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Natalie Barnes is a bus driver in Wiscon...

    Natalie Barnes is a bus driver in Wisconsin, US. She offered comfort and support to a homeless passenger many times, which warmed hearts of many people across the state.

She was driving on a_________Saturday night when a man named Richard_________the bus. Richard, who Barnes has met on her bus before, rode the bus_________they got to the end of her route. Barnes then used her_________to start a conversation with Richard. As they_________, Richard told her that the_________he had been living in was destroyed in a fire. For a week, he had been_________and sleeping on the street. Heartbroken by his_________, Barnes said he could ride her bus so he wouldn't have to be out in the cold. And she often_________to get him something to eat." Now I don't know what to say but__________________you," Richard told the kind driver. He insisted that he would__________________her back, but she refused. At her next break, Barnes__________________a friend working at a community organization to help Richard get into__________________shelter and they are now working to find him permanent (长期的) housing.

The bus company finally posted related videos on their website,__________________Barnes for her kindness. According to the company, this is Barnes's third time being honored for good__________________on the job. The mother-of-three often__________________sandwiches onto her bus so she can give them to__________________who might need something to eat. County Executive Chris Abele said, "Across the state, we are investing (投资) resources throughout the state to__________________homelessness. Barnes showed what we all need to do to fight homelessness. I'm deeply__________________for Natalie's actions." Barnes,__________________, is humble (谦逊的) about the incident. "At some point in our lives, everybody needs help. I wanted to do what I could to help Richard in some way." said Barnes.

1.A.warm B.rainy C.cold D.windy

2.A.started B.boarded C.drove D.missed

3.A.until B.before C.once D.unless

4.A.humor B.phone C.wisdom D.break

5.A.argued B.quarreled C.chatted D.smiled

6.A.house B.clothes C.ticket D.money

7.A.hungry B.homeless C.lonely D.desperate

8.A.status B.position C.situation D.reaction

9.A.promised B.refused C.agreed D.offered

10.A.hurt B.thank C.trouble D.blame

11.A.pay B.hold C.took D.allow

12.A.reminded B.visited C.contacted D.noticed

13.A.fantastic B.comfortable C.permanent D.temporary

14.A.memorizing B.praising C.punishing D.searching

15.A.deeds B.words C.idea D.mood

16.A.serves B.makes C.brings D.sells

17.A.robbers B.baggers C.customers D.passengers

18.A.reduce B.support C.reform D.spread

19.A.regretful B.grateful C.respectful D.hopeful

20.A.besides B.therefore C.however D.though


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了公交车司机无私帮助无家可归的陌生人的故事。司机的善意行为得到了公司的表扬。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她在一个寒冷的周六晚上开着车时,一个叫Richard的人上了车。A. warm温暖的;B. rainy下雨的;C. cold寒冷的;D. windy刮风的。根据后文Barnes said he could ride her bus so he wouldn’t have to be out in the cold.提示可知,Barnes说他可以坐在公交车上,这样就可以不用暴露在寒冷的外面。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在一个寒冷的周六晚上开着车时,一个叫Richard的人上了车。A. started开始;B. boarded上车;登上;C. drove驾驶;D. missed错过。根据后文Richard, who Barnes has met on her bus before,可知,Barnes 在公交车上见过Richard,由此可知Richard登上了公交车。故选B。 3.考查连接词辨析。句意:Barnes之前在公交车上见过Richard,他坐上公交车,直到到达路线的尽头。A. until直到;B. before在……之前;C. once一旦,一……就;D. unless除非。根据后文they got to the end of her route.可知,Richard坐到了重点站,说明他是一直坐在公交车上。故选A。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Barnes用她的间歇时间开始跟Richard谈话。A. humor幽默;B. phone电话;C. wisdom智慧;D. break休息。根据文章可知,Barnes是一位公交车司机,司机只有在休息的时候才能和别人聊天。故选D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们聊天时,Richard告诉她,他住的房子在一场大火中被毁了。A. argued争论;B. quarreled吵架;C. chatted聊天;D. smiled微笑。根据前文start a conversation with Richard可知,Barnes开始和Richard谈话,chat与conversation意思相近。故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他们聊天时,Richard告诉她,他住的房子在一场大火中被毁了。A. house房子;B. clothes衣服;C. ticket票;D. money钱。后文提到…sleeping on the street可知,Richard一直睡在街上,说明他的房子被大火毁了。故选A。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一周以来,他都无家可归,睡在街上。A. hungry饥饿的;B. homeless无家可归的;C. lonely孤独的;D. desperate绝望的。根据上一题可知,Richard的房子被烧毁了,因此他现在无家可归。故选B。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Richard的处境使得Barnes心碎,她让Richard坐她的公交车,这样他就不用在寒冷的时候待在外面了。A. status状态;B. position位置;C. situation情况;D. reaction反应。前文提到Richard因为房子被烧毁而流浪街头,只能睡在大街上。由此可得出Richard遭受到的悲惨的情况,Barnes对Richard的处境感到心碎。故选C。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她经常给他带点吃的。A. promised承诺;B. refused拒绝;C. agreed同意;D. offered提供,主动提出。根据前文可知,Barnes让Richard在公交车里避寒,说明她在主动帮助Richard。offer表示主动提供帮助。故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不知道说什么,除了谢谢你。A. hurt伤害;B. thank谢谢;感谢;C. trouble麻烦;D. blame责备。根据文章可知,Barnes为Richard做了这么多事,Richard非常谢谢她。故选B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他坚持要还她钱,但她拒绝了。A. pay支付;偿还;B. hold持有;C. took采取;D. allow允许。根据前文And she often…get him something to eat.可知,Barnes经常给Richard带吃的,因此Richard想要还钱给Barnes,以此报答她的帮助,此处为固定词组pay back“偿还;将某物偿还给某人;报答”。故选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她下一次休假的时候,Barnes联系了一位在社区组织工作的朋友,帮助Richard搬进临时住所,现在他们正在努力为他寻找长期的住房。A. reminded提醒;B. visited访问;C. contacted联系;D. noticed注意。后文提到help Richard get into…shelter,社区工作人员在帮Richard找临时住所,由此可知,Barnes联系了她在社区工作的朋友帮助Richard。故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在她下一次休假的时候,Barnes联系了一位在社区组织工作的朋友,帮助Richard搬进临时住所,现在他们正在努力为他寻找固定住房。A. fantastic极好的;B. comfortable舒适的;C. permanent永久的;D. temporary临时的。根据后文they are now working to find him permanent(长期的)housing.可知,社区的工作人员正在帮Richard找一个长期的住房,由此可知现在Richard住在一个临时的住所里。故选D。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终巴士公司在他们的网站上发布了相关视频,赞扬了Barnes的善良。A. memorizing记忆;记住;B. praising赞扬;C. punishing惩罚;D. searching搜索。后文提到According to the company, this is Barnes's third time being honored for…,公司已经是第三次对Barnes进行奖励了,由此可知公司把视频放在网上是为了赞扬Barnes的善良。故选B。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:据该公司的声明,这是Barnes第三次因为在工作中的善行而获奖。A. deeds行为;事迹;B. words字;C. idea想法;D. mood心情。根据上文Barnes受到表扬和荣誉,可知是因为她所做的好事。故选A。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位三个孩子的母亲经常把三明治带到她的公交车上,这样她就可以把三明治送给那些有需要吃东西的乘客。A. serves服务;B. makes使得;成为;C. brings带来;D. sells卖。后文提到so she can give them to… who might need something to eat.她可以把三明治给有需要的人,说明她把三明治带上了公交车。故选C。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位三个孩子的母亲经常把三明治带到她的公交车上,这样她就可以把三明治送给那些有需要吃东西的乘客。A. robbers劫匪;B. baggers装袋工;C. customers客人;D. passengers乘客。前文提到…this is Barnes's third time being honored for good…on the job.这是Barnes工作中第三次受到嘉奖,由此可知,她之前在工作中经常帮助车上的乘客。故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:县长Chris Abele提到,现在正在全州范围内投入资源,以减少无家可归的现象。A. reduce减少;B. support支持;C. reform改革;D. spread传播。前文提到县长在全州范围内投资,且根据后文Barnes showed what we all need to do to fight homelessness.可知,县长提到Barnes的所作所为让他们知道要竭尽全力地与无家可归做斗争。由此可知,县长提出要减少无家可归的现象。故选A。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我非常感谢Natalie的行为。A. regretful遗憾的;B. grateful感激的;C. respectful尊重的;D. hopeful满怀希望的。根据前文Barnes showed what we all need to do to fight homelessness.可知,County Executive Chris Abele非常感谢Barnes的行为。故选B。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,Barnes对这件事却非常谦虚。A. besides此外;B. therefore因此;C. however然而;D. though尽管。前文提到县长对Barnes的行为表示非常感激,而根据后文Barnes的话可知,她觉得只是做了她应该做的事,非常谦虚。前后文是转折关系。however“然而”,表转折。故选C。

How to Contribute to Thanksgiving Dinner As a Teenager

Your family has been stressing out about hosting this year's Thanksgiving meal for weeks now, and you want to help out. The problem is, you're only a teenager.1.

Go grocery shopping. If you have enough time and the food hasn't been purchased yet, ask your parents if you can do the grocery shopping for them.2.If you don't have a car and walking to the grocery store or biking there isn't a choice, ask if you can go to the grocery store along with your parents to make the shopping process easier.

Clean the house. A clean home is the best setting for Thanksgiving dinner.3.Clear an area for guests to put their shoes, coats, and bags so they aren't in the way.

Set the table. It will save your parents’ time, so they can finish preparing the meal. If you're using place cards, put wine glasses at the seats of guests who will be drinking. Some guests may have their kids seated at the table.4.

Plan a fun family activity. This is a great thing to do when people are either waiting for the meal or looking for something to do after the meal. This is where you come in.5.You may even take some family photos. They'll be happy that you captured these memories later.

A. So how do you start helping out?

B. Don't get too pushy about doing everything.

C. You should plan a fun game or activity in advance.

D. If you have a car and they trust you to drive, that is.

E. Ask your parents if you are unsure if you really need place cards.

F. You should consider not putting a knife at their seat, for safety reasons.

G. Even if it's not perfectly neat, things should he relatively organized and dust-free.



    The story of Sindhutai Sapkal is the story of rebirth and the love of children who nobody else wanted. The 68-year-old woman has raised over 1,400 orphans (孤儿), offering them not just food and shelter, but also the love of a real family. Her amazing work has earned her over 750 awards, and the nickname "Mother of Orphans".

Sindhutai Sapkal's work was inspired by her own hardships growing up. Born into a poor family, she had to abandon her education at age 9, and was married to a 20-year-old man when she was just 10 years old. Ten years later, when she was expecting a Why, she was thrown out of the house by her husband, and because everyone, even her family, turned her away, she had to give birth in a cow house.

To support herself and her newborn daughter, Sapkal had to beg and sing at train stations for food. It was during these difficult times that she met many other abandoned youths who were struggling just like she was. She would share her food with them and provide as much care as she could. Some of them started following her aroundand that, she says, is how her large family started to form without her even realizing.

Over the last 40 years, Sindhutai Sapkal has traveled to countless villages, giving speeches until her throat was dry, trying to collect donations to provide a better life for her adopted children. She managed to build four orphanages, where many abandoned children have grown into respectable members of society. She makes it her duty to keep the kids on the right path in life and offer them the love and care of a real family.

"I was raised believing that blood relations don't really mean much. For me, my understanding of a home was based on what I had seen-my mother and her large family," Sindhutai's daughter, Mamata, says. "After completing my degrees, I have been working with Mai(mother)."

1.What inspired Sindhutai Sapkal to start her work?

A.Over 750 awards given. B.Her poor education.

C.Many homeless children. D.Her life experiences.

2.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Sindhutai Sapkal's work has a great influence on her daughter.

B.Mamata thinks blood relations don't really mean much in a family.

C.Mamata's based her understanding of a home on adopted chilen.

D.Sindhutai Sapkal was satisfied with what she got from her life.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A.Sapkal's social status as Mother of Orphans.

B.Sapkal's contribution to abandoned children.

C.Sapkal's wish to build shelters for children.

D.Sapkal's effort to collect money for the poor.

4.Which of the following can he used to describe Sindhutai Sapkal?

A.Cruel. B.Serious.

C.Caring. D.Strict.



    In 2005, Winston Duncan was traveling with his mother in Southern Africa when he saw an old lady and young boy walking down a road together. He thought of his own grandmother and wondered how he could help the old lady and others in Africa who have to walk a long way.

Duncan, who lived in Washington State was 10 at the time, and his solution was to give them bikes. With his mom, he started Wheels to Africa, an organization that for the past 14 years has taken bicycles donated from residents of the. Washington area and shipped them across the world to people in need.

Most of the 8000 bikes they have collected have gone to countries in Africa, helping cut down hours of walking for students and other postmen. But last week, Duncan, travelled with a handful of volunteers and 400 bikes to a destination much closer to his home yet still in need: Puerto Rico. More than a year after it was destroyed by Hurricane Maria, the island suffers from transportation problems.

"It was a little chaotic (混乱的) — as soon as they got their bikes, they were just having fun riding around the parking lot," said Austin Higgins, a New Jersey resident who recently joined Wheels to Africa as its photographer and videographer. "Some people who received bicycles were almost speechless, and some of them cried, because it was something they had requested for Christmas from Santa Claus," he said.

The donated bikes included some high-end racing models, which went to teenagers interested in pursuing serious cycling.

Duncan recently graduated from Bard College and is in Arlington working at a political consulting firm. He now encourages kids in the Washington area to get involved with the organization, and some have joined him on trips to Africa and on this trip to Puerto Rico.

"I wanted to try to get people to think about giving back,” he said.

1.Why did Winston Duncan start Wheels to Africa?

A.He hoped to make his grandmother feel happy.

B.He was fond of collecting different types of bikes.

C.He wanted to help the poor people to live better.

D.He was greatly supported by his mother to do so.

2.What can we learn about Wheels to Africa?

A.It has been managed for fourteen years.

B.It has delivered about 400 bikes to Africa.

C.It has many young kids as its members now.

D.It collects bicycles from all the areas in the U. S.

3.What can we infer from Austin Higgin's words in Paragraph Four?

A.The delivery usually meets with some trouble.

B.The people who got bikes were excited and grateful.

C.It was very difficult for Duncan to collect enough bikes.

D.People in Africa required him to dress up as Santa Claus.

4.What is probably the best title of the text?

A.Wheels to Africa. B.Trip to Puerto Rico.

C.Duncan, a Generous Person. D.Hurricane in Puerto Rico.



    In September 2019, a man named Anuchit was riding his motorcycle down a highway in Thailand. He spotted a sad-looking dog sitting on the side of the mud. The poor dog seemed to be waiting for someone.

Later that day, Anuchit rode by that exact same spot and found the same dog still sitting there. After stopping his bike to see if the dog was OK, Anuchit happened to meet a local person named Saowaluck, who told him the animal's backstory. Saowaluck kept finding the dog at that same corner in 2016. She brought him to the vet, named him Leo and adopted him. But days later, Leo disappeared. Sanwaluck found him at the same corner along the highway and returned every day to give him food and water. She loved him, but he wasn't ready to accept her as his new owner.

After the motorcyclist shared Leo's story on the Internet, the dog's former owner came forward. An elderly woman named Noi said Leo jumped out of her pickup truck back in 2015. She and her husband looked everywhere but couldn't find him. When Noi arrived at the corner to reunite with Leo in 2019, he ran over to her and was greeted with rubs and pets — but he refused to go home with her!

Saowaluck begged Noi to keep the dog herself because she had become so attached to him and had already tried to adopt him once before. Leo has reportedly been with Saowaluck ever since — no longer sad, and no longer waiting.

1.Why did the dog look so sad?

A.He lost touch with his owners. B.No one gave him food to eat.

C.He missed the truck to his home. D.He disliked being sent to the vet.

2.What do we know about Saowaluck?

A.She lost her dog while travelling. B.She adopted the dog finally.

C.She sold the dog to Anuchit. D.She shared the dog's story online.

3.How did the dog feel when he met Noi?

A.Angry. B.Proud.

C.Nervous. D.Delighted.

4.What is the text aimed at?

A.Advising people to raise dogs properly.

B.Telling readers how to take care of dogs.

C.Showing us dogs are royal and grateful.

D.Encouraging people to adopt deserted dogs.



    The United States has a vast network of National Parks spread all around the country. Here are some National Parks for you.

Arches National Park, Utah

More than 2,000 natural stone arches make Arches National Park a special place in Utah. Travelers from around the world come to see brilliant sunsets that light up the sky each night. Hikers and rock climbers will love the endless options for exploring, while more low-key visitors are sure to love the camping.

Acadia, Maine

Super close to Bar Harbor, one of Maine's most beloved tiny towns, Acadia National Park tops travel guides for the Vacation State. Before making your way to Mt. Desert island, dine on the country's most famous fish and lake advantage of the opportunity to go whale watching on the Atlantic Ocean. When visiting Acadia, set aside some time to hike and go boating.

Mount Rainier, Washington

We couldn't leave the park with you slowly moving ice off the list. Washington's Mount Rainier National Park, found southeast of Seattle, has 25 of them (along with the famous volcano) as its attention-catching sight. The National Park says it's "the snowiest place on earth where snow is measured regularly." If snowcapped peaks aren't your thing, plan to visit the park when the weather is warmer.

Great Sand Dunes (沙丘), Colorado

You probably imagine the Rocky Mountains when you think about Colorado, but did you know that the Centennial state is also home to the United States' largest sand dunes? See them for yourself at Great Sand Dunes National Park, where you can go sand boarding or "fat biking". Though June temperatures are said to be some of Southern Colorado's best, a warm winter day can be an equally enjoyable time to see the dunes.

1.What do Arches National Park and Acadia have in common?

A.Tourists can hike in the parks. B.They are located in tiny towns.

C.Both of the parks offer sea food. D.They offer free guide to travellers.

2.What attracts travellers most in Mount Rainier?

A.Sunsets. B.Whales.

C.Ice. D.Sands.

3.Where can you go if you are fond of cycling?

A.Arches National Park, Utah B.Acadia, Maine

C.Mount Rainier, Washington D.Great Sand Dunes, Colorado



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