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Not getting the sleep you need? Is your ...

Not getting the sleep you need?

Is your pillow the problem?

How well did you sleep last night?

Did you toss and turn all night? Did you wake up with a sore neck or a headache? Do you feel like you need a nap even though you have slept for eight hours? Just like you. I would wake up in the morning with all of those problems and I couldn’t figure out why. Like many people who have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, my lack of sleep was affecting the quality of my life. I wanted to do something about my sleep problems, but nothing that I tried worked.

The pillow was the problem

I bought every pillow on the market that promised to give me a better night’s sleep. None of them worked. Finally, I decided to invent one myself. I asked everyone I knew what qualities they would like to see in their “perfect pillow” and got many responses: “I’d like a pillow that never goes flat,” “I’d like my pillow to stay cool” and “I’d like a pillow that adjusts to me regardless of my sleep position.” I spent the next two years of my life inventing MyPillow.

MyPillow to the rescue

Flash forward ten years and MyPillow, Mike Lindell’s revolutionary pillow design, has helped five million people improve the quality of their sleep. Lindell has been featured on numerous talk shows, including For Business News and Imus in the Morning. Lindell and MyPillow have also appeared in feature stories in The New York Times, MyPillow has been selected as the Official Pillow of the U.S. National Sleep Foundation.

“Until I was diagnosed with various sleep issues, I had no idea why my sleep was so interrupted throughout the night. I watched Imus each morning and heard endless ads about MyPillow. I ordered one and now, I wake up rested and ready to conquer (征服) the day ahead. Thank you for helping me remember what it's like to sleep like a baby!

—Jacqueline H

Get the sleep you’ve been dreaming about!

Save 50% today by using the promo code: “ywb979.”

Buy now at mypillow.com or call 800-299-4018

1.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To introduce Mike Lindell. B.To encourage to buy MyPillow.

C.To tell the function of MyPillow. D.To deal with the problem of bad sleep.

2.The first two paragraphs were probably written by ______.

A.a fellow at the US National Sleep Foundation B.Jacqueline H

C.a staff writer for The New York Times D.Mike Lindell

3.Lindell decided to invent MyPillow after ______.

he had trouble getting a good night’s sleep

his wife often woke up with a sore neck or a headache

none of the pillows that promised to improve sleep worked for him

his friends shared their ideas of a “perfect pillow” with him

A.①② B.③④

C.①③ D.②④


1.B 2.D 3.C 【解析】 文是一篇应用文,介绍了一种能够帮助人们提高睡眠质量的枕头——MyPillow。 1.推理判断题。根据文章内容,特别是MyPillow to the rescue部分中的“Flash forward ten years and MyPillow, Mike Lindell’s revolutionary pillow design, has helped five million people improve the quality of their sleep. .”及“Buy now at mypillow.com or call 800-299-4018 ”可知,迈克·林德尔革命性的枕头设计MyPillow已经帮助500万人提高了他们的睡眠质量,登录mypillow.com或致电800-299-4018进行购买,由此可知,本文主要介绍的是一种能够帮助人们提高睡眠质量的枕头——MyPillow,目的自然是鼓励人们购买这种枕头,故B项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据The pillow was the problem部分中的“I spent the next two years of my life inventing MyPillow.”可知,我花了两年时间来发明MyPillow,再根据MyPillow to the rescue部分中的“MyPillow, Mike Lindell’s revolutionary pillow design”可知,MyPillow这种革命性的枕头是迈克·林德尔设计的,由此可知前两段是迈克·林德尔写的,故D项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据How well did you sleep last night?部分中的“Like many people who have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, my lack of sleep was affecting the quality of my life. I wanted to do something about my sleep problems, but nothing that I tried worked.”可知,像许多难以睡好觉的人一样,我睡眠不足影响了我的生活质量,我想做点什么来解决我的睡眠问题,但我尝试过的一切都没有奏效(他睡不好觉);再根据The pillow was the problem部分中的“I bought every pillow on the market that promised to give me a better night’s sleep. None of them worked.”可知,我在市场上买了每一个保证能让我睡个好觉的枕头。它们都没起作用(那些承诺能改善睡眠的枕头对他都不管用),经历以上两件事情后,迈克·林德尔决定发明MyPillow,故C项正确。

    One British school is finding that allowing children to listen to music or even to have the TV on while studying is helping improve grades.______ your teenager starts a family quarrel by sitting in an armchair listening to music while doing his homework, why not ______ a simple experiment? ______ taking the heavy handed(严厉的)line of ______ him to his bedroom to get on with it ______, let him do the homework the ______ he wants. You might well find that his essay is more sparkling than ______ he’s done before.

According to the research of Millfield preschool, around 20% of youngsters ______ best with background music, 10% excel(突出) when allowed to ______ their work with short walks around the room while up to 80% can concentrate ______ if allowed to fiddle(用手拨弄)with a small object.

The research has advised the school to adopt a complete ______ approach, analyzing pupils to discover which learning style _____ them best-then letting them do their work listening to music or______ lying down.______ parents at first regarded the ______ as a layabout’s(懒散闲荡的人) deed but many are now applying it at______ where children are also allowed to do their work ______ the television on.

”I ______ to work on the floor with music on low,” admits Susan, 13, a day girl.”At first my parents thought I was skiving (逃避),but my ______ persuaded them to look at my homework and when they saw it was okay, they ______.”

1.A.Then B.Next time C.Before long D.In case

2.A.take B.allow C.form D.try

3.A.Rather than B.Except for C.In place of D.In spite of

4.A.causing B.advising C.ordering D.permitting

5.A.quickly B.carefully C.quietly D.attentively

6.A.way B.atmosphere C.method D.means

7.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something

8.A.progress B.relax C.think D.work

9.A.break out B.break down C.break up D.break in

10.A.faster B.better C.deeper D.worse

11.A.new B.special C.common D.interesting

12.A.interests B.affects C.suits D.improves

13.A.still B.perhaps C.almost D.even

14.A.Puzzled B.Doubtful C.Angry D.Unpleased

15.A.move B.suggestion C.research D.problem

16.A.school B.class C.home D.last

17.A.while B.when C.as D.with

18.A.continue B.hope C.hate D.prefer

19.A.teacher B.classmate C.friend D.neighbor

20.A.refused B.agreed C.stopped D.blamed



He suggested that the book _____ returned to the library at once.

A.speaking of should be B.spoken to be C.referring to D.referred to be



Things of _____kind come together; people of _____ kind fall into _____ same group.

A.the; the; the B.a; a; the C.the; the; a D.a; the; the



Not until______ a chance to discuss it thoroughly, ______set out to handle the problem we came across last week.

A.we have had, shall we B.have we had,we shall

C.do we have, we D.we shall have had, shall we



.In the character-training of children, what really much is what their parents say and do.

A. matters    B. cares    C. considers    D. minds



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