满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language. It dates back several thousand years 1. the use of animal bones and shells on which symbols 2. (a)arve) by ancient Chinese people. Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in today's hanzi.

By the Shang Dynasty, these symbols 3. (become) a well-developed writing system. Over the years, the system developed into different forms, as it was a time when people were divided geographically, 4. (lead) to many varieties of dialects and characters. This, 5., changed under the rule of Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty.

Emperor Qinshihuang made the seven major states into one 6. (unite) country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing system was of great 7. (important) in uniting the Chinese people and culture. Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate 8. (easy) in writing.

Written Chinese has also become an important means by 9. China’s present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the classic 10. (work) which were written by Chinese in ancient times. The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, known as Chinese calligraphy, which has become an important part of Chinese culture.


1.to 2.were carved 3.had become 4.leading 5.however 6.united 7.importance 8.easily 9.which 10.works 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了中国文字记录的发展历史。 1.考查介词。根据短语date back to表示“追溯到”,故填to。 2.考查动词时态语态。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且事情发生在过去,应用一般过去时,主语为symbols复数名词,谓语动词用复数。故填were carved。 3.考查动词时态。句意:到了商代,这些符号已经成为一种很发达的文字系统。根据by the Shang Dynasty可知,应使用过去完成时,表示“到……为止,已经成为”,故填had become。 4.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,lead在句中做非谓语动词,且system与lead to为主动关系,故用现在分词作状语,故填leading。 5.考查连接副词。句意:然而,这种情况在秦朝秦始皇的统治下改变了。结合句意可知表示转折,“但是”应用however,故填however。 6.考查形容词。修饰名词country,应用形容词,表示“一个统一的国家”。故填united。 7.考查名词。此处固定短语be of importance,表示“很重要的”,故填importance。 8.考查副词。修饰动词communicate,应用副词,表示“容易沟通”,故填easily。 9.考查定语从句。句意:书面汉语也成为中国的现在与过去联系的重要手段。本句为“介词+关系代词”结构定语从句修饰先行词means,且做介词by的宾语,指代“手段”应用关系代词which。故填which。 10.考查名词的数。work做名词“作品”讲为可数名词,根据were可知,应使用名词复数,故填works。

    A big thought can be one of the ________ forces in the world. I was ________ with that idea all over again when I heard the story of Mary Crowe.

Young Mary was washing her father’s overalls one day when the big thought ________ her.

In her mind she saw herself ________ from college in cap and gown, accepting her diploma, ready to ________ a career.

Since Mary came from a low-income family, her dream seemed out of ________. There would never be enough money to send Mary to college. ________, no member of her family had ever gone to college. But Mary ________ that thought. In secondary school she studied hard, and spoke ________ of her dream to teachers and friends. When her ________ day at school came, her principal (校长) called her into his office.

“I have a(n) ________ for you,” he said.

It contained a scholarship to a nearby college. The power of a thought had ________ its first dividend (红利). But the scholarship could cover only part of her college ________. Mary took every part-time job she could find.

Mary’s dream came true when she graduated from college. Then she took a course in insurance. When she ________ herself to a local insurance company for a job, she was ________. She applied again. The answer was no. She kept going back until the manager ________ her.

Twenty-five years later Mary Crowe’s associates in that company ________ at a special dinner in her honour, recognizing her for her outstanding achievements as an insurance saleswoman.

“Each of us is constantly in a state of becoming,” she said, giving her formula (方法) for ________. “Through ________ and faith you can become what you think. Not that your life will be without problems, but along the way problems will be ________. Ask and believe; dream and believe; work and believe.”

1.A.safest B.strongest C.heaviest D.weakest

2.A.shocked B.familiar C.nervous D.impressed

3.A.seized B.greeted C.struck D.beat

4.A.graduating B.escaping C.driving D.judging

5.A.start B.finish C.abandon D.quit

6.A.control B.question C.sight D.thought

7.A.However B.Instead C.Therefore D.Besides

8.A.held on to B.took pride in C.made up for D.came up with

9.A.selfishly B.freely C.unwillingly D.jokingly

10.A.first B.formal C.final D.unique

11.A.book B.envelope C.souvenir D.test

12.A.joined B.wasted C.consumed D.produced

13.A.expenses B.secrets C.incomes D.ambitions

14.A.limited B.related C.accustomed D.presented

15.A.picked up B.put aside C.turned down D.taken in

16.A.believed B.praised C.accepted D.noticed

17.A.gathered B.declared C.resigned D.parted

18.A.reputation B.independence C.responsibility D.success

19.A.suspension B.enthusiasm C.politeness D.status

20.A.corrected B.overcome C.forgotten D.collected



    If you really want to get to know someone, travel with them. The following are some suggestions given by some people who have successfully traveled with friends.

Talk money ahead of time.

When you’re traveling with friends, the topic of money will certainly come up. 1. Talking about expenses early on will help your friends understand what can be done and what can’t be done.

Create a group itinerary (行程表).

When traveling in a group, a lot of time can be wasted trying to figure out what to do once you get there—if this hasn’t been discussed ahead of time. Have everyone write down what they’d like to accomplish on the trip before departure. 2.

Choose a trip leader.

If you’ll be traveling in a group with many friends, it can be hard to keep everyone motivated. 3. He or she can set departure times and let everyone know the basic plan.


Once you’ve nominated (任命) a leader, using a travel folder to collect all tickets, maps and other important documents can help streamline the process of group travel, as well.

Power down.

Nothing is more likely to cause unhappiness than when one person is trying to have a conversation with someone who’s busy showing off the trip on social media. 5. If you spend the time with your face buried in your phone, your companions will rightly think your phone is more interesting than their company.

A. Set specific free time.

B. Gather your important documents.

C. Be open about expenses before even booking the tickets.

D. A leader can be the key decision maker of the group for the trip.

E. This wish list will let everyone feel their desires have been heard.

F. If you do decide to split up, use a communication app to stay in touch.

G. Put all social media activity on hold, and live in the moment with your friends.



    Experts note that an unhealthy lifestyle can put you at great risk of heart disease and stroke. So doctors urge us to eat healthy foods, get exercise, stop smoking and limit our alcohol intake. But there is something else you can do. And it is free and easy. Smile!

Dr. Chockalingam, a heart disease specialist in Columbia, advises his patients to smile. He says a smile may be one way to help your heart. “When we smile, the brain wiring changes. The chemicals that are released are more positive.” He says smiling is the first step in fighting physical and emotional stress and its sometimes harmful effects on human health. This is not just New Age advice. Several studies support his opinion.

When you feel stressed or under pressure, your body releases many natural hormones (荷尔蒙) including adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone. It increases sugar in the bloodstream. If you are truly in danger, these hormones can help you. They are part of what we call our fight-or-flight response.

However, when we are stressed for a long period, these stress hormones are ever-present in our bodies. And that, medical researchers warn, may lead to health problems.

Researchers say the connection between stress and heart disease is still unclear. However, they claim that when people are stressed for long periods of time, they may have an unhealthy lifestyle, which can lead to health problems.

Dr. Chockalingam says a smile may be one way to help. He tells his patients to smile 20 times an hour. To some, that might seem like a lot of smiling. Or some might even feel foolish ... smiling for seemingly no reason. But a smile does not involve drugs. It is not invasive like a surgical operation. It is free and it has no bad side effects.

“Once people smile, they are relaxing. This relaxation directly lowers blood pressure, improves sugar levels in the blood. If we are smiling, we are breaking that link between stress and health.” And it just may provide a little extra protection to everyone’s heart health.

1.Which of the following agrees with Dr. Chockalingam’s opinion?

A.Smile has the same effects as laughter.

B.Smile can be used to take the place of medicine.

C.Smile is better than any healthy lifestyle to health.

D.Smile can make our body produce beneficial chemicals.

2.What can we know about the mentioned stress hormones?

A.They can lower our blood pressure.

B.They will surely lead to heart diseases.

C.They can benefit us when we are in danger.

D.They will make us live an unhealthy lifestyle.

3.Why does Dr. Chockalingam think smiling is helpful to our health?

A.It can make us relax. B.It increases sugar levels.

C.It has little bad side effects. D.It can happen for no reason.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Thorough Analysis of the Causes of Heart Diseases

B.One Thing You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Heart

C.One Thing That Is Closely Connected with Stress Hormones

D.The Clear Connection Between Unhealthy Lifestyles and Heart Diseases



    Have you ever heard a rumor spread around by students at your school? Rumors, like fake news, can often misinform individuals and lead them to believe false information.

In an attempt to settle this problem, the country of Singapore has passed a bill that bans companies and individuals from publishing false information online.

This law, known as The Protection From Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill, has caused a public outcry (强烈的抗议), as the government has been given the power to remove content that it considers inaccurate or against the public’s interest.

Since Singapore’s citizens are part of different racial and religious groups, the government fears that rumors or fake news can increase tensions within an already small country.

With the new law coming into effect, Singapore’s government now has the authority to monitor news sites, social media platforms, and other databases of information to determine whether the content is falsified. The government can order for the removal of fake news, and publishers of this information can receive prison time and fines up to one million Singapore dollars!

Critics fear that the bill threatens their freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Since national issues and world news are generally discussed on online platforms, many are concerned that this new bill will prevent individuals from talking freely and having healthy conversations.

Several companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, have offices situated in Singapore, meaning that the new law will affect their company operations. Social media companies in Singapore could face a decline in activity, as users may fear posting their opinions and being punished by the government.

Others are concerned that the law does not clearly state what a “false statement” is. Such an ambiguity might allow the government to misuse their power, even though the intention is to curtail the mow of false information and rumors throughout Singapore.

This law does give rise to several concerns related to freedom and privacy and it will be interesting to see what Singapore’s government will do to deal with this problem.

1.Why are some people against the bill?

A.They think the bill can’t get rid of fake news.

B.They belong to different racial and religious groups.

C.They think their freedom of speech may be harmed.

D.They don’t want to increase tensions in their country.

2.What does the government have the right to do under the new law?

A.Punish publishers of fake news.

B.Monitor telephone conversations.

C.Prohibit certain people from going online.

D.Fine fake-news makers any amount of money.

3.How will the new law affect social media companies in Singapore?

A.Their users’ privacy may be disturbed.

B.Their income will increase very slowly.

C.Their illegal activities will come to light.

D.Their social media may become less active.

4.What does the underlined word in paragraph 8 probably mean?

A.prove B.accelerate

C.promote D.decrease



    A few years ago, my husband Charlie and I had marital problems. Growing family responsibilities and financial worries took a toll on us and we began arguing frequently, often late into the night.

However, neither of us could take the step that would end our eleven-year marriage and bring heartbreak to our three young children. Deep down we knew we still loved each other, so we determined to work it out. Through countless discussions, we began to close the gulf. The more honest we were, the closer we became.

When I felt we were reaching solid ground, I asked my husband to give me an “eternity (永恒) ring”. It was not so much the ring I wanted; it was the reassurance (保证) I thought it would bring.

We went shopping on a beautiful summer day. We walked hand in hand along a row of jeweler’s shops. Finally I found a ring I liked. While waiting for it to be adjusted, the jeweler took my left hand and glanced at my engagement ring. “May I clean it for you?” he asked. “It really doesn’t sparkle like it used to.” Charlie said as I slipped the ring off my finger. A few minutes later the jeweler was back. The ring shone like new!

On the drive home, I didn’t take my eyes off it. I forgot all about the eternity ring. I just couldn’t believe how this old ring suddenly sparkled the way it had the day Charlie gave it to me. I had taken it for granted these past years, but with a little polish it could still make my heart beat fast.

And that’s the way it is with a marriage. You have to work at keeping it polished and new, or else the grime (污垢) of the passing years will hide the joy. I put my hand on the seat between us and spread my fingers. Charlie covered my hand with his. I felt I was lucky to be able to see the sparkle in something gold when I thought I needed something new.

1.Why did the author and her husband decide to solve the problems?

A.They were a famous couple. B.They didn’t want to divorce.

C.The problems were not serious. D.They had experience in doing so.

2.What does the underlined part in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.free of trouble B.arriving at a square

C.wealthy and generous D.in good relationship

3.Why did the author forget all about the eternity ring on their way back home?

A.Her husband kept it for her. B.They didn’t actually pay for it.

C.The old ring’s light attracted her attention. D.The couple were talking all the way merrily.

4.What does the author mainly want to express in the last paragraph?

A.We tend to prefer new objects to old ones.

B.One should remain thankful for what he has got.

C.Marriage should be constantly polished.

D.We should try to rediscover the true value of old objects.



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