满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词填空 1.As a little girl, I’m not brave a...


1.As a little girl, I’m not brave and am f________ of walking home alone in the dark.

2.When you learn to ride a bicycle, you must learn to keep your b________.

3.To find out how popular English songs are among students, we carried out a s________.

4.The houses are so expensive that ordinary people can’t a________ them.

5.A pilot should be r________ for the safety of all the passengers on board.

6.At the very moment, the hunter took out his gun and s________ the wolf dead.

7.Charlie Chaplin, a great actor in the history of the cinema, is considered to have made great c________ to the film industry.

8.The form covers the basic information about those people, such as the name, gender, age and o________.

9.Mary found herself in ________ (冲突) with her parents over her studies.

10.The iphone 11 is one of the latest ________ (产品) of Apple Inc. this year.

11.Of the six people injured in the air crash, only two ________ (幸存).

12.Before going abroad to study, I need to ________ (申请) to the university for a scholarship.

13.Contact us if you want to design your wedding ________ (仪式) to impress others.

14.Nervous and shy, Nancy took a deep ________ (呼吸) and began to speak in public.

15.After we had a long talk, we came to the ________ (结论) that he didn’t tell us the truth.


1.frightened 2.balance 3.survey 4.afford 5.responsible 6.shot 7.contributions 8.occupation 9.conflict 10.products 11.survived 12.apply 13.ceremony 14.breath 15.conclusion 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:作为一个小女孩,我不勇敢,害怕在黑暗中独自走回家。短语be frightened of害怕。故填frightened。 2.考查名词。句意:当你学会骑自行车时,你必须学会保持平衡。短语keep balance保持平衡。故填balance。 3.考查名词。句意:为了了解英语歌曲在学生中有多受欢迎,我们进行了一项调查。短语carry out a survey进行了一项调查。故填survey。 4.考查动词。句意:这些房子太贵了,普通人买不起。动词afford付得起。故填afford。 5.考查形容词。句意:飞行员应该对机上所有乘客的安全负责。短语be responsible for对……负责。故填responsible。 6.考查动词。句意:就在这时,猎人掏出枪把狼打死了。动词shoot射击,根据took out可知用一般过去时。故填shot。 7.考查名词。句意:查理·卓别林是电影史上一位伟大的演员,被认为对电影工业做出了巨大的贡献。短语make contributions to对……作出贡献。故填contributions。 8.考查名词。句意:表格包括了这些人的基本信息,如姓名、性别、年龄和职业。名词occupation职业。故填occupation。 9.考查名词。句意:玛丽发现自己在学习上与父母有矛盾。短语in conflict with与……有矛盾。故填conflict。 10.考查名词。句意:iphone 11是苹果公司今年推出的最新产品之一。名词product产品,为可数名词,根据前面的one of可知,名词用复数形式。故填products。 11.考查动词。句意:在这次空难中受伤的6人中,只有2人幸存。动词survive幸存,根据前句可知用一般过去时。故填survived。 12.考查动词。句意:出国留学前,我需要向学校申请奖学金。短语apply to申请。故填apply。 13.考查名词。句意:如果你想设计你的婚礼给别人留下深刻印象,请联系我们。名词ceremony典礼。故填ceremony。 14.考查名词。句意:紧张而害羞的南希深吸了一口气,开始在公众面前讲话。短语take a deep breath深呼吸。故填breath。 15.考查名词。句意:经过长时间的交谈,我们得出结论,他没有告诉我们真相。短语come to the conclusion得出结论。故填conclusion。

    It’s widely acknowledged that reading plays an important role in language learning, but for a great many readers, what to read and how to read is always a puzzle. Here are some suggestions for reading improvement.

● Read about things that interest you.

If you are interested in what you are reading about, the words will come alive, and naturally you will be attracted to understand. 1. find which you consider meaningful.

● Read material that is at your level, or just a little difficult for you.

Looking up many unknown words in a dictionary is really dull, and the results of the dictionary search got quickly forgotten. 2., And soon you will be able to take on more difficult content.

● Learn to read in depth, stay on the same subject for a while.

If you are familiar with the subject you are reading about, you will understand better. If the subject matter is new to you, you should even try to read a few different books or articles about the same subject, before you move on. 3. helping you to learn. You will also be able to get deeper into the subject and your reading confidence will grow.


Most of your reading should be for pleasure. You can enjoy reading without understanding all of what you read. You may even understand some things in your own personal way.

● Recognize that the key is to read a lot.

You may develop a system for keeping track of new words that you encounter in your reading. However, the main growth in your vocabulary and reading skill will come just from reading as much as you can. So learn to enjoy reading and read a lot. Keep reading, and you will become a better reader.

5.. When you are reading a textbook or manual, or report or other material that have to read for school or work, you may need to underline, take notes, and read some parts over again, in order to retain what you are reading. However, if you have developed the habit of reading for pleasure, you will find that some other techniques you need will come naturally, and that you will understand a lot better than before.

A. You’d better read more difficult books

B. Enjoy understanding all of what you read

C. Don’t worry about what you don’t understand

D. Unfortunately not all reading is just for pleasure

E. This way you will meet the same vocabulary and ideas often

F. It is better to stay within your comfort zone and keep reading

G. You will feel satisfaction in accomplishing a task that fascinates you



    Press your fingers into the back of your head, just above your neck. If you feel a small bony bump (突起), you will find evidence of human evolution: it could be your body responding to common smartphone use in the 21st century.

According to a recent study, published in Scientific Reports, young people increasingly have bony bumps at the base of their skulls (颅骨) right above the neck. Medical professionals call them enlarged external occipital protuberances(EEOPs, 枕外隆突).

Australian health scientist David Shahar, author of the study told the BBC that over the past 10 years, he’s seen more and more patients with EEOPs. Together with other researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, they examined 1200 skulls x-rays from people aged 18 to 30. They also measured the bumps and noted each person’s posture (坐姿).

They found that one in four people have developed these growths. This led to their theory that smartphones are the cause.

According to their research, looking down at their phones adds the stress onto the top of our spines (脊柱). To prevent damage to our spines, Shahar believes our bodies add fresh bony bumps to help reduce the extra stress.

Most of the EEOPs measurea just a few millimeters. However, several subjects were found with EEOPs as large as 30 mm.

In his report, Shahar said the results “highlighted the need” for prevention. In other words, we need to change our posture while using our phones.

Many people assume our bones are solid and are unmoving once we reach adulthood. In reality, they are alive and covered with blood vessels (血管), which allows them to develop in unique ways for each person.

Aside from EEOPs, other noticeable recent changes in human bodies include smaller jaws, elbows and skeletons (骨格). The human body is changing with modern life. So who knows what people in the future might look like?

1.What did the recent study find about EEPOs?

A.They grow on one’s neck.

B.They could lead to many mental problems.

C.They increasingly occur among young people.

D.They may stop growing when they reach 30.

2.What is the main cause of EEPOs?

A.Gene problems. B.Cellphone use.

C.Blood vessels. D.Extra stress.

3.Which of the following would Shahar probably agree with?

A.EEPOs increase the stress on our spines.

B.Young people’s bones develop in similar ways.

C.EEPOs are actually beneficial to our spines.

D.Young people should exercise to improve their posture.

4.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A.To persuade readers to protect their spines.

B.To recommend some healthy habits of using phones.

C.To show some recent changes in human bodies.

D.To explain why human bodies develop EEPOs.



    McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Jack in the Box... These fast food companies have something in common. Can you spot it?

Besides all being fast food chains, they’re all red. And it’s not a coincidence. Color is one of the many strategies companies use to connect with customers. And if swearing off fast food wasn’t hard enough, those colorful red logos might make it even harder to ignore.

Fast food companies all use the color red heavily in their logos. Why? The answer goes back thousands of years. The average human can see ten million colors, but red is special. It’s one of the first colors our ancient ancestors thought important enough to name. In early human languages, there were words for “black!” and “white” and “red” but not much else. In fact, blue didn’t show up until thousands of years later in 200 A. D.

As a result, we have a deeper connection to red than any other color on the spectrum and we react to it in certain ways that actually play to fast food companies’ advantage. For starters, researchers have found that red can bring a sense of urgency into our minds. In addition to that, it also has a born ability to whet our appetites. And when you pair those two together you’ve got the perfect recipe to attract hungry customers who want food, fast So that red logo isn’t just a welcoming sign, it’s a sly attraction to your brain.

In fact, red is one of the few colors today that cultures all over the world view positively. And it’s no wonder companies dedicate so much thought to their logos. After all, we’re a visual creature. Despite having five senses, 80% of the information our brains process on a daily basis comes from our eyes. Colors are what give brands that impressive stamp of recognition.

1.Why do fast food companies prefer the color red?

A.To highlight the importance of red in human history.

B.To help customers out in case of emergency.

C.To welcome and fascinate customers.

D.To stand out among various brands.

2.The underlined word “whet” in Para. 4 probably means “________”.

A.lose B.affect

C.increase D.exchange

3.What’s the author’s attitude toward “red”?

A.Positive. B.Uncertain.

C.Doubtful. D.Negative.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A.Color Psychology: a Fun Study

B.Why Are So Many Fast Food Logos Red?

C.Food Culture: a Healthy Trend

D.Why Are Fast Food Companies So Popular?



    When my mother died, I was cooking.

One weekend, my husband suggested we cook together. I’d spoken to my mother earlier that day on the phone. I’d told her about our life. She yawned and we said goodbye to one another.

I didn’t know then what I would know 16 hours later. I hadn’t even asked how she was doing. My mother died.

My mother was my best friend. After she died, I felt so lonely. The only person I wanted to talk to about my grief was my mother. The only person who could help me was the one who was missing, however much love and support people gave me.

My mother gave me many things, but an education in cookery was not one of them. She liked eating more than cooking.

But she had learned to cook when she was a teenager and she had some brilliant recipes (食谱).

I know everyone says this, but my mother made the best roast beef dinners in the world. And, above all, fish pie! Almost every week, she would buy a prepared fish pie. Then she would bring it home and make her own white sauce (沙司).

My mother never got around to teaching me how to make a white sauce—and I never got around to asking her. Now that she was gone, I would have to teach myself.

So this became my focus. For the first few weeks, I managed to live on instant foods. But one night, a fish pie mix caught my eye at the store.

When I got home, I set myself in front of our electric stove. Armed with a recipe, I tried to teach myself to make a white sauce.

Halfway through the recipe, I couldn’t believe it—I’d made a white sauce! On my own! I could do this! Then I remembered: I had always hated fish pie.

Admiring my sauce, I wondered why I was so committed to making a dish I had hated for 25 years. Why was it suddenly so important to me?

I spooned the sauce over the fish. Then I ate the pie. It was delicious. More importantly, something strange had happened. The act of making a meal had calmed me.

It helped me find peace.

1.What do we know about the author?

A.She didn’t get along well with her husband.

B.She rarely called her mother on the phone.

C.She had a close relationship with her mother.

D.She regretted not visiting her mother that day.

2.By describing her mother’s cookery, the author ________.

A.expressed her wish to be a person like her mother

B.complained that her mother didn’t teach her to cook

C.wanted to show how good her mother was at cooking

D.meant to tell what was special about the white sauce

3.What does the underlined word “this” refer to?

A.Living a lonely life. B.Learning to cook.

C.Living on instant foods. D.Looking back on the old days.

4.How did the author feel when she made the white sauce?

A.Sad. B.Peaceful.

C.Dependent. D.Strange.



    Food & Drink Service. We offer snacks like chocolate, crisps, biscuits and salted peanuts. A wide range of soft drinks, fruit juice, tea, milk, yoghourt, vegetable juice and mineral water can be provided. However, since taking a flight may be a process of removing water from your body, water and nonalcoholic beverages are strongly advised.

Electronic Facilities. Cellular phones, FM/AM radios, portable television sets and electronic toys with remote controls must not be used in the cabin, as their signals may interfere with the aircraft’s navigational instruments. Laptop computers and CD (MD, MP3) players may be used during cruising portions of the flight but not during the take-off and landing.

In-flight Entertainment. A wide selection of international publications are available for your reading pleasure. You may keep this free copy of Morning Calm magazine, but kindly return all other reading materials after you have finished with them for the benefit of fellow passengers. A selection of music is available on eight channels, from channel 3 to 10. The channel changer is on your armrest. We also offer a selection of popular films; you may listen in English on channel 2. Poker and chess are available on request, and we have free postcards and stationery.

Medical Needs. We keep a selection of nonprescription medicine for any passenger suffering from mild sicknesses. An emergency medical kit is also accessible for more serious illnesses.

Travelling with Infants and Children. Baby bassinets (摇篮式婴儿床) are provided on a first come first serve basis and should be requested at the time of booking. Special meals for children and infants can be served if the request is made 24 hours before departure. Selected giveaways for children aged 2 to 12 are available on all international flights.

1.The services above are probably offered by ________.

A.a travel agency B.an airline

C.a medical center D.a five-star hotel

2.If you turn on Channel 5 on your armrest, what will you enjoy?

A.International news. B.Poker and chess.

C.Fashion magazines. D.Popular music.

3.When should a passenger request special meals for children and babies?

A.24 hours before departure. B.At the time of booking.

C.Soon after the take-off. D.At the time of landing.



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