices heat liquid that includes flavoring, nicotine and other chemicals into vapor—very small particles that users breathe in. Nicotine is found in many plants, including tobacco. E-cigarettes or similar devices also can provide THC or other substances to users. THC is the natural chemical present in marijuana(大麻) plants that gives users the mental state known as a “high”.

E-cigarettes are said to be safer than normal cigarettes because they do not create the cancer-causing byproducts of burning tobacco.Yet health officials say e-cigarette users have reported shortness of breath and other breathing problems, such as coughing and chest pain. Some have been sick to the stomach, felt very tired, suffered weight loss or developed high body temperatures. One report noted that most of the 53 illnesses reported in Illinois and Wisconsin were related to THC vaping(气化) products. But nearly 20 percent of the patients inhaled(吸入)substances like nicotine from e-cigarettes. Most of the reported cases were of young men.

The report found that, “Since no single product or substance has been associated with the illness, persons should consider not using e-cigarettes while this investigation is ongoing.” Last November, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, reported that “e-cigarette use increased considerably among U.S. middle and high school students during 2017—2018.” Among high school students, it found e-cigarette use rose from 220,000 students in 2011 to 3.05 million in 2018.

On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA gave a warning to JUUL Labs, maker of the best-selling e-cigarettes. The FDA accused the company of illegally marketing its products as being “safer than cigarettes” without the agency's approval.In a statement, the FDA's acting commissioner said that, “JUUL has ignored the law, and has made some of these statements in school to our nation's youth.” A JUUL spokesman said the company is studying the FDA's comments and “will fully cooperate”.

1.Which of the following can best describe e-cigarettes?

A.Deadly.​ B.Harmless.​

C.Infectious.​ D.Effective.

2.What change will be caused when smokers inhale e-cigarettes containing THC?

A.They will be healthier.​

B.They will lose weight.

C.They will feel excited.​

D.They will be peaceful.

3.What information about JUUL Labs can we get from the last paragraph?

A.Students became its main marketing targets.

B.FDA didn't agree on its way of promoting its products.

C.It completely denied what it was accused of.

D.E-cigarettes were invented by it.

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.Say “No” to cigarettes​

B.A sharp rise of e-cigarettes use among young people.

C.Safer e-cigarettes are needed for health.

D.E-cigarettes—a potential killer.



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