满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Although we were away from the coast and...

    Although we were away from the coast and the busy environment, we were able to celebrate Christmas in a traditional Portuguese (葡萄牙的)way! This was the reason why we ____to Alte, a small mountain village 35 kilometers away from the coast of Armacao da Pera. It seemed a ____ place to spend Christmas.

It was the day before Christmas that I drove my family to Alte. At 8:30, we ___ and then walked up to the ____. There was a bonfire (篝火) ____ in front of the church, and people were already starting to arrive. We went inside and ____ a nice place to sit down. ____, the church was also full during the celebration!

Villagers ____around the bonfire and someone was ____away a small piece of cake and a glass of wine. We are so glad to __ this traditional activity that we stayed a little longer, ____the Christmas Eve by the bonfire, together with the villagers of Alte.

It was a cold, yet beautiful morning when we ____up at Christmas day! I took over the ___ of preparing breakfast. I made a great one with bread, fried eggs, sausages, tomatoes, cucumber and some ____fruits. Anyway, it's Christmas! After a fancy breakfast, we ____about 10 minutes walking down the hill and spent some moments taking ___ at the waterfalls. It was a very nice ___ and we have totally enjoyed ___ and peace. Later that day, many Portuguese people went down to ___ the falls too.

After that, we drank a cup of coffee together, admiring the beautiful views before us! What a wonderful Christmas morning and an ____experience!

1.A.moved B.flew C.drove D.saw

2.A.nearby B.separate C.lonely D.perfect

3.A.came B.arrived C.stayed D.stopped

4.A.hospital B.house C.school D.village

5.A.set B.lit C.caught D.put

6.A.chose B.designed C.prepared D.examined

7.A.Hopefully B.Surprisingly C.Luckily D.Briefly

8.A.gathered B.listened C.looked D.turned

9.A.taking B.giving C.carrying D.bringing

10.A.sort out B.get over C.care about D.join in

11.A.introducing B.expecting C.enjoying D.containing

12.A.stood B.shut C.opened D.woke

13.A.position B.life C.task D.space

14.A.fresh B.extra C.artificial D.suitable

15.A.risked B.got C.won D.spent

16.A.ideas B.paintings C.pictures D.suggestions

17.A.view B.dream C.performance D.wonder

18.A.attention B.quietness C.power D.imagination

19.A.see B.build C.protect D.find

20.A.illegal B.unfair C.unforgettable D.unexpected


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,属游记。文章讲述了作者一家远离城市的喧嚣,去一处小山村以传统的葡萄牙方式庆祝圣诞节。 1.考查动词辨析。句意:这就是我们开车去阿尔特的原因。A. moved移动,搬家;B. flew飞行;C. drove开车;D. saw看见。根据下文“It was the day before Christmas that I drove my family to Alte”可知,这就是我们开车(drove)去阿尔特的原因,故选C项。 2.考查形容词辨析。句意:这似乎是个过圣诞节的好地方。A. nearby 附近;B. separate各自的;C. lonely孤单的; D. perfect完美的。根据上文“”Although we were away from the coast and the busy environment, we were able to celebrate Christmas in a traditional Portuguese(葡萄牙的) way!” 尽管我们远离海岸和繁忙的环境,我们还是能够用传统的葡萄牙的方式来庆祝圣诞节。由上句可知,作者一家开车去小山村,是因为那似乎是一个过圣诞节的好地方,即完美的(perfect)地方,故选D项。 3.考查动词辨析。句意:八点半,我们到了,然后朝村子走去。A. came来;B. arrived到达;C. stayed待,保持;D. stopped停止。根据“then walked up to the ___4___.”可知,我们到(arrive)了村口,然后往村子走去,故选B项。 4.考查名词辨析。句意:我们开车到了Alte,然后走向小村。A. hospital医院;B. house房屋;C. school学校;D. village村庄。“It was the day before Christmas that I drove my family to Alte.”。可知,我们开车到了Alte,然后朝小村子(village)走去,故选D。 5.考查动词辨析。句意:教堂前点燃了篝火。A. set放置;B. lit点燃;C. caught抓住;D. put放,安置。根据上句“There was a bonfire(篝火)”以及下文“we stayed a little longer, ___11___the Christmas Eve by the bonfire, together with the villagers of Alte”作者一家和村民们坐在篝火旁。由此可推断出教堂前点燃(lit)了篝火。故选B项。 6.考查动词辨析。句意: 我们走进去,选了个好地方坐下。A. chose选择;B. designed 设计;C. prepared准备;D. examined检测。根据语境可知,此处是指选择(chose)了一个好地方,故选A项。 7.考查副词辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,在庆祝活动中教堂也挤满了人!A. Hopefully希望地;B. Surprisingly出人意料地,令人惊讶地;C. Luckily幸运地;D. Briefly简单地。根据上下文语境可知,在庆典期间,教堂外的篝火旁有人,教堂里也是坐满了人,人非常多,很是出人意料地(Surprisingly)。故选B项。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:村民们聚集在篝火周围。A. gathered 聚集;B. listened倾听;C. looked看;D. turned转身。根据下文“we stayed a little longer, ___11___the Christmas Eve by the bonfire, together with the villagers of Alte”可知,作者一家和村民们坐在篝火旁。由此可推断出村民们聚集(gathered)在篝火周围。故选A项。 9.考查动词辨析。句意:有人分发一小块蛋糕和一杯酒。A. taking带走;B. giving给,赠送,;C. carrying拿,搬;D. bringing带来。根据语境可知,在庆祝活动中,有人在分发(或赠送)小块蛋糕和一杯酒。“give away””为固定搭配,意为“赠送,分发”,故选B项。 10.考察动词词组辨析。句意:我们很高兴能参加这个传统活动,所以我们待了更久。A. sort out分类;B. get over克服;C. care about关心;D. join in参加。根据下文“this traditional activity ... we stayed a little longer,”可知,作者一家“参加(join in)这个传统的活动,所以我们待了更久”,故选D。 11.考查动词辨析。句意:我们在篝火旁和阿尔特的村民们一起度过了一个快乐的圣诞夜。A. introducing介绍;B. expecting期望;C. enjoying享受......的乐趣,过得快活;D. containing容纳。根据上文“很高兴参加这个传统的活动,与村民们待了好久”,可知,他们很享受(enjoying)这个圣诞夜。故选C。 12.考查动词辨析。句意:当我们在圣诞节醒来时,那是一个寒冷而美丽的早晨。A. stood站;B. shut关闭;C. opened打开;D. woke醒来。根据上文的内容以及“It was a cold, yet beautiful morning”这是一个寒冷而美丽的早晨,可知,此空格是指“醒来(woke)”,故选D。 13.考查名词辨析。句意:我接管了准备早餐的任务。A. position位置;B. life生命,生活;C. task任务;D. space空间。根据下文“I made a great one with bread, fried eggs, sausages, tomatoes, cucumber and some ___14___fruits.”我用面包、煎蛋、香肠、西红柿、黄瓜和一些水果做了一个相当丰盛的早餐。可知,我接管了准备早餐的任务(task),选C项。 14.考察形容词辨析。句意:我用面包、煎蛋、香肠、西红柿、黄瓜和一些新鲜水果做了一个相当丰盛的早餐。A. fresh新鲜的;B. extra额外的;C. artificial人工的;D. suitable合适的。根据语境可知,这是一个相当丰盛的早餐,再根据“and”这个并列连词可知,此处应该是新鲜的(fresh)水果。故选A项。 15.考查动词辨析及固定搭配。句意:我们大约花了10分钟走下山,并且在瀑布边拍照游玩。A. risked冒险;B. got得到;C. won赢得;D. spent花费。根据后面的语境可知,本句考查的是“sb. spend some time (in) doing ...”的固定搭配,意为“某人花费多少时间做某事”。故选D项。 16.考查固定搭配及名词辨析。句意:我们大约花了10分钟走下山,并且在瀑布边拍照游玩。A. ideas点子,想法;B. paintings绘画;C. pictures图片;D. suggestions建议。根据语境可知,此处是指作者一家在瀑布旁拍照。“take pictures”为固定搭配,意为“拍照”,故选C。 17.考查名词辨析。句意:那里风景很好。A. view风景;B. dream梦想;C. performance表现;D. wonder奇迹。根据上下文的语境“spent some moments taking ___16___ at the waterfalls”可知,作者一家在瀑布旁拍照片,那一定是这儿的风景(view)很好,故选A项。 18.考查名词辨析。句意:我们非常享受宁静。A. attention注意力;B. quietness宁静;C. power权力,能源;D. imagination想象力。根据空后的并列连词and,可知能与“peace”并列的只有quietness意为“宁静”,故选B项。 19.考查动词辨析。句意:那天晚些时候,许多葡萄牙人也去看瀑布。A. see看见;B. build建立;C. protect保护;D. find发现。根据上下文的语境可知,那儿的瀑布非常美,因此葡萄牙人也去看了(see)瀑布。故选A项 20.考查形容词。句意:多么美妙的圣诞节早晨,多么难忘的经历。A. illegal非法的;B. unfair不公平的;C. unforgettable难以忘怀的; D. unexpected意外之外的。根据“we drank a cup of coffee together, admiring the beautiful views before us! What a wonderful Christmas morning”我们一起喝了一杯咖啡,欣赏眼前的美景!多么美妙的圣诞节早晨。由此可推断出,这种美妙的早晨,确实令人难忘(unforgettable)。故选C项

    The time-out (暂停)is a method to punish your children's misbehavior (不当行为).Children are taken away from their present situation for a few minutes. During the time-out they are put in a place and not allowed to do anything. It's a great way to help your children calm down and realize their shortcomings. 1..

Decide what is worth a time-out

Find a quiet moment to discuss a time-out principle for your family, determining where you'll give time-outs, for what reasons, and for how long. 2.. And you can make your first time-out feel prepared and calm.

Give a warning

Instead of suddenly giving a time-out to your children, warn them that they'll get one if they continue to be naughty. 3.. At this age children are often angry without realizing it.

Giving them a time-out can make them calm. Some kids dislike time-outs very much, so that finally the warning itself does the job. However, warnings are not enough. When your children hit, kick, or bite someone, use a time-out right away.


It's a good idea to choose a time-out place, such as a chair or the end of a hallway. But remember that the place you choose needs to be safe and shouldn't be frightening.

Decide how long time-outs will last

5.. Your children should have enough time to stop misbehaving and calm down. If it is too short or too long, your children may forget the punishment or become upset. Many experts advise one minute per year of your children's age. You can watch the clock yourself or set an alarm clock and tell them that the punishment is over when it rings.

A. Select a place

B. Use time-out regularly

C. A time-out needs enough time

D. You needn't make decisions in a hurry

E. Here are a few ways to make it work for you

F. Give your children hugs and kisses after the time-out

G. This gives them a chance to control their own behavior first



    Millions of people suffer from motion sickness (晕动症). They have a lot of activities they fear. They often avoid doing these activities which include long-distance airplane travel, sea-trips, road-trips, even certain movies and video games. However, the French company Boarding Ring promises that it has its way to solve the problem, as long as the users are willing to wear Boarding Glasses!

Why do many people suffer from motion sickness? It is believed that the brain fails to deal with mixed signals from body parts. For example, when you are looking at your phone on a moving bus, your inner ear realizes the move but your eyes, focused on the screen, think you don't move.

Boarding Glasses tries to ease (减轻)motion sickness by making the user's eyes and ears transmit the same message. After the brain receives the same message, it will think you are in a moving environment Though that sounds difficult, the science behind the glasses is surprisingly simple.

The plastic frames (框架)made up of two round frames on the front and two on the side, are filled with some blue liquid. Any movement can cause the liquid to flow around the eyes. This allows the eyes to sense the move and send the correct signal to the brain.

According to Antoine Jeannin, CEO of Boarding Ring, Boarding Glasses has been tested. The CEO said that over 95 percent of the users felt better after wearing the glasses. The best part is that Boarding Glasses only has a frame, so a single pair can be worn among a group of friends, or even an entire family!

1.Why do some people suffer from motion sickness according to the passage?

A.Their eyes can't see the move.

B.Their bodies are in a bad condition.

C.Their ears can't hear in a moving environment.

D.Their brains can't deal with mixed signals from body parts.

2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.The shortcomings of Boarding Glasses.

B.The design for Boarding Glasses' future.

C.The working principle of Boarding Glasses.

D.The response of people wearing Boarding Glasses.

3.Which word can best replace the underlined word “transmit” in paragraph 3?

A.calm B.send C.destroy D.attack

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.Boarding Glasses Promises to Ease Motion Sickness

B.Why Do People Dislike Motion Sickness

C.Why Do People Suffer from Motion Sickness

D.Boarding Glasses Can Make You See the World Clearly



    It's not possible to stay together with loved ones all the time. Sometimes family members have to be far away from each other. During that time, they might face something terrible. Although we know what they are suffering, being far away makes it harder to help and comfort (安慰)loved ones. There is no use worrying a lot about them. Instead, keeping a positive attitude of support is more helpful than getting into worrying about the person. I think it is what I can do to help my loved ones.

My daughter has been working full-time during summer about 10 hours a day. She has to study hard for a big entrance exam. At first, like most people, I wanted to try to solve the problems and analyse (分析)the situation. Was there a better way of time management? Was there a better way of studying for this test? However, that was not always helpful. Sometimes, it even gave more pressure to her. Sometimes it might sound like there was something wrong to improve. However, it was just tiring at the end of the day. What would be the kind thing to do in this situation? It was hard to read someone's mind. I decided to just chat with her online and to send a hug emoji (表情符号)this time. It seemed more suitable than talking about solutions. Giving space can also be an act of help, comfort and kindness.

It is a fun and meaningful experiment to actively think about kind things to do rather than let it happen naturally. I've realized it and I'm grateful for this chance to share online. Give it a try too and you'll enjoy sweetness.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Worry is the best comfort to a loved one.

B.It is impossible to love someone around us.

C.The distance helps you do more to loved ones.

D.It's no use worrying a lot about loved ones not around us.

2.How did the author comfort her daughter at last?

A.By talking about solutions. B.By analysing all problems.

C.By buying a gift for her. D.By giving simple emojis online.

3.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To advise people to comfort loved ones as he did.

B.To tell us the ways to get along with others.

C.To discuss the rebuilding of personal relationships.

D.To show distance makes it hard to comfort loved ones.

4.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A.A life journal. B.A newspaper.

C.A website. D.A speech report.



    Located a few blocks away from the White House, Sakina Halal Grill in Washington DC is a restaurant with a difference. Enter during the busy lunch time and you will find businessmen and women eating side by side with the homeless. The owner Kazi Mannan, who is from Pakistan, would not run it in any other way.

Growing up in a village with no electricity, running water or even a building for a school, Kazi is familiar with poverty and hunger. Even in those hard days, whenever his mother Sakina cooked for her own children, she would provide some for her neighbours as well.

When Kazi reached America, he only had three dollars in his hand With the help of a Pakistani bus driver, he finally earned a down payment (首付款)on a restaurant.

The first thing he did was to change the name of the restaurant. He named it after his mother Sakina Halal Grill, whom he lost 26 years ago. But he did not stop there. Keeping his mother's teachings in mind, he not only used her old recipes (菜谱)but also decided to let the homeless eat at his restaurant for free. On the opening day of the restaurant, Kazi personally walked to the nearby park and invited the homeless there to have food at his restaurant.

Many friends said, “Don't let homeless people come inside your restaurant. They will ruin your business.” “But I don't care. If I fail, I fail!” said Kazi Mannan.

In less than 5 years, Sakina Halal Grill has risen to such popularity that Kazi is able to feed over 16,000 people for free every year. He also prepares extra food on Sundays for nearly 50 homeless people at the Georgetown Ministry Center. His deeds (事迹)encourage locals to volunteer there as well.

1.What's special about Sakina Halal Grill?

A.Its owner's special way of decoration.

B.Allowing the homeless to eat in it for free.

C.Being located next to the White House.

D.Its recipes learned from a famous cook.

2.Why did Kazi change the name of the restaurant?

A.To memorise his mother. B.To attract more customers.

C.To complete his mother's wishes. D.To thank the Pakistani bus driver.

3.Which of the following can best describe Kazi?

A.Selfish and mean. B.Brave and reliable.

C.Honest and stubborn. D.Kind and encouraging.

4.What does the story want to tell us?

A.Kindness brings good business. B.Technology is power.

C.Money talks. D.A good friend is good for business.



    Love sugar-white sand beaches? Love skiing (滑雪)down the side of a mountain? Whatever you like, you will find the best winter travel destination (目的地)in the following list. Paradise Island, Bahamas

Best for: Families and water babies

It's one of the Atlantis resorts (旅游胜地)in the Caribbean. The Coral towers and Marina Village (an open-air shopping and dining market) are two reasons to visit this Caribbean popular travel destination. Don't forget about Aqua venture, the world's largest open-air water park. With the winter temperatures between 15°C and 24°C, it's a perfect place to escape the cold.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Best for: Winter sports lovers

Salt Lake City is known as “Ski City”. It's one of four best ski resorts in the USA. Salt Lake City welcomes winter sports lovers all around the world. In addition to wonderful skiing tracks, Utah Olympic Park offers an unforgettable experience.


Best for: Extreme Adventurers

Iceland in the winter is very beautiful. The temperatures there aren't as low as you think. There's no better time than winter to view the Northern Lights. Short winter days mean you'll have an even greater chance to catch the magic. An increasing number of flights in and out of Reykjavik make it easier than ever to visit Iceland.

Orlando, Florida

Best for: Theme park lovers

Orlando is another destination for winter travel. The weather is fine in winter. With the largest Disney World in the world, Orlando must be a good place to travel.

1.What can visitors do on Paradise Island?

A.Ski down the mountain. B.Play in the water park.

C.Visit the Olympic Park. D.Take pictures in Disney World.

2.Where can visitors go to enjoy the Northern Lights?

A.Salt Lake City. B.Orlando.

C.Iceland. D.Paradise Island.

3.Orlando is the best destination for ____.

A.winter sports lovers B.water babies

C.theme park lovers D.extreme adventurers



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