满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



In the past few years, demand 1. fake meat products has surged (蜂拥而来) in the Western world, as people look for other healthier choices to replace red meat.

But long before they appeared in the West, China had been making 2. (tradition) meat-based dishes out of nuts and vegetables. Some records of monks (僧侣) 3. (eat) tofu-based "vegetarian meat" date back to as early as the Song Dynasty in 4. 10th century. It was known as "fang hun cai" or literally" imitation meat dish."

China's early 5. (adopt) of fake meat products is closely linked to its long history of Buddhism(佛教). Buddhism 6. (introduce) to China as early as the Han Dynasty, around 2,000 years ago. Today, it's practiced by around 20% of China's population — some 250 million people. A central rule of Buddhism is respect for all living 7. (creature) , and vegetarianism is common among its followers.

8. China's monasteries (寺院) provided a strict vegetarian diet, they would often have to consider the dietary choices of people 9. came for a visit. The visitors would expect 10. (have) meat-based meals and this was where the tradition came. They would get all the dishes they expected at a banquet (宴请), but made from vegetarian ingredients.


1.for 2.traditional 3.eating 4.the 5.adoption 6.was introduced 7.creatures 8.While/ Although/Though 9.who/that 10.to have 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章由西方对于“假肉”的需求量的增加为引入话题:“假肉”与中国佛教的渊源。 1.考查介词。句意:在过去的几年里,随着人们寻找其他更健康的食物来代替红肉,西方世界对“假肉”的需求激增。demand for sth.意为“对某物的需求”,固定结构。故填for。 2.考查形容词。句意:但早在它们出现在西方之前,中国就已经在用坚果和蔬菜制作传统的肉类菜肴了。分析可知,此处应用形容词修饰后面的名词性短语meat-based dishes。所给词tradition是名词“传统”,其形容词为traditional“传统的”。故填traditional。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:一些关于和尚吃豆腐为主的“素肉”的记录可以追溯到早在10世纪的宋朝。它被称为“仿肉菜”或字面上的“仿肉菜”。分析可知,此处用动名词复合结构monks eating tofu-based' vegetarian meat作介词of的宾语,且monks与eat之间为主动关系,应使用动名词的一般式。故填eating。 4.考查冠词。句意:一些关于和尚吃豆腐为主的“素肉”的记录可以追溯到早在10世纪的宋朝。它被称为“仿肉菜”或字面上的“仿肉菜”。分析可知,此处用定冠词the放在序数词10th century前面,特指“十世纪”。故填the。 5.考查名词。句意:中国早期对假冒肉类产品的接受与佛教的悠久历史密切相关根据空前的China's为名词所有格,可知此处应用名词。所给词adopt是动词“采取,接受”,其名词为adoption“采用;接受”。故填adoption。 6.考查动词时态和被动语态。句意:佛教早在两千年前的汉代传入中国。分析可知,Buddhism与动词introduce之间为被动关系,且动作发生在大约2000年前,故用一般过去时态的被动语态。故填was introduced。 7.考查名词复数。句意:佛教的一个中心原则是尊重所有的生物,素食主义在信徒中很普遍。creature 为可数名词,根据空前的all可知,此处应用复数形式。故填creatures。 8.考查状语从句。句意:虽然中国的寺院提供纯粹的素食,但他们也常常会考虑到来访人员的膳食选择。分析可知,此处___8___ China's monasteries (寺院) provided a strict vegetarian diet应是让步状语从句,while/ although/though可引导让步状语从句。故填While/ Although/Though。 9.考查定语从句。句意:虽然中国的寺院提供纯粹的素食,但他们也常常会考虑到来访人员的膳食选择。分析可知,___9___ came for a visit应是限定性定语从句,修饰先行词people,先行词在从句中作主语,此处用关系代词who/that引导。故填who/that。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意:游客们会希望吃以肉为主的食物,这就是传统的由来。分析可知,此处用不定式短语作动词expect的宾语。故填to have。

    Washington is home to lots of trees and lots of fireplaces and wood-burning_________too. But what if you lived there and couldn't cut wood or wasn't able to pay someone to do it?_________, Shane McDaniel and his twin sons, Harrison and Henry McDaniel, 21, are happy to _______ an axe (斧头). The three men cut truckloads of wood, and then_________it to those in need. "I want to help people who are _______ cardboard because they've got nothing else," Shane explained to heraldnet.com.

"The idea _______ as a father-son bonding (建立关系) project," he told msn.com. "I had to cut wood with my dad. He just loved doing it," says Shane. He wanted to pass down that feeling, so he and the twins spent the summer of 2018 cutting wood. The _______ was a great wall of wood _______ around their house. To buy that much would cost about $10,000.

It was too much for the McDaniels themselves to use, and when the weather turned _______ that November, Shane started thinking of others. He ________ on Facebook, "If you are in need of firewood and can't ________ it, please tell me! Please ________ me and my boys to make sure no one goes cold in our neighbourhood. "

The ________ was immediate. One man ________ to donate a wood-burning furnace (火炉). Others raced over to Shane's house, ________ more wood to the pile.

Single mom Katelyn Ticer and her four-year old daughter ________ burning wood as their only ________ of heat, so it was a relief to ________ a truckload of firewood from the McDaniels. "To get that much wood brought me to tears," she told msn.com. "So much ________ is off my shoulders. I couldn't be more ________. "

1.A.factories B.stoves C.stores D.lights

2.A.Finally B.Fairly C.Generally D.Luckily

3.A.repair B.make C.lend D.send

4.A.contributed B.displayed C.sold D.rented

5.A.burning B.collecting C.giving D.throwing

6.A.died B.increased C.started D.sank

7.A.duty B.will C.encouragement D.result

8.A.piled up B.caught up C.broken down D.shown off

9.A.dry B.cold C.warm D.foggy

10.A.apologized B.defended C.posted D.acted

11.A.record B.afford C.discover D.secure

12.A.persuade B.advise C.remind D.help

13.A.reaction B.comprehension C.appointment D.guidance

14.A.failed B.refused C.hesitated D.offered

15.A.tying B.attaching C.adding D.sticking

16.A.referred to B.dreamed of C.relied on D.insisted on

17.A.explanation B.state C.way D.progress

18.A.harvest B.receive C.transport D.select

19.A.injury B.wisdom C.joy D.stress

20.A.interested B.thankful C.convinced D.helpful



    Natural disasters come without warning, and this underlines the need for disaster management. Natural disasters may cause death or damage crops and properties without warning. Emergency management can reduce the damage and save more lives than if there are no systems set up for disaster security (安全).

There are steps to take when you plan for a natural disaster. Here's a list of some of them:

1. Ask your local Red Cross chapter or emergency management office for reminders of disasters and emergency management steps.1.You may also request a list of emergency steps that should be done in each type of disaster.

2. Each community has its own set of emergency signals.2.Knowing what to do at once gives you a head start in any emergency.

3.3.Include discussions on what is likely to happen and what should be done in such cases. Plan how each one of you will react and what are the responsibilities of each one, in order to be able to work as a team.

4. Set a meeting place in case of a natural disaster. It should be one within the vicinity (附近) of your workplace or home, and one outside your immediate vicinity.4.Agree on an emergency telephone that everyone should try to call.

5. Prepare a disaster supply toolbox. Stock it with first aid supplies.5.Prepare emergency lights like flashlights with batteries. Include a battery-powered radio in the kit so you can listen to updates.

A. Find out what they sound like and what they mean.

B. Discuss the dangers of different types of natural disasters.

C. Try to understand why these signals sound unfamiliar to you.

D. Everyone should try to reach it when a natural disaster happens.

E. Prepare some water and food that should be enough for three days.

F. Find out any disaster management plan that your community has.

G. This is also the best time to ask what kind of disasters may likely take place.



    It's 3 a.m. and you're wide awake for the second night in a row. You get up and come to the kitchen for some warm milk that mom says will put you to sleep. So why are you eating a bowl of ice cream with a side of cookies?

You may have heard about two hormones (荷尔蒙) that control our urge to eat: leptin and ghrelin. "The 'l' in leptin stands for lose: It controls appetite and therefore contributes to weight loss," said sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta, the associate program director of the Sleep Medicine Fellowship at Keck Medicine of USC. "The 'g' in ghrelin stands for gain: This fast-acting hormone increases hunger and leads to weight gain." When you don't have enough sleep, research shows, ghrelin levels increase while leptin lakes a nose dive. The result is an increase in hunger.

But food is food, so that doesn't explain why we want candy instead of carrots. To answer that, you have to look at another system of the body: The endocannabinoid (内源性大麻素) system. It manages everything from sleep to appetite to pain and more.

In a study published in 2016, Hanlon compared the circulating levels of 2-AG, one of the most abundant endocannabinoids,in people who got four nights of normal sleep (more than eight hours) with those in people who only got 4.5 hours. People who were sleep-deprived (缺乏睡眠) reported greater increases in hunger and appetite and had higher afternoon concentrations of 2-AG than those who slept well. They also had a rough time controlling their urges for high-calorie snacks.

All of this research is so new that science doesn’t yet know how it all fits together or what can be done about it. And that brings us to the bottom line: There's not going to be a pill any time soon for the sleep-deprived junk-food people. Instead, you'll have to do what the doctor says to reduce your improper cravings (渴望) in the middle of the night: get more sleep.

1.How does the author develop paragraph 2?

A.By giving examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following time order. D.By making explanations.

2.What did the study published in 2016 find?

A.Most 2-AG is produced during sleep.

B.Normal sleep makes levels of 2-AG go up.

C.High levels of 2-AG can result in strong appetite.

D.Lack of sleep decreases appetite for high-calorie food.

3.What may be a solution to the problem of eating junk-food at midnight?

A.Buying a pill from the hospital. B.Visiting the doctor at midnight.

C.Getting normal amount of sleep. D.Checking the levels of 2-AG often.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Lack of sleep makes you crave junk food.

B.2-AG controls your hunger and appetite.

C.Enough sleep is important in losing weight.

D.Leptin and ghrelin together make you sleepy.



    At least 200 elephants have died in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe in the past two months due to a serious drought (干旱) in the country. National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority spokesman Tinashe Farawo told The Associated Press. Other animals, including giraffes, zebras , hippos and buffaloes are also dying due to the drought."The situation cannot improve until it rains, "Farawo said.

"Almost every animal is being affected," Farawo said. "Of course, elephants are easily noticed, but some bird species are seriously affected because they can only breed (繁殖) in certain tree heights and those trees are being knocked down by elephants."

"In a desperate attempt to locate food and water, animals have come in the park and nearby communities, threatening human populations as well. Thirty-three people have died because of these animals this year," the park said.

"Six hundred elephants and two lion prides will be moved to less crowded parks. A pack of wild dogs, 50 buffaloes, 40 giraffes and 2,000 impalas will also be relocated, " Farawo said.

"The animals have exceeded their ecological carrying capacity (生态承载力)," he added."If the populations go unchecked, the animals will threaten the very ecosystem they depend on for survival."

Typically, park leaders follow a policy of not intervening (干预) to help the animals , but the hard conditions have persuaded them otherwise. Fearing more deaths before the rainy season, they have started bringing in food to help the animals, which usually rely on natural vegetation.

"We used to say nature should take its course,"said wildlife officer Munyaradzi Dzoro."We are now forced to intervene. We are not sure when and how we will receive the rain. To avoid losing animals, we have to intervene to maintain population sizes.

In addition to a lack of food and water, muddy ponds have turned into death traps for the animals. Many have gotten stuck in the clay (泥土) while attempting to reach Long Pool, the park's largest watering hole, which has shrunk to 5% of its normal size, the Associated Press reports.

The drought has affected an estimated 11 million people, according to the World Food Program, which is planning large-scale food distribution.

1.Why are some bird species being affected?

A.They can't find enough food and water.

B.They lose many proper breeding places.

C.They are often killed by big land animals.

D.They become ill easily because of other animals' death.

2.What measure will be taken to improve the serious situation?

A.Building fences between the park and nearby communities.

B.Killing the animals which went into human communities.

C.Providing enough water for the animals in the park.

D.Moving some animals to less crowded places.

3.What did Farawo think is the basis for the survival of animals?

A.A healthy ecosystem. B.A policy of not intervening.

C.Large populations of animals. D.Limited ecological carrying capacity.

4.Muddy ponds have become deadly to the animals because_________.

A.their clay is very attractive B.much of their water is gone

C.they have become much deeper D.there is much food in their water



    Twenty-year old Brian, our eldest son, was riding his motorcycle home from work when a drunken driver ran him down. The driver, Ruben Gonzalez, was accused of man-slaughter (过失杀人). For three years we had waited. Now we were to be in court (法庭) in three weeks' time, when the judge would sentence (判决) Gonzalez at last.

"Jeri," our lawyer said,"there is a chance that the judge might delay (延期) Gonzalez's sentence because his boy has a bad heart and may only live six months. Please be prepared." "Prepared for what?" I shouted. "The possibility of Brian's killer going unpunished?"

In the car, I sat in silent agony as my husband Charles drove us home. I believed that the man who had killed my beautiful son should be punished. It might teach others a lesson about drinking and driving. All I wanted was a twenty-month prison term.

On the day of the sentencing, the courtroom was filled with our relatives and friends. When it was time for me to read my statement, I glanced at Mr. Gonzalez and said, "I pray that God will let your boy live. But if you lose him, you will know the feeling we have known losing our son." Then judge Gilroy called Gonzalez forward and pronounced the sentence. Twenty months in prison, to be served immediately.

I just sat there, feeling no relief. The lawyer said we could go if we wished, but I couldn't move. My mind spun all the next day. I said to Charles, "I know this sounds strange after all we've been through, but I feel very strongly that we should ask the court to let Mr. Conzalez be with his son." Relief flooded my husband's face and I knew he felt the same. He picked up the phone and dialed the judge's office. "I hope it's not too late, " Charles said.

The next day we were back in the courtroom. Ruben Gonzalez was called forward by judge Gilroy and told that he would be allowed to spend his son's final days with him, after which he would complete a six-month prison term.

1.What had the author and her husband probably waited for?

A.Apology from Gonzalez. B.The police arresting Gonzalez.

C.The court putting Gonzalez into prison. D.The judge delaying Gonzalez's sentence.

2.What does the underlined word "agony"in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Doubt. B.Pain.

C.Shame. D.Peace.

3.What can we know from the original sentence for Gonzalez?

A.It brought much relief to the author.

B.It completely met what the author had wanted.

C.Gonzalez was slightly punished because of his son.

D.The author's statement had a large influence on it.

4.Which of the following can best describe the author and her husband?

A.Heartless. B.Undetermined.

C.Merciful. D.Honest.



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