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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 For the...


For the first time in the history of Peking Operafour women performed a piece in the China National Peking Opera Company(CNPOC)productions1.May 27th at Shanghai’s Majestic Theater. The Peking Opera performance was one of the 512.( produce)showed at the 12th China Art Festival in Shang-hai. The CNPOC brought together three stories3.(base)on events (luring the Red Array’s Long March.“They are stories about the4.  (brave)of the Red Army during the Long March”says Song Chenhead of the CNPOC.“In the playyou can see5.these soldiers do to sacrifice themselves to help others. People will be6.(deep)touched by their faith and devotion.”

One of the stories is about three women soldiers7.(stay)for a night at a farmer’s home in a village. They sleep in the home of a local woman named Xu Jiexiuand feel sorry for her poor living conditions. When they leave the next morning, a soldier uses a pair of scissors8.  (cut)up the only quilt she hasleaving half of it for the village woman.

Peking Opera styles9.(develop)over hundreds of years10.creates a wide range of roles each featuring distinctive methods of performance and singing styles.


1.on 2.productions 3.based 4.bravery 5.what 6.deeply 7.staying 8.to cut 9.have developed/ have been developing 10.which 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了中国国家京剧剧团在上海举行的第12届中国艺术节上表演的长征题材的京剧作品。 1.考查介词。句意:5月27日,中国国家京剧剧团的四名女演员在上海大剧院表演了一出京剧。在具体某一天用介词on,故填on。 2.考查名词复数。句意:在上海举行的第12届中国艺术节上,京剧表演是51个作品之一。作介词of的宾语用名词,51修饰可数名词复数,故填productions。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:中国国家京剧剧团带来了基于红军长征的三个故事。be based on表示“基于”,此处去掉be作后置定语,故填based。 4.考查名词。句意:它们是关于红军在长征中英勇无畏的故事。作介词about的宾语用名词,故填bravery。 5.考查宾语从句。句意:在剧中,你可以看到这些战士为了帮助别人牺牲了自己。此处为宾语从句,从句中的do缺少宾语,故填what。 6.考查副词。句意:人们会被他们的信仰和奉献深深感动。修饰动词touched用副词,故填deeply。 7.考查非谓语动词。句意:其中一个故事是关于三个在一个村庄的农民家里过夜的女战士。soldiers与stay之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作后置定语,故填staying。 8.考查非谓语动词。句意:一个战士用一把剪刀把她仅有的被子剪开,给村里的妇女留下了一半。此处表示目的,应该用不定式作目的状语,故填to cut。 9.考查时态。句意:京剧的风格已经发展了几百年,塑造了各种各样的角色,每个角色都有独特的表演方法和演唱风格。此处强调过去的动作对现在的影响,应该用现在完成时,也可以理解成过去的动作一直持续到现在,而且还有可能持续下去,用现在完成进行时,故填have developed/ have been developing。 10.考查非限定性定语从句。句意同上,此处为非限定性定语从句,关系词指代整个主句内容并在从句中作主语,故填which。

    For me, two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”.

I ________  them years ago as a college student, sitting in the library, ________, working on a paper. Out of nowhere, those words came ________ off the page in a quote, “In the midst of death life persists, in the midst of ________ truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.”

Suddenly I wasn’t unhappy and impatient any more. Then I ________ my granddad. I loved to talk with him. And I was ________ to hear what he’d think of it. He had poor hearing, so I had to ________ it a few times, but once he ________ it, he laughed. “All I can say to that is totally ________,”he said on the phone. I told him how glad I was, after a long winter, to finally see spring and ________ to find that quote. “Why is that?” he asked. “Well, spring is a sure _________ that life persists. And it just makes me________. ”

He laughed again, and then ______ his lovely voice, he recited for me his________“spring time” words, “The desert shall rejoice(高兴) and blossom(开花) like the rose … even with_________ and singing.”

Many years later, ________ my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming cactuses (仙人掌), I could _________ hear my granddad laughing, “The desert shall rejoice.”

Life persists, and so do we, in the silence of _________ and the blooming of cactuses; and in the dead of  _________  and the green of spring. Spring _________  us that we’re alive forever.

1.A.looked for B.picked out C.came across D.made up

2.A.worried B.bored C.tired D.confused

3.A.running B.dancing C.rushing D.moving

4.A.fear B.thrill C.anxiety D.lie

5.A.called B.visited C.consulted D.informed

6.A.desperate B.confident C.upset D.patient

7.A.copy B.print C.repeat D.recite

8.A.made B.got C.undertook D.managed

9.A.puzzlement B.doubt C.agreement D.disapproval

10.A.practically B.naturally C.obviously D.especially

11.A.way B.sign C.remark D.evidence

12.A.astonished B.energetic C.merry D.alive

13.A.in B.with C.of D.beyond

14.A.impressive B.extraordinary C.classic D.favorite

15.A.joy B.sorrow C.sympathy D.adaptation

16.A.after B.although C.until D.when

17.A.hardly B.always C.mostly D.almost

18.A.desert B.words C.world D.journeys

19.A.spring B.winter C.summer D.autumn

20.A.comforts B.guarantees C.reminds D.strikes



Five Ways to End Procrastination

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. Waiting until later is one of life's guilty secrets, but procrastination (拖延症) is linked to poorer health, work and relationship outcomes. Here are five ways to try to remedy (纠正) procrastination.

1. A five-minute start

Five minutes is nothing — it's just three hundred seconds. It's the length of a song or a TV commercial. Pick up a project you've been putting off and spare just 300 seconds of your time to do it.1. After a while, the momentum (动力) of beginning the task will push you forward.

2. Set goals and rewards

During the day, set goals and rewards. Each time you achieve a goal, you earn the reward: a short break, a funny YouTube video or something else.2.Make sure you select a time to review your progress and adjust your targets accordingly.

3. Be good to yourself — me today versus me tomorrow

Sometimes, when you find yourself buried in work, you are upset with yourself for not having started earlier. Imagine a conversation, between ―you today and ―you tomorrow. 3.

4. I was there — witnessing accountability (责任制)

4. Consider going on a diet: Is there more pressure if you don't tell a soul, or if you announce it to all your friends, with strict rules to follow if you are invited to dinner? It seems an obvious way of making you feel guilty, but it can also be highly effective.

5. Set creative punishments — negative consequences

Make the consequences of inaction so unbearable that you have no choice but to get busy now. You could write a note to someone that you don't like. Give the note to a friend with strict instructions to mail the note if you do not achieve your goal. The more you dislike the other party, the stronger the motivation to get the task done.

Procrastination is a silent killer of dreams.5.By understanding and fixing your procrastination, you'll discover you jump-start many areas of your life.

A. Everyone suffers from it.

B. Once the five minutes is up, stop and reassess.

C. Everyone likes to have a dream of procrastination.

D. Going public with a goal increases your support and accountability.

E. What is the future of my life with the intention of putting off my tasks?

F. If ―you tomorrow could chat with ―you today, what would he say?

G. It's important that the goals are realistic and the rewards are in proportion(按比例).



    An old man in a faded yellow shirt sat in a windowless room on a raised concrete form. The only source of heat came from somewhere beneath the plastic mattress and the rough blanket the blank-faced police woman had handed him after taking his thumb prints. He heard voices and metallic clang as the cell door swung open.

At the front desk a tired looking policeman handed the old man back his belongings, his worn-out cap and the Seiko watch that had stopped working the day his beloved Evelyn left. The policeman dramatically held the blue plastic bag at an arm's length to the old man who took it and made sure its contents were undamaged: the goat meat, palm oil, leaves and spices. He ignored the confused expression on the officer’s face and signed the document declaring he had been returned the possessions they had taken off him the night before.

No one spoke to him as he walked slowly towards the exit.

''Mr. Easy-nwa? '' He stopped and prayed to the God who now took care of Evelyn to please take him far away from this unhappy place of expressionless faces, clipped accents and people who did not even attempt to pronounce his name right.

''Ezenwa,'' He said and looked at a woman with tangerine lips, her name tag said Jessica Harlow, Social Services. ''A bit far from home'' she said as she drove fast and with confidence the way Evelyn used to. He wondered if she meant the 50 miles from Liverpool or the 50,000 miles from Enugua city in Nigeria. He did not bother replying as this woman had plenty to say about the weather, bad drivers, her daughter's school play...

At last she drew up outside the block of flats where he lived.

''Got here in the end''said she seriously, ''Really Mr. Easy-nwa, if you keep getting lost, we will have to consider moving you into a home''.

''No need, I was not lost, '' he answered. He carefully rolled up the sleeves of the oversize bomber jacket he wore and turned on the tap to wash his hands, relieved the pipes were not frozen.

In a clean pan he placed the chopped pieces of goat meat. The herbs and spices that had taken him three months to track down, the uziza seeds had taken him into the heart of Granby Market in Liverpool, his uchanwu leaves down a shady back alley in Manchester, and yesterday, among other food items, the finest goat meat from a Sierra Leonean Butcher in Birmingham. That had taken some time, so much he missed the last train and when the police found him shivering outside the locked-up station, so cold he couldn't answer loudly enough the pink-faced big copper who yelled in his face, ''What's your name sir? '' spraying his face with spittle (吐沫)as he did so, leaving them with no choice but to search an exhausted, frozen old black man and finding him in possession of mysterious condiments (调味品)including a bag of dried bitter-leaf which could of course be mistaken for anything that resulted in him getting read his rights and charged with ...possession???

He lifted the lid of the bubbling soup, the room was filled with the rich and spicy scent of his culinary (烹饪的)effort. He served two bowls, taking the chipped one and placing the other opposite where Evelyn would have sat. He would tell her about his adventure, it was their anniversary and this was the perfect pepper soup to celebrate.

Ken Onyia, UK (Nigeria) Commonwealth Sport Short Story Prize

1.Why was Mr. Ezenwa taken to the prison for a night?

A.He was too weak to move.

B.He couldn't find his way back home.

C.He then had nowhere else to go.

D.He was suspected of possessing drugs.

2.When Mr. Ezenwa was to leave the prison,          .

A.his thumb print was taken immediately

B.the policeman was confused about what he had

C.a social worker was assigned to drive him back home

D.the policeman was so kind as not to damage his belongings

3.What did Mr. Ezenwa do for his wedding anniversary?

A.He collected all sorts of valuables as presents.

B.He cooked native food as a surprise for his wife.

C.He prepared a special Nigerian pepper soup carefully.

D.He travelled a lot, attempting to get his wife back.

4.What words can be used to describe Mr. Ezenwa?

A.Hopeless and pessimistic. B.Affectionate and persistent.

C.Mysterious and troublesome. D.Energetic and sympathetic.



    “Data is the new oil.” Like the sticky black thing, all those Is and 0s are of little use until they are processed into something more valuable. That something is you.

Five of the world’s ten most valuable companies are built on a foundation of tying data to human beings. Google and Facebook want to find out as much as possible about their users’ interests, activities, friends and family. Amazon has a detailed history of consumer behavior. Tencent and Alibaba are the digital wallets for hundreds of millions of Chinese; both know enough about consumers to provide widely used credit scores. Those with a good Zhima credit score, provided by Alibaba, enjoy discounts. Those without receive few offers. In other words, data are used to decide what sort of access people have to services.

That data are valuable is increasingly well-understood by individuals, too, especially because personal information is so often leaked(泄露)or stolen. The list of companies that have suffered some sort of data leak in 2018 alone reads like a roll call of household names: Facebook, Google, British Airways and so on. Such events have caused a switch in the public understanding of data collection. People have started to take notice of all the data they are giving away.

Yet few people have changed their online behavior or exercised what few digital rights they possess. Partly this is because managing your own data is time-consuming and complex. But it is more because of a misunderstanding of what is at risk. “Data” is an abstract concept. Far more solid is the idea of identity. It is only when “data” is understood to mean “people” that individuals will demand responsibility from those who seek to know them.

The fossils of past actions fuel future economic and social outcomes. Privacy rules and data-protection regulations are extremely important in protecting the rights of individuals. But the first step towards ensuring the fairness of the new information age is to understand that it is not data that are valuable. It is you.

1.The example of Zhima credit scores is mentioned to show __________.

A.data help companies target their services

B.credit scores change people’s way of life

C.Alibaba gains popularity among customers

D.people prefer to be offered discounts

2.What has caused a change in the public understanding of data collection?

A.The development of companies. B.The history of consumption.

C.Cases of data leak and theft. D.Lists of household names.

3.People don’t protect their data well mainly because __________.

A.they find it time-consuming and complex

B.they are not fully aware of its importance

C.they have no access to their personal data

D.they are afraid of taking responsibility

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To defend companies’ use of data.

B.To show the economic value of data.

C.To call for more regulations to protect data.

D.To advocate a new way of thinking about data.



    A British friend told me he couldn’t understand why Chinese people love eating sunflower seeds(嗑瓜子) as a snack so much. “I’ve met a lot of older Chinese and many have a crack in their front teeth; I believe that’s from cracking the seeds,” he said.

I had never noticed the habit, but once he mentioned it, I suddenly became more aware. I realized that whenever I’m watching TV or typing a report, I always start mindlessly cracking sunflower seeds. My friend doesn’t like sunflower seeds, and, to him, it seems unnecessary to work so much just to get one small seed.

When we were young, the whole family would usually get together for Chinese New Year. Then, we all lived close to one another, usually in a small city, and sometimes even neighbors would go door-to-door on Chinese New Year’s Eve to check out what every household was making.

I remember my parents would be in the kitchen cooking. Out in the living room , a large table would already be laid out, complete with fancy tablecloth, ready-made dumpling fillings, and dishes full of candy, fruits and sunflower seeds. Some of the dishes were to be offered to our ancestors later, while others were for neighbors and children to eat before the evening feast. I must have learned how to crack sunflower seeds back then.

I don’t think it’s right to criticize one’s choice in food or eating habits, no matter how strange they may seem.

It’s not only in China. When I went abroad, I found people had all sorts of strange habits when it came to food. In Denmark, they put salted red fish on bread and eat it for dinner, no matter how much it ruins your breath. They think it’s a delicacy(美味佳肴), and it’s connected to their certain culture. I think it’s a wonderful tradition.

1.What did the writer become aware of?

A. She had ever typed a report about seeds.

B. She had various snacks while watching TV.

C. She damaged her teeth by eating sunflower seeds.

D. She had a habit of cracking sunflower seeds.

2.What does the writer prove by mentioning Chinese New Year?

A. The traditions of celebrating it disappear.

B. Eating sunflower seeds is related to it.

C. The families get together for it.

D. Children can eat delicious food on that day.

3.The writer’s attitude to Denmark’s way of eating bread is _____.

A. neutral (中立的) B. critical (批评的) C. acceptable D. doubtful

4.What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. One kind of food doesn’t necessarily suit everyone.

B. It is good to form healthy eating habits.

C. Eating habits come from a certain culture.

D. Changing your eating habits will change your life.



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