满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a rainy morning and the children,...

It was a rainy morning and the children, mainly boys with various learning difficulties, refused to settle for the start of the lesson. As an inexperienced teacher, I tried every means to get them to be______, but in vain. My panic was rising and I could feel my heart beating wildly. This was the______of my job as a music teacher, I thought -- teaching was not for me. Then I had an idea. Hoping that no one would notice that I was______inside, I threw my voice as far as it would reach: "Put your heads on the desks and close your______ ! We are going on a journey."

____ , the children fell silent. "Now what should I do?" I thought to myself. Reaching over to my collection of CDs, I blindly ______ , put it in the machine and played it.

Obediently (顺从地), my class lay their heads on their desk, closed their eyes and ______. When the music started, the room as filled with the most beautiful tones and musical colors I could have ever imagined. All the children were ______ . When the music finished, I asked them all to raise their ______slowly so that we could share our musical journey.

At this point, when all the children were willing to share their experiences, I began to learn how to ______ . The music allow me to learn that teaching is about sharing and respect, tears and smiles, the knowing and the _____ and most of all, an understanding of each other. This was the power that ______in the classroom could have.

1.A. glad B. safe C. kind D. quiet

2.A. end B. aim C. rule D. plan

3.A. guessing B. shaking C. responding D. laughing

4.A. eyes B. mouths C. books D. doors

5.A. Punctually B. Importantly C. Amazingly D. Obviously

6.A. passed one on B. gave one back C. turned one in D. took one out

7.A. slept B. nodded C. waited D. continued

8.A. talking B. singing C. dancing D. listening

9.A. legs B. heads C. arms D. shoulders

10.A. teach B. imagine C. play D. understand

11.A. unprepared B. unspoken C. unknown D. unforgotten

12.A. games B. music C. tears D. knowledge


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 【解析】 试题本文讲述了作者一次上音乐课的经历来告诉读者音乐的力量在于它使人们能够相互理解 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

    In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The ___ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of ___ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.

How did we ___ a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to ___ an object than to spend time and money to repair it. ___ modern manufacturing(制造业)and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and ___.

Another cause is our ___of disposable(一次性的)products. As ___ people, we are always looking for ___ to save time and make our lives easier. Companies ____ thousands of different kinds of disposable products:paper plates, plastic cups, and cameras, to name a few.

Our appetite for new products also ____ to the problem. We are ____ buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that ____ is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we ____ useful possessions to make room for new ones.

All around the world, we can see the ____ of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To ____ the amount of rubbish and to protect the ____, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. ____, this is not enough to solve(解决)our problem.

Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions ____ throwing them away. We also need to rethink our attitudes about ____. Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.

1.A. key B. reason C. project D. problem

2.A. gifts B. rubbish C. debt D. products

3.A. face B. become C. observe D. change

4.A. hide B. control C. replace D. withdraw

5.A. Thanks to B. As to C. Except for D. Regardless of

6.A. safe B. funny C. cheap D. powerful

7.A. love B. lack C. prevention D. division

8.A. sensitive B. kind C. brave D. busy

9.A. ways B. places C. jobs D. friends

10.A. donate B. receive C. produce D. preserve

11.A. adapts B. returns C. responds D. contributes

12.A. tired of B. addicted to C. worried about D. ashamed for

13.A. newer B. stronger C. higher D. larger

14.A. pick up B. pay for C. hold onto D. throw away

15.A. advantages B. purposes C. functions D. consequences

16.A. show B. record C. decrease D. measure

17.A. technology B. environment C. consumers D. brands

18.A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Meanwhile

19.A. by B. in favour of C. after D. instead of

20.A. spending B. collecting C. repairing D. advertising



    Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, I’ve watched one friend after another land high-ranking, high-paying Wall Street jobs. As executives (高级管理人员) with banks, consulting firms, established law firms, and major corporations, many are now ____ on their way to impressive careers. By society’s ____, they seem to have it made.

On the surface, these people seem to be very lucky in life. As they left student life behind, many had a ____ drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates, and ____ out of small apartments into high buildings. They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine ____ a college year’s monthly rent. They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.

The thing is, a number of them have ____ that despite their success, they aren’t happy. Some ____ of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they ____. Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and ____. However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the ____ to which they have so quickly become ____.

People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and ____ in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they ____ or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion: it’s ____. They have loans, bills, a mortgage (抵押贷款) to ____, retirement to save for. They recognize there’s something ____ in their lives, but it’s ____ to step off the track.

In a society that tends to ____ everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our ____ in financial terms. But what about the personal and social costs ____ in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore — and the very ones we need to consider most.

1.A.much B.never C.seldom D.well

2.A.policies B.standards C.experiments D.regulations

3.A.last B.least C.second D.best

4.A.cycled B.moved C.slid D.looked

5.A.shared B.paid C.equaled D.collected

6.A.advertised B.witnessed C.admitted D.demanded

7.A.complain B.dream C.hear D.approve

8.A.distribute B.hate C.applaud D.neglect

9.A.calm B.guilty C.warm D.empty

10.A.family B.government C.lifestyle D.project

11.A.accustomed B.appointed C.unique D.available

12.A.yet B.also C.instead D.rather

13.A.let out B.turn in C.give up D.believe in

14.A.fundamental B.practical C.impossible D.unforgettable

15.A.take off B.drop off C.put off D.pay off

16.A.missing B.inspiring C.sinking D.shining

17.A.harmful B.hard C.useful D.normal

18.A.measure B.suffer C.digest D.deliver

19.A.disasters B.motivations C.campaigns D.decisions

20.A.assessed B.involved C.covered D.reduced



    Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device (装置) on your desk. And they’ve never actually ____ you. Everything they know about you ____ through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. ____ they feel they can know you ____ from the sound of your voice. That’s how powerful the ____ is.

Powerful, yes, but not always ____. For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom I’d never met ____, got me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really ____ me. I sometimes wished to ____ another agent.

One morning, I had to ____ an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Rani’s office ____. The woman sitting at the desk, ____ my madness, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a ____ smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the ____ immediately. "What a wonderful lady! " I thought.

Rushing out ____ I called out over my shoulder, "By the way, what’s your name?" "I’m Rani," she said.  I turned around and saw a ____ woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip. I was ____! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so ____.

Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani’s ____ — her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I’m here for you’ ____ — were all silent signals that didn’t travel through wires.

1.A. accepted B. noticed C. heard D. met

2.A. came B. moved C. ran D. developed

3.A. Thus B. Yet C. Then D. Indeed

4.A. rather B. also C. just D. already

5.A. telephone B. voice C. connection D. impression

6.A. direct B. useful C. easy D. accurate

7.A. in person B. by myself C. in public D. on purpose

8.A. annoyed B. interested C. discouraged D. confused

9.A. promote B. train C. find D. know

10.A. arrange B. postpone C. confirm D. book

11.A. for the first time B. at any time C. from time to time D. in good time

12.A. expecting B. seeing C. testing D. avoiding

13.A. shy B. comforting C. familiar D. forced

14.A. bill B. form C. ticket D. list

15.A. hopefully B. disappointedly C. gratefully D. regretfully

16.A. careful B. serious C. nervous D. pleasant

17.A. amused B. worried C. helpless D. speechless

18.A. calm B. nice C. proud D. clever

19.A. forgiveness B. eagerness C. friendliness D. skillfulness

20.A. explanation B. attitude C. concept D. behavior



    At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds. I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it to ________ bad feelings, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. Worried about my health, I tried many different kinds of  ________ but nothing worked. I came to believe that I could do nothing about my __________

When I was 50, my weight problem began to affect me ________ . I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with this ________ weight any more.

That year, I________ a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world. A seminar leader shared her ________ story —she had not only 125 pounds, but also raised $25,000 for homeless children._____ by her story, I created the As We Heal(痊愈), the World Heals _________. My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000________ a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger. This combination of healing myself and healing the world  ________ me as the perfect solution.______I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I would ______ the same difficulties that beat me before. While the ________ hung over my head, there were also signs that I was headed down the right _________. I sent letters to everyone I knew, telling them about my project. It worked perfectly. Donations began __________in from hundreds of people.

Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I consulted with a physician(内科医生), I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and __________ meals. My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise _________.

A year later, I________ my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! I feel that I’ve been given a second life to devote to something that is __________ and enormous.

1.A.add B.mix C.kill D.share

2.A.diets B.drinks C.fruits D.dishes

3.A.height B.ability C.wisdom D.weight

4.A.temporarily B.recently C.seriously D.secretly

5.A.ideal B.extra C.normal D.low

6.A.attended B.organized C.recommended D.mentioned

7.A.folk B.success C.adventure D.science

8.A.Surprised B.Amused C.Influenced D.Disturbed

9.A.project B.business C.system D.custom

10.A.in search of B.in need of C.in place of D.in support of

11.A.scared B.considered C.confused D.struck

12.A.As B.Until C.If D.Unless

13.A.get over B.run into C.look for D.put aside

14.A.excitement B.joy C.anger D.fear

15.A.row B.hall C.path D.street

16.A.breaking B.flooding C.jumping D.stepping

17.A.heavy B.full C.expense D.healthy

18.A.regularly B.limitlessly C.suddenly D.randomly

19.A.set B.reached C.missed D.dropped

20.A.stressful B.painful C.meaningful D.peaceful



    The Homeless Hero

For many, finding an unattended wallet filled with £400 in cash would be a source(来源)of temptation(诱惑). But the ________ would no doubt be greater if you were living on the streets with little food and money. All of this makes the actions of the homeless Tom Smith __________ more remarkable.

After spotting a ________ on the front seat inside a parked car with its window down, he stood guard in the rain for about two hours waiting for the __________ to return.

After hours in the cold and wet, he __________  inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact(联系)the driver, only to __________ it contained £400 in notes, with another £50 in spare change beside it.

He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after __________ a note behind to let the owner know it was safe. When the car’s owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to the car—which was itself worth £35, 000—in Glasgow city centre, they were __________ to find two policemen standing next to it. The policemen told them what Mr. Smith did and that the wallet was __________.

The pair were later able to thank Mr. Smith for his __________.

Mr. Anderson said:"I couldn’t believe that the guy never took a penny. To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight __________ he could have stolen the money and paid for a place to stay in. This guy has nothing and

__________ he didn’t take the wallet for himself;he thought about others __________. It’s unbelievable. It just proves there are ________ guys out there."

Mr. Smith’s act __________ much of the public’s attention. He also won praise from social media users after Mr. Anderson __________ about the act of kindness on Facebook.

Now Mr. Anderson has set up an online campaign to __________ money for Mr. Smith and other homeless people in the area, which by yesterday had received £8,000. "I think the faith that everyone has shown __________ him has touched him. People have been approaching him in the street; he’s had job __________ and all sorts," Mr. Anderson commented.

For Mr. Smith, this is a possible life-changing __________. The story once again tells us that one good turn deserves another.

1.A.hope B.aim C.urge D.effort

2.A.still B.even C.ever D.once

3.A.wallet B.bag C.box D.parcel

4.A.partner B.colleague C.owner D.policeman

5.A.turned B.hid C.stepped D.reached

6.A.discover B.collect C.check D.believe

7.A.taking B.leaving C.reading D.writing

8.A.satisfied B.excited C.amused D.shocked

9.A.safe B.missing C.found D.seen

10.A.service B.support C.kindness D.encouragement

11.A.when B.if C.where D.because

12.A.rather B.yet C.already D.just

13.A.too B.though C.again D.instead

14.A.honest B.polite C.rich D.generous

15.A.gave B.paid C.cast D.drew

16.A.learned B.posted C.cared D.heard

17.A.borrow B.raise C.save D.earn

18.A.of B.at C.for D.in

19.A.details B.changes C.offers D.applications

20.A.lesson B.adventure C.chance D.challenge



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