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完形填空 (基础题) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1--20题中所给的四个选...

完形填空 (基础题)


When our teacher asked us to think about someone who changed our life, I right away thought of my cousin Angela.

Angela was a straight “A” student when she was at school. She was _______, so she often told me, “Study hard. Your _______will pay off. You will have a good career and actually be_______in life.” When she graduated, she got accepted to a university. _______in the university for about a year, she ended up leaving there, because she didn’t have enough _______for the next year. But a year later, she _______. This time she was not only a college student, but also a(n) _______. She had to work her _______ time and do homework during school hours. It must have been her most difficult period of time, but she didn’t_______at all. Instead, she told me how to become __________and responsible.

I ____________her and often tell myself that I should work hard to __________it once I set my mind to something like Angela. Her ways are changing my ways. Now I don’t do the things I ____________to do. Ever since I started high school, I have been more____________. I am not lazy any more. Instead, I try to come to school every day. I have __________everything aside and just have been focused on school. I am really____________that she has changed me a lot.

As our teacher was ____________, I already had something to write, because I ____________thought of my cousin. I am actually proud to say that she is my ____________, because I wouldn’t be here at this point of time without her help. I firmly believe that I will be someone who __________someone else one day.

1.A.hardworking B.easygoing C.responsible D.reliable

2.A.money B.effort C.value D.wealth

3.A.anybody B.nobody C.everybody D.somebody

4.A.Teaching B.Working C.Studying D.Volunteering

5.A.time B.money C.energy D.preparation

6.A.gave in B.went away C.went back D.gave up

7.A.employer B.teacher C.student D.worker

8.A.empty B.busy C.spare D.full

9.A.pretend B.notice C.realize D.complain

10.A.honest B.strong C.rich D.healthy

11.A.refuse B.appreciate C.praise D.dislike

12.A.find B.imagine C.recognize D.achieve

13.A.seemed B.hated C.used D.desired

14.A.concentrated B.interested C.frightened D.delighted

15.A.pulled B.arranged C.pushed D.saved

16.A.hopeful B.faithful C.helpful D.thankful

17.A.asking B.replying C.commanding D.laughing

18.A.usually B.heavily C.finally D.fortunately

19.A.cousin B.hero C.judge D.competitor

20.A.protects B.admires C.encourages D.persuades


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了作者的堂妹一直在用她的亲身经历鼓励我克服生活中的一切困难,实现自身目标。正是她改变了作者的生活。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她很努力,所以她经常告诉我,“努力学习。”A. hardworking努力的;B. easygoing随和的;C. responsible负责任的;D. reliable值得信赖的。根据后句so she often told me, “Study hard.”说明她很努力。故A选项正确。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你的努力会有回报的。A. money金钱;B. effort努力;C. value价值,价值观;D. wealth财富。努力有回报和堂妹建议作者努力学习是一致的。故B正确。 3.考查代词辨析。句意:如果你努力学习,你就会有很好的事业,你会成为重要人物。A. anybody 任何人;B. nobody没有人;C. everybody每个人;D. somebody一些人。根据you will have a good career.可知,代词somebody可以表示“重要人物”。故D选项正确。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在大学里学习了大约一年,她最终离开了那里,因为她没有足够的钱支撑第二年的费用。A. Teaching教;B. Working工作;C. Studying学习;D. Volunteering自愿。根据前半句she got accepted to a university可知,她被大学录取,再根据横线后in the university for about a year可知,她被大学录取了,然后在大学了学习了一年。故C选项正确。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在大学里学习了大约一年,她最终离开了那里,因为她没有足够的钱支撑第二年的费用。A. time时间;B. money钱;C. energy能源;D. preparation准备。根据下文She had to work可知,表妹要工作挣钱让自己读大学。说明她表妹是因为没有钱才离开学校的。故B选项正确。 6.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:但一年后,她又回到了大学。这次她不仅是一名大学生,还是一名工人。A. give in屈服,让步;B. go away走开;C. go back回来;D. give up放弃。根据This time she was not only a college student可知,但一年后,表妹又回到了大学。故C选项正确。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但一年后,她又回到了大学。这次她不仅是一名大学生,还是一名工人。A. employer雇主;B. teacher老师;C. student学生;D. worker工人。根据后一句She had to work可知,她在上学的同时还要工作挣钱,说明同时她还是工人。故D选项正确。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她不得不在课余时间工作,在上学其间努力完成作业。A. empty空的;B. busy忙碌的;C. spare空闲的;D. full满的。大学生平时要上课,只能在空闲的时间出去工作。故C选项正确。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然那段时间对她来说很艰难,但是她并没有抱怨。A. pretend假装;B. notice注意到;C. realize意识到;D. complain抱怨;根据句中的but可知,表示转折,虽然那段时间对她来说很艰难,但是她并没有抱怨。故D选项正确。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她告诉我如何变得坚强和有责任心。A. honest诚实;B. strong坚强;C. rich富有的;D. healthy健康的。本文讲述的是在困难的情况下,坚强的面对一切挫折。故B选项正确。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很感激她并经常告诉自己,一旦我下定决心要做像安吉拉那样的事情,我就应该努力去实现它。A. refuse拒绝;B. appreciate欣赏,感激;C. praise表扬;D. dislike不喜欢。根据文章第一句When our teacher asked us to think about someone who changed our life, I right away thought of my cousin Angela.可知,表妹改变了作者的生活,说明作者对她很感激。故B选项正确。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很感激她并经常告诉自己,一旦我下定决心要做像安吉拉那样的事情,我就应该努力去实现它。A. find发现;B. imagine想象;C. recognize认出,承认;D. achieve实现。表妹告诉作者要努力实现自己的目标,所以一旦作者下定决心要做像安吉拉那样的事情,作者就应该努力去实现它。动词achieve与上下文一致。故D选项正确。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在我不再做以前做的事情了。根据前一句Her ways are changing my ways.可知,表妹改变了作者的方式,说明作者现在和以前不一样了,不会再去做过去常常做的事情了。所以C 项used to do sth符合上下文。故C选项正确。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:自从我上高中以来,我更加专注了。A. concentrated专注的;B. interested感兴趣的;C. frightened害怕的;D. delighted高兴的。根据下文focused on school可知,自从作者上高中以来,更加专注了。故A选项正确。 15.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我把一切都放在一边,只专注于学业。A. pulled拉;B. arranged安排;C. pushed推;D. saved节省。根据...been focused on school可知,作者现在专注学习,不管其他事情。短语push aside意为“把…向旁边推”。故C选项正确。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我真的很感谢她改变了我很多。A. hopeful有希望的;B. faithful信任的;C. helpful乐于助人的;D. thankful感激的。根据she has changed me a lot..可,知表妹改变了作者的生活,说明作者对她很感激。故D正确。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当老师问我谁改变了我的生活的时候,我把Angela的名字写了下来,因为我经常想起她。A. asking问;B. replying回复;C. commanding命令;D. laughing大笑。根据第一句When our teacher asked ....可知,当老师在问作者这个问题的时候,作者就把答案写了下来。因为作者经常会想起表妹。故A选项正确。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当老师问我谁改变了我的生活的时候,我把表妹的名字写了下来,因为我经常想起她。A. usually经常地;B. heavily沉重地;C. finally最后,终于;D. fortunately幸运地。作者经常想起表妹。故A选项正确。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很自豪地说,她是我的英雄。A. cousin堂妹;B. hero英雄;C. judge裁判;D. competitor运动员。根据文章第一段可知,表妹是一个改变作者的生活的人,所以对作者来说表妹就是英雄。故B选项正确。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我坚定地认为我会成为一个能够鼓励他人的人。A. protect保护;B. admire钦佩,羡慕;C. encourage鼓励;D. persuade说服。因为作者的堂妹一直在鼓励我,作者也要像她一样鼓励别人。故C选项正确。

When shall we meet tomorrow then?

________Whenever it is convenient for you.

A.Help yourself B.It’s a deal

C.Noproblem D.It’s up to you



Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can ________ almost every word her teacher says.

A.put out B.put down

C.put away D.put together



A report on food safety in Beijing _______ on January 15th,2018 and it has received positive reviews.

A.published B.was published C.has published D.has been published



It is dishonest of you to _____ the truth from your parents.

A.prevent B.hide C.defend D.protect



Wherever he goes, he will be the ______ of people’s attention.

A.point B.post C.focus D.spot



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