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增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用...






Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany. Be a member of a large family of musicians, he naturally grew up loving music. His father played violin and his brothers played other musical instruments. When he was 10, all of his parents died and he went to live with his brother. At 22 he married with his cousin and they had seven children. By the time he was 32, he has composed much of his best music.


1.Be→Being;2.在 violin前加the;3.all→both;4.去掉married后的with;5. has→had。 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫生于德国,他在一个音乐家庭长大,从小就爱好音乐,他创作了许多出色的音乐作品。 1.考查非谓语动词。句意:作为一个大型音乐家庭的一员,他从小就爱好音乐。本句的“being a member”是现在分词短语作原因状语:因为他是音乐家庭的一员,所以从小就喜欢音乐。故将Be改为Being。 2.考查冠词。句意:他的父亲拉小提琴,他的兄弟们则演奏其他乐器。play后面加西方乐器的时候,要加定冠词the。例如:play the piano“弹钢琴”;play the guitar“弹吉他”。故在violin前加the。 3. 考查代词。句意:他10岁那年,他父母都去世了,他和哥哥一起生活。all 和both表示“都”,但both指两个人或物,而all指三个或三个以上的人或物,父母是两个人。故将all改为both。 4. 考查动词用法。句意:他22岁时与表妹结婚,并育有七个孩子。在英文中,我们要表达“嫁给某人/娶某人”的话,直接使用“marry sb.”,在该短语中marry用作及物动词。故将married后的with去掉。 5. 考查时态。句意:到32岁时,他已经创作了许多出色的音乐。该句中“by the time”引导时间状语从句;如果从句中的谓语动词是一般过去时,那么主句中的谓语动词通常用过去完成时,表示“截止到从句动作发生时,主句动作已经完成,即过去的过去”。故将has改为had。  


Chinese Calligraphy, which has a long tradition in China, is a visual art1.(relate) to writing. Chinese Calligraphy, along with playing stringed musical instrument, the board game “go”, and painting, 2. (consider) as one of the four best friends of ancient Chinese literati (文人).

Calligraphy has led to the development of various3.(form) of art in China, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones. Now, Chinese calligraphy is4.(wide) practised across East Asia5.it is shown great respect for.



    Technology is always developing, and at a very fast pace too. It can be hard to keep up with the _______technology, especially when you 're_______. A group of eighth graders who are Girls Scout Troop 60013 in Arlington, Virginia_______that problem and decided to do something about it.

The girls set up their first walk-in clinic for elderly people who have_______understanding how to unlock the secrets of their modern_______.Each teen spent at least an hour of one-on- one time with their “ students”.Based on their technological experience, each Girl Scout _______how to use Android and Apple phones. Some of the oldsters_______wanted to join the e-commerce revolution,and needed help setting up Apple Pay_______others simply had problems learning how to send _______to their family members.

“I was teaching this old woman how to text people, and the first thing that she did was text her daughter,” one of the Scouts said, "And I thought that was really________."

________offering group lessons to all of the old people to learn together at the end of the clinic, the youngsters even printed out brochures and guides for the elderly to take home________some had trouble with their smartphones in the future.

"Those girls were________, " said Nancy Taylor, a great-grandmother of four who visited the clinic. "________was set up and ready for us and they all kindly answered our questions.”

The eighth graders are likely to get the Girl Scout Silver Award, the highest honor a Girl Scout can receive, for being________.

1.A.newest B.outdated C.latest D.intelligent

2.A.young B.old C.enthusiastic D.patient

3.A.recognized B.solved C.missed D.approached

4.A.friends B.interest C.time D.trouble

5.A.cars B.smartphones C.doors D.houses

6.A.learned B.taught C.connected D.mixed

7.A.actually B.fortunately C.anxiously D.unwillingly

8.A.if B.while C.since D.when

9.A.presents B.love C.letters D.messages

10.A.crazy B.awful C.addictive D.sweet

11.A.Before B.By C.Besides D.Except

12.A.in case B.so that C.as if D.now that

13.A.wonderful B.attractive C.courageous D.respectable

14.A.Nothing B.It C.None D.Everything

15.A.serious B.lovely C.warm-hearted D.hard-working



    Do you remember those times when your mother told you to avoid talking to strangers? But now you’re not a child any more. In fact, there are advantages of talking to strangers.

1: You can meet a really great person.

Talking to a stranger is a good habit because you never know whom you may meet. 1. You can also meet someone who’ll give you a chance to get your dream job.

2: 2.

You have some opinions about different subjects and you know your friends’ and relatives’ points of view about them too. But there are millions of other people who think differently and can give you unpredictable yet smart ideas that’ll broaden your horizons.

3: You can improve your social skills.

3.Asking appropriate questions and attentive listening are two skills that many of us don’t have. You can better these skills when talking to a stranger.

4: You will feel a boost of confidence.

If you belong to that shy type of people, talking to a stranger may seem to be a real challenge for you. 4.You can overcome your fear of being judged by others by talking to strangers and become more confident.

5: You can cheer someone up.

The thing you will definitely like about talking to strangers is that you can make someone’s day better. 5. Compliment people and they will think something pleasant about you. Having a sweet short dialogue is one of those perfect chances to make people cheerful.

A. Smile and people will smile in return.

B. It can expand your world view.

C. Why not speak to someone until your turn comes?

D. I’m also extremely shy but I realize it’s not an issue at all.

E. You can meet a person who’ll become your best friend in future.

F. It may show you the solutions you didn’t know about.

G. Whatever social skills you have, you can make them better when talking to strangers.



    When I was growing up, Mother’s Day was as important as Christmas.

The energy around the house was always positive, mostly thanks to my father who made sure that his kids appreciated their mother. We would clean the house, and Mum got breakfast in bed in the morning and didn’t have to lift a finger all day. And in the evening, we went to a restaurant for a traditional Mother’s Day dinner.

What I learned from my father over the years, was that no matter what, he always put my mother before himself. He absolutely loved her and never let her forget that.

I maintain my father’s Mother’s Day tradition with my wife. Growing up, I learned that showing affection to the woman you love or who gave birth to you is an important part of life. You see, it goes both ways, and the love you have for your mother comes back to you again and again.

Believing that and feeling it when you can may keep you from being lonely, even if your mum isn’t close by or has passed away. There are a number of us who no longer have a mother in our lives, and truth be told, there are often times when I wish my mum were still here comforting me. So instead, I remember the times she did just that. It makes me smile, and somehow, those memories of a more simple and loving life give me the comfort I’m looking for.

If you are mumless, you too should find a deserving woman in your life and celebrate Mother’s Day with her. If you don’t know anyone, there are plenty of lonely mums in rest homes who would enjoy your company for a couple of hours. The visit will make both of your days, and perhaps our lives, a little bit better.

1.What did the author learn from his father?

A.We should always put others before ourselves.

B.It’s necessary to express love to those we love.

C.It’s important to have an interesting family tradition.

D.Mother’s Day is just as important as Christmas.

2.What does the underlined word “maintain” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.honor B.pass on

C.get rid of D.continue

3.Why does the author value the idea of showing love for one’s mother?

A.It can set a good example for kids to follow.

B.It is what mothers expect their children to do.

C.It’s important to follow your father’s rules.

D.It can warm your mother’s heart as well as yours.

4.What is the author’s advice to someone whose mum has passed away?

A.Visit lonely mums in rest homes on Mother’s Day.

B.Try to get used to life without a mum.

C.Turn to other family members for love.

D.Give all your attention to your mother-in-law.

5.How did the author feel when he was writing this passage?

A.disappointed B.lonely

C.warm D.content



    Teenagers who start the school early are likely to weigh slightly more than those who start later. That’s the finding of a new study of nearly 30,000 Canadians between the ages of 10 and 18.

Getting too little sleep can put kids at risk for a number of problems. Sleepy teens are more likely to be overweight, to have trouble concentrating and to struggle in school. Genevieve Gariepy, who works at Mcgill University in Montreal, Canada, wanted to know how earlier school start times might be connected with weight.

“Overweight in teenagers is a big problem in North America,” she says. The number of overweight kids has grown over the past 30 years. So Gariepy decided to home in on the impact (影响) of school start times.

Her team collected start times for 362 Canadian schools. Then they asked students at those schools to give their height and weight. In all, they collected data from nearly 30,000 10 to 18-year-olds. Among 6th-to 10th-graders, those who started school earlier were likely to be slightly heavier for their height. Every 10-minute delay in school start time was connected, on average, with a lightly lower weight among students who were the same sex, age and height. However, the difference is slight. Healthy eating and getting enough exercise will play a bigger role in keeping a healthy weight.

Because the study compared kids who already started school at different times of day, it’s not clear that changing school start time would help heavier kids lose weight. To know for sure, researchers would want to compare the same kids before and after changing to a later school start time.

Still, the study is a good start, says Cora Collette Bruener, a doctor at Seattle Children’s Hospital in Washington. The findings add to a growing pile of evidence that later school start time might be better for teen health, she says.

1.What is the finding of the new study?

A.More and more teens are growing overweight.

B.Healthy diets and enough exercise help reduce weight.

C.Teens who start school earlier are a little overweight.

D.Teens who start school earlier do not perform well.

2.What does the underlined phrase “home in on” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.reduce B.focus on

C.move to D.judge

3.How did Gariepy’s team get their finding?

A.By recording the teen’s weight. B.By checking the teen’s physical health.

C.By comparing different sets of data. D.By measuring the teen’s height.

4.What does Cora Collette Bruener think of the study?

A.It has inspiring value. B.It lacks further support.

C.It needs improving. D.It is well designed.

5.The passage is written to_______.

A.discuss when schools should start.

B.inform the finding of a recent study.

C.warn parents to take good care of kids.

D.call on school leaders to change schools’ schedules.



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