满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Two wee...


Two weeks ago, I helped my dear Joan, one of my close friends 1. just graduated, move out of her apartment. We decided 2. (have)a nice dinner before she moved back to her hometown 400 miles away, but being the caring person she is, she had offered her time to help her friends move during dinner, even though she 3. (her)needed to pack and donate things.

She isn’t usually one to ask 4. help, so I knew that I had to offer my time and energy with 5. (determine) if I was going to be 6. (use). I bought her something to eat because I knew she hadn’t eaten and then 7. (rent) a carshare (拼车) for her to ship her things. It was a whole disaster-8. first carshare we rented wouldn’t open, so we had to carry the things to another car a few 9. (block) away.

This car then had no gas, so we had to gas this car, which pushed back our timeline by 40 minutes. Despite it all, it was a fun lasting memory with her, and I’m glad I 10. (be) able to show her my love through these small acts of service.


1.who/that 2.to have 3.herself 4.for 5.determination 6.useful 7.rented 8.the 9.blocks 10.was 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者帮助好友毕业后搬离大学的故事。 1.考查定语从句。本句为定语从句修饰先行词friends,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故应用关系代词who/that。故填who/that。 2.考查非谓语动词。根据短语decide to do sth.表示“决定做某事”,后面应该用不定式作宾语。故填to have。 3.考查代词。句意:她主动提出愿意在吃饭的时候帮朋友搬家,尽管她自己也需要打包和捐赠东西。此处herself是反身代词,用作同位语,强调“她自己”。故填herself。 4.考查介词。根据短语ask for表示“请求”。故填for。 5.考查名词。此处作介词with的宾语应用名词determination,表示“决心”。故填determination。 6.考查形容词。此处作系动词be的表语应用形容词useful,表示“有用的”。故填useful。 7.考查动词时态。此处表示过去发生的动作,与前面的bought是并列谓语,应用一般过去时。故填rented。 8.考查冠词。此处表示特指,常与序数词连用应用定冠词the。故填the。 9.考查名词的数。block为可数名词,根据前面的a few可知应用复数形式。故填blocks。 10.考查主谓一致。此处描述过去的状态应用一般过去时,且句子主语是I,谓语用一般过去时的单数形式。故填was。

    Jen and Jeff Fisher were a lovely couple with two kids who would soon be faced with a life-changing decision. Not only would it change the ________ of the family that they already had but it would also change the ________ of three young children that came into their home.

The Fishers already had two ________ of their own: 13-year old Aiden and 10-year-old Macy. The Fishers decided to ________ another child and were introduced to the foster (寄养的) system. It was through foster care that they’d ________ three kids who would change everything.

A social worker who worked with the foster system ________ the Fishers to an 11-year-old girl named Tannah Butterfield. She and her two younger siblings (弟妹) lost their ________ and no longer had a home of their own. Tannah wanted nothing more than a ________ of her own.

As is ________ with the foster system, siblings are at risk of being separated from each other and sent off to ________ homes. But that’s when the Fishers did something extraordinary.

The Fishers ________ Tannah and her siblings, six- year-old Teagun and two-year-old Tallie, into their home. It was an extremely polite gesture, ________ since some foster families won’t accept siblings together due to their ________ differences.

When Tannah and her siblings set foot in the Fisher household for the first ________, the switch couldnt have been ________. They got along well with Aiden and Macy as if they’d all ________ each other their whole lives!

A majority of kids in foster care often ________ separated. Luckily for Tannah, Teagun, and Tallie, they were able to ________ with the Fisher family for whole two years. At that point, Jen and Jeff Fisher ________ that they wanted to adopt the three kids that they had come to ________ as their own.

1.A.value B.aim C.atmosphere D.income

2.A.habits B.lives C.appearance D.nature

3.A.children B.gardens C.neighbors D.house

4.A.desert B.educate C.select D.adopt

5.A.meet B.recognize C.consider D.swap

6.A.brought B.Introduced C.connected D.sent

7.A.friends B.hometown C.health D.parents

8.A.family B.place C.relative D.school

9.A.grateful B.upset C.typical D.cruel

10.A.kind B.different C.common D.rich

11.A.welcomed B.observed C.persuaded D.turned

12.A.exactly B.eventually C.especially D.properly

13.A.knowledge B.hobby C.age D.character

14.A.attempt B.time C.test D.chance

15.A.sharper B.bigger C.slower D.easier

16.A.respected B.helped C.known D.forgiven

17.A.find out B.give In C.calm down D.end up

18.A.work B.stay C.study D.meet

19.A.decided B.forecast C.found D.realized

20.A.keep B.approach C.teach D.love



Symptoms of Dehydration(脱水)

You’re bad- tempered.

Researchers tested the mood and concentration of 25 women who drank healthy amounts of water one day, and then didn’t over the next two days. When slightly dehydrated, the women reported tiredness, bad temper, headaches, and difficulty focusing. In a separate test, men with mild dehydration also had trouble with mental tasks. 1. Scientists are still trying to figure out why.

You have a bad workout.

2. It impacts how much you can push yourself. Even a 2 to 3 percent fluid loss affects your ability to get a good workout and more than 5 percent dehydration decreases exercise capacity by about 30 percent. A no-brainer way to avoid dehydration and dehydration symptoms is to aim for this much water per day.


Driving while dehydrated may be just as dangerous as getting behind the wheel drunk, in terms of how many mistakes you could make on the road. British researchers had participants take two-hour drives [using a simulator (模拟器). When they drank enough water, there were 47 driving errors. 4.

You feel dizzy when you stand up too fast.

One of the signs of dehydration is when your blood volume and pressure drops, it can leave you feeling dizzy or faint, or bring on that rush of light-headedness after you quickly get up from sitting or lying down.

The exact treatment for dehydration symptoms depends on age and how severely dehydrated someone is. 5. Most of the time, however, people use some over-the-counter solutions for kids, and adults can drink more water

A. You drive like you’re drunk.

B. Dehydration can be life-threatening.

C. To get rid of dehydration you have to replace lost water.

D. In extreme cases, people might go to the hospital for a treatment.

E. Dehydration reduces blood pressure and makes the heart work harder.

F. But when it came to mood changes, women changed much more than men’s.

G. But when they are short of water, there were more than doubled driving errors to 101.



    Scientists in New Zealand have found fossilized (化石的) leg bones from a penguin believed to have been about the size of an adult human. The previously undiscovered giant penguin species likely stood about 1.6 meters tall and weighed up to 80 kilograms.

The penguin existed about 60 million years ago. The bones are believed to be from the oldest of several species of giant penguins that lived after dinosaurs died out. A fossil hunter found the bones last year in the Waipara River bed near the city of Christchurch. The bones are from the animal’s legs and feet. Scientists confirmed that the bones came from a newly discovered species.

Paul Scofield is senior curator (馆长) at New Zealand’s Canterbury Museum. He co-wrote a paper on the discovery. He said that the bones are an important find. They show that the species is similar to another giant penguin found in Antarctica in 2000. The latest discovery, he said, helps show a clear connection between the two areas during the Paleocene period. This period lasted from 66 million to 56 million years ago.

Scofield said the penguins were able to grow larger after entering a new development period following the extinction of dinosaurs, sea reptiles and huge fish. Scofield added that the giant penguins became extinct within 30 million years, as large mammals began to rule the waters.

John Cockrem is a penguin expert at the country’s Massey University who was also not involved in the research. He said the discovery helps add to what we know about giant penguins. He said it also confirmed New Zealand as the penguin center of the world.

New Zealand is believed to have been home to many giant bird species that later disappeared. These included the world’s largest parrot, a giant eagle and an emu-like bird called the moa. Recently, Canterbury Museum announced the discovery of an unusually large parrot believed to have lived about 19 million years ago. Scientists say the bird stood about one meter tall.

1.What is special about the penguin found in New Zealand?

A.The place it lived in. B.The age of its existence.

C.Its species and size. D.Its shape and habits.

2.Why did the giant penguins die out?

A.Large mammals controlled the sea.

B.They were killed out by huge fish.

C.Climate changes were not fit for them.

D.They grew too large to feed themselves.

3.What do we know from the last paragraph?

A.All kinds of penguins live in New Zealand.

B.Many giant birds used to exist in New Zealand.

C.The world’s largest parrot lives in New Zealand.

D.New Zealand owns the most bird species in the world.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Similar Penguin Fossils Have Been Found Again

B.An Ancient Creature Has Been Found in New Zealand

C.Some Giant Penguins Appeared after Dinosaurs Died Out

D.Scientists Found Bones from Giant Penguin in New Zealand



    Vaping can be just as damaging to your health as smoking. But the minute you kick the habit, you’ll feel a difference.

Vaping is the use of electronic cigarettes-e-cigarettes. Vaping became mainstream in the United States in the late 2000s. When e-cigarettes first hit the market, people believed they were a safer choice to tobacco cigarettes. We now know, however, that vaping, like smoking cigarettes can be quite damaging to your health-and equally addictive.

Kids and teenagers are especially attracted to vaping, thanks to attractive flavors. Vape use in high school students rose by 900 percent between 2011 and 2015.

Quitting vaping can be difficult, just like trying to stop smoking. There are some immediate, though often temporary, negative effects. The positive ones soon outpace the negative, however.

In as little as 20 minutes, your heart rate returns to normal, your blood pressure drops, and your circulation starts to normalize. Your breathing may improve, too.

Daily e-cigarette doubles a persons risk for a heart attack. If you quit, however, the risk begins to fall very quickly. Also, vaping, like cigarette smoking, can blunt your senses, reducing your ability to smell and taste. After just 48 hours without vaping, you may begin to notice your ability to taste and smell food has improved. Nicotine affects more than your brain: new research suggests nicotine can raise your blood sugar, too.

Smokers often have a troublesome cough or make a breathless sound when they breathe that many refer to as a smokers cough. Smoking even e-cigarettes can badly harm your lung health and make fighting off infections difficult. Quitting, however, will help your lungs recover. After one month, your lung capacity improves.

There will come a day when the bad habit of vaping won’t have any lasting influence on your body and your health.

1.What did Americans think of e-cigarettes?

A.They were cheaper. B.They were fashionable.

C.They were less harmful. D.They were environment-friendly.

2.What makes vaping popular among kids and teenagers?

A.Its taste. B.Its price.

C.Its shape. D.Its colour.

3.What does the underlined word “blunt” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Destroy. B.Benefit. C.Sharp. D.Dull

4.What does the author intend to do by writing the text?

A.Introduce the use of e-cigarettes.

B.Point out how e-cigarettes harm kids.

C.Encourage people to refuse e-cigarettes.

D.Compare e-cigarettes with traditional ones.



    Last night, when I went to see my grandmother, she was sitting alone at the nurse station with her word search book. My grandmother was sitting at the desk with her book but no pencil just staring at the letters as if she was trying to find the word. I came to her and said hello.

Usually, she at least knows I am connected to her somehow but this time, she looked at me with doubt. I introduced myself and told her that I was her granddaughter. “I don’t know who you are,” she said.” Do you want to go outside?” I asked. “okay,” she said.

We got her things and I wrapped it all in a blanket we would use as a tablecloth. I asked her if she could hold it while I pushed her wheelchair and held her cup of tea.

She held her hands out and I placed the cloth bundle () on her lap. I put the cloth on the table and she helped smooth it down-then I put the rest of the items on the cloth..

Now she was just staring at me as if confused, as if trying to figure me out. “Do you know who I am?” I asked. She said, “I don’ t really know.”“ I am your granddaughter,” I said. “I am not sure what that is. I don’t know, I don’t know you,” she said.

I think of my friend whose mother has not known him for years, has no recollection (记忆), and doesn’t speak any more. It is a painful sight for all those living who remember. I am grateful that my grandmother is still so present. I have a sinking feeling that our days are numbered.

For now, she is still here, still says thank you, and still loves me from a deep and secret place. Tomorrow, I will see her and she may or may not know me-and that will be okay. I still know her.

1.What was the author’s grandma doing when she visited her?

A.She was writing stories. B.She was training herself.

C.She was preparing to eat out D.She was waiting for the author.

2.What can we infer from the dialogue between the author and her grandma?

A.Her grandma didn’t trust her. B.Her grandma refused her help.

C.Her grandma didn’t recognize her. D.Her grandma could look after herself.

3.The author mentioned her friend because her grandma ________.

A.had only a few days to live B.was in a better condition

C.was treated the way he did D.had a similar experience to his mother

4.What’s the author’s probable attitude in the text?

A.Treasuring the present. B.Expecting the future.

C.Feeling hopeless. D.Loving life.



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