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假设你是李华,为迎接即将来访的美国某中学生代表团,你校决定举办英语讲故事比赛。请你为校 英语报写一则通知,内容包括:

1. 比赛时间和目的;

2. 比赛内容中国传统文化故事;

3. 报名截止日期。





Student Union


Notice Our school has scheduled to launch an English speech competition next Monday. It's meant as part of our plan to welcome the visiting American students, aimed to promote our awareness of the richness of Chinese traditional culture as well as improve our spoken English. The speech should be focused on stories related to traditional Chinese culture. You can tell stories related to the origins of traditional festivals and some legends conceming Chinese culture. Anyone interested in it is supposed to sign up at our office by this Friday afternoon, which is the deadline we set for the event. Student Union 【解析】 这是一篇应用文写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,假设你是李华,为迎接即将来访的美国某中学生代表团,你校决定举办英语讲故事比赛。请你为校英语报写一则通知,内容包括:1. 比赛时间和目的;2. 比赛内容中国传统文化故事;3. 报名截止日期。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):launch(发起);English speech competition(英语演讲比赛);aim to(旨在);as well as(也);be supposed to(应该)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般现在时。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





There are times in our lives that we may feel as if we need to walk away from everything. We are tired of trying so hard to work towards our fixing goal in life. Life seems to have become too complex to bear it. It is for these times in our lives that we need to remind ourselves that this will pass. We have joy, love or laughter in our lives which we had simply lost sight of.

There is nothing wrong with taking a step back. Give ourselves the time to rest and relax may be all we need to return to our normal activity. We'll then work energetic with new sense of commitment to our best life.




After college I wanted to make a difference in the world, so I became a volunteer teacher and 1.(send) to Namibia• Honestly t my first choice wasn’t Africa? but I am extremely grateful that I had the chance. So with a group of 2.(equal) eager young graduates? I went on my journey.

Schools were quite bare, and the students 3. ( have) tiring days, walking miles to get to school often barefoot. With their mountains 4. work at home, few 5. (possession) and little opportunity, these children were joyful which I admired.

This 6. (be) my first time living abroad in a different culture, simply getting used to the living conditions was 7. big adjustment. I had no electricity, running water, phone or the Internet, imagine no air-conditioning at a place 8. the temperature often goes beyond 38 degrees Celsius! Some days it was just too hot to move.

However? I could end each day with a 9.(glory) African sunset. And at night, I had a light-pollution-free view of the entire Milky Way. Before Namibia, I never thought I would survive in such an environment. My experience awakened me to not only the limitations 10. ( place) on ourselves, but also our amazing ability to adapt. Stepping out of your comfort zone in another culture will certainly make your life worthwhile.




For years, I had suffered from depression. I never seemed to be happy with my life, especially when I __ it to someone else's. I frequently felt I was not living up to either my own _____ or the worlds expectations.

Then, the week before Thanksgiving, every chair in the church has a paper bag underneath. All were expected to pick up one ____ and take them to a grocery store and fill them with some basic food items to be _____ to local chanty. Then, at the evening, a team of volunteers placed all the _____ bags, of food at the front of the church.

Included in the event was a sheet with ______, asking us to think of 100 things we were thankful for. This was a (n_______to help us focus on gratitude. ______ I heard some kids next to me ______ each other to see who could fill in all 100 the fastest. My _____ nature pushed me to fill in blanks with any _____ in my life that I was thankful for. To my own ________, I filled in the list in four minutes. Then I joined the others ______ the bags according to their categories before they were donated to the ______.

One day not long afterward , I found myself sinking into my ______ depression when I remembered the ____. I took it out and read through it and ______ that not only did I have a lot to be thankful for but that the things I had written on that list ______ my talents , hobbies, faith , and people who had greatly _______ me.

_____to have an attitude of gratitude has made me more than happy and filled me with joy.

1.A.introduced B.compared C.exposed D.applied

2.A.achievement B.nature C.potential D.patience

3.A.randomly B.regularly C.alternatively D.considerately

4.A.returned B.issued C.allocated D.donated

5.A.circulated B.addressed C.filled D.supplied

6.A.credits B.blanks C.inspirations D.suggestions

7.A.celebration B.amusement C.communication D.exercise

8.A.Accidentally B.Furthermore C.Otherwise D.Necessarily

9.A.remind B.challenge C.support D.observe

10.A.sympathetic B.creative C.competitive D.contradictory

11.A.situation B.chance C.promotion D.awareness

12.A.disappointment B.curiosity C.advantage D.astonishment

13.A.distributing B.clarifying C.sorting D.decorating

14.A.rich B.needy C.special D.worried

15.A.guilty B.familiar C.temporary D.apparent

16.A.list B.activity C.motivation D.report

17.A.pretended B.claimed C.imagined D.realized

18.A.ruled out B.dropped out C.brought out D.worked out

19.A.surprised B.touched C.promised D.concerned

20.A.Choosing B.Offering C.Demanding D.Declining



What Recycling Will Look Like in 10 Years

As businesses rush to become greener, this is what recycling may look like a decade from now. To begin with, more goods will be made of existing materials. The increase in the reuse of existing materials, including recycled plastics, glass and more will reduce the demand for raw materials (原材料). You’ll find more clothing, toys, park benches, etc. made of recycled water bottles. 1.. Thus all resources will be kept in circulation (流通) with no end.

Reusable products will become more popular. Not only will companies take up the duty to reduce waste. 2.. Take single-use straws (吸管), for example. They’ve been banned everywhere because they are so bad for the environment and wildlife. Furthermore, beginning in 2021 the European Union will ban single-use plastics. 3.; we also need to change consumers’ habits by changing the way they think about single-use plastics.

Chemical recycling may become common. Though the field is still in its early stages, the process of chemical recycling may increase in the coming years. 4.. “This is all just a huge expensive business,” Denise Patel said, adding that reducing the overall use of plastic is a better solution.

5.. Currently, thin plastic isn’t often recycled. As it’s so lightweight, it can jam recycling machinerybut throwing it out isn’t ideal either. After all, it takes about 450 years to break down. You can return it to a store that collects them, or use a service that picks up hard-to-recycle items from your home for a fee.

A. We cannot rely only on recycling

B. New plastic is cheaper than recycled plastic

C. In the future, thin plastics will be recycled more readily

D. However, chemical recycling is not without disagreement

E. This creates an economy where no resource will be wasted

F. Individuals (个人) will also be expected to use more reusable products

G. The campaign puts the focus on individuals to clean up their plastic mess



    “ New and improved. ” These words are put in so many marketing campaigns that we tend to accept them as linked. But many new drugs aren't an improvement over the best existing drug for a given condition, and the fast drug-approval processes in recent years have added to the uncertainty about their advantages.

A recent report in the British Medical Journal, "New Drugs: Where Did We Go Wrong and What Can We Do Better?, analysed the issue, The authors looked at 216 drugs approved between 2011 and 2017 152 were newly developed, and 64 were existing medicine approved for new uses. Only 25% offered a major advantage over the established treatment, and fully 58% had no confirmed added benefit to reduce symptoms or improve health-related quality of life.

"This doesn’t mean there's no added benefit," lead author Wieseler said. “It just means we have no positive proof. Either we have no studies or have studies not good enough. ” Wieseler and her co-authors work for a German institute which evaluates new treatments and advises on whether the country's health care system should pay a premium ( )for them. Such organizations , known as health technology assessment ( HTA) agencies, work a little differently in the US, says Sean Tunisa researcher in Baltimore: “ If payers think a new drug isn't better than an existing drugthese agencies will require .that hospitals try the cheaper drug first. ”

Germany's HTA demands trials to prove that a new treatment beats the existing standard. This isn't always practical For one thing, such studies can be expensive and time-consuming, with no guarantee of success. Secondly, it can discourage companies from attempting to develop new alternatives. This is already happening. Drug developers are increasingly focused on areas where there are no good treatments to compete with, such as rare diseases.

This lack of meaningful data to guide patients is a major point of Wieseler's paper- With accelerated approval, there are more products approved, with a greater amount of uncertainty about risks and benefits. But there are other solutions besides drug trials. One idea is to require postmarket studies to track the effectiveness of newly approved drugs—a step too often neglected.

1.What message does the recent report convey?

A.Many new drugs have no improved advantages.

B.The approval processes for new drugs are too fast.

C.Improved drugs have advantages over old ones.

D.Before 2017 no improvement was made to drugs.

2.What will US HTA agencies do when no advantage is found in new drugs?

A.Remove government premium on them.

B.Get hospitals to use the cheaper drugs.

C.Arrange financial support for the patients.

D.Put new drugs on further trials and studies.

3.What's the disadvantage of Germany's HTA trial demands?

A.Making drug companies think of illegal ways to cut cost.

B.Pushing companies to try alternatives for existing drugs.

C.Getting patients to depend on the government for support.

D.Holding companies back from improving existing drugs.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Advantage of Existing Drugs

B.Misunderstanding of New and Old Drugs

C.A Dilemma with New Drug Alternatives

D.Peopled Preference for New or Old Drugs



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