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Cake and birthdays go hand in hand. Howe...

    Cake and birthdays go hand in hand. However, on her first birthday, Akeesha Rose __ an extra special treat. Her aunt, Leah O'Brien, had placed an order for a Peppa Pig themed ___at a bakery. Little did she know that when she went to____it, another customer had paid for it and left a __ for the birthday girl". It read " __ what would have been my little girl’s first birthday, I have chosen to pay for your birthday cake. I am __ to buy my daughter a cake of her own today, but I hope you enjoy this one and have a fantastic birthday. Hannah's __ ."

Ms. O'Brien told BBC News NI she was "overjoyed". "I'd never heard of anything like this happening before. It was such a kind __."

Determined (坚定的)to find out more about Hannah, and to thank her dad, Ms. O Brien ___pictures of the cake and card on Facebook.

"I __ wasn't sure if the family would be happy with me doing so, but I really wanted to reach out to them," she told BBC News NI.

With thousands of people liking, __ and commenting, it wasn't too long before Ms. O’Brien uncovered the __ of Hannah's father — Gareth Bronte.

Tuesday 10 September would've been my daughter's first birthday,” he told BBC News NI. "Unfortunately, she died after eight days and I wasn't going to get the __ to buy her a birthday cake. But I wanted to share some___ about in her memory. I walked into the bakery. said I wanted to __ for someone else's birthday cake and explained the reason why. And it just so __ that there was a cake ordered for the one-year-old girl."

"Some people said my actions had restored some faith in humanity (人,性)for them, but I just___ it for Hannah."

Kristy, Gareth's wife, said she hoped his actions would open a __ for other parents who had lost children and help ___their sadness.

After Mr. Bronte's act of kindness, Ms. O'Brien felt driven to follow suit and put money towards another __ cake at the bakery.

1.A.received B.exchanged C.prepared D.eyed

2.A.bag B.book C.cake D.doll

3.A.record B.observe C.find D.collect

4.A.card B.gift C.souvenir D.cartoon

5.A.In hope of B.In memory of C.In praise of D.In need of

6.A.willing B.unable C.thankful D.uncertain

7.A.uncle B.mommy C.aunt D.daddy

8.A.gesture B.opinion C.explanation D.impression

9.A.painted B.showed off C.posted D.carried on

10.A.gradually B.similarly C.finally D.honestly

11.A.directing B.talking C.sharing D.imitating

12.A.habit B.name C.portrait D.character

13.A.preparation B.money C.chance D.permission

14.A.kindness B.sorrow C.joys D.belief

15.A.look B.order C.ask D.pay

16.A.seemed B.happened C.showed D.offered

17.A.wrote B.made C.admitted D.did

18.A.conversation B.shop C.business D.book

19.A.destroy B.reduce C.face D.explore

20.A.parent's B.friend's C.stranger's D.family's


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述O'Brien在为她的侄女订制蛋糕时遇到的陌生人为其蛋糕付钱,并将这份善意传递下去的故事, 让人们再一次相信了人性的善良。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,在她的第一个生日,Akeesha Rose得到了额外的特别待遇。 A. received收到,得到;B. exchanged交换;C. prepared准备;D. eyed注视。根据常识,过生日应该收到礼物,这里可知是得到了一个特别的待遇,故选A。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的阿姨Leah O'Brien在一家面包店订购了一只小猪佩奇主题蛋糕。 A. bag书包;B. book书;C. cake蛋糕;D. doll玩偶。根据前文提到过生日以及在面包店订购的可知是蛋糕,故选C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她去取的时候,另一位顾客已经付了钱,并给那个过生日的女孩留下了一张卡片。 A. record记录;B. observe观察;C. find找到;D. collect领取,收走。根据前文在面包店订购的蛋糕,可知这里是去店里取蛋糕,故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她去取的时候,另一位顾客已经付了钱,并给那个过生日的女孩留下了一张卡片。A. card卡片;B. gift礼物;C. souvenir纪念品;D. cartoon卡通。根据下文上面写着字,可知是卡片,故选A。 5.考查短语辨析。句意:为了纪念我小女儿的第一个生日,我为你买了生日蛋糕。A. In hope of怀着…希望;B. In memory of纪念…;C. In praise of赞扬…;D. In need of需要…。根据下文无法为他自己的女儿买蛋糕,所以这里应该是纪念他小女儿的生日,故选B。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我今天没办法给我女儿买她自己的蛋糕,但我希望你能喜欢这个蛋糕,并度过一个美妙的生日。汉娜的爸爸。A. willing愿意;B. unable不能的;C. thankful感激的;D. uncertain不确定的。根据but转折可知上文应该是不能为自己的女儿买蛋糕,故选B。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我今天没办法给我女儿买她自己的蛋糕,但我希望你能喜欢这个蛋糕,并度过一个美妙的生日。汉娜的爸爸。A. uncle叔叔;B. mommy妈妈;C. aunt阿姨;D. daddy爸爸。根据下文Determined (坚定的)to find out more about Hannah, and to thank her dad,可知留卡片的人是汉娜的爸爸,故选D。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个非常友好的姿态。A. gesture姿态;B. opinion意见;C. explanation解释;D. impression印象。根据上文O'Brien女士告诉新闻记者她非常高兴她以前从未听说过这样的事情,可知她在赞扬这件事,故选A。 9.考查动词及词组辨析。句意:确定找到更多关于汉娜的信息,并且感谢她的爸爸,O'Brien女士在Facebook上发布了蛋糕和卡片的照片。A. painted喷涂;B. showed off炫耀;C. posted发布;D. carried on继续进行。根据常识以及上文要找到更多的信息,可知是将照片发布到Facebook上,故选C。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她告诉BBC新闻的记者:“老实说,我不确定这家人是否会高兴我这样做,但我真的很想和他们接触。”A. gradually逐渐地;B. similarly类似的;C. finally最终;D. honestly老实说。根据下文前后转折的两句,可知O'Brien不确定这样做对不对,所以老实说在这里更符合语境,故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:成千上万的人点赞、分享和评论,没过多久,O'Brien女士就发现了汉娜父亲的名字—Gareth Bronte。A. directing指示;B. talking谈话;C. sharing分享;D. imitating模仿。根据常识可知,在Facebook上发布照片会被点赞、分享和评论,故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:成千上万的人点赞、分享和评论,没过多久,O'Brien女士就发现了汉娜父亲的名字—Gareth Bronte。 A. habit习惯;B. name名字;C. portrait肖像;D. character性格。根据下文给出的人名Gareth Bronte,可知是名字,故选B。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“不幸的是,她8天后就去世了,我没有机会给她买生日蛋糕。A. preparation准备;B. money钱;C. chance机会;D. permission允许。根据上文不幸的是,她8天后就去世了,可知是没有机会买生日蛋糕,故选C。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我想在她的记念中分享一些善意。A. kindness善意;B. sorrow悲伤;C. joys高兴;D. belief信念。根据上文知道没有机会为自己的女儿买蛋糕,为了纪念女儿,为别人的蛋糕付钱,分享善意更符合语境,故选A。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我走进面包店,说我想为别人的生日蛋糕付钱,并解释了原因。A. look看;B. order订购;C. ask问;D. pay支付。根据前文他为这个蛋糕付钱可知这里是支付,故选D。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:碰巧有人为这个一岁的小女孩订了一个蛋糕。A. seemed似乎;B. happened碰巧发生;C. showed表明;D. offered提供。根据上文他要为别人的生日蛋糕付钱,推断下文碰巧赶上,故选B。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有些人说,我的行动为他们恢复了对人性的信心,但我只是为汉娜这样做。A. wrote写;B. made制作;C. admitted承认;D. did做。根据上文这位爸爸的描述,可知他是为了纪念女儿而做出的善举,故选D。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Gareth的妻子Kristy说,她希望Gareth的行为能为其他失去孩子的父母打开话题,帮助他们减轻悲伤。A. conversation话题;B. shop商店;C. business生意; D. book书。根据下文帮助他们减轻悲伤,可知是希望为他们打开话题,故选A。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Gareth的妻子Kristy说,她希望Gareth的行为能为其他失去孩子的父母打开话题,帮助他们减轻悲伤。A. destroy毁坏;B. reduce减少;C. face面对;D. explore探讨。根据全文可知Gareth的行为是分享善意,所以希望它能帮助其他失去孩子的父母减轻悲伤,故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在Bronte先生的善举之后,O'Brien女士觉得有必要效仿他的做法,把钱花在面包店里另一个陌生人的蛋糕上。A. parent's父母的;B. friend's朋友的;C. stranger's陌生人的;D. family's家人的。根据全文可知Bronte的善举是对陌生人的,所以O'Brien女士效仿他的做法,因此是为陌生人的蛋糕付钱,故选C。

    Clean eating does not have an official definition (定义),but it basically means that you avoid processed (加工过的)and packaged foods in favor of foods that are in their natural state.1.Then how to start clean eating?

Focus on fruits and vegetables. The basis of a clean eating plan should be whole, unprocessed fruits and vegetables.2.Include 1 or 2 servings of vegetables or fruit with every meal. If you don't like to wash and cut produce yourself, you can buy pre-washed and cut fresh produce.

Add 2 to 3 servings of whole grains (谷粒)each day. Whole grains should make up the majority of your food since they contain more fiber and nutrients (养分)than white grains. Lessen white bread, pasta, flour and rice. 3.

4.Protein (蛋白质)helps to keep you feeling full for longer than carbs (碳水化合物)or fats, so make sure to get 2 to 3 servings of protein per day. All or most of the meals you eat should have 1 serving of protein.

Drink water as your main source of liquid. 5. Make sure that you are drinking at least eight 8 glasses of water 240ml daily. Drink water with your meals and between them to keep yourself hydrated (含水的). Try carrying a water bottle wherever you go and refill it as needed throughout the day!

A. Replace these foods with whole grains choices.

B. Fat helps with satisfaction, but too much fat will increase your overall calorie intake.

C. Water is very important to a clean eating plan.

D. It is a popular way to make sure that you are having healthier foods.

E. It is important to read labels (标签)when you are trying to eat clean.

F. Try to buy fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

G. Add a serving of protein to each meal.



    The Miao Sisters Festival is held every year in Guizhou's Taijiang County, where 97 percent of the 168,000 people there are from the ethnic (民族)Miao group. It is an ancient tradition, which brings men and women together through food, gifts and music.

In the days before the festival, young women gather leaves and wild flowers, which they use to dye (给•••染色)sticky rice with bright colors. This brightly colored rice, known as Sister Rice, gives the festival its name. During the festival, the young women dress in beautiful traditional clothes with large amounts of silver jewelry (首饰).

The festival includes parades (游行),horse races and musical performances. But the real focus is the interaction (互动)between the young women and the young men who visit from surrounding villages and sing songs. In one traditional type of song, a man and woman take turns singing to each other, and the first one to make a mistake loses the game. The loser must give the winner a gift, but the winner is expected to give a gift in return too.

After meeting the men, the women send them home with a bamboo basket containing dyed rice and hidden objects with special meanings. For example, a pair of chopsticks means she wants to marry the man, while garlic shows that she is not interested.

One of several stories about the festival’s beginning of a girl and a boy who fell in love. The girl's parents wanted her to marry her uncle's son» as was traditional at the time. She refused, and the boy likewise refused to marry anyone else. For a time, they could only meet in a field and pass hidden messages to each other through rice in a bamboo basket. Finally, the pair overcame their parents' opposition and were allowed to marry.

The Sister Rice Festival is perhaps the oldest festival in Asia that encourages love.

1.What is the purpose of young women collecting leaves and wild flowers?

A.To decorate their rooms.

B.To sell them and make money.

C.To give sticky rice different colors.

D.To cover some objects in a basket.

2.Which of the following is NOT the activity taking place in the festival?

A.Water skiing. B.Horse races.

C.Parades. D.Singing songs.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.A woman often loses the game.

B.A hidden pair of chopsticks suggests good things.

C.The winner need not send a gift.

D.Often a man needs to sing songs to a young woman.

4.The story in Paragraph 5 tells us that   .

A.the boy's parents didn't like the girl

B.they were not married in the end

C.the boy refused to marry the girl at first

D.the rice in the bamboo basket carried their love



    ROME— four people, including the wife of the factory's owner, died on Wednesday after explosions (爆炸)at the Barcelona Pozzo di Gotto fireworks company, Italian media reported.

According to online reports by La Republic and TGCOM24, at least one other person is missing and three others are seriously injured, with two of them in dangerous condition. Among the dead was 71-year-old Venera Mazzeo, the wife of the factory owner Vito Costa. Mazzeo reportedly died on the scene. Antonio Costa, the owner's son, was seriously injured and was transported to a hospital in the regional capital of Palermo for treatment. Less seriously injured persons were moved to the nearby Milazzo Hospital to be treated for burns and other injuries. Many were transported by local people who reached the scene before ambulances could arrive, reports said.

The factory, located near the northeast of the southern Italian island of Sicily, near the city of Messina, has been in operation for more than ten years without any accident. Police reports showed that two separate explosions took place, with the first explosion likely causing the second one. Media reports said that police have guessed that sparks (火花)from a repairing project reached some of the explosive material stored in the factory and was likely the cause of the first explosion.

Reports also showed that firefighters were able to control the flame, which burnt buildings on the factory and threatened nearby structures.

1.How many people lost their lives in the accident except Venera Mazzeo?

A.Three. B.Four.

C.Five. D.Six.

2.What probably caused the first explosion according to the passage?

A.One worker's cigarette spark.

B.A fire nearby the factory.

C.The explosive material in the factory.

D.The sparks from a repairing project.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Antonio Costa died on the scene because of the flame.

B.Most injured persons were sent to hospital by ambulance.

C.The factory had been in safe operation before the explosions.

D.There were three explosions in total in the accident.

4.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.A travel guide. B.A newspaper.

C.A magazine. D.A science report.



    When your alarm clock rings and you drag yourself out of bed, you probably wonder Why on earth does school have to start so early?

Fortunately, there is a new law to support—or better still, science.

A law in California, passed on Oct 13, requires that public middle schools begin classes no earlier than 800 am and that high schools start no earlier than 830 am. The law will go into effect by July 1, 2022.

Starting school at 800 or 830 in the morning may not sound like too big of a change, but it could mean one more hour of sleep for students who used to start school at 7:30 or even earlier.

"The effect of that one hour is something they will be feeling as 40-year-old adults," Sumit Bhargava, a sleep expert at Stanford University, told The New York Times. He said that not having enough sleep can affect students' mental health and increase the risk of being overweight and diabetes (糖尿病).

In the short run, students' school performances should improve almost immediately. Kyla Wahlstrom, a researcher at the University of Minnesota's College of Education, found that students who have enough sleep are alert in class and get much more satisfying grades.

Some might say that asking students to go to bed earlier could have been a much easier solution than changing the school timetable across an entire state. But according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, teenagers go through biological changes when they enter puberty (青春期),which makes it difficult for them to fall asleep before 1100 pm. So when school starts at 800 or earlier, they can hardly get the ideal 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep that experts suggest they need to do their best in the daytime.

This is why when the new law came out, its author, Anthony Portantino, said, "Generations of children will come to appreciate this historic day and our governor for taking action."

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the law?

A.The law has not been put into practice.

B.The law requires schools to start later than 830am.

C.The law will be passed by July 1, 2022.

D.The law is made by a university in California.

2.What does the underlined word alert in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.Friendly. B.Sharp.

C.Calm. D.Honest.

3.For a better academic performance in the daytime, how long do teenagers probably need to sleep?

A.About 8 hours. B.About 9 hours.

C.At least 10 hours. D.At most 8. 5 hours.

4.What's the main idea of the text?

A.Lack of sleep could lead to health problems.

B.The amount of sleep people need changes with age.

C.A new law lets students sleep longer.

D.Sleeping problems are leading problems for teenagers.



Letter to My Daughter Hardcover $10. 00

This book of essay and poems by Maya Angelou, a respectable American poet, is written for "the daughter she never had" —the millions of women, both young and old, who she considers to be her "family". From the viewpoint of a caring, older relative, this book contains lessons taken from her own life experiences, including the birth of her only child, a son, as well as the development and loss of friendship.

Ordinary Light Paperback $6. 46

"She left us at night,” Tracy K. Smith, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, writes in the first sentence in Ordinary Light. She gives a description of her mother's last days and moments, and her own private farewell. She moves on to search for her mother through memories. She remembers her as a steady presence during visits to grandparents, while spending time with her much-older sisters and brothers. Ordinary Light is a memory, a discovery, a blessing.

A Room of Ones Own Hardcover $19. 48

This essay by English writer Virginia Woolf is based on her several lectures given to two women's colleges at Cambridge University in 1928. In it, Woolf describes that it's situation not talent alone that allows men to be more successful at writing. Women, in other words, spend so much time cooking, cleaning ? and tending to their children that they have no time left for art. To write well, therefore, a woman must have "a room of her own". While on its surface, this essay appears to be only about writing, it is actually about wealth and class, freedom and imprisonment (囚禁),and the power struggle between sexes.

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Hardcover $8. 44

"When you think things are bad, when you start to get mad... you should do what I do!"

The classic book by Dr Seuss begins with the advice of a wise man and provides the perfect ways for readers of all ages who are feeling down. Thanks to Dr. Seuss's trademark rhymes (韵律)and signature illustrations (插画),readers will realize just how lucky they truly are.

1.How many different books can you buy at most with $25?

A.One. B.Two.

C.Three. D.Four.

2.If you are feeling a bit low, you can read    .

A.Letter to My Daughter

B.A Room of One's Own

C.Ordinary Light

D.Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Maya spends most of her time fighting for women's rights.

B.Woolf thinks many factors influence women's success at writing.

C.Tracy often spends much time with her older sisters and brothers.

D.Dr. Seuss always gives more encouragement to young people.



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