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Courage is one of the thing I wish I could possess. I become nervous as soon as I am asking to speak in the public. To honest, my heart always pounds so hard before I go on stage which I have to take deep breaths many times.I still remember there were times when I gave up easy just because I was afraid to fail. I talk to a friend about my feelings and he encouraged me to presenting things on stage more often. To her delight, I'm getting better at it! I hope one day I can succeed on having the courage to do everything I want.


第1处: thing→things 第2处: asking→asked 第3处:去掉 in the public 中的 the 第4处: to honest 中间加 be 第5处: which→that 第6处: easy→easily 第7处: talk→talked 第8处: presenting→present 第9处: her→my 第10 处:on→in 【解析】 本文是记叙文,讲述了作者最初在公开场合说话的时候会很紧张。在朋友的鼓励下作者慢慢地有了勇气,敢于在公开场合讲话。 1.考查名词。表示“……之一”用“one of +可数名词的复数”,因此thing应该用复数形式things。故 thing改为things。 2. 考查被动语态。句意:当要我在公共场合讲话时候我就很紧张。ask和主语I之间为被动关系,应该用一般现在时的被动语态,故asking改为asked。 3.考查固定短语。短语“公开地”in public,故去掉 in the public 中的 the。 4.考查固定短语。短语“说实话,老实说”to be honest, 常用作插入语。故 to honest 中间加 be。 5.考查状语从句。句意:我在上台之前,我的心总是砰砰直跳,以至于要多次地深呼吸。前面有so hard ,因此是“so…that”结构,意为“如此……以致……”。故which改为that。 6. 考查副词。修饰动词短语gave up应该用副词,故easy改为easily。 7. 考查时态。这里是讲述过去发生的事情,根据下一句he encouraged me的时态,talk应该用一般过去时。故talk改为talked。 8. 考查非谓语动词。短语“鼓励某人做……”encourage sb.to do …, 后接不定式做宾语补足语。故presenting改为present。 9. 考查代词。上文叙述的是“我”的经历,根据句意,应该是“使我高兴的是”,故her改为my。 10. 考查固定短语。短语“在……方面成功”succeed in doing…,故on改为in。  


C919 was the first China-made aircraft. Actually, the research and development process was supported by more than 30 top Chinese universities, 1.(include) Tsinghua and Peking University.

The capitalized C of C919 stands 2.Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, and COMAC for short. The number 9 symbolizes"forever" in Chinese while 19 refers to its capacity of 190 passengers.It has not been 3.(official) in use yet, but the C919 4.(take)its first fly on 5 May 2017 and it was a remarkable success. It is now in the final testing stage and is planned to enter commercial service in 2021 with China Eastern Airlines. Though the C919 has not been put into official operation, there are more than 1000 orders 5.(announce) already,from home and abroad.

The successful trial flight of C919 also shows that the manufacturing industry of China is becoming more and more internationally 6.(compete )! C919 was designed and produced in China, 7. , however,was made with 8.(resource) from around the world. Undoubtedly,C919 is an 9. ( achieve) of global cooperation. In the future, COMAC also plans a wide-body plane, the C929, in cooperation with Russia's United Aircraft Corporation. The win-win attitude is just 10.makes China such an attractive and respectable nation.



    “Don't drive across the Kalahari Desert alone”, my friends said. “You might meet Bushmen who have no _________on travelers. "When a traveler lost his way in the desert, a Bushman often waited for him to die and took away the travelers belongings. However, as across the Kalahari Desert was 1, 000 miles shorter than any otherI decided to_________ it. Everything went well until my car broke down.

The noon sun was terribly hot, and I felt _________ and lonely. Remembering my friends'_________, I was a little afraid, too. Then I saw a Bushman walk toward me and smile. I did not_________back. Later, he began to talk but I still didn't _________ him. However, when evening came, I was_________ that there was another human being with me. As he waved his hand every few minutes, I felt less afraid and at last_______

I woke in the early morning and_________found he had a small leather bag, full of __________. I opened the door of the car and in sign language I__________ him that I needed water for the car. He__________ and gave me the bag. I poured the water into the radiator(水箱) and it was not__________. The Bushman ran to the tall grass ,found a long hollow(空心的)stick and pushed one end of the stick into the sand. Then he put his__________around the other end of the stick, and water came out. The Bushman's mouth worked to__________ my bottle .When it was full, he gave it to me. I took the bottle back to the car, poured the water into the radiator, and then__________to the Bushman. Finally, no water came out and we walked back to the car.

I__________ to give him my watch but he turned it down. I decided to give him back a bottle of water taken from the radiator. At my insistence, he__________. I waved him good-bye and continued my__________. That evening I stopped at a small village. I was taking my bags out of the car when I saw my__________. It was on the floor of the car, where the Bushman had put it .

1.A.tickets B.mercy C.duty D.plans

2.A.end B.find C.try D.change

3.A.thirsty B.drunk C.confused D.amazed

4.A.experiences B.mistakes C.jokes D.warnings

5.A.call B.turn C.smile D.look

6.A.persuade B.trust C.recognize D.prevent

7.A.grateful B.surprised C.ashamed D.hopeful

8.A.stood B.spoke C.slept D.stayed

9.A.nearly B.really C.secretly D.suddenly

10.A.diamond B.water C.sand D.food

11.A.ordered B.comforted C.supported D.showed

12.A.heard B.understood C.believed D.remembered

13.A.enough B.clean C.safe D.warm

14.A.feet B.hands C.lips D.arms

15.A.fill B.open C.move D.press

16.A.adjusted B.reacted C.contributed D.returned

17.A.offered B.agreed C.managed D.afforded

18.A.improved B.replied C.quit D.accepted

19.A.speech B.journey C.walk D.work

20.A.book B.tool C.bottle D.watch



Resume(简历)tips:4 ways to stand out on paper

According to a recent studyrecruiters(招聘人员)only spend six seconds looking at your resume. So how do you make it into the callback pile in those mere seconds?1.Here is a bunch of ways to do just that.

1. Use key words.

When recruiters look through resumes, they're looking for key words that match the job description, including basic key words will get their attention, but you can take it a step further.2.Then include those key words in your resume as well.


My friend is a chef. Her resume looks a lot like any chef's resume with one surprising difference.Under personal accomplishments she wrote, “Won the 2007 St. Bernard Parish Pie Eating Contest.” It isn't something you'd expect. She's been asked about the contest on several interviews, which is the perfect time to tell the recruiter that she also baked all of the pies for the contest.

3. Turn your resume into an infographic.

4.Just ask college journalist Chris Spurlock. Last year he turned his resume into an infographic. Not long after, Spurlock's resume was posted on both blogs and twitter. If you're in a creative field, make your resume look different from the standard one-page list.

4. Make a video resume

Sales manager Stan Paprzycki shot a video of himself, posted it on You Tube, and then sent the link to potential employers. The result was almost 100 percent positive response.5.A video resume is better suited for jobs like sales and marketing.

A. Take part in a contest.

B. Add unusual accomplishments.

C. Better yet, his video resume got him a job.

D. Your resume doesn't have to be a one-page list of achievements.

E. Adding some personalities to your resume can't hurt, but avoid jokes.

F. By thinking outside the box and making a resume that will hold the recruiter's attention.

G. Check out the company's website and look for any company goals that fit your experience.



    Researchers have studied how birth order affects kid’s personalities in the past, but one study out of the United Kingdom has found that firstborns may have an educational advantage over their younger siblings (兄弟姐妹).

Researchers at the University of Essex’s Institute for Social and Economic Research surveyed 3,553 individuals and 1,503 groups of siblings, and discovered that firstborn children tended to have higher educational aspirations and attainment. Only children and firstborn twins were not included in the study.

For each family involved in the study, researcher Feifei Bu examined sibling birth order, the number of children in the family, age spacing, sex, health, relationships with one another and educational aspirations. She found that firstborns had a greater probability—16 percent higher—of attending further education, compared with later-born sibling.

“The advantage of firstborns in educational outcomes may be partially explained by the fact that firstborns tend to have higher aspirations which push them toward high education levels,” Bu wrote in the published study.

She further explained to The Guardian that parenting could play a role. “It could be that the parents simply devote more time and energy to them; it could be that they are actually more intelligent. For me, I tend to lean towards the theory that the amount of time, energy and involvement that parents put into caring for their children is possibly at work here,” she said.

She also found age spacing to be a contributing factor. The further apart in age the siblings—for example, a six year instead of one year difference—the more likely both kids were to be successful. The idea is that with widely spaced siblings, parents have the ability to spread out their resources. In other words, they have time to give each child more time and money.

But younger siblings shouldn’t worry. The world is full of successful middle and youngest children willing to prove this study wrong.

1.Who are more likely to complete higher levels of education according to Paragraphs 1 and 2?

A.Only children. B.Firstborn twins.

C.Younger siblings. D.Firstborn siblings.

2.What is possibly important for kids’ educational achievement according to Bu?

A.Parental investment. B.Parents’ intelligence.

C.Kids native intelligence. D.Kids’ school environment.

3.What is the influence of wider age spacing between two siblings?

A.It may cause conflicts between them.

B.It may place more pressure on parents.

C.Both of them are more likely to succeed.

D.They are likely to be different from each other.

4.How is the text mainly developed?

A.By listing examples. B.By giving descriptions.

C.By setting down general rules. D.By presenting research findings.



    Have you ever wondered how many cigarettes you're passively smoking while walking through the streets of a polluted, smog-infused((烟雾笼罩的)city?No?Well, a pair of digital developers just invented an app that will definitely and accurately answer that question.

Shit, I Smoke! was created by Brazilian-born designer Marcelo Coelho and Paris-born app developer Amaury Martiny in just a week, after they read a study that analyzed air pollution and its equivalent(等量)to cigarette smoking. The article, co-written by Richard Mueller, a MacArthur fellow and physics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, explains a mathematical model that compares smoking and tobacco-related deaths to levels of PM2.5, a microscopic particle(微粒)that is a dangerous, cancerous pollutant after burning.

The app shows that Parisians can effectively inhale(吸入) between three and six cigarettes per day, while a person in Delhi could be smoking up to 20 cigarettes-without even touching one--on a bad day. Other cities have worrying numbers, too (6. 5 cigarettes daily in Mexico City ).

“I was surprised to see that Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo have the best air quality in all Latin America,despite the fact that these are heavily populated cities,”said Coelho, who's originally from the latter, Brazil's largest city.

For both Coelho and Martiny, the app isn't only a useful tool to inform users about their city's air quality;it also makes this information more accessible and easier to understand. “These air-quality monitoring stations are just numbers, numbers that are very specific to professionals who work in environmental issues,” Martiny said. “So when you make this conversion(转换)to cigarettes, it makes it easier to understand what people are dealing with and the consequences air quality has in the daily lives.”

The developers' plan now is to keep working on and enriching the app's features. This will most likely include monthly average cigarette rates, and enabling users to get data from cities other than the one they're in.

1.What does the underlined part “that question” mean?

A.How severely a city's air is polluted.

B.How harmful it is to smoke in urban areas.

C.How many cigarettes one usually smokes daily.

D.How much harmful air you're taking in in urban areas.

2.According to Shit, I Smoke!, which city has the worst air quality?

A.Paris B.Delhi.

C.Mexico City. D.Sao Paulo.

3.Before Coelho used the app, he probably thought that__________.

A.Brazil might have good air

B.his hometown was a badly polluted city.

C.air pollution wasn't a problem in Latin America.

D.Buenos Aires had the best air quality in Latin America

4.In the opinion of Coelho and Martiny, what is the usage of the app?

A.Encouraging people to abandon the habit of smoking.

B.Recommending some best places for people to live in.

C.Helping people better know their everyday air quality.

D.Reminding people to do something good for the environment.



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