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A good way to look at failure straight i...

    A good way to look at failure straight in the face is by writing a failure resume(简历)or CV. Like social mediatherewe usually only see our friends’“highlight part”. When we look at others’resumeswe get scared and think how ours doesn’t measure up. But even the most accomplished people have plenty of failure behind them—we just don’t see it.

Stefan felt this deeply as a scientistso she wrote a different CV which of course boasted (夸耀)about her good gradesPhDand published papers. But the way she deals with her failure CV is a model of what we could a11 do.

“My CV does not reflect my great academic efforts—it does not mention the exams I failedmy unsuccessful PhD or scholarship applicationsor the papers never accepted for publication. During the interviewsI talk about the one project that workednot about the many that failed”writes Stefan in a column for Nature.com.

Stefan suggests keeping a draft on which you logcasually but regularlyevery unsuccessful applicationrefused grant proposal and rejected paper.

And that’s the pointnot to consider what we got wrongbut to use that information to both look at failure and realize it’s really okayand also to use our failures for another purposeas learning tools.

The point is to be real—with ourselves and about how the world works. Being real means taking an honestcriticalbut also kind look at what we didn’t get rightand then doing our best to change what we can. Instead of focusing on how that failure makes you feeltake the time to step back and analyze the practicaloperational reasons that you failed.

Soprctice being okay with failureand turning your failures into lessons learned. And yessometimes we have to learn those lessons more than onceletting go of what you can’t change. And keep moving forward to success.

1.What does the underlined word“it”in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Plenty of failure. B.A failure resume.

C.Highlight part. D.Social media.

2.What did Stefan intend to tell us in paragraph 3?

A.A11 her failures in her career.

B.Benefits she got from her failures.

C.The content of her own resume.

D.The difference between her resume and others’.

3.What does Stefan advise us to do in our careers?

A.Regard failures as part of our life.

B.Keep a record of our failures.

C.Value our achievements.

D.Long for failures.

4.Which of the following best describes the author’s opinion?

A.No painsno gains.

B.A11 roads lead to Rome.

C.Where there is a willthere is a way.

D.Failure is the mother of success.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。即使是最有成就的人背后也有很多失败——我们只是没有看到它。那么我们如何看待失败呢?作者从失败的简历开始,告诉读者不是考虑我们错了什么,而是利用正确看待失败,把我们的失败用做学习工具,分析失败的原因,保持好的态度,把失败变成经验教训。继续前进,走向成功。 1.词义猜测题。根据上文“even the most accomplished people have plenty of failure behind them”可知,即使是最有成就的人背后也经历很多失败,分析句子可知,破折号是对上文的解释说明,划线句说的是“我们只是看不到它”,因此推断it指代上文提到的plenty of failure 。故选A。 2.主旨大意。根据第三段My CV does not reflect my great academic efforts—it does not mention the exams I failed,my unsuccessful PhD or scholarship applications,or the papers never accepted for publication. During the interviews,I talk about the one project that worked,not about the many that failed,”writes Stefan in a column for Nature.com可知,本段讲述的是stefan在nature.com的专栏中的东西:我的简历没有反映我在学术上的巨大努力——它没有提到我不及格的考试,我不成功的博士或奖学金申请,或者从未被接受出版的论文。在面试中,我谈到了一个有效的项目,而不是许多失败的项目。因此可知,第三段Stefan目的是告诉我们她的简历的内容。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段的Stefan suggests keeping a draft on which you log,casually but regularly,every unsuccessful application,refused grant proposal and rejected paper.可知,Stefan建议保留一份你可以随意但定期登录的草稿,每一个不成功的申请,被拒绝了的拨款提议以及被拒绝的论文。这些都是我们失败的记录。故选B。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段So,prctice being okay with failure,and turning your failures into lessons learned. And yes,sometimes we have to learn those lessons more than once,letting go of what you can’t change. And keep moving forward to success可知,对失败保持好的态度,把你的失败变成经验教训。有时我们必须不止一次地吸取这些教训,放弃你无法改变的东西。继续前进,走向成功。因此推断,作者认为失败是成功之母。故选D。

    All animals—from humans to birdsworms and crocodiles—sleephowevernot all species sleep alike. Scientists have long puzzled over which aspects are truly fundamental. Now a new study on lizards(蜥蜴)suggests that sleep states once thought to occur only in mammals and birds have much older evolutionary origins.

Scientists had long doubted that birds and mammals are the only vertebrates(脊椎动物)to experience rapid eye movement(REM)a sleep state in which the body is mostly immobile but the brain is overworking. During REM sleepthe brain produces high-frequency waves of electrical activity and the eyes turn suddenly from time to time. In humansREM is closely linked to dreaming. REM is a pattern of slow-wave sleepa state in which brain activity weakens and the waves become more consistent. This slower state is widely thought to be important to memory formation and storage.

“But scientists who looked for signs of REM and slow-wave sleep in reptiles(爬行动物) have had‘confusing’results”says Gilles Laurenta neuroscientist at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in FrankfurtGermany. So he and his colleagues had planned to examine how the lizards—a common pet in Germany use visual information to chase treats. Using camerathe team found that the sleeping lizards’eyes twitched during the REM-like stagejust like other animals. They also found a very familiar pattern within the slower phase of the lizards’brain waves. Some scientists believe these waves help transform new information into memories by replaying past events quickly.

Although more studies are still needed to determine whether the function of these brain wave patterns is the same across speciesthe results suggest that these REM and slow-wave sleep patterns could date all the way back to the common ancestor of reptilesbirdsand mammals.

1.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.The origin of human dream.

B.The definition and effect of REM.

C.The features and course of memory.

D.The advantages and disadvantages of REM.

2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word“twitched”in paragraph 3 ?

A.opened wide B.moved quickly

C.stayed closed D.kept still

3.How does the lizards’brain waves turn information into memories according to some scienfists?

A.By increasing their frequency slowly.

B.By changing their pattern occasionally.

C.By playing back the past events quickly.

D.By connecting visual information effectively.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The function of the brain wave is the same.

B.All the animals have the common ancestor.

C.The sleep pattern of all the animals is the same.

D.The study about sleep pattern has a long way to go.



    YesterdayI drove my 23-year-old daughter to the nearby counseling centerto attempt once again to complete the treatment. I did my best to encourage and give her inspiring support as she was feeling anxious of the whole process.

While we were waitingjust minutes before the center opened their doora young girl the same age as my daughtercame in. She had a beautiful smile I rememberand spoke of her desire to make a difference for others like my daughter from a11 she learned through her past drug abuse. I felt that she was sincere in her desire. It had been two weeks since her stopping the use of drugs.

My daughter was standing next to me and focused on doing her best to stay calm on the outsidewhile inside she was feeling quite anxiousso she barely noticed what this girl was saying. Yetshe did manage to open up and talk with her a bit about the noisy ceiling fan in the hall where we were waiting.

Next Fridayit will be a new opportunity for my daughter to try once againas well as the  possibility of being there for this young girltoo. I continue the example ot sell-love for my daughterstrengthening this skillwhile encouraging my daughter’s positive changes.

I noticed yesterdaymy daughter called her friends“I am a strong woman!”This made me smileas a sudden gift to me from when I had been speaking to her enthusiastically about how we are strong womentrying our bestand we overcome and win through our life challenges. Let her know I believe in her. While she was focused on the physicalin that momentI think she was likely feeling strength in all waystoo. I hope so.

1.What was the problem with the author’s daughter?

A.She was seriously i11.

B.She lost bravery to face life.

C.She had to receive an operation.

D.She was suffering from drugs.

2.What did the author’s daughter talk about with the young girl?

A.The room facility.

B.The anxiety of treatment.

C.The crowded waiting hall.

D.The noisy patients around.

3.What do we know about the author’s daughter from the last paragraph?

A.She made friends with the girl.

B.She was cured completely.

C.She regained confidence.

D.She respected her mother.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.We’re EnoughWaiting For Challenges

B.We’re The WorldWinning The Future

C.We’re Strong WomenTrying Our Best

D.We’re On The Hard WayLacking Self-Love



    Is it possible to build muscle and meanwhile lose fat?Please allow us to bring the following two facts to your attention first.

Fact 1Losing fat requires a caloric deficit(亏损)which means consuming less calories than your body needs so that stored body fat is used for energy instead.

Fact 2Building muscle requires a caloric surplus(盈余)which means consuming more calories than your body needs so that new muscle tissue can be created.

And it’s this realization that leads those of us who want to build figure and lose fat ideally at the exact same time to wonder just how we’re supposed to make it happen?

The 4-week Online Workout Course professionally designed by Super Fitness will perfectly resolve the conflictmaking it possible for you to both build muscle and lose fat.

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1.What’s the purpose of mentioning the conflict of building muscle and losing fat?

A.To bring out the course. B.To clear confusion.

C.To stress importance. D.To warn the danger.

2.How many pounds of fat in all does the course promise to lose?

A.2. B.4.

C.6. D.8.

3.Where is the text 1ikely to be taken from?

A.A newspaper. B.A website.

C.A fitness book. D.A biology magazine.




1. 开展此次活动的目的;

2. 此次活动的具体内容(例如:二手书市,读书分享会,……)

3. 此次活动反响如何;

4. 你对此次活动的看法。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:Scholarly Campus 书香校园;second-hand book fair 二手书市

Dear Jack,



Li Hua




English learners can improve their abilities to remember and use new words by testing themselves. So next time you are studying English, try to test 1. (your). A simple way to test vocabulary is to create flashcards (抽认卡) with clues on one side and answers on the back. Flashcards in the past were small cards or pieces of paper with a word or a question on one side and the meaning or answer to 2. question on the other side. Students used them to quiz each other or quiz themselves to prepare 3. examinations. Now, many online services allow students 4. (create) digital flashcards. One such service is Quizlet, 5. learners can do a variety of activities based on one set of new words or 6. (inform). You can match words and meanings, write a word after 7. (look) at a picture, or listen to a word and write it. You can also play 8. (game) with the new words and meanings.

Another way is to ask yourself questions. Lynn recommends that learners ask questions such as, “What did I learn today? What were those words I thought were 9. (interest)? What 10. (be) the verb tense I learned? How does it work?”



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