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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In rece...


In recent years many TV shows have become 1. (extreme) popular among Chinese audience. Those programs, ranging from talent or dating shows to reality shows 2. (receive) both commercial success and public attention.

Their popularity is mainly based 3. simple facts. First, they care about social concerns. Second, without exception, they explore 4. perfect balance between the international forms and Chinese expressions.

Despite apparent highlights, much room 5. (leave) for improvement. Above all, commercial interests often outweigh educational purposes, causing many 6. (complain) about the 7. (bearable) advertisements. In addition, some sharp remarks, although they are eye-catching, may have 8. (mislead) effects on the youth.

9. far as I am concerned, such shows should shoulder more responsibility instead of merely entertaining the public. 10. is expected that these programs should be positive in their forms as well as functions. Meanwhile, the media should also safeguard the values of our society.


1.extremely 2.have received 3.on 4.a 5.is left 6.complaints 7.unbearable 8.misleading 9.As 10.It 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要讲述了最近许多电视节目大受欢迎,尽管这些节目有他们的亮点,但是也应该肩负起自己的责任,故理应从形式到功能上都需积极向上,维护社会价值观。 1.考查副词。句意:近年来,许多电视节目在中国观众中大受欢迎。分析句子可知,popular是形容词,故用副词来修饰。故填extremely。 2.考查时态。句意:这些节目,从才艺,相亲节目到真人秀,既获得了商业上的成功,也受到了公众的关注。分析句子可知,此处描述电视节目播出后取得的结果,因此用现在完成时,又因主语Those programs是复数,与谓语动词receive之间是主动关系。故填have received。 3.考查介词。句意:这些节目的受欢迎度主要建立在一些简单的事实基础上。be based on为固定用法,意为“以……为基础”。故填on。 4.考查冠词。句意:其次,他们无一例外地探索了国际形式与汉语表达之间的完美平衡。balance是可数名词,意为“平衡”,分析句意可知,此处是表示国际形式与汉语表达的一个完美平衡。故填a。 5.考查语态。句意:尽管有明显的亮点,但仍有很大的改进空间。分析句子可知,主语room意为“空间”为不可数名词,且leave与room之间是被动关系。故填is left。 6.考查名词复数。句意:最重要的是,商业利益往往超过了教育目的,引起了许多人对难以忍受的广告的抱怨。分析句子可知,空前的many为形容词意为“许多的”,修饰可数名词复数。故填complaints。 7.考查形容词。句意:最重要的是,商业利益往往超过了教育目的,引起了许多人对难以忍受的广告的抱怨。分析句意可知,是由于难以忍受的广告,才造成许多人的不满。故填unbrearable。 8.考查形容词。句意:此外,一些尖锐的评论虽然引人注目,但可能会对年轻人产生误导作用。分析句子可知,空后的effects为名词,故应用形容词修饰,故填misleading。 9.考查固定搭配。句意:就我而言,这样的节目应该承担更多的责任,而不仅仅是娱乐大众。as far as one is concerned为固定用法,意为“就……而言”,故填As。 10.考查代词。句意:期望这些节目在形式和功能上都应该是积极的。分析句子可知,设空处是一个主语从句,it在此做形式主语,代指后面的句子that these programs should be positive in their forms as well as functions。故填It。

    Last year, I had a hard time: I was ______ by all the colleges I applied to. It’s not that I was a bad ______. So when I got turned down, I got into a______. I thought there was only one path to ______, and I wasn’t on it. While all my friends have many choices, I was left ______ what future I could have.

When my panic ______, I signed in community college. I wasn’t ______. I thought the incompetent teachers would ______ their students’ sleep in class. I was so wrong. The ______ of my professors were so poetic, and my classmates were ______, who could figure out kinds of difficult things.

I decided to give myself a year of ______. Aside from general education, I ______ a range of classes. I know it seems like some ______ classes, but it allowed me to ______ what I want. I used to have this idea that I had to rush to ______ a certain level of success by a certain age. But a year of community college has taught me to ______, and to recognize that things take time to ______. I still hope to transfer to a four-year ______ next year, but when I am a more mature person.

Being around the ______ has made me realize that I’m not late ______. There’s more than one way to get where you want to be.

1.A.accused B.praised C.accepted D.refused

2.A.student B.child C.headmaster D.colleague

3.A.mess B.panic C.trouble D.dilemma

4.A.inspiration B.progress C.success D.destruction

5.A.facing B.predicting C.doubting D.wondering

6.A.faded B.burdened C.balanced D.transferred

7.A.excited B.tired C.worried D.shocked

8.A.offer B.guide C.ignore D.lead

9.A.notes B.methods C.voices D.lectures

10.A.friendly B.intelligent C.excellent D.polite

11.A.experiment B.experience C.effort D.exploration

12.A.bought B.took C.studied D.elected

13.A.random B.suitable C.comprehensive D.basic

14.A.care for B.choose from C.know about D.put on

15.A.expect B.enjoy C.achieve D.finish

16.A.look for B.give up C.turn on D.slow down

17.A.concern B.provide C.satisfy D.adjust

18.A.club B.university C.school D.organization

19.A.children B.workmates C.classmates D.friends

20.A.hardly B.entirely C.generally D.rarely



    I want the world to be a better one because I am in it. However, “changing the world” isn’t easy. Here are some great ways to change it for the better.

Smile at Everyone.

1.. Smile at people--the folks on the bus, or the receptionist at the office, for instance. Depending on your culture, you might feel a bit awkward or shy at first. 2.. People would respond brilliantly to a smile. Take it further: Give out free hugs.

Write a Letter to Someone You Love.

If a letter takes too long, write a card or postcard to your parents, or a relative who you don’t see often but who you care deeply about. 3.. Take it further: Write to a sick child, or a stranger in trouble. Your letter or card could make his or her day special.


Being creative is a good way. It’s not necessarily big things-but your poem, painting, special recipe, blog post, etc. may impress others. Take it further: Offer your creative skills to a local youth group, school or retirement home. You could play a game, run a class, organize a concert...

Say “Thank you”.

Saying a heartfelt “thank you” means a huge amount to someone. If you’re a manager at work, take time to thank your men for what they do. 5.. Take it further: Write, phone or email someone in your community to thank them for the role they play.

A. Let them know how special they are to you.

B. Keeping writing will surely improve your social skills.

C. Give it a try anyway!

D. In your family, appreciate your partner, parents or kids.

E. It’s such a tiny thing, but it really does work.

F. Speak less and do more.

G. Create something unique.



    The United Nations Environment Program is calling for urgent action to reduce growing risks from chemicals. Better management of chemicals could save millions of lives and billions of dollars. As estimated, 143,000 chemicals are now produced. Yet the report says only a small number of these chemicals have been studied for their effects on human health and the environment. It says death and disability rates are high from the unsafe use of chemical products.

Sylvie Lemmet, director of the UNEP, says poor management of chemicals has a high economic cost. For example, she says the cost is higher than the amount of overseas development aid, or ODA, for health care in sub-Saharan Africa.

She says, “If you look at the estimated cost of poisoning from pesticide (杀虫剂) in sub-Saharan Africa, only the injury and the loss of working time is estimated to be 6.3 billion US dollars in 2009. This is higher than the total ODA that is going to the health part in the same area.”

The UNEP estimates that chemical sales worldwide will increase by around three percent a year until 2050. Chemical production is moving quickly from developed to developing countries. By 2020, chemical production is expected to increase by 40 percent in Africa and the Middle East and 33 percent in Latin America. One of its biggest concerns is pollution of rivers and lakes by pesticide and fertilizer. Other major concerns are heavy metal pollution from the production of cement (水泥) and textiles (纺织品), and dioxin pollution from mining.

The UN report urges the chemical industry and governments to work together to develop safety policies. It says preventing harm costs less than fixing it.

1.The purpose of Paragraph 3 is mainly to indicate that ______.

A.chemicals have a high production cost

B.Africa needs more development aid

C.the use of pesticide causes a great loss

D.the estimated cost of poisoning from pesticide is incorrect

2.Which of the following is NOT a source of danger according to the text?

A.Pesticide. B.Fertilizer.

C.Heavy metals. D.Minerals.

3.According to the text, what is the main reason for the risks from chemicals?

A.The mass production of cement and textiles.

B.Lack of research funds on chemicals.

C.Poor management of chemicals.

D.Contradictions between chemical producers and governments.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.The truth in Sylvie Lemmet’s comments

B.A UN warning about chemical dangers

C.The unpredictable future of chemical industry

D.Preventing is much better than fixing



    Over the centuries the French have lost a number of famous battles with the British. However, they’ve always felt superior in the kitchen. France has for centuries had a reputation for cooking excellence, and Britain for some of the worst cooking in the world. But according to a recent survey, that reputation may no longer reflect reality.

In the survey, 71% of the Britons said they cook at home every day, while only 59% of the French said they cook daily. British home cooks spend more time cooking each week and also produce a greater variety of dishes than French home cooks.

The reaction in London was predictably enthusiastic. British food has greatly improved since the 1990s. Once upon a time, the menu for many family meals would have been roast beef, potatoes and over-cooked vegetables, but not now. Home cooks are experimenting with the huge range of ingredients now available in British supermarkets and are preparing all kinds of new dishes, using the cookbooks that sell millions of copies every year. As a result, there’s much more diversity in British food now, compared to French food, which tends to be very traditional.

Some French people say that the survey did not show the whole picture. They agree that during the week French women don’t cook as much as they used to because most of them work and don’t have much time. They tend to buy ready-made or frozen dishes, but many of them make up for it on the weekend. There’s also a difference between Paris and the countryside. It’s true that people in Paris don’t cook much, but elsewhere, cooking is still at the heart of daily life.

For many French people, opinions about British food have not changed. When Bernard Blier, the food editor at a magazine, was asked about British food, he replied: “I don’t go out of my way to try it. It is not very refined. You can say that I’m not a fan at all.”

1.According to the passage, nowadays British people ______.

A.cook less at home than the French every day.

B.no longer eat roast beef and over-cooked vegetables.

C.are more willing to try cooking all kinds of new foods.

D.buy more cookbooks than French people do.

2.What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?

A.French women cook less often now.

B.The French prefer ready-made dishes.

C.French women seldom cook on the weekend.

D.Cooking is at the heart of people’s life in Paris.

3.What is Bernard’s attitude towards British food?

A.He would love to try it. B.He shows no interest in it.

C.He considers it worse than before. D.He considers it better than before.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The history of British food. B.The history of French food.

C.The change in British food. D.The change in French food.



    Michael Surrell was the last person who should have run into a burning buildinghis lungs didn’t function well and were worse recently. But that didn’t stop him.

He had just parked around the corner from his house when he smelled something smoky, and was worrying that his car didn’t work well. At the moment, an urgent call from Alice, his eldest girl, got that across. Shocked and anxious, he then went to the house next door immediately. “Eight-year-old Tiara Roberts is still on the second floor!” one of the women cried. Though the firemen have been called and were on the way, Surrell, then 60, who once experienced such a situation and knew its urgency, ran inside without hesitation. The thick smoke made him almost impossible to breathe. The conditions would have been dangerous for anyone, but for Surrell, they were more serious and life-threatening.

After a few minutes in the smoke-filled house, he came out. Taking a deep breath, he went in a second time. Because the house has a similar design to his, he made it to the second floor. His throat and lungs burned as if he had breathed in fire. The smoke hurt his eyes so that his vision was poorer. Then a soft but clear painful sound could be heard. He crawled () toward the sound, feeling around for any sign of the girl. Finally, he touched a shoe, and then an ankle. She wasn’t breathing. He held her into his arms and stood. He felt the heat of the flames on his cheeks, fought through the burning wood and made their way outside. Surrell put Tiara down on the porch and one neighbor carried out first aid. She coughed and opened her eyes at last.

Tiara survived the fire safely. However, Surrell took extra medication that helped open his airway. “It’s a small price to pay,” he said, “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

1.How did Michael Surrell know the fire?

A.He smelled the smoke in the distance. B.He saw the firemen on the way.

C.He heard the call from a woman. D.His daughter telephoned to tell him.

2.Why were the conditions more dangerous for Surrell?

A.Because he was old. B.Because he lacked experience.

C.Because his vision was poor. D.Because he had lung disease.

3.Which word can describe Surrell’s first attempt?

A.Useless. B.Successful.

C.Hopeless. D.Surprising.

4.What can be learned about Surrell while he was saving Tiara?

A.His cheeks were hurt by flames. B.He lost the way to the second floor.

C.He took pains to confirm the girl’s position. D.His first aid knowledge helped save the girl.



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