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One British school is finding that allow...

    One British school is finding that allowing children to listen to music or even to have the TV on while studying is helping improve grades.______ your teenager starts a family quarrel by sitting in an armchair listening to music while doing his homework, why not ______ a simple experiment? ______ taking the heavy handed(严厉的)line of ______ him to his bedroom to get on with it ______, let him do the homework the ______ he wants. You might well find that his essay is more sparkling than ______ he’s done before.

According to the research of Millfield preschool, around 20% of youngsters ______ best with background music, 10% excel(突出) when allowed to ______ their work with short walks around the room while up to 80% can concentrate ______ if allowed to fiddle(用手拨弄)with a small object.

The research has advised the school to adopt a complete ______ approach, analyzing pupils to discover which learning style _____ them best-then letting them do their work listening to music or______ lying down.______ parents at first regarded the ______ as a layabout’s(懒散闲荡的人) deed but many are now applying it at______ where children are also allowed to do their work ______ the television on.

”I ______ to work on the floor with music on low,” admits Susan, 13, a day girl.”At first my parents thought I was skiving (逃避),but my ______ persuaded them to look at my homework and when they saw it was okay, they ______.”

1.A.Then B.Next time C.Before long D.In case

2.A.take B.allow C.form D.try

3.A.Rather than B.Except for C.In place of D.In spite of

4.A.causing B.advising C.ordering D.permitting

5.A.quickly B.carefully C.quietly D.attentively

6.A.way B.atmosphere C.method D.means

7.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something

8.A.progress B.relax C.think D.work

9.A.break out B.break down C.break up D.break in

10.A.faster B.better C.deeper D.worse

11.A.new B.special C.common D.interesting

12.A.interests B.affects C.suits D.improves

13.A.still B.perhaps C.almost D.even

14.A.Puzzled B.Doubtful C.Angry D.Unpleased

15.A.move B.suggestion C.research D.problem

16.A.school B.class C.home D.last

17.A.while B.when C.as D.with

18.A.continue B.hope C.hate D.prefer

19.A.teacher B.classmate C.friend D.neighbor

20.A.refused B.agreed C.stopped D.blamed


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了英国一所学校发现,让孩子在学习时听音乐,甚至打开电视,都有助于提高成绩,所以在家时,家长应该让孩子们以最适合他们的方式学习。 1.考查连词词义辨析。句意:下次,当你的孩子坐在扶手椅上听着音乐写作业而引发家庭争吵时,为什么不尝试一个简单的方法呢?A. Then然后;B. Next time下次;C. Before long不久;D. In case万一。空前说英国一所学校发现让孩子在学习时听音乐,甚至打开电视,有助于提高成绩,所以下次当你的孩子坐在扶手椅上听着音乐写作业而引发家庭争吵时,为什么不尝试一个简单的方法呢?故B项正确。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. take采取;B. allow允许;C. form形成;D. try尝试。空后说与其强制性地命令他到卧室去安静地写作业,不如让他按自己喜欢的方式写作业,所以下次当你的孩子坐在扶手椅上听着音乐写作业而引发家庭争吵时,最好还是尝试一下这个简单的方法吧,故D项正确。 3.考查介词短语辨析。句意:与其强制性地命令他到卧室里安静地写作业,不如让他按自己喜欢的方式写作业。A. Rather than而不是;B. Except for除了;C. In place of取代;D. In spite of尽管。根据下文中的“let him do the homework the ___6___ he wants.”可知,让孩子按自己喜欢的方式写作业,而不是强制性地命令他到卧室里安静地写作业,故A项正确。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. causing引起;B. advising建议; C. ordering命令;D. permitting许可。根据空前的“taking the heavy handed(严厉的)line of”可知此处指“命令孩子到卧室里安静地写作业”,故C项正确。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. quickly很快地;B. carefully认真地;C. quietly安静地;D. attentively注意地。此处与上文说的学习时听音乐或看电视形成对比,说的是在安静的环境下写作业,故C项正确。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. way方式;B. atmosphere气氛;C. method方法;D. means手段。根据空后的“he wants”可知此处指“让他按自己喜欢的方式写作业”,故A项正确。 7.考查代词词义辨析。句意:你很可能会发现他的文章比他以前写的任何东西都要精彩。A. everything一切;B. anything任何事物;C. nothing什么都没有;D. something某物。根据空后的“he’s done before”可知,你很可能发现他的文章比他以前写的任何东西都要精彩,故B项正确。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:根据米尔菲尔德学前班的研究,大约20%的年轻人在有音乐作背景时表现最好,10%的年轻人学习时在房间里踱步表现更出色,而80%的年轻人在被允许摆弄小物件时能更好地集中注意力。A. progress前进;B. relax放松;C. think思考;D. work工作、表现。空后说10%的年轻人学习时在房间里踱步表现更出色,而80%的年轻人在被允许摆弄小物件时能更好地集中注意力,因此此处是说20%的年轻人在有音乐作背景时表现得最好,故D项正确。 9.考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. break out爆发;B. break down出故障;C. break up中断、拆散;D. break in闯入。根据空后的“their work with short walks”可知此处指“学习时偶尔起来走走(用踱步来中断学习)”,故C项正确。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. faster更快;B. better更好;C. deeper更深;D. worse更差。前面提到了两种青少年表现更好的情况,此处承接上文,因此此处指“更好”,故B项正确。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这项研究建议学校采取一种全新的方法,对学生进行分析,找出最适合他们的学习方式,然后让他们学习时听音乐甚至躺着学习。A. new新的;B. special特别的;C. common共有的;D. interesting有趣的。空后说对学生进行分析,找出最适合他们的学习方式,然后让他们学习时听音乐甚至躺着学习,这是一种有别于传统的、新的方法,故A项正确。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. interests使……感兴趣;B. affects影响;C. suits适合;D. improves改进。根据空后的“them best”可知,分析之后,找出最适合他们的学习方式 ,故C项正确。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. still仍然;B. perhaps也许;C. almost几乎;D. even甚至。空前说让他们学习时听音乐,此处表示递进,说的是甚至让他们躺着学习,故D项正确。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对此表示怀疑的家长起初认为此举是一种偷懒行为,但现在许多家长在家里也这么做了,因为孩子们也可以开着电视学习。A. Puzzled困惑的;B. Doubtful怀疑的、不能确定的;C. Angry生气的;D. Unpleased不悦的。空后说这些家长起初认为此举是一种偷懒行为,这说明他们起初对此表示怀疑,故B项正确。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. move举动、行为;B. suggestion建议;C. research调查;D. problem问题。上文说可以让孩子学习时听音乐甚至躺着学习,此表示怀疑的家长起初认为此举是一种偷懒行为,故A项正确。 16.考查介词短语辨析。句意同上。A. at school在学校;B. at class在上课;C. at home在家;D. at last。根据上文内容可知本文主要讨论的就是孩子在家学习时的情况,故C项正确。 最后。 17.考查固定结构。句意同上。此处为“with+宾语+宾补”的复合结构,with the TV on表示“开着电视”,其中on是副词,作宾语补足语,故D项正确。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我更喜欢听着低音音乐在地板上学习,”13岁的走读女孩苏珊承认。“起初,我的父母认为我在逃避学习,但我的老师说服他们看我的作业,当他们看到我的作业没问题时,他们同意了”。A. continue继续;B. hope希望;C. hate讨厌;D. prefer宁愿、更喜欢。空后苏珊说父母认为她是在逃避学习,这说明她更喜欢听着低音音乐在地板上学习,故D项正确。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. teacher老师;B. classmate同学; C. friend朋友;D. neighbor邻居。根据空后的“persuaded them to look at my homework”可知,苏珊的老师让她的父母看她写的作业,故A项正确。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. refused拒绝;B. agreed同意;C. stopped停下来;D. blamed责备。根据空前的“when they saw it was okay”可知,当苏珊的父母看到她的作业没问题时,他们同意了苏珊的这种学习方式,故B项正确。

He suggested that the book _____ returned to the library at once.

A.speaking of should be B.spoken to be C.referring to D.referred to be



Things of _____kind come together; people of _____ kind fall into _____ same group.

A.the; the; the B.a; a; the C.the; the; a D.a; the; the



Not until______ a chance to discuss it thoroughly, ______set out to handle the problem we came across last week.

A.we have had, shall we B.have we had,we shall

C.do we have, we D.we shall have had, shall we



.In the character-training of children, what really much is what their parents say and do.

A. matters    B. cares    C. considers    D. minds



Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ________.

A.excuse B.sense C.use D.value



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