满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

All through our life, we are learning ne...

    All through our life, we are learning new things all the time. When we learn something new, it is important to be _______ and understand that only practice makes perfect and that it takes time and effort. This is _______ for sports, school subjects, and of course language learning. When we are small, we don't think about the _______ of learning something new. We just go right ahead and do it, sometimes with funny results. One _______ is when I was learning to paint. I was so careless that the paint got everywhere. But _______ getting angry, everyone was patient with me, _______ me and showing me how to hold the brush. After some time, I was able to paint _______.

This is an important _______ to learn when we learn another language. Many people _______ need one language, because their friends and family speak the same language. As a ________, when these people try to learn a new language, it is often more difficult for a number of ________. First they have no chance to ________ with the native speakers. And this will surely ________ he pace(speed) at which the language can be learned,  because we all know the best way to learn a new language is to ________ yourself into a real atmosphere. Second, it is easier for the learners to lose interest because they have less chance to see their ________. Without this ability to see how much improvement has taken place, it is ________ for the learners to keep confident and interested.

It is ________ to learn something slowly, and then move at a pace which is ________ for the learner than to rush into learning too fast. It is a ________ I try to follow in my own teaching, and I hope my students will benefit(受益) from a teaching method which ________ them to learn at their own speed.

1.A.careful B.excited C.patient D.honest

2.A.true B.funny C.simple D.different

3.A.pleasure B.importance C.advantage D.difficulty

4.A.suggestion B.question C.example D.idea

5.A.instead of B.because of C.except for D.along with

6.A.promising B.encouraging C.answering D.ordering

7.A.naturally B.suddenly C.properly D.probably

8.A.skill B.style C.task D.lesson

9.A.only B.still C.even D.already

10.A.part B.matter C.result D.beginning

11.A.doubts B.problems C.reasons D.means

12.A.communicate B.work C.agree D.study

13.A.keep up B.build up C.slow down D.turn down

14.A.imagine B.change C.transform D.put

15.A.progress B.ability C.future D.influence

16.A.easy B.hard C.possible D.necessary

17.A.better B.harder C.friendlier D.worse

18.A.special B.useful C.harmful D.suitable

19.A.hobby B.decision C.rule D.job

20.A.forces B.enables C.teaches D.advises


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文主要写了我们学习的方法,以学习语言为例,告诉我们学习需要熟能生巧,需要时间和努力。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们学习新东西时,重要的是要有耐心,要明白只有熟才能生巧,还需要时间和努力。A. careful仔细的;B. excited激动的;C. patient耐心的;D. hones诚实的。根据后文句子only practice makes perfect and that it takes time and effort熟能生巧,需要时间和努力,可见是学习要用耐心,故选C。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:体育、学校课程,当然还有语言学习都确实如此。A. true确实的,真的;B. funny 愉快的;C. simple 简单的;D. different不同的。学习需要耐心,这对体育、学校科目、还有语言学习都确实如此,故选A。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们小的时候,我们不考虑学习新东西的困难。A. pleasure高兴;B. importance重要;C. advantage优点;D. difficulty困难。根据语境本文主要是说学习中的困难,所以本句意思应该是当我们小的时候,我们没有考虑过学习的困难,故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个例子是我学习绘画的时候。A. suggestion建议;B. question问题;C. example例子;D. idea想法。根据后文对于作者学习绘画的描述,可知这是在举例子,故选C。 5.考查介词短语辨析。句意:但大家反而没有生气,而是对我很耐心,鼓励我,教我如何握笔。A. instead of 代替,相反;B. because of因为;C. except for 除了;D. along with和……一起。根据后文showing me how to hold the brush.可知对于作者把颜料弄的到处都是,大家反而不生气,还鼓励和帮助作者,故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但大家反而没有生气,而是对我很耐心,鼓励我,教我如何握笔。A. promising承诺;B. encouraging鼓励;C. answering回答;D. ordering命令。根据语境可知大家对作者很耐心,都在鼓励作者,给作者展示如何握刷子,故选B。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:过了一段时间,我能正确地绘画了。A. naturally自然地;B. suddenly突然;C. properly合适地,恰当地;D. probably可能地。根据上文After some time, I was able to paint可知在大家的帮助下,作者过一段时间就能正确地绘画了,故选C。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们学习另一种语言时,这是一个需要学习的重要技能。A. skill技能;B. style 风格;C. task任务; D. lesson课,教训。结合后文学习另一种语言需要耐心,可知指耐心当我们学习另一种语言时,一项需要学习的重要技能。故选A。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:许多人只需要一种语言,因为他们的朋友和家人说同一种语言。A. only 仅仅;B. still仍然;C. even甚至;D. already已经。根据后文句子because their friends and family speak the same language. 可知因为很多人的家人朋友只说同一种语言,很多人只需要一种语言,故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,当这些人试图学习一门新语言时,往往会因为一些原因而更加困难。A. part部分;B. matter 麻烦事;C. result结果;D. beginning开始。根据前文because their friends and family speak the same language.可知他们的朋友和家人说同样的语言,因此他们学习一种新的语言的时候,会很困难,短语as a result“因此”故选C。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,当这些人试图学习一门新语言时,往往会因为一些原因而更加困难。A. doubts怀疑;B. problems问题;C. reasons原因;D. means意思。根据下文第一,第二的描述可知是他们学习一种新的语言的时候会很困难的一些原因,故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们没有机会和以英语为母语的人交流。A. communicate交流;B. work工作;C. agree 同意;D. study学习。结合后文yourself into a real atmosphere可知他们不是在一个真实的氛围中,所以没有机会和说母语的人交流,故选A。 13.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这肯定会减慢你学习语言的速度,因为我们都知道学习一门新语言的最好方法是让自己置身于一个真实的氛围中。A. keep up跟上;B. build up构建;C. slow down减慢;D. turn down拒绝。他们没有机会和说母语的人交流,因此这减慢了他们学习语言的速度,故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这肯定会减慢你学习语言的速度,因为我们都知道学习一门新语言的最好方法是让自己置身于一个真实的氛围中。A. imagine 想象;B. change改变;C. transform转型;D. put放置。结合后文yourself into a real atmosphere可知学习一门新语言的最好方法是把自己置身于一个真实的氛围中。短语put into“把……放进”。故选D。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二,学习者更容易失去兴趣,因为他们很少有机会看到自己的进步。A. progress进步;B. ability 能力;C. future 未来;D. influence影响。根据后文句子Without this ability to see how much improvement has taken place可知学习者更容易失去兴趣,因为他们很少有机会看到自己的进步,故选A。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果没有这种能力来看到有了多大的进步,学习者就有必要保持自信和兴趣。A. easy 容易的;B. hard 艰难的;C. possible可能的; D. necessary必要的。结合后文the learners to keep confident and interested.可知如果你没有耐心去看到自己的进步,那么一个学习者保持自信和兴趣是有必要的。故选D。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最好是慢慢地学习一些东西,然后以对学习者有用的速度前进,而不是太快地学习。A. better 好的;B. harder艰难的;C. friendlier友好的;D. worse糟糕的。对学习者来说,最好一开始慢慢地有耐心地去学习东西,而不是匆忙地学习,故选A。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最好是慢慢地学习一些东西,然后以对学习者有用的速度前进,而不是太快地学习。A. special特别的;B. useful 有用的;C. harmful 有害的;D. suitable合适的。结合后文for the learner than to rush into learning too fast比起匆忙地开始学习,最好用一种对学习者有用的速度前进。故选B。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我在自己的教学中试图遵循的规则,我希望我的学生能从建议他们以自己的速度学习的教学方法中受益。A. hobby爱好;B. decision决定;C. rule规则;D. job工作。上文列举的都是学习中要遵循的规则,也是作者在自己的教学中要遵循的规则,故选C。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是我在自己的教学中试图遵循的规则,我希望我的学生能从建议他们以自己的速度学习的教学方法中受益。A. forces迫使;B. enables使能够;C. teaches教;D. advises建议。作者希望学生能从自己的教学方法中得到建议以自己的速度来学习。故选D。

    A famous saying goes: Don't judge a book by its cover. It reminds us that when deciding its value 1.. This is what the Love my Body movement is all about. Its message is that we should value ourselves for who we are.

But it's easier said than done. Many people still don't feel confident in themselves and their appearance. 2. ?

Not comparing your body to others' is a good first step. An expert points out that comparing only forms a standard(标准) we think we need to reach, and if we fail, it will lead to our feelings of disappointment.

3. When someone says something nice, accept it happily - don't push it away or play it down. And praise others too. If you think someone looks nice, or someone has a good idea, tell them. It can lift them up.

4.walking, yoga, playing sport or otherwise. "You can be a great human without thinking about your shape or size, " says Esther Field, another famous expert. "After knee operation, I attended the gym and realized how strong and able my body was, even though it was fat. So thank it very much."

Finally, the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you. 5.but don't give up, you will succeed sooner or later. Remember that everyone is short of confidence sometimes. And as David Fadd says "don't feel sorry for who you are and what you want as a person. Love what you look like."

A. Learn to take praise

B. something's appearance should not be the most important thing

C.So what can a person do to improve the love of their own body

D.A book's cover is not important

E.Thank your body for what it can do

F.So how self-respect and body confidence problems affect everyone

G.Becoming comfortable with yourself is unlikely to be done one night.



    We are taught from childhood to be polite, civilized (有教养的) and considerate (体贴的) , yet many of us forget this as we grow up.

That's not the case for Yang Yang, a 14 - year - old from Changsha, Hunan province. She has moved many people by being honest and considerate. It was a day in April when Yang was getting ready to eat in a local restaurant. But then she accidentally dropped a plate full of food. She stood still and was at a loss. The restaurant manager was nice. She comforted Yang, saying "It doesn't matter. We can give you another meal for free."

Everyone thought that this small matter would end like that. But, when Yang left after eating, the waiter found 75 yuan in cash and a note on the table. The note said, "I'm sorry that the money might not be enough to make up for your loss, but that's all I have. Thank you for your kindness." The manager was deeply touched after reading the note. The money was probably a week's worth of pocket money for the girl.

The manager posted about this on social media and called for a search for this young girl. Many newspapers, including People's Daily, re-posted it and joined the search. Finally, Yang was found after her teacher heard about the story.

However, Yang thought it was not a big deal. "I have accepted other people's help and should make up for their kindness, " she said.

People's Daily commented (评论) on the story, saying that it showed the good in people. The manager was considerate and cared about Yang's situation, while Yang was grateful and responsible.

1.How has Yang Yang moved many people? ______

A.By her age. B.By her hometown.

C.By her honesty and consideration. D.By her dropping a plate.

2.What happened to her when Yang Yang was getting ready to eat? ______

A.She dropped a plate full of food by accident. B.She fell down on the ground.

C.She gave the manager 75 yuan. D.She met her teacher.

3.What did Yang Yang think about the matter? ______

A.She felt very proud. B.She should be praised.

C.She was not satisfied with herself. D.She thought nothing of it.

4.What kind of person is the manager? ______

A.Humorous and warm - hearted. B.Considerate and caring.

C.Strict and hard - working. D.Grateful and responsible.



    I live a SOHO life. I work at home and my company has closed several offices. Some companies that introduced home working didn't have much success. I don't think they should go back to making all their workers working in offices. Instead, it would be better to retrain their managers. Managers who deal with home workers have to be able to develop team spirit among home working people. They must be in regular communication with people in their teams, but not always be checking-up on them.


Talking with my coworkers at the office is enjoyable. However, most of the office talks are time-wasting and nothing to do with work. Sometimes it is very troublesome. I have worked at home for over 20 years. Every three months I have to return to my office for a meeting. I quite enjoy the time spent there. It's all good fun, but I am really surprised to see how much time people waste there. I haven't had great success in my job, but I've been at home to see my children grown up.


I used to hate working at an office. People stood behind me and talked loudly. I am a soft- ware developer and I have to focus on my work. I found I work much better at home where no one breaks my thinking. However, it's really important that you control yourself and carry on with your work no matter where you are.


Two years ago, I started working from home. At first I enjoyed being at home. I could eat when I wanted to and wear whatever I liked. However, after a bit I missed meeting with my coworkers. Now I have moved into an office and just do one or two days at home. I feel I work better because I am not in the same place all day. I think a bit of both is the best choice.


1.Who work both at home and in an office now? ______

A.John. B.James. C.Simon. D.Paul.

2.According to Simon, what should be done if companies introduced home working but failed? ______

A.go back to office working.

B.check on workers as often as possible.

C.encourage communication among home workers.

D.develop the managers' ability to build team spirit.

3.What is the advantage of working at home in Paul's opinion? ______

A.It allows him to follow his timetable.

B.It allows him to better center on his work.

C.It gives him more time to stay with his family.

D.It teaches him the importance of self-control.

4.What may be the suitable title of the text? ______

A.Advantages of working at offices. B.Disadvantages of working at home.

C.Opinions on home working. D.Ways to improve office communication.



    I'm an English teacher working in Russia, and for some reason I really don't like that classroom topic - Talk About Your Family. Perhaps it's because everyone studied English from the same book at school. So all the students say, "My family consists of five members: Me, my mother, my father, my brother and my dog…"and so on, as if all families are exactly the same.

Let's get rid of the phrase "my family consists of…"and look at some more interesting ways to talk about families. English is rich in idioms (习语) to talk about family life. We've mentioned the black sheep of the family - that's someone who didn't fit in, or caused a family scandal(丑闻). If you're loyal(忠诚) to your family, you can say blood is thicker than water or keep it in the family. If you share a talent with another family member, you can say it runs in the family. You might have your father's eyes or your mother's nose. If you're like one of your parents, you can say like father, like son or you can be a chip off the old block.

Then there are idioms that have left the family and gone on to have a life of their own. For example, a Londoner is telling someone how to get a new passport. "Get four pictures taken, pick up a form in the post office, hand it in with your old passport and …Bob's your uncle." It means "the problem is solved". But love to know who the original Bob was, and why he was such a useful uncle to have.

1.Why does the writer dislike the classroom topic Talk About Your Family?  ______

A.Because he works in Russia. B.Because all families are the same.

C.Because all answers are the same. D.Because he has no family there.

2.When we mention the black sheep of the family, we can refer to someone ______ .

A.who caused a family scandal B.who is loyal to the family

C.who has the father's eyes D.who has a useful uncle

3.What can you say if you want to express you have the same talent with your brother?  ______

A.Blood is thicker than water. B.It runs in the family.

C.You are the chip of the old block. D.Bob is your uncle.

4.According to the passage, how do you probably feel when you hear "Bob's your uncle"?  ______

A.sad. B.bored. C.stressed. D.satisfied.



    Chinese volleyball superstar Zhu Ting has inspired (启发) a new English word- ZHUperb!

The word uses "Zhu" and "superb" to describe the 24 - year-old player's leadership skills.

This year, Zhu was named as one of the Top Global Outstanding Athletes by a famous award. As captain of the Chinese women's national volleyball team, Zhu has "created the new golden age of women's volleyball in China", the award said.

Although she's a superstar now, it hasn't been easy for Zhu to get where she is.

Born to a farming family in Henan province, Zhu went to a local sports school at age 13. Zhu got homesick during the first few months of training. But her father encouraged her, which helped her make progress.

She became well - known by helping China's U20 team win the 2013 FIVB U20(世青赛)  World Championship. Zhu joined the national team shortly afterward.

At first, the 1.98-meter-tall Zhu found it difficult to move quickly and stay balanced. But head coach Lang Ping took advantage of her height and trained her to jump high and spike (扣球) the ball. Her work paid off. Zhu is now an outstanding spiker.

Today, Zhu sees her height as an advantage. And she still works hard during training. "Hard work and talent are both important. I'll move forward step by step, " she told People's Daily.

1.Why was Zhu Ting named as one of the Top Global Outstanding Athletes? ______

A.Because she was a Chinese.

B.Because she performed well in the match.

C.Because she inspired a new English word.

D.Because she was a superstar.

2.When did Zhu Ting become well-known? ______

A.When she was at the age of 13.

B.After she became a Top Global Outstanding Athlete.

C.After she helped win 2013 FIVB U20.

D.After the word ZHUperb was inspired.

3.The following contributed to Zhu Ting's success EXCEPT ______ .

A.her father's encouragement. B.her head coaches training and help.

C.her hard work and talent. D.her calmness and coolness.



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