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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Fo...

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Forbidden City in Beijing, home to the Palace Museum, houses more than 1.8 million cultural relics and is one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions.

1. (mark) the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City, the Palace Museum will hold a series of events throughout 2020. Over 20 exhibitions will be held, 2. (cover) different areas such as history, art, festivals, and so on. For the special occasion, Along the River during the Qingming Festival, one of China’s most 3. (wide) known masterpieces, will go on display in September 2020. For 4. (it) best preservation, this treasured artwork is seldom fully exhibited. The painting 5. (display) for the first time back in 2005 to celebrate the museum’s 80th anniversary. Such 6. rare sight is expected to draw huge crowds.  In addition, the museum will also display exhibits from other 7. (country).

During the past few years, the Palace Museum has been working hard to get the public familiar 8. the history and culture of the Forbidden City. And it seems that these efforts have been paying off, with its 9. (popular) reaching a new height. Over 17 million people visited the museum in 2018, of 10. 40 percent were under 30 years old.


1.To mark 2.covering 3.widely 4.its 5.was displayed 6.a 7.countries 8.with 9.popularity 10.whom 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了北京故宫博物院所在地,拥有180多万件文物,是世界上游客最多的旅游景点之一。 1.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了纪念故宫建城600周年,故宫博物院将在2020年举办一系列活动。本句已经存在谓语动词且句中没有连词,故mark只能做非谓语,表目的用不定式,故填To mark。 2.考查非谓语动词。句意:将举办20多个展览,涵盖历史、艺术、节日等不同领域。本句中cover做非谓语与逻辑主语20 exhibitions构成主谓关系,故用现在分词填covering。 3.考查副词。known为形容词,需要副词修饰,故填widely。 4.考查形容词性物主代词。preservation为名词,需要形容词修饰,故填形容词性物主代词its。 5.考查被动语态。句意:这幅画于2005年首次展出,以庆祝该博物馆成立80周年。本句中display与主语painting构成被动关系,且根据时间状语2005故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为单数,故填was displayed。 6.考查冠词。sight为名词,此处表泛指“一个罕见的景象”应用不定冠词,故填a。 7.考查名词的数。country为可数名词,由other修饰,故用复数形式countries。 8.考查介词。短语be familiar with sth.“熟悉某物”后跟介词with,故填with。 9.考查名词。its为形容词性物主代词后跟名词,故填popularity。 10.考查定语从句关系代词。句意:2018年,超过1700万人参观了博物馆,其中40%的人年龄在30岁以下。本句为定语从句修饰先行词17 million people,先行词在从句中做介词of的宾语,指人,故填whom。

    I had driven home to celebrate my 38th birthday with my mother. When I arrived, I found her _______ proudly at the kitchen table, a chocolate cake and two boxes wrapped orange ribbon (丝带) in front of her. “Happy birthday!” she said, _______ at the boxes. “Open them.”

As she knows me _______ than anyone, she’d gotten me exactly what I wanted—running clothes. I _______ her and thanked her and proceeded(接着) to eat the cake.

“Too many _______,” I said, not really caring.

“You’ll run them off tomorrow,” Mom said.

Many adult children with a parent suffering from _______ memory will tell you there was one day that _______ to them that their relationship with their mother or father would be forever changed.

For me that day _______ two weeks later, when I drove back for another short _______. I came upon exactly the same ________: my mom sitting at the kitchen table; a chocolate cake resting next to two ________ wrapped in curly ribbon. The ribbon was green this time. That was the only ________ “Happy birthday!” my mom said.

I was totally ________. “What’s going on?” I asked.

Mom smiled. “Can’t I celebrate my daughter’s birthday?”

This was no ________. This was real life, and since my mother clearly only wanted to make me ________, I pushed aside my fear and fulfilled my role as the ________ daughter. I hugged her, thanked her and ________ the clothes... I did not mention to her that we’d done all this two ________ ago.

My house is her world now. My mother and I have the ________ conversation roughly 10 times a day. ________, I consider it a pleasure, because every minute is new for her.

1.A.cooking B.sitting C.singing D.dancing

2.A.shouting B.running C.staring D.gesturing

3.A.earlier B.longer C.better D.less

4.A.paid B.hugged C.comforted D.ignored

5.A.calories B.presents C.decorations D.candles

6.A.sad B.lasting C.failing D.past

7.A.signaled B.added C.appealed D.contributed

8.A.ended B.came C.changed D.disappeared

9.A.memory B.birthday C.party D.visit

10.A.day B.idea C.scene D.celebration

11.A.boxes B.bags C.dresses D.hats

12.A.color B.choice C.attraction D.difference

13.A.moved B.confused C.embarrassed D.excited

14.A.pleasure B.trouble C.trick D.end

15.A.happy B.shocked C.puzzled D.upset

16.A.friendly B.successful C.forgetful D.grateful

17.A.admired B.washed C.declined D.wrapped

18.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

19.A.previous B.annoying C.only D.same

20.A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Moreover



    Imagine an area 34 times the size of Manhattan. Now imagine it covered ankle-deep in plastic waste—a total of about 19 billion pounds of garbage. 1..

“We’re being overwhelmed(淹没) by our waste,”said Jenna Jambeck, an environmental engineer who led the 2015 study that determined this astonishing number. 2., unless something is done to stop the tide of garbage.

Plastic—a widely-used material—has in many ways been a benefit to humans but it has also caused a growing problem. Today, plastics are the No.1 type of garbage found in the sea. Ocean Conservancy, a nonprofit that organizes an annual coastal cleanup event worldwide, said plastic waste makes up around 85 percent of the garbage collected from beaches and oceans.

Ocean Conservancy says plastics are believed to threaten(威胁)at least 600 different wildlife species(物种). 3.; a growing body of evidence suggests humans are consuming plastics through the seafood we eat. A research suggests some plastics could be poisonous to humans, and could potentially increase the risk of health problems.

4.. At the Economist World Ocean Summit this week, ten nations announced to reduce plastic sea liter as part of UN Environment's CleanSeas campaign. 5.Corporations also have a role, as do individuals. We can start by thinking twice before using single-use plastic products—and when we do use them, we should take care to properly throw them off or recycle.

A. The following is what we should do

B. And it’s not just wildlife that’s threatened

C. And this figure is likely to double by 2025

D. But it’s not just countries that need to do their part

E. By 2050,that figure is expected to rise to 1000 pieces

F. That’s how much plastic waste ends up in our oceans every year

G. All of us have an important role to play in dealing with the problems



    The world's first hydrogen-powered trains have begun running in Germany. They began carrying passengers Monday in Germany's northern Lower Saxony state. The new train will run 100-kilometer trips and can travel up to 140 kilometers an hour.

A French railroad company called Alstom built the two trains. Team in Germany and France cooperated on the project, which was supported by the German government. The new train model ,called the Coradia ilint, signals the beginning of efforts in Germany and other nations to move away from pollution-producing diesel(柴油) trains.

The Coradia iLint is designed to run on non-electrified train lines with low levels of noise.

It uses a process that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electrical power. If the system produces more energy than the train needs at that time, it can store the extra energy in batteries. The only emissions (排放物) are water and steam.

A single tank of hydrogen can run a Coradia iLint train for about 1,000 kilometers. This is very similar to the distance a diesel-powered train can run on with a single tank.

Hydrogen-powered trains cost more than diesel trains to build. But Alstom officials say the operating costs are much lower. The company plans to provide another 14 Coradia iLint trains to Lower Saxony by 2021.

The head of railroad operations in the area, Carmen Schwab, praised replacing diesel trains with hydrogen. She said the move was an important first step in using clean-burning technologies to reach climate protection goals.

Officials say the area's many wind turbines (涡轮机)will produce part of the energy to create the hydrogen to power the trains.

Alstom says several other European countries have also expressed interest in developing hydrogen train systems. France has already said it wants its first hydrogen train to be operating by 2022.

1.Why did Germany build the new trains?

A. To replace diesel trains.

B. To carry more passengers.

C. To make traveling much easier.

D. To develop friendship with France.

2.What is one advantage of the Coradia iLint?

A. It runs without making any noise.

B. It doesn't use electrical power.

C. It costs much less to run.

D. It is cheaper to make it.

3.It can be concluded that hydrogen trains________.

A. are widely used

B. are environmentally friendly

C. can stop air pollution

D. can produce water and oxygen

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A. Saving Natural Resources

B. Efforts to Reduce Emissions

C. World's First Hydrogen Trains

D. A New Way to Make Electricity



    Being highly successful in any field is pretty rare. It takes a combination of natural talent, luck, determination, and plenty of outside support for someone to make it big in sports, entertainment, or business. But what if competing is all that matters to you, whether you are likely to succeed or not? This was the goal of Michael Eddie the Eagle Edwards, and that he reached that goal was an amazing achievement.

Born in the U.K. in 1963, Michael was an enthusiastic downhill skier whose dream was to compete for Britain in world-class competitions. He would have liked to represent his country in the 1984 Winter Olympics, but there were a large number of downhill competitors, and Edwards didn't qualify. Seeing his chance elsewhere, he switched to ski jumping. Ski jumping didn't cost nearly as much, and there was almost no competition for a place on the Britain team.

But number of hurdles (障碍)could have meant the end of Edwards' dream. He weighed more than most competitors, which put him at a disadvantage. He had no financial support for his training. Poor eyesight meant that he had to wear glasses under his goggles (护目镜)- not a good thing when they steamed up at high altitudes. But he couldn't let any of this discourage him. He saw himself as a true lover of the sport who simply wanted the chance to compete. Winning wasn't the point. Having the opportunity to try was all he cared about. And nothing could stop him from trying.

In the end, Edwards took 55th place in the 1987 World Championships. He then went on to the Calgary Olympics in 1988, where he finished last in both of his events. Many athletes would have been embarrassed by this result, but he is proud of his achievement to this day. His determination to fight against all the odds made him a global hero, and in 2016, the inspiring film Eddie the Eagle was made about his life.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To add some background information.

B. To uncover the secret of success.

C. To expect an answer from readers.

D. To introduce the topic.

2.Why did Michael Edwards choose ski jumping?

A. It took less skill.

B. The equipment was cheaper.

C. There was little competition.

D. It was easy to win the championship.

3.After the Calgary Olympics, Edwards _________.

A. felt he had reached his goal

B. was embarrassed by his results

C. switched to film making

D. was glad it was over

4.What made Michael Edwards outstanding?

A. His determination to win.

B. His enthusiasm for the sport.

C. His attitude towards the Olympics.

D. His ability to overcome physical disabilities.



    DNA analysis has revealed family relationships between more than 10 generations of Stone Age people at megalithic (巨石的) tombs in Ireland and Sweden.

The evidence suggests that megaliths, prehistoric large stone structures, sometimes acted as graves for family groups in northwestern Europe thousands of years ago. The latest findings throw new light on the origins and social structure of the groups that built megaliths in this region—a history that has long been hidden in mystery.

For their study, the international team of researchers analyzed the genomes—the complete set of genetic material in a cell—of 24 Stone Age individuals from five megalithic burial sites in Ireland, Scotland and Gotland, a large Swedish island in the Baltic Sea.

This analysis showed that many of the individuals buried at each megalith, who all lived between  3,800 B.C. and 2,600 B.C.,  according  to  radiocarbon-dating  of  their  remains,  were closely related via family ties.

The results also showed that the individuals buried at the megaliths were related to Neolithic farmers in northern and western Europe but genetically distinct from other hunter-gatherers. This was particularly noticeable at the Ansarve site on the island of Gotland.

“The people buried in the Ansarve tomb are remarkably different on a genetic level compared to the individuals dug out from hunter-gather contexts, showing that the burial tradition in this megalithic tomb, which lasted for over 700 years, was performed by distinct groups with roots in the European Neolithic expansion,” Magdalena Fraser, co-first author from Uppsala University, said in the statement.

1.What’s the significance of the new findings?

A. It reveals the family ties between people in Ireland and Sweden.

B. It implies that many people buried in the tombs were closely related.

C. It indicates the long-hidden mystery concerning DNA analysis.

D. It suggests that the megaliths became tombs thousands of years ago.

2.How did the researchers reach their findings?

A. By interviewing individuals. B. By travelling to different regions.

C. By analyzing genes. D. By studying the burial sites.

3.Which is true according to the latest findings?

A. Some people buried in the tombs were related to farmers.

B. Few people buried in the tombs were genetically different.

C. All the people buried at megaliths had family relationships.

D. People buried in the Ansarve tomb were dug out 700 years later.

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Megaliths served as tombs thousands of years ago.

B. People buried at the megaliths were recently analyzed.

C. Latest findings shed light on a mystery about burials.

D. Stone-Age people in Ireland and Sweden had close ties.



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