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假定你是李华,你从某网站上得知湖南省博物馆正在招募暑假英语讲解员,请你根据以下提示,给博物馆负责外国游客接待的Mr Jason写一封英文自荐信。内容包括:






参考词汇:讲解员 interpreter

Dear Mr. Jason


Yours sincerely



Dear Mr. Jason. I'm Li Hua. a high school student. I am writing to apply for the position you advertised on the website. First of all, having studied English for about 10 years. I have a good command of English. With fluent oral English. I'm convinced that I have no difficulty in communicating with foreign guests. Furthermore, since I grow up here. I'm familiar with the history and traditions of Hunan Province and I have a strong affection for them. More importantly. considered as a kind. confident and outgoing boy/girl. I can make frіеndѕ wіth dіffеrеnt рeoрlе іn nо tіmе. І аm ѕurе fоrеіgn vіѕіtоrѕ wіll bе ѕаtіѕfіed wіth mу thоughtful аnd excellent service. 1 would deeply appreciate it if you could give me the precious chance to serve as an interpreter. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Huar 【解析】 这是一篇应用文写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,要求写一封自荐信;你从某网站上得知湖南省博物馆正在招募暑假英语讲解员,请你根据以下提示,给博物馆负责外国游客接待的Mr. Jason写一封英文自荐信。内容包括:1.表达意愿;2.自荐理由;3.恳请获准。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:interpreter讲解员;apply for申请;have a good command of精通;fluent oral English流利的英语口语;be familiar with熟悉;have a strong affection for强烈的情感;bе ѕаtіѕfіed wіth满意等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;   2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Smoking is a widespread habit even between teenage students. The number of young smokers are increasing. It is estimated that over 10% of the senior high school students have tried smoking once or more and some of them even steal money from their parent to buy cigarettes, that is terrible.

As it is known to all, smoking is harmful health. And it’s even more harmful to teenage students for it does greatly harm not only to their health but also to their mind.

Teenage students are future builders of the country. They should spend their time learn what is useful but keep a healthy lifestyle as well. So it’s high time that teenage smokers make up their mind to give up smoking.




Confucianism (儒家思想), developed from 1. (think) by Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period, is a philosophical system which has become 2. important part of Chinese culture. It was first set up by Confucius (551–479 BC) and later was developed by philosophers, including Mencius, Dong Zhongshu, Wang Yangming and others.

Confucianism means a lot not only to China, but also to the world. In 1988, 75 Nobel

Prize winners said that3. mankind is to survive it must go back 25 centuries in time to tap the 4. (wise) of Confucius. Today, sentences from Confucianism are 5. (frequent) heard in speeches or talks given by famous foreign people. Besides, people around the globe can have access 6. Confucius ideas in Confucius Institutes and Chinese Culture Centers abroad. The institutes and centers serve as non-profit public institutions to help foreigners7. (well) understand China than before through language teaching and culture Introduction.

So far China 8. (open) 465 Confucius Institutes in 123 countries and regions. There are also 713 Confucius Classrooms operating in middle and primary schools. What’s more, Chinese Culture Centers in Cairo, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo and Denmark, to name a few, are introducing China by holding 9. (culture) activities , opening training classes, and 10. (build) libraries.



This is the story of two lovers, who finally got married. Both of them were romantic at first, _____ on the walk of life, problems, quarrels, profession came into their life.

One day, she finally decided "I want to break up". "Why?" he asked.

"I am _____." she answered.

He kept silent the whole night, seemingly in deep _____. finally he asked, "What can I do to _____ your mind?"

Looking into his eyes she said, "Answer my question. If you can ______ my heart, I will change my mind. Let's say, I want a flower _____ on the face of a mountain cliff (悬崖), we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your _____. will you do it for me?"

He said, "I will give you my _____ tomorrow."

She woke up the next morning, found him gone, and saw a piece of paper on her bed, which _____"My dear, I would not pick that flower for you, the _____ are …"

"When you use the computer you always _____ the software, and you cry in front of the screen. I have to save my fingers so that I can help to restore the _____ . You always leave the house keys behind, thus I have to save my _____ to rush home to open the door for you. You love traveling but always lose your way in a (n) _____ city. I have to save my eyes to show you the way. You always ______ at the computer, and that will do nothing good for your eyes. I have to save my eyes ____ when we grow old, I can help to clip your nails and help to remove those ______ white hairs."

"Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves you ______I do … I could not pick that flower yet, and die …"

That's life, and ____. flowers, and romantic moments are only used and appear on the ______ of the relationship. Under all this, the pillar of true love stands.

1.A.and B.but C.or D.so

2.A.lonely B.shamed C.worried D.tired

3.A.space B.shade C.thought D.impression

4.A.speak B.blow C.change D.keep

5.A.represent B.expand C.convince D.admit

6.A.falling B.growing C.living D.waiting

7.A.attention B.death C.interest D.satisfaction

8.A.answer B.agreement C.announcement D.judgment

9.A.goes B.informs C.prints D.writes

10.A.meanings B.reasons C.messages D.purposes

11.A.turn up B.put up C.mess up D.use up

12.A.structures B.balance C.programs D.position

13.A.dollars B.patience C.energy D.legs

14.A.ancient B.modern C.new D.underground

15.A.shout B.jump C.stare D.knock

16.A.as if B.so that C.now that D.in case

17.A.enjoyable B.annoying C.dusty D.amusing

18.A.less than B.more than C.rather than D.other than

19.A.determination B.progress C.love D.power

20.A.principle B.way C.surface D.nature



    We don’t meet people by accident. 1.Some will help you grow, some will hurt you, some will inspire you to do better. At the same time, you are playing some role in their lives as well. Know that paths cross for a reason and treat people with significance.

2.There is no better joy than helping people see a vision for themselves, seeing them go to levels higher than they ever would have imagined on their own. But that doesn’t mean you have to fix them or enable them;3.Offer them support and motivation as they find their own way and show you what they’re capable of. All you have to do is believe in them.

Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up. We like to think of life as a meritocracy(精英统治),so it’s easy to look down on someone who isn’t as successful or accomplished or well educated as you are. But you have no idea how far that person has already climbed or where they will end up. Time could easily reverse(颠倒) your positions,4.

Appreciate those who have supported you, forgive those who have hurt you, help those who need you. 5. Treat all people -including yourself-with love and compassion, and you can’t go wrong.

Treat people the way you want to be treated and life will instantly get better.

A. so be sure you treat everyone with dignity.

B. therefore, cherish every person you meet.

C. Never fix them when they make mistakes.

D. Don’t tell them how to get there but show the way.

E. instead, guide them to the source of their own.

F. Business is complicated, life is complex and leadership is difficult.

G. Every person you meet will have a role in your life, be it big or small



    “What kind of rubbish are you?” This question might normally provoke anger, but in Shanghai it has elicited weary groans over the past week. On July 1st the city introduced stringent trash-sorting regulations that are expected to be used as a model for the country.

Residents must divide their waste into four separate categories and toss it into specific public bins. They must do so at scheduled times, when monitors are present to ensure compliance (and to inquire into the nature of one’s rubbish.) Violators(违反者)face the prospect of fines and worse.

Shanghai authorities are responding to an obvious environmental problem. It generates 9m tonnes of garbage a year, more than London’s annual output and rising quickly. But like other cities in China, it lacks a recycling system. Instead, it has relied on trash pickers to sift through the waste, plucking out whatever can be reused. This has limits. As people get wealthier, fewer of them want to do such dirty work. The waste, meanwhile, just keeps piling up. China churns out 80bn pairs of disposable chopsticks a year.

The threat of punishment is integral to Shanghai’s drive. On the first day of enforcement, the government sent 3,600 city-management officers, a quasi-police force, to 4,216 rubbish-collection points. They began by making an example of wealthy foreigners: the first warning was issued to Swissôtel Grand, a five-star hotel, for improper sorting. Individuals who fail to recycle could be hit with fines of up to 200 yuan ($29). For repeat violators, the city can add black marks to their credit records, making it harder for them to obtain bank loans or even buy train tickets.

Some object to this. Peng Feng of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences warns that the use of the credit system is overkill, raising a risk that officials will abuse their power. But others say a tough campaign is necessary. “Slowly people will get used to it,” says Li Changjun of Fudan University. Many residents appear to support the idea of recycling in general but are frustrated by the details. Rubbish must be divided according to whether it is food, recyclable, dry orhazardous, the distinctions among which can be perplexing, though there are apps to help work it out.

Some have complained about the rules surrounding food waste. They must put it straight in the requisite public bin, forcing them to tear open plastic bags and toss it by hand. Most vexing are the short windows for dumping trash, typically a couple of hours, morning and evening. Along with the monitors at the bins, this means that people go at around the same time and can keep an eye on what is being thrown out; no one wants to look bad.

But it is inconvenient. “People have to get to work. We don’t have the time for this,” said Mr Wu as he threw out rubbish outside his apartment building. To your correspondent’s untrained eye, his sorting looked impeccable.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?

A.Trash-sorting regulations in Shanghai will be a model for the whole country.

B.Residents in Shanghai must take out of trash at scheduled time.

C.Shanghai lacks a recycling system, like other cities in the world.

D.Fewer people want to do the work as trash pickers.

2.What if individuals break the trash-sorting regulations?

A.They will be warned for the first time.

B.They will be fined 200 yuan.

C.They will be added black marks to their credit records.

D.They will face the prospect of fines and more.

3.We can infer from the fifth paragraph that______.

A.Some people object to the trash-sorting regulations.

B.People in Shanghai have got used to sorting the trash.

C.Many residents are disappointed with the details of the regulations.

D.All residents support the idea of recycling generally.

4.Where do you think this passage comes from

A.A magazine. B.A news comment.

C.A journal. D.A novel.



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