满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 A light k...


A light knock on the door brought me from my kitchen. Because we had just moved into the neighbourhood, I couldn’t imagine who it would be. Opening the door, an old man stood there, who was dressed in dirty clothing and wearing dirty rubber boots. His hand hung a plastic bag.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Would you like to buy some fresh garden vegetables?” His blue eyes were hopeful.

“Are they from your garden?” I looked inside his plastic bag and saw some carrots with soil.

“Yes,” His voice was soft. “And I can get some apples from a tree in my yard. Would you like some of those, too?”

My heart softened, and I wondered if he is badly in need of the bit of money. With a sigh, I said, “Please step inside and I’ll get my money.”

The next day, he knocked at our door again. This time, my little four-year-old daughter got there first. “Oh, hello. Would you like to come in for tea?" Without a second thought, the old man stepped inside and held out a broken basket with several bruised (擦伤的)apples. “From my tree,” he said, removing a worn cap. “You might like to make a pie. ”

The three of us sat at the kitchen table and drank our tea. It was obvious that my daughter liked hosting a visitor in her never-ending questions. “What is your name? Where do you live? Why are your clothes so dirty?”

The homeless-looking man laughed as he answered each question. His name was Mr. Locket and he lived around the corner. His wife had passed away several years before, and his children all lived far away. He was lonely. His need for company had sent him door to door selling fruit and vegetables. Ours was the only door opened to him that day.





Paragraph 1:

When he finished the tea, he said he had to go home and promised to return the next day.


Paragraph 2

Several years later, a small envelope was delivered to our home—a letter from the old mans daughter.



When he finished the tea, he said he had to go home and promised to return the next day. Making his way to the door, he turned and waved us goodbye. My daughter excitedly waited for his visit and made full preparations. As the old man visited us the next day and entered the kitchen, he was amazed by all of the preparations for him. including apple pies. His eyes were filled with tears. We became friends and enjoyed the company this old visitor offered us. Later on, we kept in touch by writing letters, for he had become too old to get around. Several years later, a small envelope was delivered to our home—a letter from the old man’s daughter. She informed us that our dear old friend had passed away. “I’m so grateful for your showing care for my father,” she wrote. “I can see how much you meant to him. Here is a letter from my father to you.” The letter goes like this, “Thank you for all your kindnesses to an old man. When I was lonely, you took me in. When I was badly in need of a family, you accepted me. My last few years are filled with happiness because of you,” 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。根据所给阅读材料的内容,在所给材料后续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 通过阅读所给文章可知,Mr. Locket的妻子几年前去世了,他的子女都离得远,他一个人孤独地生活,为了排解孤独他上门向邻居推销自己种的蔬菜和水果。作者刚刚搬来这个社区,Mr. Locket敲响了她家的门,并且请他进门,第二天他再来时还请他喝了茶,作者一家是唯一给他开门的邻居。 续写部分分为两段,两段都给了开头,这就为写作限定了发挥的空间,考生所写内容要能与所给开头衔接自然,对考生是个挑战。 第一段可以写当天他们三人一起喝茶后,老人不舍地离去的场景,作者的女儿再次邀请老人来家里做客,为老人准备的各种茶点,老人的言谈举动等,三人一起度过的愉快的时光,后来老人经常性地来访,他们成为了可以谈话的朋友。 第二段可以写老人去世后作者收到了老人女儿寄来的信,写信里的内容,表达老人女儿对作者一家的感激,可以写老人给作者一家的留言,通过老人的话来表现作者一家在老人最需要陪伴的日子里所做的一切,对老人的意义。

假定你是李华,你校将组织在校师生本周六去游乐场(amusement park)游玩。请写封邮件邀请外教Bryan同去,内容包括:







Dear Bryan,



Li Hua




Starting a wildlife conservation center is a necessary 1. important job, but it hardly brings money to its founder and so it is for Jane Thomas. She spent several years 2. (build) Motley Zoo, devoted to wildlife 3. (protect) in Redmond, Washington, but all money she made was spent straight back on the zoo. She was determined 4. (continue) to do her work, even though there was little money to reward her.

But things changed this year. “As crazy as it sounded, because of my efforts, I received a secret donation: $9,000,” Thomas said. She decided to use the money 5. was donated by a stranger this year to rescue more animals. She advertised the animal rescue on the street and received much support from 6. public.

Thomas said, “Ever since I advertised the animal rescue on the street, I 7. (attract) many people. Now when I walk on the street, many 8. (passer-by) wave and even shout to me ‘I adopted (收养)my dog from you!’ I feel 9. (shock) that people treat me 10. (nice) than ever.”



    Aged 47, I found I have Type 2 Diabetes(糖尿病).

Six months after starting the 800-calorie ________, I went back to the diabetes support group. I’d lost so much weight—no one ________ me!

For five years before that I’d been a comfort ________, existing only on high-fast ready meals, white bread and butter. I knew my BMI was 52. 9, which is off the scale(范围).But I didn’t ________ because I didn’t realize that I was ________ overweight.

I can’t say it was a shock to have diabetes, but it was a sudden moment. Not only did I have to take diabetes ________ every day, but my friend said I had a much higher risk of heart attacks, as well as blindness. I ________ then that I wasn’t just overweight—I was putting my life at ________.

So I ________ my calories to 800 a day— ________ my plate with vegetables and salads. My ________ started to drop.

It was ________ because I didn’t feel hungry though I ate less. I filled up on homemade vegetable soup and drank lots of ________. Breakfast was yoghurt, lunch was a piece of fruit and a salad and I ate healthy dinner.

________, my back had hurt too much and friends had to walk my dog. I also started walking her five miles a day.

I stayed on 800 calories a day for six months, ________ 5 stones(英石). But I was most ________ about my blood sugar coming down to normal. I no longer need medicine. ________, it could start again if I put on weight, so I can’t say I’ve ________ diabetes, but I’m determined not to let that ________.

I have joined a running club. I’m still overweight, so I want to lose another ________.

1.A.idea B.diet C.task D.card

2.A.envied B.missed C.admired D.recognized

3.A.eater B.cleaner C.winner D.guest

4.A.succeed B.care C.survive D.continue

5.A.slightly B.generally C.mainly D.dangerously

6.A.tests B.pills C.products D.devices

7.A.doubted B.ignored C.realized D.imagined

8.A.hand B.sunrise C.risk D.will

9.A.deleted B.raised C.increased D.cut

10.A.comparing B.filling C.combining D.changing

11.A.weight B.height C.pressure D.confidence

12.A.valuable B.impossible C.terrible D.strange

13.A.beer B.coffee C.water D.juice

14.A.Once B.Nowadays C.Usually D.Meanwhile

15.A.losing B.gaining C.finding D.getting

16.A.disappointed B.pleased C.sad D.frustrated

17.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.However D.Instead

18.A.developed B.treated C.fought D.defeated

19.A.happen B.leave C.end D.last

20.A.chance B.disease C.stone D.copy



    You may be relying more and more on your refrigerator. But you should know there are some things you’d better not put into your refrigerator.

1. Nothing dries out bread faster than your refrigerator. If you make sandwiches with the bread, and then place them in the refrigerator, the cold temperature will make the bread hard like nuts. Besides, the coldness makes the bread become hard at a faster speed.

♦Coffee. Since ground coffee like coffee beans require cool, dry and dark spots to keep their taste and freshness, the refrigerator is not a good place for them. Coffee also needs an airtight(密封的)container. But if you have much coffee that you won’t use right away, then you can freeze it. 2. This way, you can store it for up to a month.

♦Tomatoes. 3. But putting them in the refrigerator will cause them to lose all of their good taste. Plus, the cold air in the cooler refrigerator stops the ripening(成熟的)process as well. And as we all know, ripening is what gives every tomato more taste. For best results, keep tomatoes out, and inside a basket or a bowl on your counter.

♦Honey. Make sure that you keep honey in an airtight container. 4. Therefore. storing it in your cooler refrigerator doesn’t make sense. Honey is a naturally preserved food so it needs no help from us. Amazingly enough, placing honey in your refrigerator will in fact speed up the sugar crystallization (结晶)process. 5.

A. Nuts.

B. Bread.

C. We all love tomatoes for their taste.

D. Just make sure to put the coffee in airtight bags.

E. Honey will stay good almost forever in that way.

F. Some of you dislike the tomatoes’ taste because it is a little strange.

G. As a result, the honey will become harder or nearly impossible to eat.



    It’s normal for teens to want to stay connected with friends and social circle, but what about that happening in the middle of the night? The Journal of Youth Studies recently published new research showing that one in five teens from 12 to 15 regularly wake to spend all night on social media (社会媒体). Not surprisingly, the research also showed that these social night owls were three times more likely than others to feel tired at school and that girls were more likely than boys to be called to office.

The blue light produced by cell phones and computers makes the brain to stay awake, so it's easy to see why a teen might be up all night. A study in Psychological Science showed the same brain reaction: when teens saw large numbers of “likes” on their posts, they stayed awake with excitement as if they had eaten chocolates or won money. Besides not catching up on sleep and interrupting their sleep cycle, teens may never fully enter deep sleep that may be responsible for brain development and learning.

Considering about 72 percent of children from 6 to 17 sleep with some electronic media in their bedrooms, parents need to set rules sooner rather than later.

“Providing access (使用机会) to social media is a favor that children can earn and also lose,” Janie Feldman, an expert who treats sleep disorders (紊乱), reminds parents, “The bad effect is clear. So teens and parents should discuss and agree on its use, timing and access. When teenagers agree to the rules, it’s easier for parents to control how much time they use the phones or computers.”

1.What does the underlined part “night owls” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Girls often called to office.

B.Teens who stay up late on social media.

C.Teens who are busy with their homework at night.

D.Boys regularly waking in the middle of the night.

2.How do teens react when seeing many “likes” on their posts according to the study?

A.They are too excited to go to sleep.

B.They fall asleep easily and happily.

C.They are too excited to go to school.

D.They decide to make more good friends.

3.What suggestion does Janie Feldman give to parents?

A.Making rules about media access together with their children.

B.Getting their children to do homework through computers.

C.Encouraging their children to stay connected with online friends.

D.Stopping their children from using cell phones.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Deep sleep makes a big difference to brain development.

B.Kids are trying to win back the trust of their parents.

C.Social media may have a bad effect on all kinds of people.

D.Social media may cause teens’ sleep disorders.



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