满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







Flying a kite with my father is the most happiest memory in my childhood. I remember the day that I was running alongside my Father. He held the kite string, waiting the kite to catch the wind. He slowed, handed me the string, and teach me how to hold it. “Don’t let go! Keep going!” he shouted. I kept running, out of breaths. Over and over I tried but failed. She told me not to give up. Eventually, I ran too fast that I made the kite fly highly in the air. Filling with excitement, I watched a kite dancing in the sky.


1. 去掉most 2. that→when 3. waiting后加for 4. teach→taught 5. breaths→breath 6. She→He 7. too→so 8. highly→high 9. Filling→Filled 10. a→the 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者与我们分享了小时候与爸爸一起放风筝的美好回忆。多次尝试之后,作者的风筝终于飞起来了。 1. 考查形容词最高级。“happy”为双音节词,最高级为happiest。多音节词的形容词最高级前加most。且most与加est格式的最高级不可以同时使用。故将most去掉。 2. 考查定语从句。句意:我记得我和跟着爸爸一起跑的那天。先行词为the day,在从句中作时间状语,关系词应该为when。故将that改为when。 3. 考查介词。“wait(等待)”是一个不及物动词,直接接宾语时需要加介词for。故在wait后加for。 4. 考查一般过去时。本篇文章都是在讲述过去的事情,用的是一般过去时。且本句话中前两个动词也是一般过去时,故将teach改为taught。 5. 考查固定搭配。“out of breath”意为“喘不过气; 上气不接下气”。故将breaths改为breath。 6. 考查人称代词。句意:他(爸爸)告诉我不要放弃。句首的代词指代爸爸,故将She改为He。 7. 考查副词。句意:最后,我跑得很快,风筝在空中飞的很高。“so…that…(如此…以至于…)”引导结果状语从句。故将too改为so。 8. 考查形容词。句意:最后,我跑得很快,风筝在空中飞的很高。high的副词形式有两个:high 和highly。high指具体的高,主要修饰动词;highly 指抽象的高,表示很高的程度,可修饰动词、分词或形容词。本题中high修饰动词fly,fly是一个具体的动作,故将highly改为high。 9. 考查过去分词。句意:我很激动,我看着风筝在空中飞舞。“fill (使) 充满”使用人做主语时,应该用过去分词形式。本句主语是I,故将Filling改为Filled。 10. 考查冠词。文章前边多次提到作者在放的这只风筝,再次出现时用定冠词。故将a改为the。  


If you are interested in getting university education in China and1.(attend) the university program, you may need to register in the high school.Starting your education at the high school level in China gives you an advantage since you will be well2.(prepare) before joining the university.You will have learnt Mandarin(普通话),3.will make your daily conversations smooth.You will also have familiarized yourself with the surroundings, making 4.easy to get your way around.

In high school, you will5.(introduce) to a Chinese way of learning and education at6.early age.Besides, getting a high school7.(admit) in China is easy.

You only need to look for schools which are offering high school education to the international students.Most of them offer instructions both in English8.Chinese.Choose a right environment that will allow you to learn the local language, choose an area that is9.(convenience) to you and select a school that allows a foreign student to10.(easy) adapt to a new culture.



    The day I received my letter of acceptance to New York University, I was extremely excited. It was my dream university, and my _______ were pleased for me. But they also hadn’t _______ me to get into such a competitive school. In fact, the best thing they ever did for me was to _______ me from doing things _______ —indeed, when I was in elementary school, they offered to buy me a present _______ I got a C.

It _______ when I was in third grade. An only child in an Asian family, I had just _______ with my family from Taiwan to Los Angeles. Months into third grade, I developed a strong feeling of _______ about getting bad grades. Seeing my anxiety, Dad said, “Kate, tell you what. If you get a C or _______, I’ll buy you a present. If you score higher than that, I won’t buy you anything, because you won’t ________ it.”

Clearly my dad wasn’t the ________ Asian tiger parent, pressuring me to work tirelessly for the best ________, and neither was my mom. They didn’t want to push me. They wanted me to be ________ and healthy. Dad’s ________ of a “failing grade” gift amazingly ________ my worries and pressure. What’s moreI ________ getting A’s and B’s throughout high school, but without the added stress and fear of failing. I think it was my parents’ lack of stress on grades that gave me ________ to encourage my own desire for achievements.

I now realize I was ________ when I thought I didn’t receive a present from my dad that day. He gave me two invaluable ________: the space to develop my own desire for excellence, and the healthy mind to ________ it.

1.A.friends B.classmates C.parents D.relatives

2.A.convinced B.pushed C.recommended D.helped

3.A.discourage B.keep C.inspire D.protect

4.A.perfectly B.positively C.passively D.proudly

5.A.though B.if C.unless D.before

6.A.came B.appeared C.remained D.happened

7.A.travelled B.moved C.returned D.left

8.A.worry B.embarrassment C.guilt D.anger

9.A.higher B.less C.more D.lower

10.A.accept B.receive C.need D.make

11.A.normal B.typical C.general D.common

12.A.reputations B.subjects C.majors D.grades

13.A.energetic B.smart C.outstanding D.happy

14.A.offer B.supply C.purchase D.persuasion

15.A.piled on B.removed C.gave off D.solved

16.A.held on B.turned out C.ended up D.set about

17.A.hope B.time C.room D.choice

18.A.shocked B.unfortunate C.puzzled D.mistaken

19.A.gifts B.suggestions C.tools D.experiences

20.A.track B.catch C.achieve D.act



    Traveling with kids, regardless of the age, is a terrible thing for new parents. Responsibility is high and travel expenses might be unexpected at any point of the trip. If you are planning your first road trip or vacation with children, there are several important things to consider.

Get a child locator. 1. and many parents sometimes lose their kids Popular tourist destinations are overcrowded, too. So, if you are afraid of losing your children, get a child locator to be aware of where your kids are going when they accidentally get lost.

2. You do not need to pack tons of toys, sweets and a tablet full of games in order to keep your little ones entertained. You can encourage them to create a travel journal or smash book, read, tell each other stories, or give them a camera to capture the most precious moments during your trip. 3.

4. This is a must even during the shortest road trip. You can handle a headache, but your child can’t. If you do not know what to put in your first aid kit (急救箱), consult your children’s doctor, because all children are different and the medicines either.

Apart from the above, money, passport, avoiding heavy luggage, pick a family-friendly destination and family friendly accommodation are also needed. Traveling with kids is exciting and interesting. Your first trip might not be so exciting, but with a careful preparation, your family trip will be the most memorable one. 5.

A. Keep them careful

B. Keep them entertained

C. Pack a small, kid-friendly first aid kit.

D. Board games might be a god choice, too

E. Airports and train stations are usually overcrowded.

F. Avoiding your little ones in the panning of the trip is a good idea.

G. Involve your little ones in the planning of the trip, which will help you



    Can you trust your very first childhood memories? Maybe not, a new study suggests.

Past researches show that people's earliest memories typically form around 3 to 3. 5 years of age. But in a recent survey of more than 6,600 people, British scientists have found that 39 percent of participants claimed to have memories from age 2 or younger. These first memories are likely false, the researchers said. This was particularly the case for middle -aged and older adults.

For the study, researchers asked participants to describe their first memory and the age at which it occurred. Participants were told they had to be sure the memory was the one that had happened. For example, it shouldn't be based on a photograph, a family story or any source other than direct experiences. Then the researchers examined the content, language and descriptive details of these earliest memories and worked out the likely reasons why people would claim to have memories from an age when memories cannot form.

As many of these memories dated before the age of 2, this suggests they were not based on actual facts, but facts or knowledge about their babyhood or childhood from photographs or family stories. Often these false memories are fired by a part of an early experience, such as family relationships or feeling sad, the researchers explained.

"We suggest that what a rememberer has in mind when recalling fictional early memories is a mental representation consisting of remembered pieces of early experiences and some facts or knowledge about their own babyhood or childhood, " study author Shania Kantar said in a journal news release, "Additionally, further details may be unconsciously inferred or added. Such memory-like mental representations come~ over time, to be collectively experienced when they come to mind, so for the individual, they quite simply are memories, which particularly point to babyhood. "

"Importantly, the person remembering them doesn't know this is fictional," study co-author Martin Conway said "In fact, when people are told that their memories are false they often don't believe it. "

1.What can we learn from a recent study?

A. Memories form after the age of 3. B. Participants are good at telling stories

C. Adults are likely to form false memories D. Earliest memories may play a trick on us

2.Which source did the researchers require for the earliest memories?

A. A direct experience. B. A family story.

C. A family photo. D. A sad feeling.

3.What are these fictional early memories according to Kantar?

A. They are repeated mental representations.

B. They are a collection of early experiences.

C. They are a combination of both facts and fictions.

D. They are further details of remembered experiences.

4.Which part of a newspaper is this text probably taken from?

A. Society. B. Psychology. C. Technology. D. Health.



    Your next Saturday night takeaway could be brought to you by a robot after a major food delivery company announced plans to use automated vehicles to transport meals. Europe’s biggest online takeaway food company Just Eat has partnered with Starship Technologies to deliver food with robots on the streets of London later this month. “Nobody has ever done deliveries with land-based robots,” said Allan Martinson, the chief operating officer of Starship.

The robot courier can travel up to 4 miles per hour for about 10 miles. It uses a GPS signal and nine cameras to navigate (确定方向). Instead of a person arriving at their door, customers could find themselves receiving a notification on their phone that says a robot is on its way and a code to unlock the automated courier. “Put the code in, the robot opens up, and there’s your food,” said David Buttress, chief manager of Just Eat.

The robot, which has so far been tested in Greenwich, Milton Keynes and Glastonbury, costs £ 1 to transport within 3 miles, compared with the £3 to £6 it costs for a human courier. To date 30 robots have driven nearly 5,000 miles without getting into an accident or finding themselves picked on by passers-by. They have driven in more than 40 cities around the world, including London and Tallinn, Estonia.

An initial worry was how the public would react to robots. But Martinson said the public has been calm when passing the delivery machine on the streets. “The most surprising reaction has been the lack of reaction,” said Martinson.

Another significant fear was that people would disrupt (扰乱) the robots, or try to steal them and their contents. To prevent this, the robot is fitted with nine cameras, two way audio, and movement sensors that send a warning if it is lifted off the ground. And it opens only with a passcode provided to the customer via a notification. “It’s much easier to shoplift than it is to steal a robot,” said Martinson.

1.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “courier” in Paragraph 2?

A.deliverer B.collector

C.provider D.guide

2.According to the text, the Starship robot ________.

A.opens up upon hearing the code

B.travels 10 miles per hour at most

C.finds its way by means of GPS and cameras

D.sends a message to the customer upon arrival

3.Which of the following is one of the worries about Starship robots?

A.Safety of the robot delivery.

B.Accuracy of the robot delivery

C.Peoples indifference to the robots.

D.People’s concern about public traffic.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Great Improvement of Just Eat

B.Global Trend of Food Companies

C.New Robots to Move on the road

D.Delivery Robots to Replace Takeaway Drivers



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