满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Jeremy ...


Jeremy was a Bolivian teacher. He came to America in search of a better life 5 years ago. He worked hard to learn English and teach himself American teaching standards in order to succeed 1. a teacher in this country. Because of his many failures, Jeremy understood the value of hard work and determination in 2. (achieve) goals. But when he first stepped through the doors of Garfield High School, Jeremy didn’t know 3. influence he would have on his students.

As a maths teacher at Garfield High School, Jeremy’s 4. (difficult) was huge — the school had a very low graduation rate, and many of the kids 5. (consider) “unteachable”. After knowing his challenge, Jeremy felt a bit 6. ( disappoint), but he was not willing to accept that. Instead, he started a maths program with a group of students, 7. (teach) them the value of hard work and determination, and showing them that he believed in them. As 8. result. most of these students passed a test that allowed them 9. (get) into Advanced Placement Calculus, one of the 10. (hard) maths classes at the high school.


1.as 2.achieving 3.what 4.difficulty 5.were considered 6.disappointed 7.teaching 8.a 9.to get 10.hardest 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是Jeremy努力成为一名老师,帮助毕业率很低的学校的学生通过考试的经历。 1.考查介词。句意:为了成功地成为这个国家的一名教师,他努力学英语,并自学美国教学标准。分析句子可知,句意表示以老师的身份成功,as作为介词,意为“作为,以……的身份”。故填as。 2.考查非谓语动词。in是介词,后面接doing形式。故填achieving。 3.考查宾语从句。句意:Jeremy不知道他会对他的学生有什么影响。分析句子可知,空白处做know的宾语,做“什么”讲,引导宾语从句,what意为“什么”,故填what。 4.考查名词。句意:作为Garfield高中的数学老师,Jeremy的问题是巨大的。Jeremy’s是名词所有格,后接名词,difficult的名词是difficulty。故填difficulty。 5.考查动词时态和语态。句意:很多学生被看成是不可教的。分析句子可知,consider在句中做谓语,kids是复数且与consider是被动关系,根据全文时态及句意,要用一般过去时态。故填were considered。 6.考查形容词。句意:知道他的挑战之后,Jeremy感到有点失望。felt是系动词,后接形容词做表语,且形容词修饰人,所以填ed形容词。故填disappointed。 7.考查非谓语动词。句意:他和一组学生开展了一个数学项目,教学生努力工作和决心的价值。句子的主语是he,谓语是started,teach要用非谓语动词形式;teach与逻辑主语he之间是主动关系,用doing形式。故填teaching。 8.考查固定搭配。as a result意为“结果”,是固定搭配。故填an。 9.考查固定搭配。句意:大部分学生通过了一项使学生能进入AP微积分的测试,微积分是高中最难的数学课之一。allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”。故填to get。 10.考查形容词最高级。句意:大部分学生通过了一项使学生能进入AP微积分的测试,微积分是高中最难的数学课之一。形容词做定语修饰maths classes,根据句意表示“最难的之一”,应用最高级。故填hardest。

    I like all kinds of chocolates. Best of all, _______, I like bitter baking chocolate. Mother had bought a bar of it, and _______ I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

I was helping father on the farm. It was right then that I got the _______ to cut a chunk off the end of that bar of chocolate.

A good _______ opened up. My parents were out _______ with their own odd jobs on the farm.I had got the bar down from the shelf when I heard mother _______. So I slipped the chocolate into the front of my shirt and went to the barn and _______ the chocolate there. I told myself that I hadn’t really _______ the whole bar, _______ to take only a little piece.

That night I couldn’t ________. At last I got up, slid out into the yard with a ________, went into the barn and got the chocolate. I took it outside and ________ it on the lower rail of the fence. The moon gave enough ________ for me to see what I was doing.

Just as I was starting to ________, father said: “Son!” I grabbed (抓起) up the bar of chocolate and ________ hid it next to my chest before I ________. Father made me ________ against the wall, saying what let him down wasn’t that I’d taken the chocolate, but that I’d ________ to hide it from him. I could have had the chocolate if I’d ________ it. I learned a lesson from this situation: never did something ________ rather than openly.

1.A.though B.then C.ever D.otherwise

2.A.anyhow B.somehow C.rather D.however

3.A.effort B.confidence C.energy D.idea

4.A.intention B.purpose C.belief D.opportunity

5.A.quick B.careful C.busy D.desperate

6.A.leaving out B.coming in C.standing up D.running out

7.A.hid B.repaired C.saved D.discovered

8.A.covered B.stolen C.seen D.hidden

9.A.even B.and C.but D.also

10.A.think B.rest C.wait D.sleep

11.A.chocolate B.hand C.knife D.tool

12.A.found B.laid C.ate D.fetched

13.A.light B.impression C.attention D.mind

14.A.watch B.cut C.share D.think

15.A.gradually B.slowly C.immediately D.purposely

16.A.ran off B.turned around C.calmed down D.stood up

17.A.stand B.tremble C.sleep D.explain

18.A.planned B.came C.tried D.managed

19.A.relied on B.asked for C.learned from D.respected for

20.A.secretly B.accidentally C.hopefully D.extremely



    It’s almost impossible to stay positive and motivated (有动力的) if you are constantly focusing on the negative aspects of your life. Unless you change your mindset, you will be stuck in a routine, and you certainly won’ t be going anywhere. 1.

Focus on the good aspects of your life. There are always reasons to wake up in the morning. 2. Your morning coffee. Relaxed walks. Daily conversations. Don’t take what you have for granted. It may not always be there in the darkest times. Appreciate the present and don’t think too far ahead. It’s important to concentrate on what you have now and the decisions you make at the moment. If there is something stable in our lives, it gives us a reason to stay motivated.

3. One of the key ways to keep motivated is to reward yourself often. When life isn’t being kind to you, it’s your job to be kind to yourself. 4. It can be as simple as buying new clothes or getting a haircut. After achieving something or completing a set goal, give yourself a good break. Light a scented candle. go out with friends or just stay at home watching your favorite movies.

Sometimes it’s very hard staying motivated when everything in your life is uncertain or unsatisfactory. Rewarding yourself is the greatest form of self-love. 5.

A. Reward yourself.

B. Motivate yourself.

C. It doesn’t have to be something big.

D. It acts as a reminder that you are doing very well.

E. Start with the small things that you appreciate in life.

F. If there’s something you’re not happy about, try and find ways to change it.

G. The more you know about yourself. the more power you have to behave better.



    What will come to your mind when you think about YouTube? A girl singing beautiful songs or dancing? This time is a “girl” showing her cooking skills. The 106 year old “girl” is famous recently.

Watch her cooking on YouTube. In her traditional dress, Mastanamma looks lovely while cooking. You can’t imagine her cooking style without going through the video. You will find the granny preparing traditional recipes (食谱) like fried eggs, lamb curry (咖喱), duck curry, and the Watermelon Chicken. With lots of wrinkles on her face, she looks like a goddess of patience. The Watermelon Chicken was especially a great hit which received tens of thousands of viewers. Even The Huf fington Post reported that it had first meant to post videos of bachelors’ cooking their own food but later decided to post the videos of Mastanamma’s cooking. This was loved greatly and appreciation to her style of cooking was everywhere.

Her grandson Laxman is the man behind her YouTube Channel’s management. Laxman secretly shot videos of her and uploaded them to social media. But the granny was unaware of what it was meant for. However, later she liked it when she understood what it was for. She has her Country Foods Channel where she teaches cooking to millions of people and her versions of recipes have become popular.

Mastanamma comes from Gudivada, Andhra Pradesh. At this age, she doesn’t let anyone do her daily routine tasks. Though short and thin, she is a person with strong will and courage. There is a video shared on YouTube where she is celebrating her birthday and enjoying herself, She keeps her birthday card as well. She shares her experiences. She once told a story that once a man touched her hand and she pushed him into the water.

She even has made her style of KFC and French fries as well. Just watch the great scene of Mastanamma’s cooking. Try your luck and see whether you can get the magic of her hand or not.

1.What has made Mastanamma famous recently?

A.Her special cooking style.

B.Looking like a goddess of patience.

C.Her strong will and courage.

D.Insisting on cooking on her own.

2.The author mentioned The Huf fington Post in the passage to show Mastanamma ________.

A.appealed to world-wide media

B.was widely recognized

C.did better than bachelors in cooking

D.was famous for her traditional recipes

3.According to the passage, we can learn that Mastanamma is ________.

A.generous and considerate B.independent and creative

C.enthusiastic and outgoing D.patient and modest

4.What could be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.People speak highly of Mastanamma’s cooking.

B.Mastanamma works for KFC.

C.It is lucky to touch Mastanamma’s hand.

D.Mastanamma’s cooking is done by magic.



    Scotland’s wildlife faces a “long march” north to escape global warming and there will be losses along the way, Scotland’s leading conservation body has warned.

Scottish Natural Heritage is to explore ways of helping the country’s animals and plants on their epic (史诗般的) journey, so they can spread from areas that become too warm. too wet or too dry over the coming years. Roads, railways, towns and large open areas represent physical barriers for many kinds of wildlife. but a range of methods can be used to overcome them. Potential solutions include tunnels under or ecoducts (生态桥) over roads and railways; networks of green spaces; increased areas of species-friendly mixed forests and a landscape that is generally more wildlife friendly.

SNH announced the programme — called The Long March. They will initially concentrate on“pinch points” where there is little space for wildlife. The programme takes its name from the “Long March” made by the Chinese Red Army in the 1930s. “Climate change is going to push a whole range of our species north, and it won’t be an easy journey,” SNH’s land use group manager, Duncan said. “The challenges facing our wildlife are similar, although the barriers may be railway lines, motorways and housing estates.

“We need to give wildlife the best possible chance of moving into new climate space by creating stepping stones of suitable habitat in the landscape. By doing this we will give at least some species the opportunity to respond to the warming climate.”

1.Where will the wildlife move to start a new life?

A.Warmer areas. B.More wet places.

C.Colder places. D.The forest.

2.What are the possible solutions to the wildlife on their journey?

A.Railways lines. B.Housing estates.

C.Tunnels. D.Motorways.

3.What can we learn about the wildlife from the last paragraph?

A.The long journey is the best possible chance.

B.Protecting the present habitat is the best way.

C.Moving into new climate space will become extinet.

D.Building stepping stones of suitable habitat is necessary.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Wildlife in Danger B.Escape Routes in trouble

C.Wildlife Faced with Global Warming D.Escape Routes to North Planed for Wildlife



    A young girl is being called a hero after some quick thinking helped save her mother’s life earlier this month.

Wet floor caused, Haley Glaser, a mom of four, falling down unanswered in her Franklin Township, New Jersey home one cold morning. Her 4-year -old daughter, Isla, took action and called 911.

“My mommy fell down and she can’t talk,” Isla calmly explained to the police on the phone.

With her 1-year-old twin brothers Jake and Jami inside the home and her mother on the floor, Isla stayed on the phone and spoke to the police as she waited for help to arrive.

The 4-year-old even stayed calm as she worked to quiet the dogs and then unlocked the door for police. Thanks to Isla’s call, officers were able to get to Haley.

“One minute I was thinking, ‘I should call my doctor,’ and the next minute, I was laying on the kitchen floor and made sure that my 4- year -old had called 911 and that she did good,” said Haley.

“She easily could have been scared, but she didn’t,” she added.

Police in Franklin Township, New Jersey, are now praising Isla for saving her mother s life. “I know adults that can’t handle this type of an incident with that much bravery, calmness and distinction,” said Philip.

For her swift thinking, police made Isla an honorary junior police officer and awarded her a certificate of commendation () for her brave and heroic efforts in calling 911 during a medical emergency.

1.Why did the mother fall to the floor?

A.The floor was wet. B.It was very cold.

C.She was hungry. D.She was tired.

2.What does the underlined word “handle” in Paragraph 7 refer to?

A.Insist on. B.Deal with.

C.Break away. D.Hold back.

3.Which of the following words best describes Isla?

A.Brave and cautious. B.Optimistic and calm.

C.Calm and quick thinking. D.Quick thinking and cautious.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Mother’s Love B.A Little Hero Saving Her Mother

C.A Daughter’s Great Act D.The Police’s Rescue



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