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Films in Feiyang Cinema This Week (Half...


Films in Feiyang Cinema This Week

(Half on Sunday for children)


Chinese film(2004).

Directed (导演)by Feng Xiaogang.

Mainly acted by Liu Dehua, Ge You,Liu Ruoying, Li Bingbing

From Monday to Wednesday at 8:00pm.

Ticket Price: RMB 35.


Chinese Hong Kong film(2004).

Directed by Zhou Xingchi.

Mainly acted by Zhou Xingchi,Yuan Hua, Liang Xiaolong.

From Wednesday to Friday, at 8:00 p.m.

Ticket price: RMB 30


American film (2004).

Directed by Alfonso Cuaron.

Mainly acted by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Waston.

From Friday to Sunday, at 7:30 p.m.

Ticket Price: RMB 40


American film (2004).

Directed by Wolfgang Petersen.

Mainly acted by Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nat han Jones, Adoni Maropis.

From Tuesday to Thursday, at 8:00 p.m.

Ticket Price: RMB 45



1.If you want to see the film which was directed by Feng Xiaogang, go to the cinema on _____ .

A.Monday B.Thursday

C.Friday D.Saturday

2.Peter likes magic world. His father decides to take him to see HARRY POTTER () on Sunday. How much should they pay for their tickets at least?

A.80 yuan. B.65 yuan.

C.50 yuan. D.60 yuan.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Liu Dehua acted in the film Kungfu Hustle.

B.The ticket price of the four films is the same.

C.All the films start after 8 o'clock in the evening.

D.The four films were released (发行) in the same year.


1.A 2.D 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章是一张海报,包含了四部电影,介绍了它们的发行时间、主演、放映时间和票价。 1.细节理解题。由A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES部分的Directed (导演)by Feng Xiaogang. 和From Monday to Wednesday at 8:00pm.可知A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES由冯小刚导演,在周一到周三晚八点放映,所以如果你想看冯小刚导演的电影可以星期一去电影院。故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据Half on Sunday for children可知周日孩子半价;根据HARRY POTTER (Ⅲ) 部分的Ticket Price: RMB 40可知哈利波特(三)的票价是40元,爸爸和Peter周日去看哈利波特(三)需要付的钱是40(爸爸)+20(Peter)=60。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES部分的Chinese film(2004).可知A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES在2004发行;根据KUNGFU HUSTLE部分的Chinese Hong Kong film(2004).可知KUNGFU HUSTLE在2004年发行;根据HARRY POTTER (Ⅲ)部分的American film (2004).可知HARRY POTTER (Ⅲ)在2004发行;根据TROY部分的American film (2004).可知TROY在2004年发行。因此四部电影都在2004年发行,故选D。


The McDonnells lived in a small brick house in Larchmont, a suburb of New York City. Jim was foreman of mail carriers at the post office where he had worked for 25 years. Married in 1960, he and Anne were childless.

On the evening of the eleventh anniversary of their marriage, carrying out the garbage, Jim McDonnell slipped on icy steps, and struck his head. A few days later, driving to work, he lost control of the car, hit a telephone pole, and banged his forehead against the windshield. The following day he fell off the stairs, and again he banged his head. Found unconscious, he was hospitalized for three days with a cerebral concussion (脑震荡). One day in the same month, Jim borrowed a friend’s station wagon and drove to Kennedy Airport to pick up Anne’s brother and family. When he returned the borrowed car at 10 p.m., he was unaware that the wallet containing his identification had slipped out of his pocket onto the floor of the car. After that, he was never seen again.

So what really happened to Anne’s husband? During his walk home, Jim had indeed blacked out (昏厥), losing all ability to remember who he was and where he lived. What happened then is unclear. The next thing he knew was that he was in downtown Philadelphia, a city he had never visited before. Seeing signs advertising the services of a James Peters, a real estate broker, Jim adopted James Peters as his own name. He had no past; his only reality was the present. James Peters got a Social Security card, which could be obtained at that time without showing a birth certificate, and took a job in a health club. He next worked at a cancer research institute, cleaning out animal cages. He also got a night-shift job at the P&P luncheonette, where he became well known for his omelets (煎蛋卷), as well as his kindness and good humor.



Paragraph 1

About a month before Christmas 1985, colleagues noticed that Jim had grown unusually quiet and depressed.


Paragraph 2

Anne had just returned home from Christmas Mass, where she lit candles and prayed for Jim.









2.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。





What you spend rather than what you earn 1.(help) to determine how content you are with life, a new study says.

Research from the Office for National Statistics found spending on hotels, restaurants and household furnishings was associated with life satisfaction. 2. (Unsurprising), spending on insurance and mobile phones was not. But the ONS said that overall spending and income mattered less than personal circumstances when 3. (measure) life satisfaction. Good health, marital status (婚姻状况) and economic activity had the strongest associations with how positively life satisfaction is rated.

Its analysis found that age also mattered: the young have 4. (high) life satisfaction than those in their 40s but life satisfaction rises again in later years, before falling again for those in their 80s. Living 5. (condition) were also important. Those who own their homes think their life satisfaction is higher than 6. in poverty.

But while spending is more important than income, households with 7. income of between £24,000 and £44,000 would feel more 8.(satisfy) if their income increased, the ONS found. The ONS said: “There is no evidence of a significant association between household income 9. life satisfaction overall after accounting for other characteristics, such as age, 10. (marry) and so on”.



    I’d planned to spend my weekend in the sun, enjoying flowers outdoors. But that was ____ the pair of disgusting crows (乌鸦) arrived. Out of nowhere, they had set up their base ____ in our backyard.

We first ______ our feathered enemies on Friday morning. It was early, and the sound the birds made ______ through our neighborhood. I figured they’d ______ soon. But, no. They were getting louder and probably ______ my neighbors nearly as much as us with the noise. I admit I got a little ______.

Then, on Sunday afternoon, I saw our dog Quatchi staring at something on the ground. I went to ______ and found a small coal-black bird in the grass. Its eyes were milky, and it stayed perfectly ______ as my dog walked towards it. Only when Quatchi ______ his nose to its head did it walk away. I ______ the dog inside and came back with my camera.

It never occurred to me that the young would be hanging out on the ground, growing and gaining ______ as its parents guarded it from above. The second I saw this little creature I ____ the crows.

To be honest, I’ve never been much of a bird person. And I wish they’d chosen another backyard. But I’m also ______ that I got to see this little bit of nature unfold up close. It’s pretty amazing.

The experience has also ______ my desire to create a beautiful backyard garden that attracts lots of bees, butterflies, and yes, birds. They are welcome here.

1.A.after B.when C.until D.before

2.A.organization B.camp C.business D.trap

3.A.accepted B.drove C.discovered D.invited

4.A.traveled B.flew C.ran D.flowed

5.A.sing B.fight C.fall down D.quiet down

6.A.attracting B.annoying C.frightening D.amusing

7.A.excited B.amazed C.curious D.desperate

8.A.prevent B.defend C.explore D.assist

9.A.cold B.enthusiastic C.still D.friendly

10.A.touched B.threw C.pointed D.connected

11.A.awarded B.locked C.praised D.fed

12.A.strength B.pity C.advantage D.freedom

13.A.hated B.respected C.admired D.forgave

14.A.pitiful B.grateful C.painful D.careful

15.A.discouraged B.ensured C.strengthened D.proved



    Some high school students think it useless to receive higher education. 1. If you’re one of them, think again. Here are some reasons why you should go to college and receive a good education there.

2. We take that knowledge later on to build our careers after graduation. More knowledge will be gained after you start working, but without education, that job will not be within easy reach. Knowledge leads to knowledge.

While limited within the walls of the educational places, we openly explore other cultures of the world! 3. Other cultures have valuable things to share, enriching our own. Education also makes us want to travel and exchange with various cultures, getting more experience.

When there’s a recession (衰退) in the economy, those who attended college will be more likely to find a new job than those who only finished high school and have a limited skill set. The more education you have, the more chances you will get to improve the quality of your life as you have a better job and earn a higher salary.

When you’re skillful and knowledgeable, you gain access to people of similar backgrounds and tastes. 4. Good networking can benefit you a lot in your later life.

5. You can talk about ideas and events instead of just other people and what’s on sale in stores. An educated person doesn’t gossip (说闲话), having a preference to discuss ideas and listen to what other people have to say.

A. Therefore, they choose not to go to college.

B. We come to know that ours is not the only culture.

C. There is a negative side to earning a good education too.

D. A good education makes you a more interesting person.

E. It means a good education leads to excellent networking.

F. Schools and universities are the first places to get knowledge.

G. It has long been understood that an education can lead to long-term financial success.



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