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A Devoted Dog As the Camp Fire continued...

A Devoted Dog

As the Camp Fire continued, killing at least 85 people and displacing thousands more in Northern California, Madison waited there.

Gaylord, the Anatolian shepherd mix's owner, was not able to get to her home in Paradise, when the fire began to spread, meaning Madison was _______. For weeks, all Gaylord could do was pray for Madison's _______, according to California-based animal rescue _______ Paw Print Rescue.

Sullivan, a volunteer with the organization, had already helped _______ Madison's brother Miguel in a different city. But Madison was even more difficult to find. Sullivan _______ Madison a few times in a canyon(峡谷),apparently _______ his land, and put out fresh food and water _______ in hopes that the dog would turn up, according to a Facebook post by Sullivan. She even placed _______ clothing that smelled like Gaylord near the home '' to keep Madison hope _______ until his people could return'',Sullivan wrote.

When the evacuation(疏散)order was __________ last week and Gaylord went back to her home—which had been ruined by the fire—her __________ were answered: Madison was there, seemingly protecting what __________ remained of his family's home. ''Well, I'm so happy to report that Gaylord was allowed to return to her home today and THERE MADISON WAS!! ! ! He had stayed to protect what was left of his home, and never __________ his people!" Sullivan wrote in the comment on her Facebook post, ''I'm so happy I'm crying as I write this! He didn't give up through the storms or the fire!" she added.

__________ , Madison was __________ with Miguel for the first time since the __________ broke out. An emotional Gaylord said in an interview with the network that she was overcome with __________ to see Madison waiting for her. She also expressed how __________ she was to Sullivan. Gaylord said fighting through tears, ''You could __________ ask for better animals. He is the best __________''

1.A.picked out B.carried away C.left behind D.cared for

2.A.growth B.safety C.ability D.relief

3.A.fund B.branch C.accommodation D.organization

4.A.memorize B.locate C.relate D.show

5.A.caught B.investigated C.spotted D.reserved

6.A.guarding B.measuring C.rejecting D.visiting

7.A.regularly B.carelessly C.accidentally D.clumsily

8.A.a block of B.an ear of C.an article of D.a bunch of

9.A.alive B.diverse C.shallow D.specific

10.A.issued B.lifted C.turned down D.kept

11.A.curses B.speeches C.complaints D.prayers

12.A.little B.great C.small D.few

13.A.fell back on B.gave up on C.cracked down on D.dawned on

14.A.Soon afterwards B.Gradually C.Sooner or later D.Unwillingly

15.A.blocked off B.acquainted C.reunited D.fed up

16.A.conflict B.disease C.argument D.fire

17.A.fear B.grief C.boredom D.joy

18.A.special B.grateful C.superior D.attractive

19.A.always B.less C.only D.never

20.A.volunteer B.neighbor C.dog D.rescuer


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一条忠诚的狗——麦迪逊,在火灾发生主人没回家的情况下,不放弃,坚守主人的家的故事。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:大火开始蔓延时,安纳托利亚混养牧羊犬的主人盖洛德(Gaylord)没能赶到她位于天堂镇的家,这意味着麦迪逊被留在了那里。A. pick out使容易看见,找出,精心挑选,认出来;B. carry away带走,夺走;C. leave behind留下,遗留,忘了带…;D. care for关心,照顾,喜欢。根据下文的He had stayed to protect what was left of his home, and never ____13____ his people可知麦迪逊被留在了那里,故选C项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:据总部位于加州的动物救援组织——爪印救援说,几周以来,盖洛德所能做的就是祈祷麦迪逊的安全。A. growth生长;成长;增长;种植;B. safety安全,保险;C. ability能力,才能;D. relief减轻,接触,救济。结合上下文可知,Gaylord是Madison的主人,当Madison被留在火灾中时,他能做的只有祈祷Madison的安全,故选B项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. fund基金,资金;B. branch分支,分部,树枝,支流;C. accommodation膳宿; D. organization组织。根据下一段首句Sullivan, a volunteer with the organization可知此处用“组织”符合语境,organization是原词复现,故选D项。 4.考查动词词义及语境。句意:沙利文是该组织的一名志愿者,他已经帮助麦迪逊在另一个城市找到了她的哥哥米格尔。A. memorize记住,熟记;B. locate定位,找到;C. relate叙述,使有联系;D. show显示,说明,演出。根据下文的But Madison was even more difficult to find.可知此处用“找到”符合语境,locate和find是同义词复现,故选B项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:据沙利文在Facebook上发布的一篇帖子称,沙利文曾在一个峡谷里发现过麦迪逊几次, 它显然是在保护自己的地盘, 沙利文定期去投喂食物和水,期望麦迪逊能出现。A. catch捕捉,赶上,感染,了解;B. investigate调查,研究; C. spot发现;D. reserve预定。根据下文的put out fresh food and water ___7___ in hopes that the dog would turn up可知沙利文看到过麦迪逊几次,但是没有抓到它,故选C项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. guard守卫;B. measure测量;C. reject拒绝;D. visit访问,参观。根据下文的Madison was there, seemingly protecting what ___12___ remained of his family's home可知麦迪逊在守护着Gaylord被烧毁的家,故此处用“保卫”符合语境,protect和guard是同义词复现,故选A项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. regularly定期地,有规律地;B. carelessly粗心大意地; C. accidentally偶然地;D. clumsily笨拙地。结合上下文可知,此处是指沙利文定期送去食物和水,这样可以让麦迪逊活着、充满希望,故选A项。 8.考查量词短语辨析。句 意:沙利文写道,她甚至在房子附近放了一件闻起来像盖洛德的衣服 “以维持麦迪逊的希望,直到他的家人能够回来”。A. a block of一块;B.an ear of一穗;C.an article of一件;D. a bunch of一串。结合句意可知,此处是指一件衣服,故选C项。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. alive活着的,活泼的;B. diverse不同的,相异的; C. shallow浅的;D. specific特殊的。结合句意可知,此处考查短语keep one’s hope alive让某人的希望不落空,指让麦迪逊认为他的主人还在他的身边,故选A项。 10.考查动词短语辨析。句意:上周疏散令解除后,盖洛德回到了被大火烧毁的家中,她的祈祷得到了回应,麦迪逊就在那儿,似乎在保护着家里仅存的一点东西。A. issue (an order)发布命令;B. lift (an order)解除禁令;C. turn down (an order)拒绝命令;D. keep (order)维持秩序。根据上文的As the Camp Fire continued, killing at least 85 people and displacing thousands more in Northern California,推测因为大火政府采取了禁令,故此处用“疏散令解除”符合语境,故选B项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. curse诅咒,咒骂;B. speech演讲;C. complaint抱怨;D. prayer 祈祷,祷告。根据上文的 For weeks, all Gaylord could do was pray for Madison’s ,可知此处用“祈祷”符合语境,pray和prayer是同根词,故选D项。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. little小的, 很少的; B. great伟大的;C. small小的微弱的;D. few很少的,几乎没有的。结合句意可知,此处指大火之后家里几乎没有留下什么财产,故选A项。 13.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他一直留在那里保护他的家园,从来没有放弃他的家人!A. fall back on求助于,借助于;B. give up on sb. 不再抱有希望,放弃;C. crack down on镇压,严厉打击;D. dawn on开始被理解,逐渐明白。根据前文的He had stayed to protect what was left of his home可知此处用“不放弃”符合语境,故选B项。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不久之后,麦迪逊与米格尔重聚,这是大火爆发以来的第一次。A. soon afterwards不久之后;B. gradually逐步地,渐渐地;C. sooner or later迟早;D. unwillingly不情愿地,勉强地。按照故事发展的时间顺序可知此处用“不久之后”符合语境,指火灾之后发生的事情,故选A项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. block off 阻挡,封堵;B.be acquainted with 熟悉,了解;C. reunite with/be reunited with 重聚,团聚;D.be fed up with厌倦,受够了。根据上文的 Sullivan, a volunteer with the organization, had already helped _ Madison’s brother Miguel in a different city. 可知麦迪逊的兄弟米格尔在另一座城市,故推测火灾之后他们重聚了,故选C项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. conflict冲突,矛盾,斗争;B. disease 病,弊病;C. argument争吵,论证;D. fire火,火灾。全文讲述的是加利福尼亚的大火发生后的故事,故选D项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:情绪激动的盖洛德在接受采访时说,看到麦迪逊在等她,她欣喜若狂。A. fear恐惧;B. grief悲伤;C. boredom无聊;D. joy快乐。结合句意可知,此处是指盖洛德看到麦迪逊在等她她很高兴,be overcome with joy 欣喜若狂,故选D项。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她还表达了对沙利文的感激之情。A. special特殊的;B. grateful感激的; C. superior优秀的,比……好的; D. attractive有吸引力的。根据上文可知Sullivan为Madison做了许多事情,所以推测Gaylord对她感激不已,故选B项。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:盖洛德含着眼泪说:“你不能要求更好的动物了。他就是最好的狗。”A. always总是;B. less少于;C. only仅仅;D. neve绝不。根据下文的He is the best ___20___可知麦迪逊是最好的狗,此处考查 “否定词+比较级”表示最高级,故选D项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. volunteer志愿者;志愿兵;B. neighbor邻居;C. dog狗;D. rescuer救助者。全文围绕着一条叫做麦迪逊的忠诚的狗展开,故选C项。

    School phobia is a type of illness which causes the students, typically between the ages of 8-13, to be afraid to go to school. Symptoms include stomach aches, tiredness, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.

1. Most commonly it is the result of separation anxiety, but it can also be caused by different kinds of stress. A child who has recently moved, suffered a loss, or gone through a divorce may develop school phobia, and phobias can also develop in response to bullying, an unrecognized learning disability, and poor self-image.2.

Many techniques can be used to manage school phobia. But research suggests that much more effective treatment is required for school phobia to prevent problems developing in later life. Children with this condition usually benefit from seeing a psychologist or doctor who can help the child and provide assistance to help parents and school officials support the child. As soon as school phobia is identified, parents should take action too. 3., and it can prevent the child from succeeding in school.

4. If bullying in school is a cause, for example, the bullying situation should be solved. A teacher can meet the child at the door and take him or her to class, and provide support so that the child feels a friendly adult is always available. Changes at home can include supportive language from parents, along with support like assistance with homework. If a child lacks confidence, parents may encourage the child to take up new hobbies. 5. Parents might also talk to their children about their own fears of school and how they got over them, and their own enjoyment of school and school-like activities.

A. It will help children to feel good about themselves

B. But a child with phobia refuses to accept adults' support

C. Adjustments can be made at home and in the classroom to help

D. This common phobia is associated with a wide variety of causes

E. Like other phobias, school phobia gets worse if it is left untreated

F. The most effective treatment is to help the child have a sense of success

G. Understanding the cause of school phobia is an important step in providing treatment



    In the past three years, according to a study, the number of people who study part- time in England has decreased by 42%—the equivalent (等同的)of 106,000 fewer students. Almost half a million students were studying part-time in the past three years, with most of them working at the same time and studying vocational subjects, according to Universities UK(UUK), which conducted the research. The report, which was requested by ministers, said, ''There seems to be many factors responsible for it: the current economic climate limiting employer support for further study and putting pressure on household budgets, changing pathways to higher education and the current changes to the funding system in England and associated increase in tuition fees. Factors such as the rise of apprenticeships(学徒制),increase in private providers (whether for profit or not for profit), and a shift to online learning also have an impact. ''

Professor Sir Eric Thomas, chairman of the review and vice-president of Bristol University, said, ''The reality is that the UK needs more graduates and relies heavily on part-time higher education to meet these fast changing skill needs in a fast changing world. We ignore part-time study's transformative power for individuals and society. While part-time students are a great success story for the UK, something is going wrong. In England in particular, numbers are reducing and do not look like recovering. The situation is highly complex. This review is the beginning of a process of universities working together and with partners to take steps in dealing with this issue. We cannot and must not give up on these students. ''

Rachel Wenstone, vice-president for higher education at the National Union of Students (NUS), said, ''NUS welcomes this report and we are pleased that this issue is getting the attention it deserves. It is incredibly disheartening to see the number of part- time students decreasing. The sector took responsibility in analyzing the issues facing part-time students and it's now time for the sector to take responsibility for dealing with the problems. ''

The university's minister, David Willetts, said, Part-time study brings enormous benefits to individuals, the economy and employers. Tuition fee loans are now available to new part-time students. We will also change the rules which stop people from getting financial support to learn new skills in engineering, technology and computer science part-time. This will make sure that the nation has the skills we need to keep our businesses ahead in the global race. Institutions must also play their part to encourage more part-time study by emphasizing the benefits to future students. I am calling on all universities to make sure that part-time options are highly visible on websites and detailed information about the courses is also up to date.

1.Which of the following is NOT the reason for the decline of the number of part- time students in the UK?

A.The tuition fees have been increased.

B.Many people choose to learn on the Internet.

C.People are too busy with their work and daily lives.

D.Families are short of money to let their members study further.

2.What does Eric Thomas really want to express in Paragraph 2?

A.Part-time higher education is very important in the UK.

B.More graduates in the UK have to improve their skills.

C.Part-time students have been very successful in the UK.

D.Universities in the UK play a key role in attracting part-time students.

3.How does Wenstone feel about the present part-time study in the UK?

A.Puzzled. B.Satisfied.

C.Optimistic. D.Discouraged.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.The UK sees the decline of its part-time students

B.Part-time students receive more attention nowadays

C.The UK comes up with ways to attract more part-time students

D.The decline of part-time students has effects on the UK



    It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that kids who read for pleasure are more likely to be at or above their expected reading level. Unfortunately, according to the National Assessment of Education Progress scores in 2018, 48 percent of fourth graders in the US have fallen below their grade level when it comes to reading. Schools have been trying different ways to improve students' reading skills, primarily by encouraging children to read more outside of the classroom.

One of the most successful programs has been the Reading to Dogs Program. The program is simple. Schools and libraries pair children that need help with their reading skills up with assistance dogs. The environment is usually very relaxed, with the dog and the child sitting together on the floor. This encourages physical interaction during the process which can help the child relax (petting dogs has been proven to lower blood pressure and reduce stress). Children benefit from the patience, acceptance and comfort of the dog's presence, while getting much needed practice with their reading skills in a non-judgmental environment. Children have an ability to interact one-on-one with a therapy dog to improve their reading skills. The benefits apply to other areas of the classroom as well, including students' concentration in class and their completion of homework.

In addition, the Reading to Dogs Program helps children:

1. Gain confidence. Children that score lower on reading exams are generally self- conscious about their abilities, and thus they are more likely to be uncomfortable when reading in front of their classmates. By replacing their classmates with a therapy dog, they are able to read in a completely non-judgmental environment, thus helping them to gain confidence in their skills.

2. Learn about responsible pet care. In addition to the educational and social benefits of this program, children also learn about interacting with an animal. For those who do not have pets at home, this program can teach children about proper dog care and behavior.

1.The author tends to think that         .

A.reading for fun may improve children's reading level

B.nearly half of all American students in Grade Four have performed badly

C.students cannot improve their reading ability by reading in class

D.dogs should be brought into classrooms to encourage kids to read

2.Assistance dogs can help children           .

a. improve their reading skills

b. raise more pets

c. focus on lessons

d. finish homework

A.a, b, c B.a, c, d

C.b, c, d D.a, b, d

3.What is the main idea of the last three paragraphs of the passage?

A.Why children read to dogs in America.

B.How the Reading to Dogs Program works.

C.What children gain from the program.

D.How dogs benefit from the program.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that            .

A.the program is the best way to improve reading skills

B.children can learn more from the patience of dogs

C.the dogs must receive training in reading in advance

D.children with lower reading abilities lack self-confidence



    When Randy Heiss went hiking behind his Patagonia, Ariz. farm, the last thing he expected to find was a Christmas list from a little girl across the US-Mexico border. “I found this balloon on my morning walk near Patagonia on Sunday. Attached to it was a piece of paper with the Christmas wishes from a little girl,” Heiss wrote on his Facebook page.

When he brought the list home to his wife, who speaks fluent Spanish, they determined that the little girl had asked for Enchantimals toys, clothes, art supplies and various other gifts. That's when Heiss set out to make the little girl's Christmas dreams come true. Heiss said he had attempted to send Christmas letters to Santa Claus via balloon when he was a kid but never received a response.

Heiss sent a Facebook message on Wednesday to XENY, a radio station in Nogales, to see if it could help him track down the girl or her family. He later received a response from the station, which had determined the author of the letter was an 8-year-old girl named Dayami, and the station wanted to set up a meeting between the two on Thursday. “It just changed my entire day,” Heiss told the Washington Post. “Instead of going back to my office in Bisbee, I went with my wife to Walmart. “

The couple bought almost everything on Dayami's list. They also brought a few gifts for Dayami's little sister, Ximena. They told the children they were “ ayudantes de Santa,” or Santa's helpers.

Heiss,60, said the experience was very healing for him and his wife. Nine years ago,the couple's only son died. “ Being around children at Christmas time has been absent in our lives,” Heiss said. We now have friends for life. For a day, that border fence with its concertina wire melted away.

1.How did Dayami send out her Christmas wishes?

A.By calling Heiss. B.By attaching them to a balloon.

C.By writing to a radio station. D.By sending a Facebook message.

2.When did Heiss know what the girl exactly wanted?

A.After the help of his wife.

B.When he found the balloon.

C.After their meeting in America.

D.When he got a response from the radio station.

3.What might make Heiss decide to fulfill the little girl's Christmas wishes?

A.His son's will.

B.The girls request for help.

C.His similar unsuccessful experience.

D.His desire to make friends with the girl.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The couple got out of the pain completely.

B.The experience was a great relief to the couple.

C.The couple would help more children from Mexico.

D.There will be no border between countries one day.



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1.According to the passage, the adaptive front light _______.

A.is designed specially for reading in the dark

B.changes its brightness according to readers' eyesight

C.provides readers with suitable brightness while reading

D.can make reading on screen more comfortable than on the printed pages

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Kindle Voyage?

A.It was designed with easy page turns.

B.Its battery lasts longer than Kindle Paperwhite.

C.Customers enjoy a 30-day free trial of Kindle Voyage.

D.One of the new features of Kindle Voyage is the thin design.

3.The passage is most probably________ .

A.a science report

B.a news report

C.a commercial advertisement

D.a travel guide



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