满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An 18-year-old student at Stanford Unive...

    An 18-year-old student at Stanford University was struggling to pay his fees. Not knowing where to turn for money, he_________a bright idea. He and a friend decided to _________a musical concert on campus to raise money for their_________

They turned to the great pianist Ignacy Paderewski. His manager_________a guaranteed fee(保证金) of $2,000 for the piano concert. A deal was_________and the boys began to work to make the concert a_______

The big day arrived. But_________they had not managed to sell enough tickets.The total_________was only $1,600._________they went to Paderewski and explained their problem. They gave him the____________$1, 600, plus a check for the balance(余额)of $400. They promised to cash the____________at the soonest possible. Paderewski tore up the check,____________ the $1,600 and told the two boys to____________ the money they needed for the fees. The boys were ____________, and thanked him heartedly.

It was a small act of ____________. But it clearly marked out Paderewski a ____________human being.

Why should he help the two boys he did not even know? We all____________situations like these in our lives. And most of us only think, “If I help them, what will happen to me?” The truly____________people think, “If I don’t help them, what will happen to them?” They don't do it expecting something ____________. They do it because they feel it's the ____________thing to do.

1.A.dreamed of B.came up with C.thought highly of D.relied on

2.A.consider B.appreciate C.host D.attend

3.A.education B.performance C.income D.goal

4.A.increased B.accepted C.requested D.paid

5.A.struck B.offered C.ignore D.selected

6.A.tour B.base C.success D.style

7.A.uncertainly B.unluckily C.undoubtedly D.unreliably

8.A.fare B.value C.concert D.collection

9.A.Excited B.Shocked C.Disappointed D.Bored

10.A.equal B.entire C.rest D.extra

11.A.check B.promise C.deal D.charge

12.A.took B.counted C.raise D.returned

13.A.spend B.keep C.borrow D.earn

14.A.interested B.frightened C.amazed D.upset

15.A.mercy B.devotion C.kindness D.concern

16.A.grateful B.sincere C.confident D.generous

17.A.meet with B.respond to C.think about D.deal with

18.A.strong B.great C.faithful D.wealthy

19.A.in peace B.in relief C.in danger D.in return

20.A.important B.wonderful C.fair D.right


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文通过描述Paderewski无私地帮助学生的故事,告诉我们伟大的人帮助别人是不求回报的。 1.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:斯坦福大学的一名十八岁的学生因为很难筹集到学费,就在这时他想到了一个好主意。A. dreamed of梦想;B. came up with想出了;C. thought highly of高度评价;D. relied on依靠。下一句提到通过音乐会来筹集学费,这是“想到”的好主意,因此选择came up with合乎语境。故选B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他和他的朋友决定在校园内举行一场音乐会来筹集学费。A. consider考虑;B. appreciate欣赏,感激;C. host主办,举行;D. attend参加。由第三段的sell enough tickets可知,他们“举办”了一场校园音乐会。故选C。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他和他的朋友决定在校园内举行一场音乐会来筹集学费。A. education教育;B. performance表现;C. income收入;D. goal目标。由文章第一句的pay his fees可知,他们举办校园音乐会的目的是为了筹集学费来上学。故选A。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位经理要求交2000美元的保证金来举行这次钢琴音乐会。A. increased增加;B. accepted接受;C. requested要求;D. paid支付。他们向钢琴家Ignacy Paderewski伸出求助之手,而他的经理人要求他们上交保证金。故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这样,这个交易达成了。A. struck达成;B. offered提供;C. ignore无视;D. selected选择。strike a deal:成交、达成协议。由“the boys began to work”可知,他们同意了经理的要求,双方达成一致,strike的过去分词是struck。故选A。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了让这次音乐会成功两个男孩子开始工作。A. tour旅行;B. base基地;C. success成功;D. style风格。他们为赚得学费需要让音乐会成功。故选C。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是不幸的是,他们没有能够卖出足够多的票。A. uncertainly不确定地;B. unluckily不幸地;C. undoubtedly无疑地;D. unreliably不可靠地。两个男孩子一心想成功举办音乐会,但是他们没有能够卖出足够多的票,这对于他们来说是不幸的。故选B。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们总共的收入只有1600美元。A. fare票价;B. value价值;C. concert演唱会;D. collection筹集,收集。举办音乐会是为了筹钱,因此选择collection符合句意。故选D。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们失望的去钢琴家那里解释了他们的问题。A. Excited激动的;B. Shocked震惊的;C. Disappointed失望的;D. Bored无聊的。筹集到的钱还不足以用来交保证金的,因此两个男孩子肯定很失望。故选C。 10.考查形容词和名词词义辨析。句意:他们把全部的1600美元和一张面额为400美元的现金支票交给音乐家。A. equal平等的;B. entire整体的,全部的;C. rest剩余;D. extra额外的。两个男孩子的保证金是2000美元,因此筹集到的1600美元需全部上交。故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们承诺尽快让这张支票兑现。A. check支票;B. promise诺言;C. deal交易;D. charge收费,主管。check在上一句中已经出现,这是同词复现,符合句意。故选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Paderewski撕掉了这张支票并退还了这1600美元,并且告诉这两个男孩子可以使用这笔钱来交学费。A. took拿走;B. counted计算;C. raise提高;D. returned退还。Paderewski撕掉了支票意味着他不再索要那400美元,逗号前后的语意是相关的,由下文的thanked him heartedly可知,钢琴家将那1600美元也归还给了他们。故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Paderewski撕掉了这张支票并退还了这1600美元,并且告诉这两个男孩子可以保留这笔钱来交学费。A. spend花费;B. keep保留,保持;C. borrow借;D. earn赚钱。keep the money for the fees意为“保留这笔钱到交学费时再用”,符合语境。故选B。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 男孩子们很惊讶,发自内心地感谢了他。A. interested有兴趣的;B. frightened受惊的;C. amazed惊讶的;D. upset心烦的。对于钢琴家的做法,两个男孩子是不能想到的,因此他们很惊讶。故选C。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一件充满善意的小事。A. mercy怜悯;B. devotion奉献精神;C. kindness善意,善良;D. concern关心,关注。钢琴家帮助两个男孩子的做法是充满善意的行为。故选C。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很明显看得出这位音乐家是一个慷慨的人。A. grateful感激的;B. sincere真诚的;C. confident 自信的;D. generous大方的。保证金是音乐家应得的收入,但他将这笔钱返还给了两名学生,看得出他是慷慨的人。故选D。 17.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:生活中,我们都会遇到类似的情况。A. meet with遇见,见面;B. respond to回应;C. think about思考;D. deal with处理。下文讲的是其他人在“遇到”类似情况时所考虑的事情,因此选择meet with合乎语境。故选A。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:真正伟大的人想的是:如果我不帮助他们,他们会发生什么样的事情呢。 A. strong强壮的;B. great伟大的;C. faithful忠实的;D. wealthy富裕的。此处文章在扣题,由文章第二段中的“the great pianist Ignacy Paderewski”可知,此处表示“伟大的人”。故选B。 19.考查介词短语辨析。句意:他们做事情不期待有回报。A. in peace平静地;B. in relief如释重负;C. in danger处于危险中;D. in return作为回报。由Paderewski将钱返还给了两名学生可知,伟大的人做事情不求回报。故选D。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们这样做是因为他们认为这是正确的事情,是值得去做的。A. important重要的;B. wonderful精彩的;C. fair公平的;D. right正确的。由文中的Paderewski帮助学生上学一事可知,这对于他来说并不重要,精彩和公平不合乎语境,他之所以会这么做,因为帮助困难学生实现其求学梦想是正确的做法,选择right合乎语境。故选D。

    When you're selling a product or service, you have two main methods to choose from. You need to decide whether you want to use the hard-sell(强行推销) method or a soft one.1.Let's take a look at the difference between the two to determine which one is right for your business.

Nearly every good business employs the soft-sell(软推销)method in some way. With this method, a company can encourage a customer to buy a product or service without seeming too pushy(死缠硬磨的).2.

The soft-sell method often uses promotions like money-back guarantees and free-trial periods. By promising your customers that they'll be happy with their purchase (购买), you can persuade them to give you a chance.3.That can help your financial goals on track.

4.Choosing to sell your products or services this way will help people know that your business is reliable and easy to work with. Sometimes good word of mouth can make all the difference in how many sales you make.

The soft-sell method is generally the preferred one for most businesses, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. 5. If your competitors are employing a hard-sell method their aggression could force customers into buying from them instead of you.A hard-sell method is typically a more aggressive way of making a sale While some people will be turned off by a pushy method, there will always be those who give in to the pressure. So it's important to take that into consideration if you plan to rely only on the soft-sell method.

A. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages.

B. The soft-sell method will also help you win good fame.

C. a salesman tries to sell something using indirect methods.

D. Sometimes a soft method might be easily beaten by a pushy one.

E.“ Soft sell”and“ hard sell” are known to scholars and businessmen.

F. When you keep your promise, you earn their trust and gain repeat buyers.

G. The idea shows the good of making a purchase while putting customers at ease.



    Working on a farm and taking care of crops can be hot, time-consuming and difficult. Engineers have long wanted to build robots to lighten the load. But it has proved a difficult task. Robots that walk or roll along the ground can step on the easily damaged plants heavily. And they have to stop working when rain turns fields muddy.  “Tarzan”, however, could deal with some of those challenges.

Jonathan Rogers is a robotics expert at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. When it comes to a farm environment, he realized robots would face many problems. “Many robots tend to get twisted(弯曲的) together or get stuck,”he says. What's more, he notes, "It's very hard to leave them out for long periods without a human helping them.”

What if the robot could move above the crops? Jonathan Rogers says, “The sloths(树懒)move from tree branch to tree branch to avoid having to walk around the forest floor. "Then his team set out to design a robot that could swing hand to hand along wires hung above the field. He named their invention Tarzan after the jungle-swinging character in a movie.

Tarzan is not the first swinging robot. Mark Spong, a robotics researcher at the University of Texas at Dallas notes that some teams have built robots that do gymnastics or copy mammals. But he says he admires Tarzan for its using swinging movement to save energy and the idea of building a wire structure to move around above crops.

Rogers first predicted that Tarzan could help farmers monitor crops with sensors (传感器) and cameras. But he also said future robots might take water to a particularly thirsty plant or fertilize one that needs nutritional support. And adding a third “hand”could allow such a robot to harvest fruits and vegetables. Finally the robot could move off the farm and into the city, helping deal with the traffic and security.

1.What worried the engineers when they built the farm robots?

A.They took up too much space.

B.They made the farming process slow.

C.They had difficulty exploring in fields.

D.They caused certain damage to crops.

2.What does Jonathan Rogers think about most farm robots?

A.They take much time to make.

B.They get out of date more easily.

C.They depend too much on people.

D.They get used to the environment slowly.

3.What attracts Mark Spong most about Tarzan?

A.Its strong wings. B.Its low cost

C.Its creative design D.Its powerful engine.

4.How did Jonathan Rogers feel about Tarzan’s future?

A.It could be found everywhere.

B.It could be put into more practical uses.

C.It could be used to do all the farm work.

D.It could be popular with working people in cities.



    Born at a dog kennel(养狗场) in Novosibirsk, Maru was sold to a family in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, 800 km away, when she was only 5 months old .However, 6 months later the kennel owner Alla Morozova received a call from the dog's owners informing her that they were allergic(过敏的) to animals and could no longer look after their pet. The contract said that in case the buyers no longer wanted a dog they should inform Alla first, so she could make arrangements to get it back .She had someone get Maru and accompany her on a train ride back to Novosibirsk,but 200 km into the journey, something went wrong.

“The dog had a panic attack, so she was frightened,” Alla told the Siberian Times. She had been brought by her owners, but then they disappeared somewhere .The noise of the train scared(惊吓) her, so she jumped on the compartment door,kicked the handle to open it, and jumped out of the train as it was getting close to the station in Achinsk, a city between Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk”. After hearing the news Alla called her former owners to tell them that Maru was all alone and scared. She asked them to help her look for the dog but they refused. “That angered me. They gave the dog away and the load fell off their shoulders,” said Alla.

But Alla wasn't about to give up on her dog She posted messages about her online and gave out leaflets(传单)asking for information. Volunteers found her in an industrial zone, "Alla said. "The dog was very fatigued. She had walked and run for two and a half days. She was lame, and her paws were broken. I'm sure that she was looking for her house. Dogs are very attached to people.” Alla added .

A friend of Alla's recently drove Maru to her kennel in Novosibirsk, where she was reunited with her mother and father. She is now undergoing treatment to recover from the suffering of walking 200 km through the Siberian wilderness.

1.What happened to Maru when she was 11 months old?

A.She was sold to another family.

B.She was allergic to her owners.

C.She was given up by her owners.

D.She was well looked after by her owners.

2.Why did Maru Jump out of the train?

A.She was frightened by its noise.

B.She was driven by the conductor.

C.She was badly treated by her owners.

D.She wanted to go back to her parents.

3.The underlined word “fatigued” in Paragraph3 probably means “_______”

A.worried B.excited

C.interested D.tired

4.What did Alla think of Maru's former owners?

A.Merciless B.Selfless

C.Stubborn D.Responsible



    I'm standing in a class of wild 14-year-old girls as they throw paper and howl (大声叫喊) with laughter. They won't listen to me.

I was a young girl of 22 and I didn't know what I was doing. I never wanted to teach . I wanted to be a writer. But when I arrived in London, they were short of teachers.

My efforts at teaching were hopeless. When the bell finally rang, I rushed to the staff room, red with anger. The other teachers weren't surprised. “That's 4B, the worst class in the school.” one said.

I feared our next meeting, but I couldn't give up. I needed the job, so I gave up formal lessons. Instead, I brought topics for class discussions. One of the liveliest talks was about the arguments they had with their parents. They paid attention and shared about their lives. I was very interested, so I had them write about themselves.Most wrote about families with little money and big problems. As time went on, their articles became a bridge between us. I admired their humor, toughness and insight (洞察力), and I thought they appreciated my interest in their lives.

The musical My Fair Lady was playing in the West End, but they had never seen a live stage performance. I asked if they'd like to see the musical, but they thought I was joking. No teacher had ever suggested taking them out. a few weeks later, 4B and I were sitting in a theater. They loved the music, the costumes and the characters. It was the highlight of their year, and they talked about it for days.

Near the end of the term, someone knocked on the door of the staff room. The two most rebellious(ik)girls in 4B were there with flowers. I was proud to know I had touched their lives,and they had also touched mine.I enjoyed teaching and getting along with teenagers.

When I returned to Australia several years later, I still wanted to be a writer .For the first time in my life, I stopped dreaming and started writing. My first story was titled, My fair Ladies. Teaching wasn't the end of my writing career, but it was the beginning.

1.How were the author's students at the beginning?

A.Wild and unpleasant B.Rude and selfish

C.Frightening and violent D.Tough and stupid

2.What happened after the students began to write articles?

A.They had fewer arguments with their parents.

B.They gradually showed interest in their lives.

C.Their writing skills improved with the author's help.

D.The relationship between the author and her students improved.

3.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.The author has become a famous writer.

B.The author was popular with her students' parents.

C.The author's teaching experiences enriched her writing.

D.The author started to write because she was bored with teaching.

4.Which might be the best title for the passage?

A.Writing Builds bridges.

B.Happiness Needs Devotion.

C.Success Depends on Dreams.

D.Confidence Makes Great Changes.



Popular Las Vegas Day Trips by Car

Going to Las Vegas? Here are some nearby places you can drive to while you are there.

Bonnie Springs Ranch

It is one of the best places to rent a horse and see the red canyon(峡谷).It has a large stable area where guided horseback rides are offered. And it also has a restaurant and western theme shows.

The Nevada State Railroad Museum

If you are looking for a fun day trip, the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Boulder City should be at the top of your list. If you want to see Boulder City, be sure to visit during weekends when the museum runs touring trains along the Boulder City branch line. Various presentations, lectures and child-friendly exhibits are offered from Monday to Friday.

Mount Charleston

Fresh air and silence are what you will find at the top of the state’s 8th highest mountain located 40 miles northwest of Las Vegas. Mount Charleston feels a million miles away from the city. Things to do include hiking, mountain biking, camping and sightseeing. During the winter the mountains are the perfect place to play in the snow.

China ranch

It is a hidden treasure that is way off the beaten path. Along with a gift shop and bakery, China Ranch is a great place to go hiking. It is located in the Amargosa River Valley. This area is protected as a national wild and scenic river and one of the few places where the river flows above ground.

1.What can visitors do in Bonnie Springs Ranch?

A.Play by the river B.Go hiking

C.Enjoy horse riding D.Camp with their family

2.When can visitors experience train rides at the Nevada State Railroad Museum?

A.On Fridays. B.On Sundays.

C.On Mondays D.On Tuesdays

3.Where can visitors buy a gift?

A.In mount Charleston B.In China ranch

C.In Bonnie Springs Ranch D.In the Nevada State Railroad Museum



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