满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A man worked in a post office.His job wa...

    A man worked in a post office.His job was to handle(处理) all______that had unclear addresses.One day he came across a letter which was_______to God. He opened it and it ______,“Dear God, I am an 83­year­old woman and I live on a very small pension. Yesterday someone stole my_________.There was a hundred dollars in it, which was all the money I had______until my next pension comes.Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, and I have invited my last two  friends for______Without that money, I have________to buy food with.I have no family to_______, and you are my only________.Can you please help me?” The man felt______about thisand went around showing the letter to all the other workers.Each of the________their wallets and donated a few dollars.By the time he________his showing, he had collected 96 dollars._______then he sent it to the old woman.Thanksgiving Day came and went.The workers________forgot about it.Then one day, there came another letter from the old lady to God.All the__________gathered around when the letter was_______. It read, “Dear God, how can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because  of your kindness, I was able to_______a lovely dinner for my friends.We had a very________day, and I told my friends about your_______gift.Thank you very much!”  Seeing thisall the workers felt_______at the nice thing they had done.They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

1.A.stamps B.money C.mail D.postcards

2.A.spoken B.written C.recorded D.pointed

3.A.noticed B.talked C.read D.told

4.A.clothes B.purse C.house D.food

5.A.borrowed B.wished C.paid D.left

6.A.dinner B.fun C.business D.picnic

7.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

8.A.turn up B.turn down C.turn to D.turn over

9.A.family B.hope C.friend D.partner

10.A.excited B.puzzled C.determined D.sorry

11.A.gained B.earned C.searched D.explored

12.A.finished B.planned C.started D.toured

13.A.Or B.As C.And D.But

14.A.gradually B.frequently C.fluently D.especially

15.A.friends B.workers C.officers D.guests

16.A.sent B.replied C.accepted D.opened

17.A.bring B.choose C.prepare D.enjoy

18.A.nice B.strange C.common D.formal

19.A.traditional B.wonderful C.expensive D.extra

20.A.annoyed B.confident C.delighted D.hopeful


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是邮局工作人员在处理地址不详的邮件时,遇到一位老人向上帝的求助,大家合理凑钱帮助老人的故事。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的工作是处理所有地址不清楚的邮件。A. stamps邮票;B. money钱;C. mail邮件;D. postcards明信片。前文worked in a post office,跟邮局有关的是邮件,故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天他遇到一封写给上帝的信。A. spoken说;B. written写;C. recorded记录;D. pointed指向。write a letter to sb.意为“写信”,故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他打开信,看到信里写到。A. noticed注意;B. talked聊天;C. read写;D. told告诉。下文的It read可知,此处用read本义为“读”。表达看书、看信、看杂志时,通常用read。故选C。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:昨天有人偷了我的钱包。A. clothes衣服;B. purse钱包;C. house房子;D. food食物。下文There was a hundred dollars in it,可知,此处指钱包,故选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:里面有100美元,这是下一笔抚恤金发之前我剩下的所有的钱。A. borrowed借;B. wished希望;C. paid付款;D. left剩下、留下。根据语境,这笔钱是老人剩下的,left意为“剩下、留下”,故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:下周四是感恩节,我已经邀请了我最后的两个朋友吃晚餐。A. dinner晚餐;B. fun开心;C. business生意;D. picnic野餐。下文I was able to___17___a lovely dinner for my friends.可知,此处指晚餐dinner。故选A。 7.考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:没有那些钱,我没什么可以用来买食物了。A. nothing没什么;B. anything任何事情;C. something某些事情;D. everything一切。根据语境,这里是老人没什么能用来买东西,nothing意为“没什么”,故选A。 8.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我没有家人可以求助,你是我唯一的希望。A. turn up调大;B. turn down调小;C. turn to求助;D. turn over翻转。下文Can you please help me可知,此处是请求帮助,故选C。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没有家人可以求助,你是我唯一的希望。A. family家人;B. hope希望;C. friend朋友;D. partner伙伴。根据语境,老人身边没有人能帮助他了,仅剩的希望就是上帝了。故选B。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:男士对此感到很难过,把信给其他工人看了。A. excited兴奋的;B. puzzled困惑的;C. determined下定决定的;D. sorry难过的。这里体现的是工作人员知道老人的事之后,感到难过,故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个工作人员都在钱包里找了找,捐了一些钱出来。A. gained获得;B. earned 挣;C. searched找,搜索;D. explored探索。在钱包里找钱,searched意为“找”,故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他完成展示后,筹集到了96美元。A. finished完成;B. planned计划;C. started开始;D. toured旅行。前文went around showing可知,到这里展示结束了,故选A。 13.考查连词辨析。句意:然后,他把钱寄给了老人。A. Or或者;B. As作为;C. And和,然后;D. But但是。前后文是先后关系,and意为“然后”,故选C。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:工作人员逐渐忘了这件事。A. gradually逐渐地;B. frequently频繁地;C. fluently流利地;D. especially特别地。他们寄钱是圣诞节之前的事,现在圣诞节都结束了,已经逐渐遗忘了,故选A。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当信打开时,所有工作人员聚到了一起。A. friends朋友;B. workers工作人员;C. officers官员;D. guests客人。前文说工作人员快忘记寄钱的事时收到了来信,所以应该是工作人员一起看信。故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当信打开时,所有工作人员聚到了一起。A. sent寄,送;B. replied回复;C. accepted接受;D. opened打开。下文It read, “Dear God, how can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me?可知,信打开了,故选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为你的仁慈,我能为我的朋友准备美味的晚餐。A. bring带来;B. choose选择;C. prepare准备;D. enjoy享受。前文I have invited my last two friends for___6___可知,老人想给朋友准备晚餐。prepare sth. for sb.意为“为某人准备某物”,故选C。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们度过了很愉快的一天,我告诉了我的朋友关于你的棒棒的礼物。A. nice愉快的;B. strange奇怪的;C. common普通的;D. formal正式的。前文I was able to___17___a lovely dinner可知,晚餐很愉快,nice意为“愉快的”,故选A。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们度过了很愉快的一天,我告诉了我的朋友关于你那份棒棒的礼物。A. traditional传统的;B. wonderful绝妙的,棒的;C. expensive昂贵的;D. extra额外的。前文We had a very____18____day说明礼物很棒,wonderful意为“绝妙的,棒的”,故选B。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到这里,所有工作人员都对他们做的事感到高兴。A. annoyed烦闷的;B. confident自信的;C. delighted高兴的;D. hopeful有希望的。下文They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.可知,他们高兴,delighted意为“高兴的”,故选C。

    Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? 1.

Be patient.

You do not have to understand everything all at once.2.We can learn from our mistakes.

Practice your English.

For example, write in a journal every day. You will get used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. 3.You can practice with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English.


If you believe that you can learn, you will learn.

Keep a record of your language learning.

After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. 5.

Be positive about learning English and believe that you can do it.

It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will have more confidence in yourself.

A. Write these achievements in your journal.

B. Besides, you must speak English every day.

C. You might be afraid of making mistakes.

D. There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting.

E. Share your achievement with your parents and friends.

F. Feel confident about learning English.

G. It is natural for you to make mistakes when you learn something new.



    There are many differences between British English and American English. I used to teach a course about the differences between the two. We speak English on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean but we have many differences in our common language. We have examples of the same words having very different meanings, differing spellings of the same words as well as completely different words for the same things. Here are some examples.

A cookie in the US is called a biscuit in the UK. A biscuit in the US is a small cake in the  UK. Crisps in the UK, are known as chips, but we British people eat a plate of chips that you call fries in the US. In the UK, a pie can be made from either meat or fruit, while in the US pies are normally made from fruit; pot pies are made from meat. Most things are measured in grams and kilograms in the US, not pounds and ounces.

One very obvious difference is the side of the road we each choose to drive on. Petrol in the UK is gas in the US. The place where we fill up our cars, in the UK, is a garage; while in the US, it’s a gas station. The term garage is also used as a place to store your car next to or close by your house. In the UK we call a lorry what is known as a truck in the US.

An elevator in the US is called a lift here, and the first floor in the US, is called the ground floor here, so many visitors get off on the wrong floor in British hotels.

I could continue with this. There are countless examples of differences within our one  shared language. With so many differences, no wonder it’s hard to understand each other well.

1.The passage is mainly about the differences between British English and American English in____.

A.vocabulary B.grammar

C.sound D.spelling

2.It’s implied in the passage that the author may be______.

A.a driver from the US.

B.a cook from the US.

C.a teacher from the UK.

D.a gas station worker from the UK.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.“Elevator” is commonly used in the UK.

B.Pies mean the same thing in the UK and the US.

C.In the UK, things are measured in pounds and ounces.

D.British and American people drive on the same side of the road.



    An international group of coffee experts has considered Ethiopia’s coffee as the best in the world.Coffee is a top export (出口物) of the country. But at home, it is seen as national pride. Ethiopians feel good about their coffee, and enjoying a drink with friends is a long tradition.

Some people say the climate produces quality beans. Morton Wennersgarrd is a coffee importer. He said, “Ethiopia has different ancient types of coffee. They are planted in places with perfect soil, perfect altitude (海拔), and climates that are really suitable for coffee processing.”

Finding the best quality beans is often an issue of taste. The process is known as  cupping — tasting and comparing coffee from different roasted beans, grading and then pricing them. But before international experts come to taste, coffee beans are studied in small coffee laboratories. Helen Assefa, a lab technician, describes  the process, “When the coffee comes to the lab, we assess (评价) its quality first by recording the details.Then we weigh the moisture (水分) level and we examine the beans for analysis. After that we grind (磨碎) the coffee beans and taste the samples. In the end, we check for defective (有瑕疵的) beans.” Mubarik Abaoli is a lab worker.He says that testing is a very difficult and long process. “We select out the defects by hand. And we select out the defect according to the defect types.”

Ethiopia has got a lot of money by exporting coffee to more than 120 countries. The country has an export revenue (税收) of more than 840 million a year. But not all the best coffee leaves Ethiopia. Forty percent of the coffee grown in the country stays there. It remains an important part of everyday life at work, at home and at ceremonies.

1.Ethiopians’ attitude towards coffee may best be described as        .

A.proud B.relaxed

C.brave D.doubtful

2.The third paragraph is mainly about_______.

A.the ways of making coffee

B.the process of assessing the coffee

C.the tips on planting the best coffee

D.the influence of the coffee

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.More than 120 countries export coffee to Ethiopia.

B.Coffee plays an important role in Ethiopians’ life.

C.40% of the coffee grown in Ethiopia is exported.

D.Ethiopians earn their living by exporting coffee.

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To advertise the coffee in Ethiopia.

B.To comment on coffee experts’ work.

C.To introduce the best coffee in the world.

D.To recommend tourists activities in Ethiopia.



    Are you scared about moving up to senior high school? It can be a new experience, but

you shouldn’t worry. We’ve put together a guide to help you in the first week.

You’re not alone

Remember everybody else in your year is in the same boat.They may not realize it, but  they’re just as nervous as you are.Moving to senior high school is an opportunity, not a problem.Things are different and all you need to do is be polite and learn the new rules.

Teachers are ready to help

If you’re unsure what to do or are worried about anything, then ask for help.Teachers are probably the best people to turn to as they’re experienced in helping new students.Some senior high schools also have a “friends system”. If your school has this, then you will be paired with an older student.He/She will help you if you have any problems or questions.

All change

There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You’ll have a homework diary or a student planner. You will have your lessons with different teachers in different rooms. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organized. Make sure you have a copy of your school timetable written down so you know which rooms your classes are in and on which days you will have your different subjects.

Other points

If you’ve got an older brother or sister at the school, then ask them for advice.Be yourself! It sounds simple, but people will know you much better if you just act naturally.

Having early nights makes a difference and you’ll find it easier to get up in the morning!

1.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence?

A.Other students have similar feelings to yours.

B.Other students have to learn boating with you.

C.Other students will help you solve your problems.

D.Other students will teach you politeness and new rules.

2.New students turn to teachers first when having problems because teachers      .

A.can find friends for students

B.are good at helping new students

C.can look after students like parents

D.care for younger students more

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.You should act in a natural way.

B.You should go to bed early.

C.You must know how to dress properly.

D.You can ask your older brother for advice.

4.The author wrote the passage to ________.

A.tell students the importance of learning

B.warn students not to ignore friendship in senior high school

C.make a difference when moving up to senior high school

D.help new students to get used to the life in senior high school



When you go to St. Petersburg, the number of attractions can seem overwhelming. If you’re short on time, or just want to make sure to hit the highlights, these are the top must-see sights in St. Petersburg.

The Hermitage Museum

The Hermitage Museum is one of the most important sights to see for any visitor to St. Petersburg. There you can see lots of different paintings of old masters inside the Hermitage. Prepare to come face-to-face with classic Western artists.

The Russian Museum

The Russian Museum holds one of the largest collections of Russian art in the world. View Russian art creations through the ages, from Byzantine (拜占庭)-style icons to the Socialist Realism of Stalin’s times.

Kizhi Island

Kizhi Island is an open-air museum of wooden buildings from the Karelia Region of Russia. These impressive structures are made without any nails (钉子) — the wood fits together with joints and grooves (沟槽).


Peterhof is as beautiful as it is fun. You’ll be charged for admission (门票), but go to Peterhof when the fountains (喷泉) are working — during the day in the summer. They are shut off in winter as well as in the evenings.

The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood

Love it or hate it, the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood is an attractive must-see sight. The beautiful look may make your eyes brighten, and the paintings inside the church will make you say “Wow!”

The Bronze Horseman Statue

The Bronze Horseman is a part of Russian Culture and a symbol of St. Petersburg. Made famous by Alexander Pushkin (普希金), this statue of Peter the Great sitting on his horse can truly show Peter the Great’s influence on the Russian idea of greatness.

1.If you’re interested in paintings, you’d better go to _____.

A.the Hermitage Museum and Peterhof

B.the Hermitage Museum and the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood

C.Kizhi Island and the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood

D.the Russian Museum and Kizhi Island

2.The man on the Bronze Horse refers to _____.

A.Peter the Great B.Alexander Pushkin

C.Byzantine D.Stalin

3.What can we know from the passage?

A.The fountains in Peterhof can be seen all year round.

B.The largest collection of Russian art is in the Hermitage Museum.

C.The buildings on Kizhi Island are made of wood.

D.You can visit Peterhof free of charge.

4.The main purpose of this passage is to _____.

A.show the wonderful history of Russia

B.introduce the famous buildings in Russia

C.persuade artists to study St. Petersburg

D.attract tourists to visit St. Petersburg



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