满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, two pla...

    In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, two plants were brought to England, for the first time, by Sir Walter Raleigh, both of which are now very much used—the tobacco-plant and the potato. Sir Walter had sailed across the seas to America, in search of new lands; and he brought back both these plants with him.

When he was in America, he had seen the Indians smoke, and before long he acquired the habit himself. He became extremely fond of smoking, and frequently indulged in the practice.

When he returned to England, he was sitting by the fire one day, and began to smoke. In the middle of his smoking, the door opened, and in came his man-servant. Now this man had never in his life seen any one smoke, and did not know that where was such a plant as tobacco. So, when he saw the smoke coming from his master’s mouth, he thought that he was on fire!

But very soon the old servant got used to seeing people with smoke coming out of their mouths; and all the young nobles of the court began to smoke because Sir Walter did so.

At first, people did not like the potato at all: nobody would eat it. Yet Sir Walter told them how useful it would be. The potato, he said, could be made to grow in England. He told them that, when the corn-harvest failed—which it often used to do—people need not starve if they had plenty of potatoes.

Queen Elizabeth, who was a very clever woman, listened to what Sir Walter said, and had potatoes served up at her own table. There the grand people who dined with her majesty were obliged to eat them. But they spread a report that the potato was poisonous, because it belongs to the same order as the deadly nightshade(龙葵属植物) and many other poisonous plants. So, in spite of all that the Queen could do, no one would eat potatoes, and they were left for the pigs.

The people did not find out their mistake till many years afterwards when the French king Louis XVI asked his people to eat them. And people began to find out how good and wholesome they were. The potato was more and more liked; and now there is hardly any vegetable that is more highly esteemed.

1.What do we know about Sir Walter?

A.He introduced the tobacco-plant and the potato to England.

B.He went to America in order to do research on plants and animals.

C.He was forced to smoke by the Indians in America during his stay there.

D.He taught Queen Elizabeth how to smoke in court with the young nobles.

2.People were afraid of the potatoes at first because ___________.

A.the Queen refused to eat them herself

B.they were used as poison by the Indians

C.they were long used as food for the pigs

D.they belong to the poisonous nightshade

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.Both the tobacco plant and the potato were native to France.

B.Young nobles in England refused to smoke for the terrible smell.

C.It was not easy to grow corn back in the age of Queen Elizabeth.

D.The English people were the first to accept potatoes as tasty food.

4.What conclusion can we draw from the two stories?

A.Only those who are willing to take risks can succeed in the end.

B.They are lots of new plants on the earth that can be used as food.

C.All people are afraid to try things that are new and strange to them.

D.The upper class had huge influence on the way people lived in the past.


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了英国在伊丽莎白女王时期 Sir Walter Raleigh从美洲引烟草和土豆的故事。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段的In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, two plants were brought to England, for the first time, by Sir Walter Raleigh, both of which are now very much used—the tobacco-plant and the potato.可知,在伊丽莎白女王统治时期,沃尔特.罗莉爵士把烟草和土豆带到了英国。A. He introduced the tobacco-plant and the potato to England. (他把烟草和土豆引进了英国)符合以上说法,故选A项。 2.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的But they spread a report that the potato was poisonous, because it belongs to the same order as the deadly nightshade(龙葵属植物) and many other poisonous plants.可知人们认为土豆有毒,因为它很像另外一种有毒的龙葵属植物和其他有毒的植物,故人们不敢吃土豆是因为他们认为土豆属于龙葵属这种有毒的植物。D. they belong to the poisonous nightshade (他们属于有毒的龙葵属植物)符合以上说法,故选D项。 3.细节理解题。根据文章第五段的He told them that, when the corn-harvest failed—which it often used to do — people need not starve if they had plenty of potatoes (他说,当玉米收成不好时(这种事情经常发生)如果有足够的土豆人们就不会挨饿了)可知在伊丽莎白女王统治时期玉米在英国不好种植。C. It was not easy to grow corn back in the age of Queen Elizabeth. (在伊丽莎白女王时期种植玉米不那么容易)符合以上说法,故选C项。 4.推理判断题。根据文章第四段的But very soon the old servant got used to seeing people with smoke coming out of their mouths; and all the young nobles of the court began to smoke because Sir Walter did so. (但很快,老仆人就习惯了看到人们嘴里冒着烟,宫廷所有的年轻人都这样做,因为沃尔特爵士这样做)和最后一段的The people did not find out their mistake till many years afterwards when the French king Louis XVI asked his people to eat them. And people began to find out how good and wholesome they were. The potato was more and more liked; (直到很多年后法国国王路易15让他的国民吃土豆时,人们才发现他们犯了一个很大的错误。人们渐渐发现土豆很好、很美味,后来土豆越来越受欢迎)可知上层阶级的人做什么,其他人机会照着做,故推测历史上社会上层阶级的生活方式对整个社会具有很大的影响,他们的生活方式会被模仿,或者他们的喜好可以推动新生事物的发展。D. The upper class had huge influence on the way people lived in the past. (过去上层阶级对人们的生活方式有很大影响)符合以上推测,故选D项。

    In August 2017, Southeast Texas was underwater. Hurricane Harvey dumped five feet of rain in some areas, and nearly six feet of storm surge(风暴潮) made sure that the water had nowhere to go but into the houses, businesses, and lives of thousands of residents. More than 100 people died and $125 billion in damage was recorded before the waters went down weeks later.

About 30 miles due west of Houston, Katy, Texas, a former farm town of 18,000 residents, took a hard hit. Nearly 700 of its homes and 80 businesses were damaged or destroyed. But locals didn't wait for the rain to stop before opening their doors, refrigerators, and wallets to first responders, neighbors, strangers, and even pets.

Beaver Aplin, owner of the popular Buc-ee's chain of convenience stores, was preparing for the grand opening of his newest location just outside Katy. The 50,000-square-foot store was fully stocked with everything from food, water, and toiletries to batteries and Band-Aids. When the storm hit, Aplin opened the store early without thinking twice. He put the word out to first responders, telling them to take what they needed, free of charge.

Meanwhile, locals ran, drove, and paddled to rescue their neighbors stuck in the water. When the water was too deep, rescue came by boat. Pat Lester drove his air-boat into town from his home on the outskirts(郊外). He had seven life jackets, so he scooped up seven people at a time, starting with pregnant women, the elderly, and anyone who was ill.

These are just a small part of the stories of heroism that came out of Katy and all over Texas during one of the worst natural disasters the country has ever seen.

Even first responders coming from outside Katy could instantly feel the town's selfless spirit. ''We helped people in lots of other areas too, but Katy was amazing. Neighbors were going from house to house checking on people and helping everyone they could, '' David Scherff told Katy Magazine.

1.What was the result of Hurricane Harvey?

A.It killed almost 700 people. B.It cost $125 billion in damage.

C.It totally destroyed Katy. D.It forced all businesses to close.

2.What can best describe the people in Katy after reading the story?

A.Brave and selfless B.Driven and focused

C.Optimistic and open-minded D.Calm and intelligent

3.Why did Katy Magazine quote David Scheff’s words in the last paragraph?

A.To show respect to the first responders in Katy.

B.To point out the importance of natural disaster relief.

C.To praise Katy people for their heroic behavior in the floods.

D.To emphasize the need to help each other through hard times.




A knock at the front door announced a visitor. Phil Radcliffe opened the door, looked down, and found a small boy of about 10, head down and face hidden, nose sniffling(抽鼻子), obviously in some unhappiness.

Phil and his wife Molly lived in this neighbourhood for almost three decades. The families here all knew and trusted one another. Youngsters bounced from home to home looking for friends and entertainment. In the school holidays, Molly and Phil had been known to take children at a time to the local cinema to give some of the parents a break.

Having taken him to the living room and had him seated, Phil asked the boy, “Philip, what’s happened?”

The boy seemed genuinely upset by the inquiry. “Sorry, Mr. Radcliffe,” he sobbed, “My dad’s just left home. He’s not going to live with us anymore. Mum’s crying. It’s made me cry. I don’t think I’m going to see him again.”

Phil sat down next to him and put a comforting arm around his shoulders, trying to reassure the youngster, “I’m sure that you’ll see your father again very soon, Philip. You’re a lovely boy and he’ll want to see you a lot. And your teachers will understand if sometimes you’re a bit sad.”

The boy wiped away his tears with the back of a hand.

“Let me get something for us,” Phil suggested. He went into the kitchen, and then returned with an orange juice for the boy, a coffee for himself and a selection of biscuits for them. However upset he might have been, young Philip was obviously happy with the drink and concentrated on the chocolate samples among the biscuits.

Once the boy seemed more settled, Phil proposed, “Perhaps you should call your mum and tell her where you are, so that she doesn’t worry.”

“It’s OK, Mr. Radcliffe,” he insisted. “I’ll go home in a few minutes. But I like talking to you.”

“You can stay as long as you want, Philip. I just don’t want your mother to think that she’s lost you.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

The response surprised and troubled Philip.


Paragraph 2:

On the doorstep, young Philip looked up at his friendly neighbor.










Dear fellow students:

I'd like to share with you some of my thoughts.________________________________________________









Li hua




Do you know the UK government has 1.(successful) passed a law banning branding on packs of cigarettes? That means tobacco manufacturers will be forced 2.(pack) their cigarettes in plain packets. The motivation behind this 3.(decide) is to make smoking less appealing to people, especially children. A similar law 4.was passed in Australia in 2012 has resulted 5.a fall in smoking rates from 15.1% to 12.8% for people aged 14. As for January 2015, 22% of adult men and 17% of adult women smoke in Great Britain. The possibility of smoking in the UK increases with age so that at the age of 15, 8% of school children 6.(be) regular smokers. It is thought that children will be less attracted to cigarettes 7.(sell) in unbranded boxes. Smoking is one of 8.biggest causes of preventable deaths in England. Every year about 80,000 die and over 450,000 9.(send) to hospital due to smoking. This places a large strain(压力) on the health service and is also a factor in why the government would like to prevent people from 10.(take) up smoking or help them quit.



    The story I’m going to tell you happened two years ago when I was in high school in Poland. I came to school early on a sunny day, ____ I felt that there was something wrong. Students from my class were behaving ____.

I noticed that Tom was absent from school that day. Later, I ____ what happened. Tom had got sick and he had lung cancer, a very serious disease. It was _____ for my friends and me. I couldn’t believe that this had happened to him. He was so ____ and he was good at sports.

____ he had lung cancer, so he had to have an operation. It was successful. After that, he returned to school and felt very good. Twice a month he went back to the ____ for medical examinations just to make sure that everything was going well.

One day, the doctors noticed that the cancer had ____ to his brain. When I heard this ____, I felt like bursting into tears, “God, why do you do this, it is not ____.”

A lot of my friends ____ their faith and hope, and they even thought that there was no ____ for him to live, but he was strong. Tom was eager to live, and he said: “No way, I’m not going to ____. I will fight!”

The doctors made another operation on his brain. The operation ____ well and now he feels great and everything is fine. From Tom’s ____, I learned that whatever happens in our lives, we can’t give up or lose heart.

1.A.so B.but C.for D.and

2.A.strangely B.interestingly C.naturally D.impatiently

3.A.spoke out B.pointed out C.worked out D.found out

4.A.disappointing B.frightening C.shocking D.amusing

5.A.kind B.humorous C.clever D.healthy

6.A.Therefore B.Thus C.Besides D.Anyhow

7.A.stadium B.hospital C.school D.home

8.A.adapted B.crashed C.turned D.moved

9.A.research B.evidence C.idea D.information

10.A.fair B.perfect C.honest D.reliable

11.A.held B.lost C.rebuilt D.kept

12.A.need B.wonder C.chance D.doubt

13.A.give off B.give up C.give out D.give in

14.A.went B.observed C.command D.charged

15.A.misfortune B.achievement C.accident D.experience



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