满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Like many, I felt pressure from my paren...

    Like many, I felt pressure from my parents and teachers to go to university and study something academic. With top grades I received at the end of high school, I was almost able to enter any course of my pick. Yet the thought of spending the next few years facing the four walls of a classroom caused a lump (肿块) in my throat.

After a year majoring in photography at university, which was not just what I expected, I made the decision to take a break and go on a gap year. In fact, I gained more knowledge in the real world in four months than I did from my entire schooling, but most importantly, I learnt so much about myself.

One day, my posted photos were noticed by Topdeck Travel, and they asked if they could use some of my travel pictures for their posters. This really was the beginning of my career. I began developing my relationship with Topdeck Travel, and before long, I got my first pay travel overseas to take photographs.

Soon I reached the point where I had to make a decision— either to play it safe, go back to university and settle down like everyone else, or to follow my heart and go my own way— a path with an uncertain future. I chose the latter, and it was the scariest and best decision I have ever made.

Five years after leaving school, I might not have a university degree, a well-paid job, a husband or a house with a white fence. Instead, I’m sitting at my office, with a cafe by a beach at Goa, India. As I stare past my laptop screen at the sun setting beyond the waves, a salty breeze touches my face.

To me, success is about pursuing my dreams and creating my own path instead of trying to follow someone else’s. Somehow, I feel like my life is exactly where it is meant to be.

1.What did the author think of going to university?

A.She took it seriously. B.She showed little interest.

C.She looked forward to it. D.She thought it was a must.

2.What benefit did the author gain from her gap year?

A.The knowledge about the real world.

B.Her paid overseas travel experience.

C.Realizing what she really wanted in her life.

D.Knowing what really mattered at university.

3.What can we infer about the author from the passage?

A.She regrets not going back to university.

B.She gets less knowledge in the real world.

C.She feels quite satisfied with her present life.

D.She misses the days working for Topdeck Travel.


1.B 2.C 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者是一个学习优异的学生,可是和其他孩子一样也感受到了来自父母和老师的压力,最终选择了在大学期间选择休学一年,和一家公司合作去海外摄影的事情。作者认为,成功是追求自己的梦想,创造自己的道路,而不是试图追随别人的。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段Yet the thought of spending the next few years facing the four walls of a classroom caused a lump (肿块) in my throat.(然而,一想到要在接下来的几年里面对着四面墙的教室,我就哽咽了。)由此推断出,作者对上大学不感兴趣。故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段In fact, I gained more knowledge in the real world in four months than I did from my entire schooling, but most importantly, I learnt so much about myself.(事实上,我在四个月的时间里获得了比我整个学校教育更多的知识,但最重要的是,我对自己有了更多的了解。)由此推断出,作者在空档年,意识到了她真正想要的是什么。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段To me, success is about pursuing my dreams and creating my own path instead of trying to follow someone else’s. Somehow, I feel like my life is exactly where it is meant to be.(对我来说,成功是追求我的梦想,创造我自己的道路,而不是试图追随别人的。不知何故,我觉得我的生活就是我想要的。)由此推断出,作者对目前的生活感到很满意。故选C。

假如你是李华,是校学生会主席,学校打算举办中华好诗词"(Chinese Classic poet)古典 诗歌诵读比赛。你的外教Darren对中国古典诗歌很感兴趣,请你用英语写一封电子邮件邀请 他来参加此次活动,了解中国古典诗歌。内容包括:

1. 活动举办的意义;

2. 活动内容;


注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Darren,



Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1 . 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


When I was in high school, there was the time when I fail to recognize the importance of learning. I even thought useless to study at school. So my English teacher Lester made me to change my mind. He provided a new view of learning for us and tried hardly to pull us out of our comfort zone. He opened our eyes to a world big than before. And we realized that learn school could be more than just knowledge from textbooks and endless homeworks.  I want to express my sincere thanks to him, without who I can't I be a strong-willed person.




Kofi Atta Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations and the winner of Nobel Peace Prize died 1. the age of 80. Annan, who was born in Ghana in 1938, served as the 2.(seven) UN Secretary-General, from 1997 to 2006, and was the first 3. (rise) from within the ranks of the United Nations staff. Annan 4.( award) the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the United Nations in 2001 for their work for a better organized and more easeful world.


Annan was the chief architect of 5. became known as the Millennium Development Goals, and played a central role in 6.( create) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the UN' s first counter-terrorism strategy.


Annan kept connections to many international 7.( organize). He was president of the University of Ghana, a fellow at New York 's Columbia University, and the professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore.


Former President George W. Bush released 8. statement saying, " Laura and I send our sympathies to Nane and the Annan family on the passing of Kofi Annan. He was a gentle man and a 9. (tire) leader of the United Nations. 10. (he) voice of experience will be missed around the world."



    Christie Watson was only 17 years old when she walked into the room of a patient. Now, as a ______ , her 20 years in the sickroom has taught Watson that though knowledge of biology and chemistry is _______, the art of good nursing ______ pure kindness.

Watson never forgets two nurses. One nurse  _________tiny spoonfuls of yoghurt to Watson when she was ______ to hospital for an allergic reaction as a child. The other nurse sang Watson's newborn son to __ at 2 am, and then came back after her ______ had ended ——with a cup of coffee. That is ______ Watson spends the greater part of her career nursing seriously ill children.

Watson described washing the ______ smell from the hair of a little girl who was hurt in a fire, and her ________ to deal with mentally ill patients in her book. "A nurse's bones become ________with every serious case she _________ and there are too many,” writes Watson.

However, her hands always shake ______ she opens the doors to the operating room, which is a( n) _______ of the random nature of life to her. We can not know whose brake will _________ , and whose roof will fall down. We can't _______ and control them. But her kindness gives _________     to the patients and reduces their pain. Because of it, they can find joy in the most __ places where they have to stay. The ______ of a six-year-old girl with a serious disease __ to be the most high-spirited sound in the room.

1.A.doctor B.nurse C.patient D.baby-sitter

2.A.,professional B.complex C.vital D.abundant

3.A.adapts to B.results in C.responds to D.lies in

4.A.fed B.donated C.supplied D.bought

5.A.abandoned B.separated C.sent D.rejected

6.A.calm B.smiles C.tears D.sleep

7.A.appointment B.shift C.attendance D.operation

8.A.what B.how C.why D.because

9.A.smoky B.sour C.sweet D.damp

10.A.decision B.struggle C.intention D.reaction

11.A.harder B.softer C.healthier D.straighter

12.A.researches B.settles C.discovers D.witnesses

13.A.after B.unless C.as D.although

14.A.evidence B.reminder C.impression D.warning

15.A.fail B.fix C.stop D.function

16.A.realize B.predict C.understand D.challenge

17.A.treatment B.satisfaction C.comfort D.respect

18.A.unfriendly B.unfair C.unforgettable D.unlikely

19.A.laughter B.breath C.sob D.shout

20.A.figures out B.makes out C.brings out D.turns out



Tips for Writing a Great Speech

How to write a strong speech? There are a lot of different ways to answer that question. 1.

Read your speech out loud.

Unlike almost all other forms of writing, speech-writing is designed for listeners. So, when reviewing your text, read it to yourself and pay attention to how the words sound and feel. 2. If your phrases make you stumble (结巴),they are guaranteed to make your boss stumble as well. Just remember that good writing is not necessarily good speech-writing.

Simple phrases are your friends.

Keep your sentences short and sweet. Compound phrases with multiple clauses may look great on paper, but are likely to confuse your audience and decrease the effectiveness of your speech. Limit yourself to one or two ideas per sentence. 3.

Do your research.

Before beginning a speech, make sure to familiarize yourself with the subject. 4. The creative aspects of speech-writing are only effective when backed by a strong foundation of knowledge by the speaker. The audience must trust your words in order for their meaning to sink in. If you' re well-prepared, it will show.


Your listeners should be a strong determining factor of the content, tone and style of your speech. Before drafting remarks, think about who you' re speaking to, the place you' re speaking at and the timing of your speech. There's a time and a place for every type of remarks. It's your job to figure out when and where you are.

A. Know your audience.

B. Show respect to your listeners.

C. Express them as clearly and powerfully as possible.

D. Thus, you can write about it with confidence and authority.

E. Do they slip off the tongue or are they clumsy and awkward?

F. Different writers are most likely to adopt diverse approaches to speech-writing.

G. Here are rules that all writers should follow in order to write a winning speech.



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