满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Standing in the store ’s entrance, I____...

    Standing in the store ’s entrance, I______this strange sight. My dad had just dropped me off to shop for Christmas______ but my brother and his friends had a more noble______for shopping,

“Do you think Caitlin will like this?” one of the boys asked. And my brother, looking rather______was standing in front of a shelf of socks. “Okay. The pink one would be a good idea,”I______He picked up one and presented it to me for______.

They used up all their______, some of which they had saved up over the course of the year for Christmas gifts. But, they had all ______to spend it on Caitlin.

Just nine days before Christmas, Caitlin's house had been ______to the ground by______. Caitlin and her parents all had escaped.______,everything in the house was engulfed(吞噬)in flames, including the Christmas presents ______to be wrapped(包装).

The school was______their books and uniforms. And all the______in Caitlin's class were taking her shopping for clothes while the boys were shopping for things like scarves and socks.

When we got home, my brother brought everything he had______for Caitlin to my room to make sure I thought she’d like everything one last time.

“I think she’ll love everything.” I said, and______him, even though he tried to push me away.I was so______of him at that moment. He______all his savings for a new skateboard______for a friend who needed a Christmas present more than he did. He had, through this act of a pure hear, captured(捕获)the true ______of Christmas.

1.A.exchanged B.observed C.repeated D.shared

2.A.dreams B.wishes C.gifts D.secrets

3.A.reason B.problem C.discovery D.holiday

4.A.ashamed B.confused C.scared D.relieved

5.A.warmed B.agreed C.doubted D.advised

6.A.approval B.relax C.change D.pity

7.A.energy B.time C.money D.patience

8.A.decided B.regretted C.failed D.happened

9.A.fallen B.burned C.moved D.exposed

10.A.nature B.hand C.mistake D.chance

11.A.Otherwise B.Instead C.However D.Therefore

12.A.waiting B.preparing C.turning D.proving

13.A.designing B.choosing C.studying D.replacing

14.A.friends B.girls C.colleagues D.parents

15.A.achieved B.accepted C.bought D.earned

16.A.pushed B.criticized C.teased D.hugged

17.A.tired B.proud C.careful D.aware

18.A.looked up B.turned up C.gave up D.made up

19.A.nervously B.fortunately C.angrily D.selflessly

20.A.spirit B.opinion C.skill D.fact


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。凯瑟琳的家在圣诞节前九天意外被大火夷为平地,凯瑟琳和她的父母幸免遇难,但是所有的圣诞礼物也被烧光。短文叙述了作者的哥哥和其他孩子纷纷拿出自己所有的钱为凯瑟琳买圣诞礼物的故事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:站在商店门口,我看到了这个奇怪的景象。A. exchanged交换;B. observed看到;C. repeated重复;D. shared分享。由strange sight可知,作者看到了奇怪的景象。故选B项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我爸爸刚刚送我去买圣诞礼物,但是我哥哥和他的朋友们有一个更高尚的购物理由。A. dreams梦想;B. wishes希望;C. gifts礼物;D. secrets秘密。由下文Christmas gifts可知,圣诞节要买圣诞礼物。故选C项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我爸爸刚刚送我去买圣诞礼物,但是我哥哥和他的朋友们有一个更高尚的购物理由。A. reason原因;B. problem问题;C. discovery发现;D. holiday假日。由下文Do you think Caitlin will like this?” one of the boys asked.可知,本句在说作者的哥哥和他的朋友们购物的理由。故选A项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我哥哥站在一架子袜子前,看上去有些困惑。A. ashamed惭愧的;B. confused困惑的;C. scared害怕的;D. relieved 感到安心的。作者的哥哥为别人买东西而且对方还是个小女孩,所以站在袜子前,很困惑不知道买什么。故选B项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“粉红色的那个不错,”我建议道。A. warmed 使暖和;B. agreed同意;C. doubted怀疑;D. advised建议。由Okay. The pink one would be a good idea可知,这是作者给出的建议。故选D项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他拿起一个,展示给我看以此征询我的同意。A. approval同意;B. relax使放松;C. change改变;D. pity遗憾。He picked up one and presented it to me可知,作者的哥哥拿起一个,展示给作者看以此征询作者的同意。故选A项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们把所有的钱都花光了,其中有些是他们为了买圣诞礼物积攒下来的钱。A. energy能量;B. time时间;C. money钱;D. patience耐心。由 some of which they had saved up over the course of the year for Christmas gifts.可知,他们把所有的钱都花光了。故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,他们都决定把钱花在凯瑟琳身上。A. decided决定;B. regretted后悔;C. failed失败;D. happened发生。作者的哥哥和朋友们打算帮助凯瑟琳,所以决定把钱都花在凯瑟琳的身上。故选A项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在圣诞节的前九天,凯瑟琳家的房子意外地被大火夷为平地。A. fallen掉落;B. burned燃烧;C. moved移动;D. exposed暴露。由下文everything in the house was engulfed(吞噬)in flames.可知凯瑟琳家的房子意外地被大火夷为平地。故选B项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在圣诞节的前九天,凯瑟琳家的房子意外地被大火夷为平地。A. nature自然;B. hand手;C. mistake错误;D. chance机会。房子着火肯定是意外造成的。by chance意外地。故选D项。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,房子里的一切都被火焰吞没了,包括等待包装的圣诞礼物。A. Otherwise否则;B. Instead而不是;C. However然而;D. Therefore因此。分析句意可知,前后表示转折关系。故选C项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,房子里的一切都被火焰吞没了,包括等待包装的圣诞礼物。A. waiting等待;B. preparing准备;C. turning转向;D. proving证明是。由to be wrapped(包装)可知,房子里的圣诞礼物等待着包装,故选A项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:学校为他们重新发放了课本和校服。A. designing设计;B. choosing选择;C. studying学习;D. replacing更换,代替。因为凯瑟琳的家被大火夷为平地,所以学校为他们重新发放了课本和校服。故选D项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:凯瑟琳班上所有的女孩都带她去买衣服,而男孩们则去买围巾和袜子。A. friends朋友;B. girls女孩;C. colleagues同事;D. parents父母。由while the boys可知,凯特琳班上所有的女孩都带她去买衣服。故选B项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们到家时,我哥哥把他给凯瑟琳买的所有东西都带到我的房间,以确保我认为凯瑟琳会喜欢所有的东西。A. achieved完成;B. accepted接受;C. bought买;D. earned赢得。由上文 but my brother and his friends had a more noble___3___for shopping可知,作者哥哥把他给凯瑟琳买的所有东西都带到作者的房间。故选C项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我说着拥抱了他,尽管他想把我推开。A. pushed推;B. criticized批评;C. teased嘲笑;D. hugged拥抱。由even though he tried to push me away可知,作者拥抱了哥哥。故选D项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那一刻我为他感到骄傲。A. tired疲惫的;B. proud自豪的;C. careful仔细的;D. aware意识到的。作者的哥哥在帮助凯瑟琳,所以作者为他感到骄傲。故选B项。 18.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:为了一个比他更需要圣诞礼物的朋友,他无私地放弃了所有的积蓄,为她买了一个新的滑板。A. looked up查找;B. turned up出现;C. gave up放弃;D. made up组成。由前文But, they had all ___8___to spend it on Caitlin.可知,哥哥无私地放弃了所有的积蓄。故选C项。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:为了一个比他更需要圣诞礼物的朋友,他无私地放弃了所有的积蓄,为她买了一个新的滑板。A. nervously紧张地;B. fortunately幸运地;C. angrily愤怒地;D. selflessly无私地。放弃了所有的积蓄来帮助别人,而不求别人的回报这是很无私地。故选D项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他通过这种纯净的倾听行为,践行了圣诞节的真正精神。A. spirit精神;B. opinion观点;C. skill技巧;D. fact事实。作者的哥哥一听到凯瑟琳家遭难,就和很多的孩子一起为凯瑟琳买圣诞礼物,这是一种无私奉献精神的体现,这也是圣诞节精神的体现。而作者的哥哥在践行这样的圣诞精神。故选A项。

    I agree with the view that stars in the entertainment business are usually overpaid.1.They reach the very top of their profession. So the size of salary that stars expect is closely linked to the competition they have to overcome in order to reach success.They are, in effect, rare talents.

2.Sport stars and pop stars, for example, are soon replaced by the next younger, more energetic generation, while the good looks of most film stars quickly fade.3.

Unfortunately, professionals from other fields are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. Teachers, nurses, laboratory researchers etc. are never listed among the best-paid professionals.4.They are more important to our well-being and our future than the stars who can earn their fortunes so quickly.

In conclusion, I think there may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries.5.The gaps between their earnings and their contributions to the society cannot be reasonable. Such professionals should be much better appreciated and better paid.

A. Things should be changed now.

B. But overall 1 agree that they are overpaid.

C. There are many people living on very limited incomes.

D. Yet they make a much greater contribution to human society.

E. So this short working life may be reasonable for the very high pay.

F. Furthermore, the majority of stars do not hold their top position long.

G. However, it is also true that only a few people can get these huge salaries.



    The Disneyland parks are full of amusements, but they are also small cities that deal with deliveries, rubbish, and groups of visitors. People need to move from one place to another; they have to refuel and relax. To meet these requirements, the parks are well-equipped in reality. For example, Disneyland Park in California has a reliable transport system. In Walt Disney World in Florida, dustbins are spaced 30 feet apart, and all of them are emptied through underground tubes.

None of this happened by accident. Walt Disney first had his idea for a play land in 1937. He first imagined the park's buildings in a small size. He spent years collecting ideas by visiting other places. He studied Beverly Park in Los Angeles, including rebuilt historic villages. He visited Colonial Williamsburg, where employees dressed up and walked around.. Then he organized a team of engineers and designers to plan and build a small world he called Disneyland. Walt Disney had blueprints(蓝图)drawn up, and tried to get the permission to break ground(破土动工).

In 1953, he bought some land in Anaheim. Some designers thought it was too far, but Disney went ahead It was like building a new city Pipes had to be fixed. Railway track had to be laid around. Disney chose the hub-and-spoke(轴辐式)street pattern that many cities have. “I want Disneyland to be a place where you can't get lost,” he said, Designers and architects also diagrammed(图解)the rides and made models, while artists painted the background.

Finally in July 1955, the visitors came. If they picked up maps, they could see the results of years’ planning: the shops and restaurants, the square, and the streets. The magic city had finally jumped off the drawing board and come into real life.

1.What does the author want to show about Disneyland parks in the first paragraph?

A.The convenient environment. B.The amusing tourist attractions.

C.The differences between the parks. D.The visitors' common requirements.

2.Why did Walt Disney travel to different places including Beverly Park?

A.To choose a place for construction. B.To advertise his Disneyland Park.

C.To experience American culture. D.To get inspiration for his park.

3.What kind of person is Walt Disney according to the passage?

A.Confident but selfish. B.Stubborn but kind-hearted.

C.Considerate and determined. D.Careful and hard-working,

4.What’s the best title of the text?

A.It is worthwhile to build large parks

B.Disneyland has been built like a brand- new city

C.How a theme park was built in a big city of USA

D.Disneyland--a famous park around the world



    Many people believe eating healthily is expensive and more costly than buying junk foods. But our new research, published in the BMC Pubic Health ,shows this isn’t the truth.

Less than 7% of Australians eat healthily. Most of the Australian family food budget is being spent on junk foods and drinks that are high in fat, sugar and salt. As a result, two-thirds of adults 63%and one-quarter of children are overweight.

We used the Australian Health Survey 2016-2017 and the suggestions of the Australian Dietary Guidelines to model healthy diets for a family of two adults and two children every two weeks. We collected food prices in supermarkets and stores in high and low-socioeconomic(社会经济地位低的)areas in Brisbane, and compared the diet prices with family incomes.

In both areas, a family of two adults and two children spend about 18% more on present diets than would be required to buy healthy diets. About 58% of the food budget for present diets is spent on junk foods, including takeaway foods14%, and sugary drinks4%. In the low-socioeconomic area, a family of two adults and two children spend $640.20 every two weeks on their present diets, but could buy a healthy diet for $5560.93 every two weeks. In the high socioeconomic area, these numbers are S661.92 and $580.01.

Present diets cost more than healthy diets, so it is surely not the price that helps to drive preferences for unhealthy choices.

1.What did the researchers find?

A.Most Australians eat unhealthily.

B.Half Australians live on junk foods.

C.Most Australian kids have fat problems.

D.Australians have a preference for sweet foods.

2.How did the researchers get the result?

A.By doing the study online. B.By making a comparison.

C.By carrying out interviews. D.By asking personal questions.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

A.A healthy diet is actually cheaper.

B.Australian foods are becoming healthier.

C.People choose junk foods for their low prices.

D.Healthy foods are becoming more expensive.

4.What might the following paragraph be about?

A.The harm of junk foods. B.How we can eat healthily.

C.Why people choose junk foods. D.The advantages of a healthy diet.



    You’re enjoying a quiet evening at home when suddenly your neighbor's dog starts barking(吠叫)and doesn’t stop. Sure, dogs need to bark every now and then, but if the barking is getting in the way of your daily life, you need to do something.

Before you take action, make records of when the dog is disturbing. Record the dates and times when the barking appears to find out the features of the barking. Check them carefully and get your facts straight. You might notice the barking only happens when the owners are at work, or during thunderstorms.

After two to three weeks, visit your neighbors with the facts, your neighbors might not even realize the barking is a problem, for the worst noise may happen when they are gone.

Explain the times when the barking gets bad, then suggest a way to solve the problem. Ask if the dog can stay inside during storm, or suggest a dog training class. Be open to compromise(妥协)because the owners might have other ideas about how to deal with the noise.

Befriending the dog could help. Have your neighbors introduce you to their dog. If they become more comfortable in your presence, they're less likely to bark when they see you or when they are in the backyard. You might even be able to use commands such as “quiet” once the dog trusts you.

Avoid gossiping(流言輩语)with other neighbors about the dog. “That’s when things escalate.” After all, most people will want to solve the problem.

1.What can you do first when your neighbor’s dogs barking influences your life?

A.Bring the dog to a training class.

B.Drive it out of your neighborhood.

C.Record the dates and times of the barking.

D.Show your complaint to your neighborhood.

2.Why are your neighbors less likely to realize the barking problem?

A.They may like dogs barking.

B.They all think their dogs are friendly.

C.They have been used to the barking of the dogs.

D.They may be out when the worst barking happens.

3.What does the underlined word "escalate" in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Become better. B.Become worse.

C.Remain unchanged. D.Become more personal.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Love me, love my dog. B.Barking dogs seldom bite.

C.Good communication is a must. D.Treat violence with violence.



Blue Note Jazz Festival 2018

Jul 1-Jul 30, 2018

Location Several locations tn New York

The Blue Note Jazz Festival in New York City is the city’s most popular jazz festival and focuses on bringing big-name artists to small crowds and up-and-coming acts to the public. The event takes over 15 places across the city and includes Questlove, Michael Bolton and Aretha Franklin.

Grant Park Music Festival 2018

Jun 14-Aug 19, 2018

Locations: Jay Pritzker Pavilion, South Shore Cultural Center, & Harris Theater for Music and Dance | 201 East Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois

Listening to classical music is said to improve your intelligence. Whether that’s true or not, the Grant Park Music Festival will provide you with free, classical music, and you’d be smart to attend. The music at these concerts will leave you begging for more. It’s free to attend, so come and enjoy some great music with your family and friends.

Lake Park Friends Wonderful Wednesdays 2018

Jun 21-Jul 26, 2018

Location: Lake Park | Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Energy is way too contained (被压抑) in an indoor music place. Let that energy go where it wants through a series of outdoor concerts with Lake Park Friends Wonderful Wednesdays. Wednesday is no longer the most boring day of the week. This time, there’s something fun to do. A list of live music acts has made the middle of the week something to look forward to.

YouthCUE Festival of Youth Choirs (合唱队) 2018

Augl0-Aug 22, 2018

Locations: Washington National Cathedral | 3101 Wisconsin AVE NW Washington, DC

YouthCUE Festival of Youth Choirs in Washington gives students the rare opportunity to perform in the Washington National Cathedral, a famous historic place. The festival is a showcase of student choirs (唱诗班) from all over the local professional orchestra.

1.What can people enjoy at the Blue Note Jazz Festival?

A.Performances by famous singers.

B.Lively performances by public.

C.Performances by artists from 15 countries.

D.High quality performances with free admission.

2.Those who are interested in classical music would probably go to ________.

A.Blue Note Jazz Festival

B.Grant Park Music Festival

C.Lake Park Friends Wonderful Wednesdays

D.YouthCUE Festival of Youth Choirs

3.If you like choirs, which city should you go to?

A.New York. B.Chicago.

C.Milwaukee. D.Washington DC.



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