满分5 > 高中英语试题 >





Dear sir or madam,


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Dear sir or madam, I am LiHua, a student in Grade Two in our university. I know that you need an editor for our school newspaper. I am interested in the job, so I am writing to know more information about it. Firstly, I would like to know the exact requirements for Chinese level. Should an applicant have a good command of the Chinese language in both reading and writing? Besides, what does a Chinese editor need to do if accepted? Thirdly, could you tell me when and where I should have an interview if I apply for the job? And what should be prepared for the interview? I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。本篇要求考成给学校招收汉语编辑的负责写信,询问招聘条件、工作内容和面试事件等。 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应以一般现在时为主 结构:总分总 要求: 1. 表明写信目的 2. 询问招聘的有关事项 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) Be interested in/ apply for/ have a good command of/ do well in/ prepare for/ look forward to 第三步:连词成句 I am LiHua, a student in Grade Two in our university. Knowing that you need an editor for our school newspaper, I am writing to apply for it, for I am interested in the job. At first, I want to your exact requirements for the job. For example, must an applicant have a good command of the Chinese language in both reading and writing? If permitted, what a Chinese editor is expected to do? Finally, would you please tell me where and when I should have an interview if I want to apply for the job? Looking forward to your early reply. 第四步:连句成篇(加入衔接词或从句) 表示并列的连词:and/but/or/so… 状语从句连词:because/ if/ though/ although… 定语从句连词:which/ that/ when/ where… 第五步:修改润色(加入高级词汇或短语)







My family like doing voluntary work. My parents and 1 are used to going to the community center to help the people lived there. Last Saturday, my family did somethings for others. My father, who is a computer engineer, check and fixed computers for neighbors but my mother made taste dumplings for the elderly people. 1 have been taught some primary school students to play with chess for years. Next weekend if we are available, we clean the house for the old people. I think that my family do is meaningful. It is known that helping others is helping ourselves. It can also bring happiness to them.




Each country has its own ''cultural faces''. Abai Qunaubaiuly is one of Kazakhstan's faces.

Arguably one of the 1.(great) poets of the country, Abai was also a philosopher(哲学家),a musician and an intellectual (知识分子)2. made science and  education well 3. (know).

Abai's poems, which covered 4. wide range of topics such as love, happiness and hope, described the natural 5. (beautiful) of Kazakh grassland and reflected changes in Kazakhstan's lifestyle.

Through his poetry, Abai helped to preserve ancient Kazakh folklore (民间传说)and he 6. (found) Kazahstan's written literature. Before that, most of the country's literature had  been largely passed down due to its nomadic (游牧的)traditions.

Abai, who7.(educate) with both easlem and weslem sources, also greatly  influenced the central Asian country by translating and introducing European works and ideas of l’efonn. He believed in human dignity and human potential (潜能)through education.

Abai passed away in 1904, but he has had a very big influence on Kazakhstan and beyond. He was featured on Kazakhstair's banknote. A subway station is named  8. him, along with a street, a square, a theatre, and many schools. He has come to represent Kazakhstan 9. (lie), with his name 10. (stand) in global cities.



    A family vacation has been saved thanks to a stranger who helped the _______ travelers after learning about their trouble on social media.

The Melrose family had been in the _______ of a 4,000-kilometer road trip across Australia when _______ their car _______ down. Daryn Melrose, his wife and Iwo daughters had left their home in Gippsland with two boats _______ together so they could _______ in the National Sailing Championships in Darwin. Since the youngsters had spent all year _______ for the competition, they were heartbroken over the idea that all of their efforts had been in _______ . But with 620 miles standing between them and _______, it seemed as if they had no choice but to __________ their dreams of competing.

Upon learning about their__________ABC News made a social media __________ with the  hopes that one of their __________ would help the family. As fate (命运)would have it, Darwin liver Rodney Sims saw the plea (请求)of__________ the family. Sims told ABC News that about 30 years ago he met with a similar situation with a broken-down car and someone helped him out. And it was his time to __________ .

Sims then drove his truck all the way to where the family was staying. They were  all __________ on seeing Sims, truck coming to __________ them. Then, he brought the family all the way back to Darwin. Needless to say, the stranger's act of kindness __________ all the family members. Daiyn and his family thought it was a legend (传奇)and they all thought Sims was__________ and they could not be more __________ for his efforts.

1.A.injured B.gathered C.disconnected D.trapped

2.A.way B.presence C.back D.middle

3.A.swiftly B.consistently C.abruptly D.unconsciously

4.A.came B.broke C.fell D.rolled

5.A.compared B.matched C.fastened D.registered

6.A.compete B.occur C.appear D.arrive

7.A.applying B.waiting C.training D.looking

8.A.return B.time C.person D.vain

9.A.Danvin B.Australia C.Gippsland D.Sims

10.A.achieve B.abandon C.accomplish D.obtain

11.A.journey B.adventure C.dilemma D.response

12.A.website B.announcement C.database D.post

13.A.neighbors B.relatives C.friends D.readers

14.A.witnessing B.assisting C.accompanying D.compensating

15.A.give back B.make sense C.burst out D.lake over

16.A.refreshed B.unbearable C.scaried D.disturbing

17.A.command B.donate C.rescue D.approve

18.A.attracted B.touched C.ensured D.embarrassed

19.A.brave B.admirable C.punctual D.emotional

20.A.thankful B.responsible C.regretful D.eager



    Starting university can be a costly experience for most students. But thankfully, with a little know-how, you can gain the benefits of being a student with a lot more cash in your pocket than you would have expected. 1. Checking out these top money-saving tips might be helpful.

Save money on food

2. In fact, it can be a useful habit to compare the price. Shop around and find the cheapest option. One of the easiest and most resultful ways to do that is by using a price comparison site.

Use student transport discount

We have a love-hate relationship with public transport. 3. Luckily, most cities have local bus operators that offer students passeswhich are much cheaper than standard tickets. These can usually be used at all times of the day, including peak (高峰)travel limes.


Going out to recreational activities can be expensive. So take full advantage of student offers, where drinks are cheap and entry is often free. Be sure to keep an eye out for any freebies and special student offers advertised at local restaurants, cinemas and high street shops.

Spend less on textbooks

Before you rush out and spend your entire student loan (贷款)on books, check your lecture outlines and figure out which books you really do need to ownand which ones you can just borrow from the library. 5.And you can also share the cost with your classmates.

A. Use student offers when socializing.

B. Students shouldn't go to entertainment activities.

C. Being a money-saving student has never been easy.

D. Remember all your textbooks are available in the library.

E. While it may be necessary to use public transport, it's not always cheap.

F. If there are some you need to buy, see if you can get a second-hand copy.

G. Student life doesn't have to be about empty cupboards and living off takeaways or ready meals.



    In the 19th century, doctors tried to transfuse blood (输血)to patients who had lost blood in accidents or to try to save them. However, in most cases there would be a horrible reaction. When the donated blood mixed with the patient's own bloodit clotted (凝结)almost immediately. That stopped the circulation (循环)and the patient would die. Born on 14th June 1868Karl Landsteinera doctor in Vienna, was very concerned about this. He knew there was something in the blood that caused reactions, but some people did manage to escape. Perhaps different people had different kinds of blood? He got a lot of blood samples (标本)from people, and mixed and matched them. Blood has two partsthe blood cells and the liquid serum(血清).You take blood cells from one person and mix them with the serum of another. If they react, the cells will clot and form a big lump. That means it is not safe to transfuse blood between these people. Landsteiner matched hundreds of samples like thisto find out who was safe for whom and who wasn’t. In fact, there were blood groups now called A, B, AB and O.

So what was going on in the blood? All our red blood cells have sugar molecules(糖分子) that are stuck on their surfaces. The red blood cells of people with group A have one kind of sugar, while those with B have another. People with AB have both of these while people with O have none.

People with the A blood group have a chemical substance called anti-B, while those of B blood group have anti-A in their serum. People with AB group have neither anti-A nor anti-B, while people with O have both. If you were B group and got blood from an A person,the anti- A in your blood would cause all the cells with A-sugar on them to clot immediately, stopping the circulation of blood.

In 1907, Dr. Reuben Outenberg carried out the first safe blood transfusion by matching blood groups. Blood transfusion became quite common from then on. And it helped saved thousands of lives in the First World War.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Accidents in blood transfusion.

B.The discovery of blood groups.

C.Who Karl Landsteiner is.

D.The success of Dr. Reuben Otlenberg.

2.What inspired Landsteiner to carry out his experiment?

A.Some doctors in the 19th century.

B.The cause of some patient deaths.

C.Many medical accidents that he came across.

D.Certain successful cases of blood Iransrusion.

3.In which of the following can ''anti-A'' be found?

A.Only in the A blood group.

B.Only in the B blood group.

C.Only in the AB blood group.

D.In blood groups of B and O.

4.Since when has blood transfusion Income universal?

A.The first successful blood transfusion done by Ottenberg.

B.The time when blood groups were named by Landsteiner.

C.The year when the First World War broke out.

D.The blood transfusion by matching blood groups.



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