满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Several weeks ago I got a call from a go...

    Several weeks ago I got a call from a good friend whose husband had just been diagnosed with cancer. “Do we tell the kids?” she asked. “_______.” I answered “The boys deserve to know the_______,however heartbreaking it is,” I continued. Adults always insist that children be honest, _______ how many of us are honest with our kids, particularly about the_______ stuff: death, disease, corruption, our own failings?

I believe in telling children the truth. I believe this is vital for their understanding of the world, their confidence, and the _______ of their morals and values. This doesn’t mean kids need to be unnecessarily frightened or told more than they can_______.

Many people think they’re protecting children when they spare them the truth. I _______. I believe children _______ an enviable ability to cope with and _______ what even adults find annoying; they can accept the unacceptable in a way that __________ me. Kids also have an unusual sense when something is __________. They know a fake smile when they see one, they realize when we’re uneasy, and they can __________ when we’re lying.

One night I was in the car with our two oldest daughters. It was dark and cozy — the __________ time for a heart-to-heart conversation. One of our girls said, “Mom, have you ever smoked cigarettes?” I stalled (故意拖延) a little, but the girls __________. They had me and they knew it .  __________ I told them the truth. What happened next was an honest and direct__________ about the lure and danger of cigarettes, well worth any discomfort. I believe my honesty was much more__________ than warnings or platitudes (老生常谈).

Time marches on, and so do__________. While I’ve made mistakes as a parent, I do have clear and__________ relationships with each of our children. I believe my being truthful with our children has__________, because I’m pretty sure that now they are honest with me.

1.A.Quickly B.Especially C.Finally D.Absolutely

2.A.truth B.answer C.way D.cause

3.A.and B.but C.or D.for

4.A.new B.dangerous C.tough D.original

5.A.arrangement B.development C.commitment D.assessment

6.A.prevent B.enjoy C.handle D.skip

7.A.survive B.hesitate C.admit D.disagree

8.A.possess B.seek C.balance D.skip

9.A.make notes of B.make use of C.make sense of D.make mention of

10.A.scares B.astonishes C.discourages D.embarrasses

11.A.over B.important C.wrong D.impossible

12.A.tell B.pretend C.monitor D.interrupt

13.A.local B.perfect C.long D.last

14.A.quarreled B.laughed C.insisted D.sighed

15.A.Again B.Instead C.Otherwise D.Therefore

16.A.concern B.discussion C.defense D.complaint

17.A.effective B.careful C.emotional D.gentle

18.A.parents B.dreams C.grades D.children

19.A.special B.proper C.open D.personal

20.A.fell off B.went off C.set off D.paid off


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章作者通过讲述自己的亲身经历,说明了成年人总是坚持要求孩子们诚实,但我们中有多少人对孩子们诚实,尤其是对那些棘手的事情:死亡、疾病、腐败、我们自己的失败?不管真相多么令人心碎,孩子们都应该知道真相。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“绝对”我回答。A. Quickly迅速地;B. Especially特别;C. Finally最后;D. Absolutely绝对。根据“The boys deserve to know the___2___,however heartbreaking it is,” I continued.可知,作者赞成告诉孩子们真相。故选D。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“不管真相多么令人心碎,孩子们都应该知道真相,”我继续说道。A. truth真相;B. answer回答;C. way方法;D. cause原因。根据Several weeks ago I got a call from a good friend whose husband had just been diagnosed with cancer.可知,这里意思是作者认为应该把真相告诉孩子们。故选A。 3.考查连词词义辨析。句意:成年人总是坚持要求孩子们诚实,但我们中有多少人对孩子们诚实,尤其是对那些棘手的事情:死亡、疾病、腐败、我们自己的失败? A. and并且;B. but但是;C. or或者;D. for因为。成年人总是坚持要求孩子们诚实,自己却对孩子们不诚实,这是一种转折关系,故选B。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:成年人总是坚持要求孩子们诚实,但我们中有多少人对孩子们诚实,尤其是对那些棘手的事情:死亡、疾病、腐败、我们自己的失败? A. new新的;B. dangerous危险的;C. tough棘手的;D. original原来的。根据下文death, disease,, corruption , our own failings可判断出,这都是一些棘手的事情。故选C。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我相信,这对他们了解世界、树立信心、发展道德和价值观至关重要。A. arrangement安排;B. development发展;C. commitment承诺;D. assessment评定。“道德和价值观”自然是需要发展的。故选B。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这并不意味着孩子们需要受到不必要的惊吓或被告知超出他们处理范围的事情。A. prevent阻止;B. enjoy欣赏;C. handle处理;D. skip跳过。根据told more than可知,这里意思是这并不意味着孩子们被告知超出他们处理范围的事情。故选C。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不同意。A. survive幸存;B. hesitate犹豫;C. admit承认;D. disagree不同意。根据I believe children ___8___ an enviable ability to cope with and ___9___ what even adults find annoying可知,我并不同意上文的观点。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我相信孩子们拥有一种令人羡慕的能力,能够处理和理解甚至成年人也觉得恼火的事情。A. possess拥有;B. seek寻求;C. balance平衡;D. skip跳过。根据an enviable ability to cope with and ___9___ what even adults find annoying可知,这里意思是我相信孩子们拥有一种令人羡慕的能力。故选A。 9.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我相信孩子们拥有一种令人羡慕的能力,能够处理和理解甚至成年人也觉得恼火的事情。A. make notes of记录;B. make use of利用;C. make sense of理解;D. make mention of提到。根据they can accept the unacceptable in a way that ___10___ me.可知,这里是理解甚至成年人也觉得恼火的事情。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在某种程度上,他们能接受不可接受的东西,这让我很惊讶。A. scares受惊吓;B. astonishes吃惊;C. discourages气馁;D. embarrasses窘迫。根据生活常识,孩子们能接受不可接受的东西,这是让我很惊讶的。故选B。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当事情出错时,孩子们也有一种不寻常的感觉。A. over结束的;B. important重要的;C. wrong错误的;D. impossible不可能。根据They know a fake smile when they see one, they realize when we’re uneasy, and they can ___12___ when we’re lying.可知,这里意思是当事情出错时,孩子们也有一种不寻常的感觉。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们看到一个假笑时,他们知道,当我们感到不安时,他们可以意识到,当我们说谎时,他们能够辨别。A. tell辨别;B. pretend假装;C. monitor监控;D. interrupt打断。“我们是否在说谎”自然是需要辨别。故选A。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一个黑暗而舒适的地方——是谈心的最佳时间。A. local当地的;B. perfect最好的;C. long长的;D. last最后的。根据It was dark and cozy可知,这是谈心的最佳时间。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我故意拖延了一会儿,但是姑娘们坚持让我回答这个问题。A. quarreled吵架;B. laughed大笑;C. insisted坚持;D. sighed叹气。根据They had me and they knew it . ___15___ I told them the truth.可知,姑娘们坚持让我回答这个问题。故选C。 15.考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,我告诉了她们真相。A. Again再一次;B. Instead代替;C. Otherwise否则;D. Therefore因此。上文说姑娘们坚持让我回答这个问题。下文说我告诉了她们真相。两者之间是一种因果关系,故选D。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:接下来发生的是一场关于香烟的诱惑和危险的坦诚而直接的讨论,任何不适都是值得的。A. concern担心;B. discussion讨论;C. defense防护;D. complaint抱怨。根据I believe my honesty was much more___17___ than warnings or platitudes (老生常谈).可知,我和孩子们在讨论香烟的诱惑和危险。故选B。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我相信我的诚实比警告或老生常谈更有效。A. effective有效的;B. careful小心的;C. emotional情绪的;D. gentle温和的。根据well worth any discomfort.可知,这里意思是我相信我的诚实比警告或老生常谈更有效。故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:时间在前行,孩子们也一样。A. parents父母;B. dreams梦想;C. grades等级;D. children孩子。根据While I’ve made mistakes as a parent, I do have clear and___19___ relationships with each of our children.可知,这里意思是时间在前行,孩子们也一样。故选D。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:作为父母,我也犯过错误,但我确实与每个孩子都保持着清晰、坦诚的关系。A. special特别的;B. proper合适的;C. open坦诚的;D. personal个人的。根据I believe my being truthful with our children has___20___, because I’m pretty sure that now they are honest with me.可知,我确实与每个孩子都保持着清晰、坦诚的关系。故选C。 20.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我相信我对孩子们的诚实得到了回报,因为我很确定她们现在对我诚实了。A. fell off跌落;B. went off离去;C. set off出发;D. paid off回报。根据because I’m pretty sure that now they are honest with me.可知,我对孩子们的诚实得到了回报。故选D。

Trump is an       father who impressed on his children the importance of independence and hard work when they were young.

A.aggressive B.alarming

C.abnormal D.awesome



While ______ the National Congress of Communist Party, President Xi instructed the party never to forget ______ we started and then we can  accomplish our mission (使命).

A.addressingwhere B.sponsoringwhen

C.deliveringwhen D.dismissingwhere



(题文)The Mp3 ________ young people ________ a bit of decline recently with the appearance of the Mp4.

A. intending to; has entered into    B. intended for; has gone into

C. meant to; takes on    D. meant for; opens up



A student ______ read too many books, which helps broaden his horizons and enrich his mind.

A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't D.shouldn't



—Will you take over at the next service area? I want a short rest.

—Sure. You ______ for over four hours by then.

A.have driven B.have been driving

C.will be driving D.will have been driving



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