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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






I live in a small town, and a few people know English there.

Last Sunday, I went shopping with my mother while we met a foreigner in the street, who was following by some children. He seemed to have got into troubles. I went up to him, and asked if I could help him. He told me that he was looking a hotel to live in. However, no one could understand her there. When he knew that I can speak English he was very glad. In the end, with my help, he solved his problem successful.

Seeing I had helped a foreigner getting out of his trouble, my mother was very proud of me and I felt very happily.


1.去掉few前的a 2. while → when 3. following → followed 4. troubles → trouble 5.在looking后面加for 6. her → him 7. can → could 8. successful → successfully 9. getting → (to) get 10. happily → happy 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述作者帮助一个外国人找到酒店的故事。 1. 考查冠词。句意:我住在一个小镇上,那儿懂英语的人很少。结合句意可知,此处表示很少,其表达是few,故去掉few前的a。 2. 考查连词。met是瞬间动词,只能和when搭配,故将while改为when。 3. 考查被动语态。结合上下文可知,此处应是“他被一些孩子跟着”,应用被动语态, be done,故将following改为followed。 4. 考查名词的数。trouble是不可数名词,没有复数形式,故将troubles改为trouble。 5. 考查介词。结合句意“他正在寻找一个可以住的酒店”可知,此处考查短语look for寻找,故在looking后加for。 6. 考查代词。根据前文的He told me that he was looking a hotel to live in.可知作者遇到的一位男士,此处应用him来代替,故将her改为him。 7. 考查时态。此处是宾语从句的谓语动词,根据主句的knew判断宾从也用过去时,故将can改为could。 8. 考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词solved,故将successful改为successfully。 9. 考查短语。此处考查短语help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事,故将getting改为get或to get。 10. 考查形容词。此处应用形容词作为感官系动词feel的表语,故将happily改为happy。


I tried driving on the highway a week later-and again, panic drove me to the first exit. After that, I took only smaller, 1. (slow) roads. Weeks later, I moved to Bermuda where we did not have a car. I was so relieved. I hadn't told my husband about the episodes; I knew he loved my independence and 2. (strong), and I felt ashamed of being so weak.

To get around, I'd take the bus when I went somewhere 3. my own, but one day as I rode the bus into town 4. (do) some shopping, my heart started racing. Sure enough, next came the sweating, my legs turning soft, and the 5. (feel) that somehow, I'd lose control or "go crazy."

I hadn't reached my destination, but I rang the bell to exit 6., in tears, walked home. A

few days later, I tried 7. bus again, and the same thing happened. The thing that 8.(force)me to avoid highway driving was now forcing me to avoid public transit.

That evening, I told my husband about that. But he was as 9. (puzzle) as I was. We searched online for "fear of highways" and "fear of public transportation" and got lots of hits, 10. is when we learned that the episodes were actually classic panic attacks.



    JAYCE began noticing when he was 5 in kindergarten that others had two hands but he had one.

When one boy _______ him, Jayce felt very sad. He returned home with _______ : Why am I different? Why?

"He _______ told us he was mad at God for making him that way, " Lewis, his mother  says. "That was a huge knife to the _______."

Lewis _______ she didn't know what to do at that point. One day, when Jayce was 12, Lewis _______ the TV to a news story about Trashaun, an eighth grader from Washington, Trashaun, then 14, two years older than Jayce, had become an Internet sensation after _______ videos of his slam dunks(灌篮). Like Jayce, he was _______ most o£ his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He watched _______ dunk after mazing dunk.

It seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be a(n) ________ moment for Jayce—he'd see a surprising role model with a similar  ________. Had it stayed just that; Lewis would have been ________. Little did she know that a family friend had already ________ the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce's ________.

The boys met on a Saturday afternoon two months later, in April 2017.

The day was not spent being buried in self-pity—it was devoted to ________ , They rode bikes around, took photos, played hide-and-seek, and ________ baskets.

Trashaun ________ their left arms. He told Jayce not to let words ________ his confidence or anyone dray him down,________ that he was perfect the way God made him.

Since that meeting, Lewis has seen a pronounced ________ in her son.

1.A.hit B.teased C.praised D.attacked

2.A.questions B.anxiety C.requirements D.surprise

3.A.hardly B.casually C.gradually D.actually

4.A.head B.hand C.heart D.back

5.A.admits B.agrees C.notices D.accuses

6.A.got to B.came to C.looked at D.turned on

7.A.purchasing B.posting C.attracting D.donating

8.A.considering B.using C.missing D.observing

9.A.hopefully B.thankfully C.carefully D.excitedly

10.A.interesting B.boring C.thrilling D.inspiring

11.A.disability B.height C.strength D.idea

12.A.tired B.worried C.happy D.hopeful

13.A.ordered B.entered C.asked D.left

14.A.ambition B.confidence C.business D.house

15.A.fun B.talk C.work D.study

16.A.shot B.grasp C.caught D.took

17.A.put up B.waved down C.lay down D.talked about

18.A.increase B.shake C.build D.lose

19.A.but B.so C.because D.or

20.A.achievement B.difficulty C.difference D.help



    It's necessary to send the company a CV if you want to apply to work there? but how to write your CV is a problem for many of us. However, don't worry, but follow these steps and you can hopefully achieve the job you are hoping for.

1. Know what information a CV generally contains.

Most CVs include your personal information, your education and qualifications, your work experience 9 your interests and achievements, your skills and references. Use a modern but professional format. 1.. What you include is up to you.

2. Consider the job you are applying for.

A good CV is tailored to the specific job and company you are applying for. 2.What skills does the specific job you are applying for require? These are all things to keep in mind when writing your CV.

3. Check the company's website for extra information about the CV.

3.There might be specific directions listed on the application page. Always double check this.

4. 4..

These can be both jobs you hold currently and jobs you have held in the past. Include the dates that you began and ended your term at each particular job.

5. Brainstorm your hobbies and interests.

5.Be aware of the conclusions that might be drawn from your hobbies. Try to list hobbies that portray you as a team-oriented individual rather than as a lonely, passive person.

Have got all the things ready, and you can write your CV now.

A. What's your interest?

B. What does the company do?

C. Make a list of jobs you have held.

D. However, there is no set format for a CV.

E. Show the achievements you've got in your jobs.

F. Unique interests or hobbies will make you stand out.

G. See if there is any specific information, they want you to list in your CV.



    Could blood shortages become a thing of the past? Bacterial enzymes (W) from the human gut (肠,内脏)turn type A blood into the type universally accepted for transfusions, and do it more efficiently than current methods.

Our blood comes in four main varieties: A, B, AB and O. The red blood cells in each type are similar in shape, but they have different sugars on their surfaces. Red blood cells in type A host a particular set of these sugars, with type B having a different set. AB blood cells carry both A and B sugars and type O cells have none.

These sugars can act as antigens(抗原),causing an immune response. For instance, transfusing type B blood into someone with type A can cause death. That is what makes anyone with type O blood a universal donor: there are none of these antigens. So being able to remove these sugars from A, B and AB type blood would be helpful, effectively making it usable in transfusions for all.

"We knew that those same sugars that are on our red blood cells are also produced on the inside of the gut wall," says Steve Withers at the University of British Columbia, Canada. So he and his colleagues started searching for bacteria in human waste (粪便)that might make enzymes that let them feed on and break down gut wall sugars.

Analyzing bacterial genes, they found a family of enzymes that help gut bacteria harvest the sugars. When the team combined the enzymes with type A blood, the sugars were removed from the blood cells, resulting in type O blood. The process is 30 times more efficient than an existing one involving other enzymes.

The bacterial enzymes will have to go through more safety testing before they can be used in blood for human transfusions, but it is a promising step, says Withers. He presented the work at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston this week.

1.Why is a man with type O blood a universal donor?

A.The similar shape of his red blood cells.

B.No sugars on his red blood cells.

C.Different sugars on the blood cells.

D.Different quantity of his red blood cells.

2.How do researchers remove the sugars from blood cells?

A.By analyzing bacteria genes.

B.By combining the enzymes with blood.

C.By removing the enzymes from the cells.

D.By involving different enzymes in blood.

3.In which column of the newspaper can this passage be read?

A.Fashion and Lifestyle.

B.Finance and Business.

C.Travel and Sports.

D.Medicine and Health.



    Airport security is there to protect you, but it may also make you feel bad or worse.

To all the places and surfaces we've been warned that are filled with bacteria-your pets, the subway seats, airplane cabins, the A. T. M.- add the airport security tray.

The plastic trays have been found to harbor a variety of germs including the ones responsible for the common cold.

Scientists examined frequently touched surfaces at Helsinki Airport in Finland during and after busy hours in the winter of 2016 and picked up marks o£ the influenza A virus and rhino virus, the source of the common cold. They found traces on half the luggage trays, more than on any of the other surfaces they tested. None of these viruses were found on toilet surfaces at the airport.

The findings could help improve public health strategies in the fight against the spread of infectious diseases worldwide. The study could also help educate people on how the infections we try to avoid each winter spread.

Many of the surfaces we touch on a daily basis harbor and can spread germs. But air travel is known to accelerate the worldwide spread of diseases.

"The presence of bacteria in the environment of an airport has not been investigated previously, '' said Niina Ikonen, who was involved in the study. She added that the results provided new ideas for technical improvements in airport design and refurbishment(翻新).

The results of the study did not prove that the viruses found can cause disease. But previous research had proved that bacteria can survive on various surfaces for several days.

Washing your hands properly and coughing into a handkerchief tissue or sleeve can help minimize the risk of infection. Professor Van-Tam said, ''These simple precautions can help prevent infections and are most important in crowded areas like airports that have a high volume of people traveling to and from many different parts of the world".

1.What's the result of scientists' examination at Helsinki Airport?

A.The influenza A virus and rhino virus existed everywhere.

B.The common cold was caused by Influenza A virus.

C.The luggage trays had the most viruses.

D.The toilet surfaces were the cleanest.

2.What can we know from Niina's study?

A.Virus can survive on airport surfaces for days.

B.Disease is spread mostly by air travel.

C.All the viruses on the surfaces cause diseases.

D.Some surfaces harbor or spread no bacteria.

3.What's Van-Tam's suggestion on preventing infections?

A.Not traveling abroad.

B.Taking care in airports or subways.

C.Not touching anything in the airport.

D.Avoiding crowded areas.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Ways to spread virus.

B.Prevention of disease.

C.Virus found on the surfaces.

D.A disadvantage of airport security.



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