满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Susan Boyle spent her early life faithfu...

    Susan Boyle spent her early life faithfully attending her ________ Catholic church, taking singing lessons and performing in small karaoke venues, and ________ her aging mother, whom she promised that she would someday enter a ________ contest. Boyle’s first public performance after her dear mother passed away in 2007 was before an enormous(庞大的) ________—more than 10 million viewers of a 2009 episode of Britain’s Got Talent.

As she walked on stage, 47-year-old Boyle was greeted by a surprised and ________ audience. And then, as if the world stopped for just a moment, she caught the audience and ________ the judges as she sang “I Dreamed a Dream.” Her ________ swiftly became reality as tens of millions of viewers around the world became acquainted with her ________ performance, via the live broadcast and a________ popular online video

Who was she, where did she come from, and the most often heard question—where has she been?! Boyle never sought stardom. Over the years, she had quietly________  her dreams from the small village of Blackburn, West Lothian, Scotland, ________ just a bit of local reputation by performing at church and community events. As a child, she ________ with learning differences and, she reports, was bullied(欺侮) in school.

By the end of 2009, ________, the world was very aware of Boyle. After she came in second on Britains Got Talent, her first ________, released(发行) in November 2009, became the _______ album of all time in the UK. Her following albums have been extremely ________ as well. She has toured widely, collaborated(合作) with household names, and _______ before the Queen of England.

In addition to showing her great _______, Susan Boyle has been an inspiration to many. She is a beautiful example of _______ the stereotypes(固定印象) of age and circumstance, to win the ______ of the world. Her first public song is really her story—she dreamed a dream.

1.A.native B.local C.central D.ancient

2.A.caring for B.call for C.carry out D.ask for

3.A.dancing B.painting C.singing D.writing

4.A.audience B.band C.crowd D.team

5.A.silent B.skeptical C.serious D.crazy

6.A.amused B.joked C.frightened D.shocked

7.A.words B.plan C.dream D.design

8.A.strange B.special C.ordinary D.extraordinary

9.A.slowly B.rapidly C.easily D.shortly

10.A.pursued B.realized C.built D.thought

11.A.taking B.enjoying C.gaining D.choosing

12.A.followed B.struggled C.offered D.imagined

13.A.gradually B.similarly C.instead D.however

14.A.book B.play C.album D.drama

15.A.best-selling B.best-known C.best-seller D.well-known

16.A.useful B.helpfl C.successful D.hopeful

17.A.embarrassed B.chatted C.cheered D.performed

18.A.patience B.talent C.humour D.imagine

19.A.overcoming B.beating C.observing D.controlling

20.A.respect B.courage C.mind D.praise


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了Susan Boyle的成名之路以及她的成绩。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Susan Boyle在早年忠实参加当地的天主教堂活动,上唱歌课,在小型卡拉OK场所表演。A. native本国的;B. local当地的;C. central中心的;D. ancient古代的。联系下文Boyle’s first public performance after her dear mother passed away in 2007 was……可知Susan Boyle在早年参加当地的(local)天主教堂活动。故选B。 2.考查动词短语辨析。句意:……照顾年迈的母亲。A. caring for照顾;B. call for去接(某人);C. carry out实施;D. ask for请求。联系下文中的Boyle’s first public performance after her dear mother passed away及划线部分后面的her aging mother可知此处是她照顾(care for)年迈的母亲。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她承诺有一天参加歌唱比赛。A. dancing跳舞;B. painting绘画;C. singing唱歌;D. writing写。联系上文taking singing lessons and performing in small karaoke venues及下文she caught the audience and shocked the judges as she sang “I Dreamed a Dream.”可知,她承诺有一天会参加歌唱(singing)比赛。故选C。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Boyle在她亲爱的母亲2007年去世后的第一次公开表演是在大量观众面前。A. audience观众;听众;B. band乐队;C. crowd人群;D. team队;组。 联系下文破折号后面more than 10 million viewers of a 2009 episode of Britain’s Got Talent可知此处选A,在大量观众面前表演。故选A。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她走上舞台,47岁Boyle受到吃惊的,怀疑的观众的欢迎。A. silent沉默的;B. skeptical怀疑的;C. serious严重的;D. crazy疯狂的。联系上文强调她的年龄47-year-old Boyle可知一开始Boyle的情形是让观众怀疑(skeptical)的。故选B。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,仿佛世界暂停了,当她演唱“I Dreamed a Dream.”时,她吸引了观众,使评委感到震惊。A. amused使人发笑;B. joked开玩笑;C. frightened使惊恐;D. shocked使震惊。联系上文she caught the audience及下文Her ___7___ swiftly became reality as tens of millions of viewers around the world可知,她在唱““I Dreamed a Dream”时,吸引了观众,使评委感到震惊。故选D。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着世界各地的数千万观众通过现场直播和一段迅速走红的在线视频,了解了她的非凡表演,她的梦想迅速成为现实。A. words话语;B. plan计划;C. dream梦想;D. design设计。联系上文she caught the audience…as she sang “I Dreamed a Dream.”她在唱“我梦到了一个梦”时……,可知她的梦想(dream)很快成为现实。故选C。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. strange奇怪的;B. special特别的;C. ordinary普通的;D. extraordinary非凡的。联系上文她的歌声震惊了评委及观众,可知此处是世界各地数千万观众通过现场直播和一段迅速(rapidly)走红的在线视频,了解了她的非凡的表演。故选D。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. slowly慢慢地;B. rapidly快速地;C. easily容易地;D. shortly立刻;马上。联系上文Her ___7___ swiftly became reality as tens of millions of viewers around the world可知,他的梦想迅速变成现实,是通过现场直播和一段迅速(rapidly)走红的在线视频被全世界的观众了解到的。故选B。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年来,她一直在苏格兰西洛提安的布莱克本这个小村庄默默追求自己的梦想。A. pursued追求;B. realized实现;意识到;C. built建立;D. thought想;认为。联系上文Boyle never sought stardom可知,Boyle从不追求明星身份。多年来,她一直默默追求(pursue)自己的梦想。故选A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年来,她一直在苏格兰西洛提安的布莱克本这个小村庄默默追求自己的梦想,通过在教堂和社区活动中的表演,只在当地获得了一点点名声。A. taking拿;取;B. enjoying享受;喜欢;C. gaining获得;D. choosing选择。联系空后部分just a bit of local reputation by performing at church and community events可知此处说的是Boyle只在当地获得了(gain)一点点名声。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她还是个孩子的时候,她努力克服学习上的差异,据她讲述,她在学校曾受到欺凌。A. followed跟随;B. struggled斗争;奋斗;C. offered提供;D. imagined想象。联系下文中的she reports, was bullied(欺侮) in school可知此处意为当她还是个孩子的时候,努力克服学习上的差异。故选B。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,她到2009年底已经被全世界所熟识了,A. gradually逐渐地;B. similarly相似地;C. instead代替;D. however然而。上一段提到Boyle在孩子时期还受到欺凌的事情,紧接着本段提到她到2009年底已经被全世界所熟识了,由此可知,前后语义为转折关系,故填D。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:自从她在英国达人秀上获得第二名后,她于2009年11月发行的首张专辑(album)成为英国有史以来最畅销的专辑。A. book书;B. play比赛;C. album专辑;D. drama戏剧。联系下文released(发行) 和in November 2009, became the ___15__ album of all time in the UK可知,她于2009年11月发行的首张专辑(album)成为英国有史以来最畅销(best-selling)的专辑。故选C。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. best-selling畅销的;B. best-known最著名的;C. best-seller畅销书;D. well-known出名的。根据下文of all time in the UK可知,这张专辑成为了英国有史以来最畅销的专辑。用形容词作定语。故选A。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她接下来的专辑也非常成功。 A. useful有用的;B. helpful有益的;C. successful成功的;D. hopeful有希望的。联系上文她于2009年11月发行的首张专辑(album)成为英国有史以来最畅销(best-selling)的专辑,她接下来的专辑也非常成功(successful)。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她到处巡演,并与家喻户晓的名人合作,还曾在英国女王面前表演。A. embarrassed使尴尬;B. chatted闲聊;C. cheered欢呼;使高兴;D. performed表演。联系上文She has toured widely可知此处是指她还曾在英国女王面前表演(perform)过。故选D。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:除了展示巨大才华外,她的事迹也给了很多人以启发。 A. patience耐心;B. talent天资;天赋;C. humour幽默;D. imagine想象力。联系上文她的歌声震惊了评委及观众,以及她专辑的畅销,可推断这里是说Boyle除了展示巨大才华(talent)外,她的事迹也给了很多人以启发。故选B。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她成为了克服年龄和环境的刻板印象的一个美丽的榜样,获得全世界的赞誉。 A. overcoming克服;B. beating打败;C. observing观察;D. controlling控制。联系上文47-year-old Boyle此处意为她成为了克服(overcome)年龄和环境的刻板印象的一个美丽的榜样,获得全世界的赞誉。。故选A。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. respect尊重;B. courage勇气;C. mind心胸;D. praise表扬。联系下文Her first public song is really her story—she dreamed a dream.可知,她获得全世界的赞誉。故选D。

    You probably hear the word “love” many times each week. You may hear it from a parent, a friend, in your place of worship, on tv or in a book.

1. You may use the word love about a song, a food or your family pet. You may tell family members you love them. As you can see, there are many kinds of love!  But not all kinds of love are created equal.

So what does love mean to you?2. Love gives life meaning and purpose.  As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Where there is love there is life.”  In the dictionary, love is defined as a strong, positive feeling you have for someone or something. 3.People show their love not just with what they say or feel, but by what they do.

At it’s core, love is about being kind and doing good things for others. A famous verse from the bible describes how love is more than just a feeling, but the way you act and treat others.  “4.It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

5.This allows us to love others no matter what. Showing love allows us to put the needs of others before our own.

So what are some ways that you could show love? It could be as simple as volunteering at a local soup kitchen. Maybe telling those we love how important they are! Consistently showing love will build a habit and fulfill you as well.

A.Love is patient, love is kind.

B.But it is also a lot more than that.

C.And what kind of love is most important?

D.You may even say the word love a lot yourself!

E.So what are some ways that you could show love?

F.Before we can show love though, we must first love ourselves.

G.Consistently showing love will build a habit and fulfill you as well.



    Electric vehicle sales will likely jump over the next two to three years as prices fall and more choices are made available, according to BlackRock’s global head of department investing.

Customers will have more opportunities to move away from traditional combustion engines(内燃机) to electric vehicles and their choices will not be restricted to only certain auto suppliers, Evy Hambro told CNBC’s “Squawk Box ” on Thursday.

“I think we’re at this tipping point of change,” Hambro said. “Over the next two years, we’re going to see price point of entry(入口) drop . We’re expecting to see a big lift in electric vehicle sales over the next two to three years.”

Different countries are at various stages of adopting electric vehicles, depending on regulatory environments and consumer preferences, according to Hambro. For its part, China is leading the way in many new business models around automation and electric vehicles, including in battery technology, he said.

In a bid to curb(遏制) air pollution, Beijing has aggressively pushed for new energy vehicles — that run partially or fully on electricity — through preferential policies, providing subsidies and by exercising its manufacturing(制造) power. It is also exploring autonomous driving technology.

On Wednesday, American chipmaker Nvidia signed separate deals with Chinese electric vehicle start-ups XPeng Motors, Singulato Motors and SF Motors to develop the self-driving technology, despite the ongoing trade tensions between the U.S. and China.

“We’re seeing China increasingly open up to international business,” Hambro said. “We’re now seeing high levels of ownership, majority ownership in some industries. We’re seeing licenses being given out to specific groups ... I think really we’re seeing some change there, maybe some of these trade tensions are starting to soften.” BMW also said Wednesday that it has obtained a license to provide ride-hailing services in the Chinese city of Chengdu, making the German automaker the first foreign company to do so in China. It will face heavy competition from local players including Didi Chuxing and Meituan Dache.

1.How will electric vehicle develop in the next two or three years?

A.Decline in sales. B.Price fall.

C.Decline in ownership. D.Reduction in suppliers.

2.Why does Beijing actively promote the use of new energy vehicles?

A.To get high profits. B.For transport development.

C.To protect the environment. D.For the development of the city.

3.How does the author introduce the increasing openness of China in the last Paragraph

A.By making a comparison. B.By giving an example.

C.By telling a story. D.By asking questions.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.New Development Trend of Electric Vehicles in China

B.Electric Vehicle Technology Looks Forward to New Progress.

C.New Trends of International Electric Vehicle Trade.

D.Electric Vehicle Sales to ‘See a Big Lift’ Over the Next 2 to 3 Years.



    HEMLOCK, MI --When classes resume at Hemlock's K.C. Ling Elementary School next week, the students will have a brand new playground complete with gaga ball pit(), Boogie Board, slides and more.

About 50 volunteers worked together to build the new playground Sunday, Aug. 19. The "community build" was the culmination of nearly a year of fundraising, said Sarah Baird, a parent and chairwoman of the playground committee.

"It felt amazing yesterday to see everybody come together," Baird said Monday. "It will be all set and ready for them for their first day of school."

The school year begins Aug. 27. A ribbon-cutting(剪彩) ceremony and open house are planned for Wednesday, Aug. 22.

K.C. Ling houses the district's first- through fourth-graders. Hemlock Elementary School, the district's other elementary school, offers preschool, young fives and kindergarten.

Baird said the former playground equipment at K.C. Ling Elementary was 30 years old, unsafe and beginning to rust(生锈). A few years ago, the Richland Township Fire Department gave the parent-teacher organization $2,500 to build a new playground. The equipment they originally wanted would have cost $100,000.

"We formed a committee and we started doing some fundraising," Baird said. "I did some things and we really tried to do something with the playground."

In the end, with the support of the community, Hemlock Semiconductor, Saginaw Community Foundation, Morley Family Foundation, Dow Corning Foundation and other donors, the group raised $70,000.

"It felt amazing yesterday to see everybody come together," Baird said of the community build. "(We had) huge support from the community and we're very thankful."

1.What does the underlined word " culmination " in paragraph 2 refer to

A.Flag. B.Key.

C.Name. D.Result.

2.What difficulty did they meet when a new playground needs rebuilding?

A.There is not enough money to build the playground.

B.There is not enough space to build the playground.

C.There is no support for doing it.

D.There is no time to do it.

3.What do we know from the passage?

A.The day of the school's start is Monday.

B.The first grade goes to school in K.C.Ling.

C.K.C. Ling Elementary has a history of 30 years.

D.Most of the playground construction fund is provided by Richland Township Fire Department.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear

A.Entertainment. B.Health.

C.Education. D.Science.



    There has been a lot of publicity recently surrounding 5G, the next generation of wireless technology for the world. But what is this technology and how might it change our lives?

5G stands for fifth generation, meaning the next step in the progression of technology to replace the current 4G system. 4G was the replacement for 3G, which came after 2G, and so on. Earlier "G" systems were designed to improve mobile communication operations. Each new technology brought major improvements in speed and greatly increased network capacity(容量). The new 5G system promises more of the same. However, technology experts say there is a major way that 5G is different than the earlier systems. It will move well beyond mobile network technology to affect many more devices and industries than other "G" versions.

Wireless industry groups say 5G will help fuel future "smart cities" by connecting sensor(传感器) networks. 5G is also expected to connect self-driving cars and support new technologies involving virtual reality. Higher 5G speeds could also permit doctors to commonly perform remote medical operations. Factories and businesses could use 5G technology to increase automation and improve the collection of information.

Every coin has two sides.  Much of the data could contain private details about individuals, businesses or government organizations. The increased data flow would give internet attackers a lot more possibilities to steal and misuse data. In addition, the wider use of a 5G wireless network means any breakdown of the system would have more widespread and severe results. Such difficulties could affect public safety as well as world economic activity.

1.What is the significant difference between 5G and the early “G” systems?

A.It will affect more devices and industries.

B.It will change the way people communicate.

C.It will reform the pattern of information system.

D.It will improve internet speed and network capacity.

2.What can we learn about "smart cities" from the passage?

A.Smart city is a city full of intelligent people.

B.Now many smart cities have been built all over the world.

C.As long as there is a wireless network, you can build a smart city.

D.The development of 5G accelerates the construction of smart cities.

3.Why can 5G allow doctors to perform long-range medical operations?

A.Because of the low cost of 5G.

B.Because of the wide range of 5G.

C.Because of the high speed of 5G.

D.Because of the ability of 5G to collect information.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.Possible risks of 5G technology.

B.The advantages of 5G technology.

C.The influence of 5G technology on the world.

D.The importance of information security in the 5G era.



    August is one of the most popular months to travel for Chinese. Choosing the perfect destination for an August vacation isn't easy. We looked at airfare trends, climate data, and cultural calendars to select 4 vacation spots that are some of the best places to visit this August.

Mackinac Island, Michigan

Visitors can enjoy the sunny weather while boating, fishing, and sailing. On land, you can hop between historic sites like Fort Mackinac and Fort Holmes, both key sites in the War of 1812.

And sweet teeth will have something to celebrate too: the Fudge(软糖) Festival, which takes place every August and allows the many fudge shops on the island to show off their best work.

Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

Martha's Vineyard is praised as one of the most classic summer getaways in the United States.

The charming island south of Cape Cod is dotted with simple and elegant New England homes, relaxing sandy beaches. The sunny summer weather in August sets the perfect stage for a boat outing or a shopping trip to the town's shops of all kinds.

Krakow, Poland

Krakow, Poland, is the perfect mixture of history and nightlife.

Tourist favorites in Krakow include Wawel Cathedral, St. Mary's Basilica, and the Schindler's Factory museum, each of which gives a glance into Poland's religious and political history. After the sun sets, enjoy Krakow's world——famous bar and restaurant scene, and don't forget to pop into a cafe for a late-night snack.

Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Every year, one of the grandest wonders in nature is performed here—the Great Migration.

The annual migration sees more than 2 million wildebeest(羚羊), zebras make the dangerous journey across the Serengeti in search of greener fields. Along the way, predators(食肉动物) such as lions and crocodiles lie in wait for the incoming foods, providing tense scene for brave sightseers and nature lovers.

1.What do you enjoy when you go to Krakow?

A.Boating. B.Bars and restaurants.

C.The Fudge Festival. D.The Great Migration.

2.If you are a nature lover, which place do you prefer to travel?

A.Mackinac Island. B.Martha's Vineyard.

C.Krakow. D.Maasai Mara National Reserve.

3.What do these four tourist destinations have in common?

A.They are some of the best places to visit this August for Chinese.

B.The total cost of going to these places is roughly the same.

C.They all have historical scenes to visit.

D.They are all the favorite seaside of tourists.



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