满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dear Mrs. Koch, I never thanked you for ...

Dear Mrs. Koch,

I never thanked you for all you did for me. When I had you as a ______, I was in a bad place. You didn’t know why I was ______ your class, and you were confused why a A student began to fail in every test. You were also ______ I wouldn’t do my homework. I told you I ______, but you didn’t buy that.

You had me come in after school for chemistry ______ almost every day. You spent loads of time helping me with ______ labs and homework I hadn’t done. The more I came for help, the more I began to ______ you. I eventually trusted you enough to ______ my problems. I told you that my grandma was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer and had three months to ______. I hadn’t told anyone what was going on, not ______ my good friends.

The day of our second term exam, my grandma ______. My mom and sister had already left to take care of her, ______ me by myself to receive the news. That day, I entered your class and you knew ______ something was wrong. After the ______, you asked me what was going on and I told you. You were ______ for my loss and told me you were there if ______.

You saved me from the tides of the ocean that were ______ me beneath the big blue. You were my rescue ______, and I thank you for being there when no one else was. I have never had a teacher ______so much to me and ask for so little in return. You are my ______ and by far the greatest teacher I have ever had. Thank you.

1.A.director B.teacher C.student D.player

2.A.starting B.planning C.continuing D.failing

3.A.shocked B.ashamed C.excited D.inspired

4.A.refused B.doubted C.understood D.forgot

5.A.knowledge B.opinion C.instruction D.information

6.A.missed B.dropped C.lost D.imagined

7.A.support B.accept C.hate D.trust

8.A.expect B.share C.keep D.enjoy

9.A.live B.work C.wait D.sleep

10.A.also B.always C.even D.still

11.A.drove away B.ran away C.passed away D.took away

12.A.sending B.forgetting C.taking D.leaving

13.A.suddenly B.immediately C.nearly D.finally

14.A.exam B.news C.problem D.experiment

15.A.funny B.regretful C.sorry D.ill

16.A.invited B.needed C.agreed D.happened

17.A.forcing B.warning C.reminding D.encouraging

18.A.runner B.rider C.walker D.swimmer

19.A.add B.owe C.give D.connect

20.A.precious B.favorite C.pleasant D.successful


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要为一封作者写着Koch老师的一封信,信中作者描述了Koch老师给予自己的帮助,和自己对于老师的感激喜爱之情。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你当我老师的时候,我的处境很糟糕。A. director主任;B. teacher老师;C. student学生;D. player运动员。根据后文the greatest teacher I have ever had可知此处是指给作者当老师的时候。故选B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你不知道我为什么不及格,你也不明白为什么好学生每次考试都不及格。A. starting开始;B. planning计划;C. continuing继续;D. failing不及格,失败。结合后文began to fail in every test.可知作者总是考试不及格。故选D。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你也对我不做作业感到震惊。A. shocked震惊的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. excited激动的;D. inspired鼓舞。作者不写作业,这让老师感到很震惊。其它选项不符合语境。故选A。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我告诉过你我忘了,但你不相信。A. refused拒绝;B. doubted怀疑;C. understood明白;D. forgot忘记。结合后文but you didn’t buy that可知老师并不相信作者是忘了写作业,其它选项不符合语境。故选D。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你让我放学后几乎每天都进行化学指导。A. knowledge知识;B. opinion观点;C. instruction指导;D. information信息。根据上文You had me come in after school for chemistry可知作者从不写作业,因此老师每天让作者放学后来上化学指导课补作业。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你花了很多时间帮我做那些我错过的实验和没做的功课。A. missed错过;B. dropped落下;C. lost丢失;D. imagined想象。结合后文labs可知老师让作者放学后来上化学指导课是为了给作者补上那些错过的实验和作业,故选A。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我越来找你帮忙,就越信任你。A. support支持;B. accept接受;C. hate讨厌;D. trust信任。根据后文trusted可知作者越来越信任老师。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我最终非常信任你,和你分享我的问题。A. expect期待;B. share分享;C. keep保持;D. enjoy欣赏。结合后文作者和老师分享了自己奶奶得了癌症的事情,可知作者和老师分享自己的问题。故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我告诉过你,我的奶奶被诊断出患有癌症,只能再活三个月了。A. live活着,生活;B. work工作;C. wait等待;D. sleep睡觉。根据上文my grandma was diagnosed with cancer and had three months to可知指奶奶只能活三个月了。故选A。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我没有告诉任何人发生了什么事,甚至是我的好朋友。A. also也;B. always总是;C. even甚至;D. still仍然。结合上下文语境可知作者谁也没告诉奶奶得了癌症这件事,甚至是最好的朋友也不知道。故选C。 11.考查动词短语辨析。句意:在我们第二学期考试的那天,我奶奶去世了。A. drove away赶走;B. ran away逃跑;C. passed away去世;D. took away拿走。根据后文for my loss可知作者奶奶去世了。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈和姐姐已经离开去照顾她了,留下我一个人听到了这个消息。A. sending邮寄;B. forgetting忘记;C. taking带走;D. leaving离开。结合后文by myself to receive the news可知作者的妈妈和姐姐已经离开了,只留下作者一个人。故选D。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:那天,我一走进你的教室,你立即就知道出了问题。A. suddenly突然;B. immediately立即;C. nearly几乎;D. finally终于。结合后文老师询问作者发生了什么事,可知作者一走进教室,老师立即就知道出了问题。故选B。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:考试后,你问我发生了什么事,我告诉了你。A. exam考试;B. news新闻;C. problem问题;D. experiment实验。结合上文The day of our second term exam可知是在第二学期考试的那天奶奶去世的,因此是考试后。故选A。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。你为我家人的去世感到难过,告诉我如果需要你会提供帮助。funny有趣的;B. regretful后悔的;C. sorry遗憾的,抱歉的;D. ill生病的。作者的家人去世,老师对此感到难过。其他选项不符合语境。故选C。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你为我的损失感到难过,告诉我如果需要你会提供帮助。A. invited邀请;B. needed需要;C. agreed同意;D. happened发生。结合上文told me you were there可知老师告诉作者如果作者有需要,自己会在作者身边提供帮助。故选B。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你把我从大海的潮水中救了出来,这潮水把我逼入蓝色的大海里。A. forcing逼着,强迫;B. warning警告;C. reminding提醒;D. encouraging鼓励。对作者来说,奶奶的去世好像大海的潮水,而这潮水将作者逼进更深的海里,此处蓝色的大海象征着悲伤。故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你是我的救生员,我感谢你在别人都不在的时候出现。A. runner跑步者;B. rider骑手;C. walker步行者;D. swimmer游泳者。根据上文You saved me from the tides of the ocean可知老师对于作者来说就是将自己从潮水中救出来的救生员。短语rescue swimmer“救生员”故选D。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从来没有一个老师给我这么多,却要求这么少的回报。A. add添加;B. owe欠债;C. give给予;D. connect连接。根据上文可知老师给作者补习,在亲人去世时给予作者安慰,这些都是老师给予作者的帮助。故选C。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你是我最爱的老师,也是迄今为止我遇到的最伟大的老师。A. precious宝贵的;B. favorite最喜欢的;C. pleasant令人愉快的;D. successful成功的。根据信的内容可知作者对于老师是感激的,也表达了作者对于老师的喜爱。故选B。

    Learning English as a second language can be a challenge, but it can also bring a lot of advantages. 1. The international business community often uses it for communication, even among people who do not speak the same native language. There are also many professional publications printed in English, which means it is often an important language for anyone working in science or research.

2. People who speak two or more languages can easily get jobs in travel, international business, or translation. Even outside of a professional environment, people often like to be able to talk to individuals from around the world. They can communicate and talk with others more easily.

Knowing English can broaden the types of people you can speak to. Many people find great social and cultural benefits in having pen friends from other countries. 3.A large number of websites are available primarily in English. Anyone who does not understand the language may have difficulty using them. Besides, for anyone interested in traveling to countries in which English is the common language, it is often essential to understand and speak it. Throughout the UK, US, and Canada, traveling and shopping are often made easier by speaking English. 4.

Learning a language can also be a great way to meet people, even if you never plan on leaving home. A class at a local community center or college can introduce you to a wide variety of people. Language courses often encourage students to carry on conversations with each other in the language being learned. 5.

A. It’s hard to get a job without speaking English.

B. This can be a great way to break the ice with new people.

C. And the Internet makes such communication fast and easy.

D. For many people, learning English can broaden their employment opportunities.

E. Reading novels, watching movies and listening to music in English can also be helpful.

F. One of the primary benefits is that it is often considered the language of global business.

G. It is much easier for you to explore these regions and more easily communicate with the locals.



    One of Australia’s most famous natural gifts, the Great Barrier Reef is blessed with the breathtaking beauty of the world’s largest coral reef. The reef contains a large variety of life and over 3000 reef systems and hundreds of islands with some of the world’s most beautiful beaches. Because of its natural beauty, the Great Barrier Reef has become one of the world’s most sought after tourist attractions.

However, for the past few years, the news about corals has been discouraging. Currently, the reef is threatened by climate change, tourism, water pollution, and overfishing. Agricultural fertilizer(肥料) runoff from Australian farms also has caused the widespread growth of sea-plants, which absorb most of the nutrients(养分) and leave little remaining for the living coral reef and the animals that live in it. “What has changed is the increasing importance of climate change as a greater threat than the others,” says David Wachenfeld, a scientist of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Coral reefs are extremely sensitive(敏感的) to warming ocean temperatures.

In a report on April 28, the Australian government said it set aside $500 million to help protect corals. The money will be spent on reducing water pollution from agriculture, fighting coral-killing starfish, reef monitoring, and research on climate influence.

Though the Australian investment is welcome, it will at best only delay coral deaths. It’s too little, too late, as a leading coral-scientist Terry Hughes of James Cook University put it. The only way to save corals over the long term is to slow down climate change. That process will require all countries to work together to find the most effective way of cutting emissions (排放) of greenhouse gases.

The most recent emissions figures, however, show that the world is failing at that task. The year 2018 has seen an increase in global emissions. This week in Bonn, Germany, countries are meeting to discuss how to keep their word in the Paris climate agreement. Let’s hope they hear about the silent death of the world’s corals.

1.Why does the author write the text?

A.To introduce the Great Barrier Reef.

B.To show the result of climate change.

C.To offer ways of protecting the Great Barrier Reef.

D.To tell us the serious situation of the Great Barrier Reef.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A.Sea-plants help to protect the coral reefs.

B.Water temperature has little to do with the coral reefs.

C.Climate change is the main reason for coral reefs’ death.

D.Agricultural fertilizer provides nutrients for coral reefs.

3.According to Terry Hughes, the Australian investment in protecting the coral reefs was _______.

A.timely B.unsatisfying

C.effective D.useless

4.How can we protect the Great Barrier Reef effectively in the long run?

A.By reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases.

B.By cutting down the number of tourists.

C.By setting more strict rules on overfishing.

D.By investing more in climate research.



    I’m Andrew Siegel and this is my garden. This is where my family and I grow a lot of different vegetables, flowers and herbs. Gardening has been really important to my family because it gives us an opportunity to spend time outside together, away from all the electronics.

Especially for my five-year-old, it really gives her an opportunity to be in touch with nature-all the little animals, insects and things that come out here.

We find that a lot of the things that we plan for in the garden don’t always go the way that we’d like them to, and some of the things that we don’t plan for become what we enjoy the most that year. So it’s something that my family and I have learned: To appreciate(欣赏) all of it.

My advice for beginner gardeners is to just start. Get a pot, get a little bit of dirt, get a tomato plant or whatever plant you want and just get started.

I think sometimes it seems a little challenging. Trust me, it does not need to be perfect. You will enjoy every little thing you get out of it.

Gardening has taught me patience, something I don’t naturally have a lot of. It takes weeks, takes months before the work you put into it comes out. You learn not only to be patient, in that end product, but you’ve also learned that, after years of gardening, the end product is just part of it.

The journey of growing has become much more important to me than the actual produce that we get in the end. Nothing has been so valuable as the time I spend out here. I’m by no means in a farmland, but I do have my own little piece of what I consider heaven, and I’ve really learned to appreciate every little moment-every insect, every plant, every flower-and when you can appreciate it in that way, there’s nothing better.

1.What does the underlined word “five-year-old” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The author. B.The author’s daughter.

C.The insect. D.The little animal.

2.What is the most important for Andrew Siegel in gardening?

A.Planting different vegetables and flowers.

B.Staying at home together with her family.

C.Enjoying the whole process of growing.

D.Harvesting what the family planted.

3.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.The Joys of Gardening B.The Benefits of Gardening

C.Being in Touch with Nature D.Being Patient with Life




Sonoma Bike Tour

Start and end in San Francisco! With the bicycle tour Sonoma Bike Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through San Francisco, USA and 3 other destinations (目的地) in USA.

AGE RANGE        12 to 80



Days: 6   Our saving: $108    From US $ 2,587

California Cruzin’ Hub Tour

Start and end in Los Gatos! With the bicycle tour California Cruzin’ Hub Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through Los Gatos, USA and 5 other destinations in USA.

AGE RANGE         14 to 80


TRANSPORTATION   Bicycle, Mini-bus

Days: 6   Our saving: $103   From US $ 2,477

Sonoma & Napa Valley Bike Tour

Start and end in San Francisco! With the bicycle tour Sonoma & Napa Valley Bike Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through San Francisco, USA and 4 other destinations in USA.

AGE RANGE        12 to 80



Days: 6   Our saving: $120   From US $ 2,875

Death Valley Bike Tour

Start and end in Las Vegas! With the bicycle tour Death Valley Bike Tour, you have a 6-day tour package taking you through Las Vegas, USA and 7 other destinations in USA. Death Valley Bike Tour is a small group tour that includes accommodation as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.

AGE RANGE          12 to 80



Days: 6    Our saving: $122   From US $ 2,875



1.Which tour offers the least destinations?

A.Sonoma Bike Tour.

B.Death Valley Bike Tour.

C.California Cruzin’ Hub Tour.

D.Sonoma & Napa Valley Bike Tour.

2.What is special about the Death Valley Bike Tour?

A.It starts and ends in San Francisco.

B.It provides accommodation and meals.

C.You can travel to at most 7 destinations.

D.Anyone aged 10 to 80 can take part in the tour.

3.In which aspect do the four tours have in common?

A.Destinations. B.Transportation.

C.Group size. D.Time length.



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1. 比赛时间和目的;

2. 比赛内容中国传统文化故事;

3. 报名截止日期。





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